• Published 18th May 2024
  • 414 Views, 27 Comments

The Muneris Pony - Music Brush

A new breed of pegasi comes to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration.

  • ...

Chapter II: Canterlot Magic

Over the next few weeks, Night and Cora learned quite a bit about the history of Ponyville and the culture of this small town. How Ponyville was founded by the Apple family with the help of the Rich family through the making of something called Zap Apple Jam and starting the apple farm. Since Ponyville was founded by earth ponies, the residents have made it crucial to honor earth pony traditions in town. Such as a marathon to knock leaves out of trees in the fall season, or melting snow for spring.

Night Wing excitedly walked the streets with Cora by her side, both eager to learn more about Equestria. "Hey, what's that?" Cora's voice caught Night's attention. Night looked at Cora, who was pointing a claw at the clouds.

Rainbow Dash was flying through the clouds with another creature flying after her. "Isn't that Rainbow Dash?" Night asked.

"But, who's that with her?" Cora asked.

"It looks like another griffon," Night observed.

"Another griffon?!" Cora asked as she grabbed Night's shoulders. "We have to meet that griffon!"

"Calm down," Night chuckled. "We can go say high."

"Don't bother," a familiar voice said from behind. The two looked to find Pinkie Pie lounging at a table while sipping a smoothie through a straw. "Gilda's a grump. She popped my balloons, and told me to 'buzz off'."

"Well, that's not very friendly," Night observed.

"We should still try," Cora interjected before kicking off the ground and flying up to the clouds.

"Cora, wait!" Night took off after her.

Cora got to the cloud Rainbow sat on with the griffon. "Hey," Cora said as she landed on the cloud.

"Cora?" Rainbow smiled at the black griffon. "Awesome! Now I have two griffons to hang with! But, where's Night Wing?"

"Right here," Night called as she hovered over the cloud.

"Hey, Night," Rainbow smiled. "Night, Cora, this is my gal pal, Gilda." She pointed at the brown griffon with white feathers. "She's a griffon like you, Cora." Cora smiled at the other griffon.

"Hi," Cora greeted with an excited smile.

"S'up," Gilda carelessly said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Wow, another griffon!" Cora observed as she looked Gilda over. Gilda raised a brow at Cora.

"What are you starin' at, dude?" Gilda asked.

"I'm sorry, I've just never seen another griffon before," Cora explained. Gilda only looked confused.

"Hey, Night, why don't you sit down and take a load off?" Rainbow offered.

"I can't," Night replied as she hovered over the cloud. Rainbow Dash raised a brow at Night. "Watch." Night let herself fall on the cloud, only to fall straight through it. Rainbow gasped and dove over the cloud to find Night smiling at her as she moved back above the cloud. "Only some Muneris can interact with clouds." Night explained.

"Moon-air-ee?" Gilda asked with a raised brow. "Sounds lame." Cora raised a brow at Gilda.

"Night Wing! Cora!" A voice grabbed their attention. The four looked over the edge of the cloud to find Twilight with Spike at her side on the streets.

"I wonder what they want," Night observed. "Let's go find out." She smiled at Cora.

"But -" Cora began to protest as she looked at Gilda.

"We can talk with Gilda later," Night interjected. "Twilight needs us for something." Cora groaned as she hung her head.

"Maybe we can chat later?" Cora asked Gilda and Rainbow.

"Yeah," Rainbow smiled.

"Whatever," Gilda groaned. "Hey, Dash? Want another race?"

"Huh! You're on!" Rainbow readied to pounce.

"On your mark," Gilda got in the same pose. "Get set. Go!" Both took off, destroying the cloud in the process. Cora gasped as she quickly caught herself in mid-air.

"Come on, Cora," Night softly smiled. "Let's see what Twilight wants." She began to descend back to earth with Cora behind her. The two landed in front of Twilight. Night wore a warm smile on her face while Cora kept glancing at where Gilda flew off. "Hey, Twilight. What's up?"

"Well, I've been writing to Princess Celestia every week since I moved to Ponyville," Twilight began.

"And today, one came for you," Spike interjected as he held up a scroll.

"Wait, what?" Cora asked as she looked at Spike.

"For me?" Night asked as Spike unrolled the scroll and cleared his voice with an "eh em."

"Dear Twilight Sparkle," Spike began. "You mentioned in one of your letters that a Muneris -"

"It's pronounced "moon-air-ee", Spike," Cora interjected.

"Moon-air-ee," Spike corrected himself with a bit of a roll of his eyes. "... who came to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration. I would like you to personally extend an invitation to Night Wing to come here to Canterlot this afternoon." Night Wing blinked as Cora's jaw dropped to the ground.

