• Published 24th May 2024
  • 387 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Adventures in Air Buddies - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Violette Rainbow travel to Fernfield, Washington to help five golden retriever puppies, known as the Buddies, save their parents, Buddy and Molly, from greedy dog-nappers... all while on Violette's first Unity Quest mission.

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Rescue at Innsfield (Part 1)

Our pony heroes along with their new friends, the Buddies, found themselves at peace for now, sleeping in the cave of a kind and gentle wolf.

In the morning, they would be led to the Buddies' captured parents, and everything would turn out to be all right for everyone. However... none of them had any idea of what might be waiting to happen that next day...

...both good things and bad.


By the time the next morning had arrived, Sheriff Bob was already awake, cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast with Sniffer laying down on the kitchen floor, hoping a piece of bacon would drop.

Suddenly, a wonderful and familiar scent entered Sniffer’s nose... something had hadn't smelled in years. “I love the smell of bacon in the morning...” he said before immediately realizing what he just said and got up. “The smell of bacon?! I can smell bacon?!”

He began to bark and bark and bark excitedly to Sheriff Bob, who seemed very confused about the dog's reaction. “What's gotten into you, old boy, huh?”

Sniffer barked again before racing out the door to find that skunk... and find the missing ponies and pups before it was too late.


As the sun peeked over the horizon of the forest, the Buddies and their pony friends woke up to a new day, and the wolf gazed over at them. “Your parents are waiting for you,” he told the Buddies with a smile. “All right! What are we waiting for?” Zipp said with a smile. “Let's go!”

“Mom! Dad! Here we come!” Mudbud exclaimed as he and his siblings followed the wolf and their pony pals through the forest to get to Innsfield.


“Sniffer’s back!” Sniffer howled in happiness as he ran through the nearby field. “I can smell!”

His newfound sense of smell led him right to the skunk's burrow from yesterday, but before the skunk could spray him again, Sniffer stopped him. “Hold your fire! I just came to say thanks. It's been years since I smelled bacon frying. Your spray must've cleared my sinuses.”

“Good for you,” the skunk responded in a French accent before Sniffer cheered and ran off to go get Noah and Henry.

Since it was the weekend, they would be able to follow him on more of a free range.

But they had to get to where they were going fast-- Buddy and Molly could be sold soon and they would never be seen again!


Noah was in his room, having a snack and doing some studying when he heard a familiar barking from outside that got his attention. “Sniffer?”

He went right over to the window and saw Sniffer excitedly barking from the ground level. Just then, he saw Henry speaking into his walkie talkie from across the street. “What's gotten into Sniffer?

Noah shook his head, having no idea about the circumstances. “I've never seen him so excited. He wants us to follow. Grab your bike, tell your mom and meet me outside.”

And so, the boys did as they planned, telling their mothers where they were going and followed Sniffer on their bikes, following Sniffer through the town and in the direction of the drive in to find their missing pups and friends.


Around the same time, the wolf was running through the open field with the Buddies, Violette and the Mane 6 right behind, honestly enjoying the fact that they were so close to their goals.

They were going to save the Buddies' parents, and everything was going to be all right in the end.

After a bit of running, the wolf finally stopped the group at some large wooden gates. “Beyond this fence lies the vineyards where your parents are being held. Now it's up to you to rescue them.”

“Why don't you stay with us forever so you're not all alone?” Rosebud asked in concern. “That's a really nice idea, Rosebud,” Sunny said softly, “but I don't think that will work out for anypony.”

“Your friend is right, little one,” the wolf clarified. “We wolves are needed in the forest as much as you are needed by people.”

“...do you ever get scared?” Violette asked, feeling a little embarrassed just by asking. “Sometimes,” the wolf said with a kind smile. “But that's why we howl, to let one another know that even though we may feel alone, we never really are.”

The Mane 6, Violette and the Buddies finally smiled at the words of the wolf... this was definitely something to consider, whatever the future would bring.

Then, it was time for the wolf to return to the forest where he belonged, but not before our heroes bid him farewell in their own unique way.

“Thanks, Mr. Wolf, dude!”

“Catch ya in the flippity flip!”


“We'll never forget you!”

“Bye! Thank you!”

Once the wolf had went back into the forest, Zipp focused on the task at hoof once more. “Come on!”

The ponies leapt over the gate while the Buddies went under it through a small hole, and encountered miles and miles of grape vines growing.

They were definitely in the right place. Now all they had to do was get to the factory and find Buddy and Molly before they could get sold.


Around the same time, Sniffer was leading Noah and Henry straight to the McRoberts’ farm, still following the Buddies’ scent. “Sniffer,” Noah called out, “are you sure they came this way?”

