• Published 24th May 2024
  • 386 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Adventures in Air Buddies - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Violette Rainbow travel to Fernfield, Washington to help five golden retriever puppies, known as the Buddies, save their parents, Buddy and Molly, from greedy dog-nappers... all while on Violette's first Unity Quest mission.

  • ...

Retriever Runaways and Kidnapping Chaos

All throughout the night, Violette was tossing and turning in bed, thinking and pondering about what to do to ensure the Buddies staying together.

But the only question was… was her idea really the best choice?

She needed a second opinion.

That's why, when one of the Buddies woke up the next morning, she would confide in them… just to see what they thought.

I mean… it was all worth a try, right?


Mudbud felt the warm of the sun as it was just beginning to rise in the morning sky, the clouds filled with hues of pinks and purples over the town of Fernfield. He yawned and stretched carefully, not wanting to wake his siblings before stepping out of bed, his paws touching the carpet.

But… he wasn't going to be alone for long.

“Psst… Mudbud. Is that you?”

Mudbud turned his head to see Violette looking down at him from her bed, and Mudbud hopped up next to her. “What's up, dudette? You usually a 'get up at the crack of dawn' pony?”

“Not usually… but I needed to talk to someone about this idea that I had during the night,” Violette whispered. “I mean… it might help you and your brothers and sister stay together and not be separated to different homes.”

Mudbud's interest was immediately caught by this piece of information, and considered this carefully. Sure, they only knew the ponies for about two weeks now, but he and his siblings had become close to the young unicorn… almost like she was another sister to them or something.

And if she knew a way to keep the Buddies all together, he had to trust the filly and her instinct.

So, Mudbud turned back to her and nodded. “What were you thinking?”

“All right, just lean in close,” whispered Violette, “and listen to my idea. This has to work, because if it doesn't? Well... I don't really have anything else.”


Mudbud liked the thoughts of Violette’s intricately thought-out plan, and as the sun rose higher into the sky, they knew that time was of the essence if they wanted the plan to succeed.

And the first part of the plan was waking the rest of the Buddies without waking anypony else. “You guys awake?”

However, the Buddies did not stir, making Mudbud realize he needed to try something a little… louder. “You dudes awake?!”

The loud whisper caused the Buddies to finally wake up, with Rosebud stirring and looking up at Violette and Mudbud with tired eyes. “We are now…”

“Shush. Let sleeping dogs lie…” Buddha muttered while B-Dawg yawned again. “Is the paper here?”

“Guys, Mudbud and I have been talking about this all morning,” Violette said in a stern voice, “and… I'm pretty sure we need to run away.”

This caused the rest of the Buddies to sit up with confusion and surprise.




However, Buddha frowned at this idea, not liking it in the slightest. “Running away from our troubles won't solve our problems.”

“But,” Budderball pointed out, “at least we'll all be able to stay together.”

“That's an astute observation,” Buddha then said, realizing his brother had a point. “And this is the perfect time to do it too,” Violette said, “especially since your new owners are going to be here to pick you up within a matter of hours. If we don't go now, we won't have a chance to help you stay together.”

“You're gonna run away with us?” Rosebud asked in surprise. “Why? You seem to have the perfect life.”

“I know that,” Violette admitted, “but… my life is changing in relation to school, and this is way way WAY different than that. If I can help make sure you guys stay together, that would be worth it to me. So… all those in favor, say 'Aye'!”

And needless to say, none of the other Buddies were hesitant about the decision.






“Then it's settled. We need to get moving before anyone else wakes up,” Violette encouraged her new friends. “Come on!”

So, the bold little unicorn led her friends up onto the desk and out the open window, but as they were all walking along the roof, they heard one particular pup calling to them from behind. “Help! Help!”

“We're short a Budderball!” Rosebud called out, running back to see her older brother struggling to get up onto the desk. That's when she, to the others' chagrin, grabbed his paw in her mouth while her other brothers and Violette tried to stop her. “Don’t pull his paw!!”

However… Rosebud pulled his paw anyway, and Budderball let out a gigantic fart, much to his embarrassment. “...oops.”

“Dawg, that's disgusting.”


“Hurry up! Let's go!”