"The princess wants me to come to the capital?!" Night gasped.

"I know, right?" Twilight beamed.

"Eh em," Spike continued. "I, Princess Celestia, would like to meet with Night Wing to discuss the reasons for her visit to Equestria."

"This is amazing!" Night cheered as she grabbed Cora's cheeks. "We get to talk to the princess!"

"I don't know about that," Twilight interjected. "The letter mentions you by name. She didn't say anything about Cora." Both Cora and Night looked at Twilight. "It's probably better that you go alone, Night." Twilight suggested with a sheepish smile.

"I don't go anywhere without Cora," Night countered.

"But -" Twilight began.

"Where she goes, I go," Cora stated firmly. "I've never left Night's side in the twenty years I've known her, and I'm not about to start now."

"Come on, Cora," Night began as she spread her wings. "Let's go!" She kicked off the ground and Cora followed after her.

"Wait!" Twilight called out in vain. "There's more to the letter! And Celestia only mentioned Night!" Night and Cora were already in flight, heading straight for the mountain north of Ponyville.

After flying for a while, Night and Cora entered the city of Canterlot. Everything was bright, shiny, and full of magic. Like Ponyville, Canterlot was full of all three pony kinds. However, where Ponyville was dominated by earth ponies, Canterlot was dominated by unicorns. As they flew, they noticed all the streets were full of unicorns dressed in fancy clothes and holding their chings up high with their eyes closed.

"This place is incredible!" Night cheered as they flew through the streets.

"I don't know," Cora observed. "Canterlot has a lot of shine to it, but Ponyville had something special." Night giggled as they flew through the streets together.

The duo flew around the streets for most of the morning to take in the sights. They stopped now and again for a quick snack or to explore some of the stores before they made their way toward the castle at the heart of the city. Everything appeared clean and properly maintained. Unicorns everywhere used their magic to operate the city from the carriages to the lights on the rooves. They landed at the main gates and took a moment to admire the castle.

"That's a big castle," Cora observed.

"It's the home of the Princess of Equestria," Night said. "Only the best for the best."

"Then, why doesn't the president live in a castle, like that?" Cora asked.

"Different nation, different leadership rules," Night chimed as she began trotting to the gates.

"Halt!" A pair of wings blocked her path. "Who goes there?!" Night looked up at the pegasus guards at the gate.

"Oh," Night smiled. "This is Cora, and I am Night Wing." Night introduced themselves to the guards as Cora stood next to her with a smile.

"S'up?" Cora said.

"Night Wing?" One of the guards queried. "Princess Celestia's expecting you." The guards lowered their wings. Night and Cora began to walk past them before one of the guards held a hoof up. "But the griffon stays here."

"Where Night goes, I go," Cora countered.

"Sirs, Cora is my oldest and closest friend," Night interjected. "She hasn't left my side for years. If she doesn't go in, then either Celestia must come out or we need to think of another time to get together." The guards looked at each other before looking back at the two.

"Wait here," one said before heading into the gates. They looked through the gates to find him talking to a white unicorn stallion with blue hair and purple armor.

"That must be the captain," Night observed.

The unicorn inclined his head and walked with the pegasus back to the gate while removing his helmet. His blue mane waved over his face and down his shoulder. Night smiled at his good looks. "Night Wing and Cora?" The two bowed their heads. "I am Captain Shining Armor." He introduced himself. "Please, come with me." He turned back to the gate as he put his helmet back on.

"Both of us?" Cora asked. Shining only looked back with a sharp look in his eye.

"Both of you." He said before continuing. Night and Cora followed after him with smiles on their faces. They passed through the courtyard into the grand entrance of the castle. "This way," Shining said as he walked through the halls. Night and Cora followed close behind. They approached a large set of double doors and Shining stopped. "Beyond these doors is the throne room." Night and Cora smiled as they began to walk to the doors before Shining held a hoof up. "One thing before I let you in." They looked at each other before looking at Shining, who removed his helmet again and smiled at them. "If I know Princess Celestia, she'll be very pleased that you two refused to leave each other's side. If there's one thing she values more than anything, it's friendship. She sent my sister to Ponyville to study that very thing."

"Your sister?" Night asked. "You mean, Twilight Sparkle?"

"You better get in there," he said with a warm smile. "And next time you see Twilight, tell her I said 'hi'."

Night and Cora smiled at each other before they walked into the doors, which were opened by unicorn magic coming from two guards within the room. Inside, colorful lights from stained-glass windows flooded the room. Each window was decorated with an image of the history of Equestria. Images of strange creatures playing with pony puppets, or giant centaurs dominating the land.