Sniffer barked in confirmation before going around the gate, and encountering Billy on the other side. “Who goes there? Friend or…” Billy began to say before he saw who it was. “Oh. Excuse me, Deputy Sniffer.”

“We're investigating missing puppies and ponies,” the bloodhound then explained. “I can smell they've come this way.”

“Well, your nose isn’t lying,” Billy confirmed. “Those pups and their friends passed through here yesterday with trespassing dognappers hot on their tails.”

By the time they saw Noah and Henry coming around the gate, they were already barking and bleating at one another, causing the boys to shrug before Billy led them into the barn.

And low and behold, Denning and Grim were still trapped in that room as Noah and Henry ran in with the goat and bloodhound. “Kids, help!” Denning pleaded. “We're being held hostage by this crazy goat.”

“Have you seen five golden puppies?” Noah asked. “Along with three unicorns, two pegasi and two earth ponies?”

“...why, no,” Denning lied. “I can't say that I have.”

“Have you? Cause we could join forces and catch 'em together,” Grim then spoke up, only to get smacked in the head by Denning. “OW!!”

“Quiet, you imbecile!”

“We better let Sheriff Bob know about these guys,” Noah told Henry, but as he nudged the lock, Henry discovered that it was sealed shut by magic, causing him to look at Noah again. “Looks like they're not going anywhere.”

Then, with the bad guys blubbering at their feet (so to speak), the boys and Sniffer ran back out to continue their search, leaving Billy only to laugh for his own amusement.


Meanwhile, Buddy finally managed to dig the escape tunnel all the way back up to the surface and barked to Molly down below, letting her know that it was safe to come through.

And once Molly came up to the surface and shook the dirt from her fur, Buddy became all too serious. “We’ve got to find the pups and their friends before they do.”

Without a second thought, the two Golden Retrievers sped off to find their kids and their friends before it was too late.


“This is it, guys!” Sunny whispered to her friends and the pups as they reached the line of trees near the factory. “We made it!”

“And look!” Violette pointed to the man and young boy getting out of the nearby limousine. “Those must be the guys who wanna take Buddy and Molly!”

“Isn't it clear that I did not say 2.2. I said 1.7!” the man said on his phone harshly as the boy slammed his car door shut. “If he has trouble remembering, he can take it up with my lawyer!”

As soon as the two had disappeared inside, Zipp gave the next set of orders. “Okay, here’s my idea. Violette, you and the Buddies take the left side of the building and find a way in through there. We’ll take the right side, and hopefully, we’ll meet in the same place.”


And just like that, the Mane 6 sped off in one direction, and Violette and the five puppies sped off in another. “There’s gotta be a way in somewhere,” B-Dawg told his siblings. “Quick!” Violette shouted to her friends. “Around back!”

But as they galloped around the left side of the building, Budderball stumbled upon a small hole dug in the ground (the same hole Buddy and Molly had escaped from) and stopped to look down in it. “Hey, check this thing…” he began to say before he fell into the hole, “....OOOUUUT!!!!”

Rosebud immediately halted upon realizing what happened. “We’re short of Budderball again!”

Budderball's screams could be heard all the way down the slide, making Violette sigh and turn to the Buddies. “I guess we found the way in!”

And so, one by one, they all took turns sliding down into the hole, unsure of what they would find on the other side.


At the same time, Selkirk was leading Mr. Livingstone and Bartleby to the wine cellar where he THOUGHT that Buddy and Molly were. “You might want to consider doubling your price and taking both Air Bud and his girlfriend. Just think of the potential.”

He opened the door for his clients, and Bartleby practically flew into the room... only to find one escape tunnel and no Air Bud or his girlfriend in sight. “So where is he?”

Selkirk growled as soon as he saw the escape tunnel. “I knew those mutts were up to something…”

Mr. Livingstone was about to go off on Selkirk when all of a sudden, the Buddies and Violette came sliding right down the tunnel, causing Bartleby to gasp as soon as he saw them. “Puppies? And a unicorn?!”

“Oh no…” Violette muttered under her breath as the boy began to handle her and the Buddies as if they were some sort of stuffed toys. “Oh, my gosh, Selkirk!” Mr. Livingstone said, clearly impressed and pleased. “You've always had a flair for theatrics. You tricked us. Air Bud puppies and a little unicorn filly. What a surprise!”

Selkirk had no idea how his goons did it, but he chuckled happily and gladly took Mr. Livingstone's money. “Ta-da!”

“I love them!” Bartleby said, hugging the puppies and Violette close, making Violette internally pray that the ponies were able to get in there, rescue them and find Buddy and Molly before it was too late.