Once all the Buddies had safely followed her onto the roof, Violette led the ponies to the rain gutter on the other side and slid down the outside of it while watching the puppies slide down the gutter from the inside.



“Wheeeeeeee!!! Whoo-hoo!”

But as Budderball prepared to follow Buddha, Mudbud and Rosebud down the gutter, he stopped before he could fit himself inside fully. “Wha... wait a minute. We forgot to pack a lunch!”

“What's the holdup up there?” Mudbud asked his remaining brothers while B-Dawg pushed Budderball down the gutter with his own front paws. “I'm gonna pounce on that butt if you don't move it!”

“Whoa whoa whoa!!” Budderball yelped as he tumbled down the gutter with B-Dawg, finally landing on the ground with his siblings and Violette, who immediately took charge. “Come on!”

That's when the Buddies followed her down the driveway, not planning on stopping anytime soon…

…or that's what they originally had thought.


However, they had no idea that Grim was awake and watching the group run across the street, and he immediately shook Denning's arm to wake him up. “The dogs!” he cried. “They shrunk! And mutilplied? And who's that little unicorn they're running around with?”

“I don't know about her,” said Denning, a wicked smirk coming onto his face, “but that must have been Air Bud and his missus we saw before. And those must be their puppies. And where the puppies lead, Mommy and Dad are sure to follow.”

And so, Denning immediately started the truck back up and slowly drove after the Buddies and Violette down the road.


Violette had never felt so free as she did in that moment, running after the Buddies as quick as the wind blew through her mane. Her hooves moved across the grass and pavement as fast as they could go, and she even took a few bounding leaps every now and then. “Come on! This way, guys!”

“Wait up!” Rosebud barked as she trailed her brothers and Violette past the sheriff's office and further into town.


“Maybe we should get the pups instead of the adults,” Grim said as he and Denning slowly went after the Buddies and Violette from their car. “They sure are cuter.”

“That was not the assignment, Grim,” Denning said, getting another idea in his head, “but a good employee does know when to improvise, and they will serve well as bait.”

And knowing that there was a donut shop around the corner, Denning knew just where to set their trap for the innocent pups and their pony pal.


Violette and the Buddies ran past that very same donut shop, and upon passing it, Budderball couldn't help but stop and stare at all the delicious donuts in the windowsill. “Oh, sweet mama!” he said with excitement. “Mmm... donuts...”

Denning and Grim peeked around the corner to see that, indeed, one of the puppies had fallen into their trap. “There he is.”

Now all they had to do was lure him to them with a bait that this plump pup couldn't resist.

Grim cast the fishing rod with the donut on the end of the line out toward Budderball, catching the pup offguard. Budderball's mouth began to water and evidently, he couldn't resist and immediately began to knaw on the donut, completely content.

However, Grim began to reel the line back, and as Budderball began to fight back, Denning took control of the rod while Grim swept up Budderball in the net.

One puppy down, four more pups and one unicorn to go.


Upon reaching the toy store not too far away from the donut shop, Violette looked around, realizing that there was one member of their team that was missing... and there was yelping coming from the nearby alley. “Wait. Did you guys hear that? Where's Budderball?”

“Dudes, the donut shop! That's where we last saw him!” Mudbud said, and everyone except B-Dawg immediately ran toward the alley to take a shortcut. “Maybe I should hang back and, you know, keep it real,” B-Dawg said, trying to hide the fact that he was terrified out of his mind, “and...”

Suddenly, before he could finish, the yelps of his siblings, Violette’s screaming and Denning and Grim's cackling caused him to immediately change his mind. “I might need a pooper-scooper. Guys, wait up!”

But as he ran through the alley, he had no idea that he was about to fall in that very same trap.


Sunny's emerald green eyes slowly fluttered open as the sunlight came onto her face, and this caused her to immediately yawn. “Ponies? Are you guys awake? We gotta get Violette and the Buddies up for the big day.”

Hitch yawned and stretched a bit as the ponies gathered themselves to attention. “Let's at least let them get the paper one last time... they really seemed to enjoy that last week.”

“Good idea,” Zipp said as she checked her FlyPad. “It should be about time for the paper boy to make his rounds, so the Buddies and Violette should be up and at them right about now.”

Suddenly, the whistle of the paper boy came from outside, and the ponies listened for the patter of small paws and hooves.