"Ynysu!" Cora stated as she admired the artistic beauty of the room.

"Amazing, indeed!" Night agreed.

At the end of the room stood a grand throne. Atop the throne sat a regal white mare with a horn behind her golden crown and a set of wings splayed open. A purple, diamond-shaped gem sat on the front of the crown behind her unicorn horn. Her technicolored mane and tail flowed behind her as if carried by water in the wind. She finished writing in a scroll before rolling it up and making it vanish with her magic before smiling at the two guests entering the room.

"You must be Night Wing and Cora," she said with a warm smile. Both Night and Cora bowed low to the point their noses touched the floor. Celestia stood up and walked to them. "Twilight mentioned you in her letters." Night looked up.

"Your majesty, it is an honor to make your acquaintance." Night said with a smile.

"Qurxinu di Equestria," Celestia replied. Both Night and Cora blinked.

"You know Arish?!" Cora asked.

"A little bit," Celestia smiled. "After all, I am the Princess of Equestria. It is my responsibility to know as much as I need to greet dignitaries of other nations."

"Vex'gnai xiar!" Cora exclaimed with a smile. The sound of a whip cracking in the air made Cora yelp and leap into the air before she rubbed her tush with a glare toward Night. Night watched Cora with a furrowed brow as her tail swished back and forth.

"Qu ixeba ngu blomxuzaz bluzumxu!" Night stated sharply.

"It's quite alright, Night," Celestia giggled.

"But, Your Highness, her language is unacceptable, especially in the presence of royalty," Night protested. Celestia held up a hoof with closed eyes and a warm smile.

"It's all right," Celestia assured. Night blushed as she bowed her head. Celestia smiled at the two as Cora softly landed while rubbing her red tush. "I've arranged for tea in the west wing," Celestia said warmly as she began walking. "Please join me. You can tell me about the nature of your visit on the way. What brought you to Equestria?"

"We heard about your Summer Sun Celebration," Night began as she followed Celestia.

"So the president wanted somepony to come learn about it," Cora added as she walked alongside Night. The two continued back and forth talking about what brought them to Ponyville as they followed Celestia, who listened attentively. As they finished their story, they entered a large room brightly lit by the sun bleeding through the stained-glass windows. At the center of the room stood a round table with four chairs around it. Atop the table sat a full kettle of tea with four cups at each chair.

"That sounds like quite the introduction to our country," Celestia observed with a warm smile as she offered a chair to each of her guests. "Please, have a seat." The two took their offered seats with a smile.

"Who's the fourth seat for?" Cora asked as she sat down.

"My sister, Luna will be joining us in a minute," Celestia answered as she took her seat. "I must say, I am intrigued about how you two met. To find a griffon egg out on your humble island. That's very unusual." Celestia took the third seat and began to pour the tea with her golden magic. "Good thing Night Wing found you."

"What are griffons like in Equestria?" Cora excitedly asked.

"Well, apart from you, I haven't met a griffon in many moons," Celestia explained. "back then, I knew griffons to be quite the friendly race. They had quite a respectable leader." Cora smiled at the explanation. "But, that was many moons ago. Things might've changed since then." The smile faded from Cora's face.

"Maybe we can to the griffon homeland later?" Night suggested with a warm smile. Cora's wings opened as a smile formed on her face again. Night smiled at Celestia. "Where do griffons live in Equestria?"

"They reside in Griffonstone," a voice answered from the door. They all looked to find a blue alicorn walking in with a bit of a tired look on her face. Night smiled at the second alicorn she saw in Ponyville. Princess Luna's looked slightly taller than before and her mane stretched beyond her shoulders now.

"Welcome, little sister," Celestia smiled warmly.

"Morning, big sister," Luna replied with a yawn.

"Please, join us," Celestia offered the fourth chair as she poured a cup for the younger alicorn. Luna sat on the empty chair and took a sip from her cup.

"As I said, griffons reside in Griffonstone," Luna explained. "But, if you're looking for a warm welcome, I would expect no such thing."

"Why?" Night asked as Cora looked concerned.

"Ever since I was freed from," Luna paused to shutter, "... Being Nightmare Moon." She took a breath. "I've been in charge of maintaining all dreams in Equestria. To ensure peaceful nights."

"What does that have to do with griffons?" Cora asked.

"The dreams of griffons are still under my domain," Luna answered. "All they dream about is gold. And they don't like sharing."

"That doesn't mean anything," Cora countered. "Just because they have greedy dreams, that doesn't mean they're evil or anything like that."

"It's good to have hope," Celestia piped up. "Just be cautious."

