• Published 24th May 2024
  • 387 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Adventures in Air Buddies - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Violette Rainbow travel to Fernfield, Washington to help five golden retriever puppies, known as the Buddies, save their parents, Buddy and Molly, from greedy dog-nappers... all while on Violette's first Unity Quest mission.

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The First Week/Violette and Puppy Mayhem

Over the course of that next week, the ponies had spent a lot of time with their newfound friends, and discovered a lot of different things.

For example, before he was adopted by Noah’s older brother Josh, Buddy once belonged to a rude, grumpy, alcoholic party clown named Norm Snively. Buddy was shown to have an uncanny ability to play every sport, including basketball, and helped the Fernfield Wolverines win the most important matches of their careers… and Buddy found his way into a loving family that he would cherish forever.

After a while, Buddy met Molly, another Golden Retriever who lived across the street from Noah's house, and immediately fell in love with her. Only a few short months later, people on that street heard the patter of little paws, and the Buddies were born.

Once they had gotten Buddy's origin story out of the way, and discovered how the Buddies came into the world, it was time to dive more into the Buddies and their respective personalities.


Surprisingly, Hitch found himself growing close to the biggest pup of the litter, Budderball, who had an appetite a lot like a little dragon he knew back in Equestria, and he was always getting into mischief.

Like this one day, Budderball was playing with one of Patrick's shoes and Hitch was reading a book next to him when Patrick trudged through the house with only one shoe on. “Honey, I can't find a matching shoe.”

Hitch and Budderball’s heads snapped up at this, but when they looked at each other, Hitch couldn’t help but laugh.


Zipp found herself growing closest with B-Dawg, since he was all about the action and the sports, especially basketball. Even the little pup surprised Zipp on how uncanny good he was at the sport-- just like his father.

He even dunked Noah's trashed pieces of paper into the waste basket like a pro!


Izzy and Sunny found themselves growing closer to Buddha, the most mellow of all the pups, and they loved to do meditation with Buddha and Jackie of the mornings before anyone else woke up.


Misty, strangely enough, was growing closest to little Mudbud, who was playful and energetic, and taught Misty a lot about letting loose and not worrying so much...

...especially when that came to rolling around in the dirt outside-- one of Mudbud's favorite past times.


And last, but not least, Pipp found herself growing closer to someone who may have been a bigger diva than her-- Rosebud, the only girl of the litter.

They both loved pink, sparkly things, and they hated getting dirty-- in fact, Zipp thought that Pipp and Rosebud got along so well, they may have had the same soul in two separate bodies.


Violette couldn’t decide which puppy she liked best, so she played with all of them in the backyard whenever she could, and the ponies made sure to keep a watchful eye on all of them.

The little Buddies were growing up fast, and (needless to say) becoming quite the handful-- not that the ponies minded.

All kids needed chances to live, learn and grow to become satisfied with their own lives.

Now, there comes a time in every pup's life when he must say goodbye to the home he once knew and say hello to a new one...

...and that's when our story truly begins.


“Guys, we have to be ready in just a few minutes!” Sunny called to her friends in their guest room. “Noah’s game starts in 30!”

“We’re almost ready, Sunny!” Pipp called back. “Just gotta make sure we have everything!”

The Mane 6 had been invited to come to one of Noah's most high-stake basketball games of the season, and they couldn't more honored or thrilled to be invited to attend.

However... the Buddies weren't going to be allowed to come since they were still so young, and Violette didn't want to go without them, so Patrick called the babysitter he had for Noah and his friend Henry when they were little, Mrs. Niggles, to come and watch them while they were at the game.

Finally, the ponies were ready, and headed downstairs to join up with Noah’s parents, who were waiting for their son to get ready in his room. “Noah!” Jackie called. “Come on! We've gotta go now!”

“We're gonna be late for the game!” Patrick called up in agreement as Noah finished putting on his shoes. “Coming!” Noah called back before turning to Buddy. “You go downstairs. I'll be right there.”

Buddy panted as Noah rubbed on his head before going downstairs where the Mane 6 were waiting for Noah and Buddy to come downstairs. “This is gonna be so fun!” Misty told her friends. “I’ve always wanted to be the guests of honor at a real basketball game!”

“And I’ve never known that I wanted to be the guest of honor at a basketball game where a dog is playing!” Pipp said with a giggle. “These missions are sure filled with unexpected surprises, huh?”

“Focus, guys. We still don’t know EXACTLY why we’re needed in Fernfield,” Zipp reminded her friends quietly, “so we still need to keep somewhat of a low profile.”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Patrick answered it just as Buddy came downstairs. “Oh, good. The sitter’s here!”