However... they never came.

This caused Izzy to blink in surprise. “Wow, they got really good at being quite of the mornings, didn't they?”

“I don't think anypony can be THAT quiet. And if what I think happened... well, happened, we might be in big trouble,” Zipp said with a worried frown. “Come on-- we better go check on them.”

The Mane 6 then climbed out of bed and exited their room, just as Buddy came out of Noah’s room. “Morning, kids,” Buddy said quietly. “You didn't hear the Buddies and Violette come downstairs, did you?”

“No... and if you didn't hear it, and we didn't hear it,” Zipp frowned in worry, “then... I think my hunch is about to come true.”

The group then entered the Buddies' and Violette’s room to find no one in there... and the window was wide open.

The ponies immediately went into panic mode at this. “Oh no... I had a feeling something like this might happen!” Sunny said in panic. “Come on, we have to get out there and find them before they get into any trouble!”

Buddy and the Mane 6 followed each other out onto the roof, and once there, Buddy barked to get Molly's attention, and she poked her head out of a sleeping Henry’s window. “Buddy? Ponies? What's wrong?”

“It's Violette! And the pups!” Misty cried out in worry. “They're gone!”

“We'll start our search for them downtown,” Sunny spoke up, “and hopefully, we'll find them before they get too far!”

Zipp led the ponies to fly/leap down from the roof to the safety of the ground. Then, Buddy used the car to get down from the roof and Molly scaled the flower fence on the side of her house before they all ran in the same direction to follow the trail of their little friends.

Molly sighed worriedly as they ran/flew past the sheriff's office. “I had a feeling they weren't gonna react well!”

“Maybe Violette went after them to try and convince them that this was a really crazy idea!” Izzy offered an idea as they darted down the city streets. “Or maybe she just ran out to surprise everypony with breakfast...?! I'M WORRIED ABOUT HER, OKAY?!”

“Don't sweat it, Izzy! I'm sure we're gonna find them soon,” Pipp said reassuringly, “but we just need to find some sort of clue in order to help us figure out where they are or where they're going!”

Suddenly, Zipp saw something on the ground that made her freeze in her tracks. “Guys! I think I might have found something!”

She picked up a half-eaten donut and held it out for Buddy to sniff, and Buddy immediately recognized the pup who ate part of it. “Budderball!”

“Okay, so we know that they were here,” Sunny said, looking around, “but where exactly did they go after this?”

Suddenly, her question was answered by the sound of puppies yelping in the distance... sounds that Molly could recognize by heart. “The pups! I hear them!”

“And if the pups are nearby, then Violette must be with them!” Misty immediately realized. “Follow those yelping puppy sounds!”

And so, the group ran down the street and down the alley once again, in order to reach the pups and Violette and bring them back home before anymore bad things could happen.


Violette struggled under the net that she and the Buddies were trying to find a way out of, all while Denning and Grim watched them from the top of the nearby tree. “Let us out of here!” Violette strained. “We didn't do anything wrong!”

“But you're gonna make sure that we get paid our share!” Denning called down mockingly as the group went back to struggling. “Now we just let the puppies do the work. That's it. Call your mommy and daddy.”

However, when he turned, he saw that Grim was on the phone with his own mother. “Mom, It's Grim. Hi.”

“Not you! The puppies!”

Suddenly, as Grim snapped his phone shut, the Mane 6, Buddy and Molly arrived to hear the Buddies and Violette shrieking and yelping for help at the top of their lungs.

“MOM!! DAD!!”




Izzy was about to rush forward and help them when Molly stopped her, sniffing the air suspiciously. “Wait-- I smell a trap!”

“And it's probably in the form of those two goons in that tree!” Pipp pointed to Denning and Grim keeping an eye on their captives. “Sunny, Zipp and I can distract them while you guys try and free the Buddies and Violette, but we can't do it for very long.”

“All right then... we're going in!” Sunny said as she shifted to her alicorn form. “Watch our backs! Go go go!!”

The ponies and the Buddies' parents immediately charged toward the net, and Sunny and the pegasus sisters began to fly around in circles around the dognappers, keeping them distracted while Hitch, Izzy and Mistu lifted the net to help the puppies and Violette go free. “Run, kids, run!” Molly cried out. “And hide!”