"I need to at least try," Cora stated firmly.

"We'll worry about meeting griffons later, Cora," Night interjected as she rubbed a hoof along her friend's shoulder.

"As long as you two remain together, there is very little you can't overcome," Celestia smiled.

"So, you're a Muneris Pony," Luna observed. "You even lack a cutie mark." Night glanced at her blank flank before looking back at the princess of the night.

"Legend has it that long ago, a group of pegasi sought power," Celestia began, gaining Night's full attention. "So, they made a deal with an ancient spirit. They would gain magic for a price."

"I'm familiar with the legend," Night interjected. Celestia and Luna watched Night as she scratched her chin with a hoof. "It's unclear what the price was. That knowledge has been lost for thousands of moons."

"It's reasonable to assume that the price was your cutie marks," Celestia suggested.

"But, it's just an old mare's tale," Night countered. "A bedtime story for little foals. It doesn't mean anything."

"Why so quick to brush it off, Night Wing?" Luna asked.

"We've always been without cutie marks," Night answered. "There are no records of any Muneris having ever had a cutie mark. Ever."

"For a thousand years," Celestia piped up, "the truth of when I was forced to banish my little sister to the moon was only remembered as a legend." Celestia sighed as Luna hung her head in shame.

"I will never forgive myself for what I did," Luna mumbled under her breath. Celestia rubbed Luna's back with a hoof.

"My point is, there are many truths that have been forgotten to time," Celestia explained. "Spirits of chaos, ancient empires, evil beings." Night watched Celestia intently. "Even I have forgotten numerous things."

"That's kinda hard to believe," Cora piped up with a raised brow.

"Cora, zorumxu," Night stated firmly.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious," Cora countered. "The leader of all of Equestria, who's over a thousand years old -" another whip-cracking sound makes Cora yelp.

"It's fine, Night," Celestia stated. "You would think that an alicorn's knowledge is everlasting, but even we have forgotten many things over the years." Night looked at Celestia as Cora glared at Night while tending to her red tush. "And it's sad to know that many more things will be forgotten over time. I fear the day may come that my subjects may be separated by fear and myths of war and tragedy." Celestia let out a sorrowful sigh. Night and Cora watched the regal alicorn with some concern. After a moment of silence, Celestia looked up with a warm smile. "But, we need not concern ourselves with matters such as this. Perhaps, here in Equestria, you may find the answers to this mystery."

"Wait," Cora interjected. "If the answers are here in Equestria, how come you don't know them?"

"Muneris ponies are not native to Equestria," Luna answered. "At least, not since before my sister and I became alicorns. We have had no reason to seek answers to the Muneris' past."

"It'd be worth finding answers while we learn about your country," Night observed with a smile.

"Why don't we look up the history of the whole world while we're at it?" Cora sighed. "Seriously, we came here to learn about Equestria, where the griffons live, and now we're gonna try to learn about your history too?"

"Why not, Cora?" Night excitedly asked. "Even if we don't find all the answers, it'll be a wonderful experience for both of us!"

Cora rolled her eyes before letting out a chuckle. "Well, I guess it won't be so bad as long as I'm with you!" Cora pulled Night into a hug and ruffled her mane in a noogie. Night laughed in protest.

"Cora, xuyzu!" Night protested.

"Make me stop!" Cora chuckled as she continued.

"I'll whip your tush again!" Night stated through her fits of laughter. That got Cora to let her go. Celestia giggled.

"Reminds me of when we were fillies," Celestia smiled at Luna, who only blushed at the thought. Celestia giggled before smiling at Night and Cora. "It has been an honor meeting you two."

"We done already?" Cora asked.

"I do have some duties to tend to before I turn things over to my sister for the night," Celestia explained. "I'd be happy to make arrangements to take you back to Ponyville."

"That would be much appreciated, Your Highness," Night bowed her head. Celestia warmly smiled.

"In that case, follow me," Celestia and Luna stood up. Night and Cora followed suit.

"I'll prepare myself for the night," Luna stated before turning to the door.

"Be well, sister," Celestia chimed at the younger alicorn before planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Luna blushed as she turned away with a huff.

"Not in front of our guests," Luna muttered under her breath as she walked away. Celestia smiled at Night and Cora.

"This way, please," Celestia guided them through the halls out to the castle courtyard where Shining Armor stood at the ready by a large carriage. Night and Cora admired the expensive, golden craft of it. The purple cushions inside shined against the glair of the sun. Diomands glistened at every corner.

"Everything is ready for the journey, Your Highness," Shining chimed.