That’s when Mrs. Niggles, an older woman with a posh accent, came through the front door with a pie in her reach. “I prefer the professional distinction of ‘nanny’, if you don’t mind.”

That’s when Buddy let out a bark as a greeting. “Hello, Buddy!” Mrs. Niggles greeted politely. “Hi, Mrs. Niggles,” Jackie smiled. “Oh, have you met Sunny and her friends from out of town? They’ve been staying with us while they’re on an assignment.”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Niggles,” Sunny said politely, shaking her hand. “Thanks again for agreeing to watch Violette as well as the Buddies-- we just wanna make sure they have the best care possible while we’re gone.”

“Oh, it isn’t a problem,” Mrs. Niggles said with a smile. “I’m sure she’ll be a little darling just like those pups.”

“Speaking of darling,” Zipp checked her phone, “Noah should be coming down with Violette already… where are they?”


“I'm serious. You guys need to chill,” Noah told the Buddies as they sat in their bed. “I’ll be back soon, okay? Come on, Violette-- the others wanna say bye to you before we leave.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be right back,” Violette told the Buddies before following Noah out of the room… unaware that the Buddies were getting out of bed and following them to the edge of the stairs.


Violette stood by Noah as he was stopped by his mother at the top of the stairs. “Sorry,” Noah apologized for being late. “I had to say goodbye.”

“I think the Buddies are a little bummed that they can’t come,” Violette agreed with a sad nod, unaware that the Buddies were listening to everything. “Oh,” Jackie said sympathetically. “Well, I’m sure you guys are gonna have fun nonetheless,” Pipp told Violette with a gentle smile. “Now, you two go say hi.”

Violette nodded and moved with Noah down the stairs, stopping before the older woman. “Hi, Mrs. Niggles,” Noah greeted. “This is Violette Rainbow.”

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” Violette said politely. “I worked all day on this little piece of perfection,” Mrs. Niggles said, gesturing to the pie on the counter before pinching Noah’s cheek. “Blueberry pie, just for my favorite little boy.”

Suddenly, Budderball perked up when he heard two of one of his many favorite food words. “Did somebody say ‘Blueberry pie’?!”

“Budderball! Put a muzzle on it!” scolded Rosebud. “They’ll hear us!”

“Dudes,” Mudbud whispered to his siblings, “if we wanna go to the game, we're gonna have to get by Niggles.”

“Words of wisdom, Mudbud,” Buddha said calmly. “This game's gonna be off-the-chain insane!” B-Dawg agreed. “And maybe we can drag Violette into coming with us!”

“For sure,” Rosebud whispered back, “but not if we get caught!”

“Where are the little darlings?” Mrs. Niggles asked, looking around for the Buddies. “They’re up in their room, playing,” Violette responded. “They’ll probably be down in a little while.”

“Well, this has been great,” Hitch said rather politely, “but we have to get going. Violette, you and the Buddies be good for Mrs. Niggles, and we’ll be back in a few hours.”

“You don’t have to worry about us,” Violette told the sheriff with a grin. “The Buddies and I will be the best we can be-- promise.”

“Bye, Buddies!” Jackie called upstairs while Buddy let out a bark. “Have fun!” Mrs. Niggles bid them farewell before they left out the door. And once they had disappeared, Budderball immediately took the lead of his siblings. “Come on, guys! Follow me!”

The puppies barked and bolted down the stairs toward the doggy door, only for Mrs. Niggles to stop them, getting in their path with a reluctant Violette and clearing her throat. “And where might you think you're going?”

Each puppy held a different ball in their mouth (Budderball held a football, Rosebud a soccer ball, etc), which honestly looked very cute in Violette’s opinion and knew exactly what they wanted.

Mrs. Niggles, however, had a different idea. “Oh! I know what you little Buddies want. Bath time it is!”

Violette and the Buddies’ jaws dropped, letting the balls bounce onto the floor and causing Violette to sigh. “Sorry, guys… you and I both kinda walked into that one. Come on… we better go and get this over with before the others get home.”


Outside, the Mane 6, Noah, his parents and Buddy were meeting with their next door neighbors Henry, his parents and Molly to ride together to the big basketball game. As they were exchanging greetings, Henry wanted to ask a question. “How are the Buddies and Violette doing today?”

“Oh, don’t worry about them,” Patrick reassured. “Yeah! They’re with Mrs. Niggles having the time of their lives!” Pipp giggled. “Come on! I wanna get an interview with the team before the game starts!”