“You heard your mom! Everyone, go go go!” Hitch commanded, and everyone flew and ran into the nearby tall bushes for cover. But before Buddy could follow, Denning dropped a net over Buddy, trapping him! “Gotcha! And that's why I'm your uncle's successor!”

He dropped to the ground to get Buddy into the truck, but Molly leapt to attack, tearing his pant leg and causing Denning to scream before looking up at Grim. “Toss the net!”

Grim did as he asked, but the net fell on Denning instead of Molly. “Not on me, doofus!”

Denning ripped the net off of him and onto Molly, smiling in satisfaction as the two dogs struggled.

Now that their mission was done, it was time to head home.


The Buddies and their pony friends panted tiredly as Izzy and Zipp checked Violette and all five pups over for injuries. “Are you guys okay?” Misty asked in concern. “You're not hurt or anything, right?”

“Nah, we're fine, dawg,” B-Dawg scoffed playfully. “I was about to let those two goons have it before you guys got there.”

“Well, we're so glad you were that brave,” Pipp rolled her eyes, preparing to scold them before glancing around. “Uh... guys? Where are Buddy and Molly?”

“I have a bad feeling that we're about to find out,” Sunny said nervously. “Everyone, follow my lead.”


As he and Denning loaded Buddy and Molly into a cage on the back of their truck, Grim suddenly had a question about their assignment. “Shouldn't we catch the puppies?”

“What puppies?”

“The puppies with the ponies that were just here!”

“Our mission was simple and as follows: Capture Air Bud. Your uncle wanted one mutt, we got him two. Those puppies and horses did their job, and we did ours.”

Grim let out a laugh at this. “Yes, they did!”

“Now, hurry up,” Denning ordered. “We gotta get back to Innsfield.”

But what the bad guys weren’t aware of were the Buddies and ponies hiding in the tall grasses and out of sight. “Guys!” Misty cried out. “They’ve got the Buddies’ mom and dad!”

Listening to the Buddies whine for their parents, Zipp suddenly felt something snap within her. “Oh no they don’t! Come on, guys!” she said as they all broke out of hiding and charged right toward the truck. “Let’s get ‘em!”

But then, the truck began to barrel down the road, resulting in a chase that the ponies and pups were clearly losing.

“Mom! Dad!”

“Wait up, Mom!”




“Mom, Dad!”

“Come back here!”



The ponies panted as they listened to their friends bark out to their captured parents, but it was too late… the truck was too fast for them, and soon, it was out of sight.

Violette was the first to speak after trying to catch her breath. “I can’t believe this… we let your mom and dad get dognapped!”

“I'll never eat another doughnut as long as I live…” Budderball groaned. “Guys, what were you thinking running away like that?” Hitch then scolded. “You know it isn’t the way to solve problems, and--”

“Don’t blame the Buddies for this,” Violette interrupted. “It’s all my fault… I was the one who suggested it anyway.”

“Violette? You suggested running away?” Sunny asked with wide eyes. “But… why?”

“Cause… cause I hate change!” Violette finally admitted. “That’s why I’m so worried about going to school! I don’t want anything changing! I thought if I could help the Buddies stay together, it might help me feel better! And now, the Buddies’ parents are gone and its all my fault!”

The poor filly broke down in sobs at this, and the Buddies whimpered and rubbed up against her in order to try and console her. “Violette… it’s okay to be scared of change,” Misty said gently. “We all get scared of it sometimes.”

“I agree,” Hitch nodded. “I’m normally not fond of things I can’t control either.”

“But sometimes,” Zipp said, “change is a good thing. And it brings out the best in us, if we open our hearts to it.”

Violette sighed sadly at this. “I guess… but what do we do now?”

“First things first,” Sunny said, “we’ve gotta come up with a plan to save the Buddies’ parents.”

“How do we know where they're going?” Budderball wondered when Rosebud suddenly came up with an idea. “Deputy Sniffer! He can help. He's the world's greatest tracker!”

“Great! And we know a fast way to get to him!” Zipp smiled. “Just follow us, guys, and we’ll have your parents back in no time!”

And wasting no time at all, the ponies and their puppy friends sped off to begin the rescue mission of a lifetime.