"Thank you, Shining Armor," Celestia beamed at the captain of the guard before smiling at Night and Cora. "This will take you straight to the Golden Oak Library in Ponyville."

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble, Your Highness," Night politely protested.

"Are you kidding?!" Cora countered as she darted around the carriage to get a closer view of every corner. "This thing is vex'gnai epic!"

"Cora!!" Night barked as Celestia giggled.

"It's no trouble, honestly." Celestia warmly said. Night looked at the princess and bowed respectfully.

"Forgive my outburst, Your Highness," Night stated softly.

"Night," Celestia began as she placed a hoof on Night's shoulder, getting the young mare to look up at her. Celestia only smiled warmly at her. "I'm not so easily offended by words, even if they're in another language. All I ask is that you hold onto your friendship." Night inclined her head with a soft smile.

"I will," Night affirmed.

"As if that's a tall order!" Cora cheered as she pulled Night into a tight hug. "You'd have to use some kinda curse to tear us apart!" Cora proceeded to give Night a noogie. "Right, Night?!"

"Cora!" Night protested through a fit of laughter. Celestia giggled.

"I look forward to the next time you visit," Celestia chimed. Both Night and Cora stopped the struggle and bowed respectfully at the alicorn.

"It's our pleasure, Your Highness," Night stated.

"Until we meet again," Celestia beamed as she gestured to the carriage. Shining Armor opened the door with his magic. Night and Cora stepped inside and as soon as Shining closed the door, it took off toward Ponyville.

The return flight to Ponyville was considerably faster than their flight to Canterlot. Perhaps the tea gave them plenty of energy for the trip. They landed just outside the Golden Oak Library and the door opened for them. Night exited the carriage as Cora followed behind her. The carriage took off as soon as they were clear and they turned to the library just as the door slammed open with a frazzled-looking Twilight staring at them with wide eyes before the door slammed back in her face.


Night and Cora flinched at the sight.

"How'd it go?!" Twilight frantically asked as she opened the door. A large red lump now sat on her forehead.

"Twilight, you got a lump on your head," Cora pointed out. "Oh, and that Shining Armor guy says 'hi'."

"Did she like you?!" Twilight continued as if nothing was said. "Did you make a good impression?! Is she going to throw you in the dungeon before she comes to take me back to magic kindergarten?!"

"Twilight! Calm down!" Spike's voice called as he walked around her. "Sorry about that. She's been like this ever since you left."

"What's her problem?" Cora asked as she raised a brow at the lavender unicorn.

"Oh, she tends to freak out like this when it comes to matters involving the princess," Spike explained. "I try to keep her calm, but sometimes I don't know."

"You really care about the princess, don't you?" Night asked as she stepped forward with a smile.

"Seriously?!" Twilight asked with a stomp of her hoof. "She's only my teacher! My mentor! The one mare who taught me everything I know about magic! The ruler of all of Equestria!"

"This one's a few feathers short of a wing," Cora whispered into Night's ear, earning a very sharp glare from the Muneris. Cora raised her claws as if to say "Forget I said anything" as she took a few steps back.

"Hey!" a familiar voice called from behind. Night and Cora looked to see Blazing trotting up with a smile. "I heard you two got invited to the castle. That must've been exciting!"

"I'll say!" Cora agreed. "We're gonna have to go back there sometime to explore Canterlot more!" Blazing chuckled.

"Yeah, that city is quite the sight, isn't it?" Blazing observed as he looked up at the structure on the side of the mountain to the north.

"Have you been there?" Night asked.

"Yeah, I lived there for a while," Blazing answered. "My mother lives there now."

"You should take us to meet her sometime," Night suggested.

"I'm sure she'd love that," Blazing smiled. "She loves meeting new ponies, or creatures."

"Woah, slow down!" Cora interjected. "We've already got enough on our plate."

"We can manage, Cora," Night smiled.

"Making big plans?" Blazing asked.

"Only learning the entire history of the whole world," Cora joked.

"Well, we came to learn about Equestria," Night began, "we'd like to go to Griffonstone, and Celestia suggested we could learn about Muneris history here."

"Wow!" Blazing exclaimed. "That is a tall order!" Blazing chuckled. "Well, I'm sure there is no shortage of ponies who'd be willing to help you out on your journey."

"And we won't turn anypony down," Night smiled.

The entire time the three talked with each other, none of them noticed that Twilight was still rambling on about Princess Celestia and all the crazy possibilities that could happen. Blazing looked at Twilight with a smirk.

"Hey! Twilight!" Blazing called out. "Take a chill pill and read a book! Everything's fine!"

Twilight blinked at the sound of Blazing's voice before she tucked in her chin with a blush. "Sorry."