As everyone else got into the vehicle, Noah approached Henry with the roll of his eyes. “That's what they thought when Miss Niggles baby-sat us when we were little. She always made us take naps.”

Henry agreed with this, nodding. “And don’t forget baths.”

Noah couldn’t help but shudder. “What was it she used to say?”


“Cleanliness is next to godliness.”

Violette groaned to herself as Mrs. Niggles scrubbed her and the Buddies (all except Mudbud) down in the bathtub, not planning to have a bath today, but… you know how fate works in mysterious ways sometimes.

But as she was scrubbing, Mrs. Niggles counted the puppies and discovered that something seemed a bit off. “Hmm... one, two, three, four. Somebody's missing.”

That’s when she noticed Mudbud hiding in the corner, sighed and walked over to him. “Come here, you mucky pup!”

“See, Mudbud? I told you that you weren’t gonna be able to hide over there for long,” Violette whispered before moving to the other Buddies. “Man, he really DOESN’T like baths, does he?”

“Not if you count a mud bath,” Buddha whispered back to her, but to Mrs. Niggles, it just sounded like whimpering. Soon, Mudbud was placed in the tub with his siblings and Violette, much to his chagrin, and Mrs. Niggles began to scrub them all down. “Oh, bath time is so much fun. Rub-a-dub-dub, one pony and five pups in a tub.”

Violette couldn’t believe that this was happening… she was being treated by a total baby!

But… a bath was nice, so she wasn’t complaining about that part.


What she WAS complaining about, however, was the fact that the Buddies and herself were being forced to take a nap in their bedroom after their bath. “Have a nice nap,” Mrs. Niggles said sophisticatedly. “Now, you behave. I'll be back in an hour.”

And just like that, she pulled the door closed and left the room without another word, leaving Violette and the ponies to themselves. “Nobody tells B-Dawg he's gotta take a nap,” B-Dawg muttered to his siblings. “For once, B-Dawg? I have to agree with you,” Violette kicked off the covers of the bed and hopped down to the floor. “Everypony, follow me quietly. We don’t want Mrs. Niggles to know we’re sneaking out of our room when we're SUPPOSED to be taking a nap.”

“You’re gonna disobey a grown-up?” Buddha asked the filly in surprise. “Wow, Violette-- that’s a surprising twist.”

“Naps are kind of overrated in Equestria... especially when you’re not a newborn foal,” Violette rolled her eyes. “Come on… let’s see what she’s up to.”

The Buddies followed their new unicorn pal out of the bedroom, silently pushing the door open and looking down at Mrs. Niggles from the top floor, and Mrs. Niggles appeared to be knitting quietly while they supposedly took their nap. “Well, guys? What’s our next move?” Violette asked her puppy friends. “How are we gonna get past Mrs. Niggles? The game is halfway over by now!”

“We’re just gonna have to improvise, dawg,” B-Dawg told her. “That’s what the B-Dawg is all about.”

“Hey, look!” Rosebud looked down at the many yarn balls Mrs. Niggles had in her basket. “She’s got a ball!”

“If the Buddies can't go to the game,” B-Dawg said to his siblings and Violette, forming a plan, “the game will come to the Buddies.”

Buddha immediately silenced his brother before looking down at the second level again. “Mrs. Niggles is finding her inner peace. She's falling asleep. We can go make our move then.”

“I don't know about inner peace,” Budderball shook his head while keeping his eye on the pie on the counter, “but I want a piece of that pie.”

Slowly, but surely, Mrs. Niggles began to nod off, and Violette and the Buddies didn’t fail to notice this.

“She’s going…”





“And she’s…” Violette finished by the time Mrs. Niggles had finally went to sleep, “...gone!”

“I’m goin’ in,” B-Dawg told his siblings. “Yeah,” Rosebud nodded, “let’s do it!”

“Okay,” Violette told the Buddies, “but we still have to be quiet! Last thing we want is for her to wake up and catch us!”

So, the vitiligo covered unicorn filly followed her golden four-legged friends down the stairs into the living room, where the Buddies grabbed the yarn balls from Mrs. Niggles basket and began playing with them, causing yarn to go all the way across the room and around Mrs. Niggles.

Rosebud was the one who carried the black and white patched yarn ball, which almost looked like a soccer ball, and stood right in front of Budderball, who acted out as the goalie for their game. “Superstar Rosebud has stolen the ball!”

Then, with superstar precision, she kicked the yarn ball behind Budderball, who groaned to himself out of frustration, and Rosebud howled as she slid across the living room floor. “GOOOOOOOOOOAL!!!”

“B-Dawg shoots…!” B-Dawg took the orange yarn ball and knocked it into the nearby trash can next to Mrs. Niggles. “Oh!” Violette exclaimed, not believing such a lucky shot. “Nothing but net!”

“If Mudbud gets this point,” Mudbud said to himself while holding a white yarn ball at his paws, “the Beach Volleyball World Championship is his!”

Buddha, on the other paw, used his dad's baseball bat to knock a white yarn ball into Mrs. Niggles' head, surprisingly not waking her up, much to Violette's relief. “Be one with the ball.”

Finally, Budderball managed to get his ball of yarn all the way to the other side of the kitchen and past Violette and his siblings, letting the imaginary crowd in his head cheer for his success. “Budderball wins the Super Bowl! And now for a little postgame celebration.”

That's when the plump little pup began to climb the chair and countertop to get closer to the pie, which B-Dawg immediately noticed. “Check it out. Budderball's going for the pie!”

Violette immediately froze at this, realizing that this was going a bit too far, but the Buddies seemed a bit too eager in cheering for their brother to notice her worry.

“You can do it, Budderball!”

“You can do it!”

“Come on...!!”

And finally, with a little bit of encouragement from his siblings, Budderball finally made it up onto the countertop and to the pie. “Touchdown! Hoo hoo hoo!”

“Budderball, have I told you lately you're my main pup?” B-Dawg asked his brother with a smirk. “Guys, maybe this is going just a little too far,” Violette tried to warn the Buddies. “I mean... trying to take a bite out of the pie that clearly isn't meant for us? That seems a little too crazy, even for me to handle.”

“Suit yourself, dudette,” Mudbud shrugged. “More pie for us.”

Budderball gently nudged the pie from the countertop onto the floor, allowing the contents of it to fall onto the floor.

However, this crash caused Mrs. Niggles to wake up and immediately realize what had just happened. “Oh! Oh, my goodness!”

“Uh-oh!” Violette yelped and hid behind the counter. “We woke up Mrs. Niggles!”

“No worries, dudes. She's stuck,” Mudbud told the group as she struggled in her yarn-made binds. “And that means we can eat all the pie we want!”

However, Violette didn't dare to make a move to the pie, while the Buddies did, loving every single bite. “Ooh, you rascals are in big trouble! Help! Help!” Mrs. Niggles called out before looking at the Buddies and her pie being devoured. “Oh, my beautiful pie! How could you?”


The basketball game had been a huge success, and the Mane 6 were currently riding with Jackie and Patrick, along with Noah and the Buddies' parents, back to their house to celebrate. “I hope the puppies are behaving,” Jackie said worriedly as she looked out the window. “They're getting to be a handful.”

“Violette will make sure that the puppies behave, trust me,” Sunny told Noah’s parents with a smile. “She would never let immature actions go too far, especially from pups she's becoming really close with.”


Mudbud groaned, completely full from the blueberry pie that the Buddies had just got done devouring. “So stuffed...”

Suddenly, a car was heard pulling in outside, and Mrs. Niggles immediately recognized it as the Sullivans’ SUV. “Your parents are home!”

Violette and B-Dawg looked nervous at this. “Uh-oh…”

“You're in big trouble now!”

Mudbud looked outside to see that Mrs. Niggles was right-- their parents were coming, as well as their humans and the rest of the Mane 6.

“Come on. Everybody out.”

“Great job, guys!”

“That was pony-tastic!”


“Uh…” Mudbud looked panicked as he turned back to the others. “Dude! Rents, incoming!”

“We are so getting a yellow card for this one!” Rosebud yelped in panic. “Come on!” Violette called to the puppies. “We can hide upstairs and hope they won’t find us!”

“Where are you going?!” Mrs. Niggles called to them as they ran up the stairs. “Time to face the music!”

Then, as the door opened, Mrs. Niggles began to shriek again. “HELP!!! HELP!!! I’m all tied up here!”

Zipp, Hitch and Patrick were the first to dive headfirst into the yarn to try and get her free, but ended up creating a bigger mess than there already was… even knocking over some of the house plants.

Once all the dust was settled, Jackie sighed reluctantly. “I think it might be time.”

“You guys probably better deal with this mess,” Zipp told the Sullivans, a stern and irritated expression on her face. “We’ll find the pups and Violette and get Violette to share THEIR side of the story. And it better be a good one.”

Violette gulped nervously when she heard this, turning her head to look back at the Buddies in their room.

One thing was for sure… she and her new friends were in SO much trouble.