Vinyl stared at the light blue aura around the cube in front of her. "It's...somehow harder and easier than I expected," she griped.
"The 'hard' part disappears with a little practice," Sunset said. They were on one of the lower levels of the castle—the first floor, really. They stood in front of an old throne, a couple rooms away from where Fluttershy and the Pie Sisters had done the surgery on her. Vinyl sat on the throne—her choice—levitating a small, plush cube in front of her, with what looked like a firing range set up on the other end of the room, next to an open set of gates out into the courtyard.
As she watched, part of the cube crumpled inward, and she hurriedly focused less of her magic on it. The telekinetic grip eased up slightly, and the cube returned to its original shape.
"Just remember that you have an advantage over most other unicorns learning this," Sunset said.
"What?" Vinyl asked.
"You're not five," Sunset said with a wink.
"I'm seven," Vinyl answered.
"Oh. Really? I thought you were older than that."
"Look at this shiny plating," Vinyl said, gesturing at her body. "This is practically brand new!"
"Some of it is, though the patched bullet holes shouldn't be considered fashionable," Sunset replied with a smirk.
Vinyl let out a sigh sound effect. "'! Yeah."
Sunset smirked as the cube squished in again. "Get good at that, then I'll teach you how to better use lasers," she said.
"So, like—how much can I really do? I know that there's telekinesis. The lasers were new to me. Um..."
"Depending on what your Cutie Mark is, that might be it," Sunset said. "Unless your special talent is magical theory—which I doubt, you don't have the personality for it—then you'll only be able to learn a couple of tricks. Sometimes, it can be really weirdly specific combinations, too. Like, one colt I knew...he could do the telekinesis, a shield spell, based off his Cutie Mark, and he could work a light. He couldn't shoot lasers, conjure fire, or teleport." She chuckled. "Flash used to say that his real special talent was enabling my reckless behavior."
"Flash...Flash Sentry? The guy they used as a model for the Flash-points?"
Sunset nodded, still smiling.
"Wow, I can't believe you know him," Vinyl said. "Wait, you were a princess. Of course you do."
"Knew. I haven't talked to him since I left Canterlot," Sunset said quietly.
"Oh. Sorry." The cube squished in deep, letting out an anguished squeaking sound. She would have winced if she'd had the muscles, so instead she focused on her magic, saving the cube from being crushed to powder.
"He probably made it to a Wonderbolt Captain by now," Sunset said quietly. "It was just about the highest rank he could hope for. And me...I took over for the old Princess of Inquisition, and..."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's long healed. I don't need to pry that wound open again," Sunset said. "Do you mind if we stop here for the day?"
"Sure," Vinyl said, no matter how much she wanted to keep going. "I'll keep practicing with this thing. We've been at it for hours already, huh?" She hesitated. "So, um, should I worry about a Cutie Mark?"
"You probably already have it," Sunset said. "Is there any symbol you dream about often, when you power down?"
"Um...yes. A music note." Not that she was supposed to dream, really—Fancy had never been able to figure that one out.
"Not surprising. Most androids tend to get Cutie Marks with the things they were built for," Sunset said. "Rainbow's is a lightning bolt—you saw the Insignia on her shirt, right?"
Vinyl nodded, remembering the rainbow lightning symbol. "So...I'll get some sort of sound magic?"
"You can learn some sort of sound magic, probably," Sunset informed her. "Or who knows? Maybe it'll just happen. I know it did for Rarity."
"Neat," Vinyl said, leaning back against one of the throne's arms. "Maybe I could make some sort of sonic laser. Like...a sonic cannon." She let out a gasp sound effect. "A bass cannon."
Sunset scratched her chin. "You know, I might be able to make that happen. Tell you what, you decide to fight, and I'll get you a bass cannon."
"Whatever happened to it being my choice?" Vinyl chuckled.
Sunset smiled at her. "It still is. I'm just saying how I'd respond to it." Without further ado, her horn lit up, and she teleported away.
Vinyl hesitated. She looked one way, then the other, sitting in silence.
Octavia had gone off wherever, and the few other ponies that had passed by hadn't said anything. It seemed like this base wasn't put to use by the majority of Discord, so there were very few ponies wandering around. Only a couple of hallways that mostly lead to the medical room.
Vinyl sat up slowly, looking at the empty hall. "Gee, thanks," she said to no one in particular. What should she do now? Sneak back to her room? No, that would be way to awkward in the scenario in which she got caught.
Obviously, she had to find somepony—between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, neither of them would hesitate to rip her head clean off if they thought she was trying to spy.
"Hello?" she called out.
No answer.
With a groan, Vinyl got up and left the throne room. "Hello?" she called out again, stepping down the hallways. "Lost android here," she called out. She peaked into another room—an old kitchen of some sort, and with more tapestries of the ancient rulers of the castle. Vinyl was about to leave immediately, when something reflected the light from her visor. She looked in, seeing something small and silver on the table.
Curiosity getting the better of her, she slipped into the room, letting one hand trail along the table's length as she moved to the shiny object.
It was a mask, designed to cover the entire face. The imagery on the mask was a the image of a screaming mare's face, with streaks of red coming down from the eyes like tears.
Vinyl shuddered, wrapping her tail close to her legs. Diamond Duster's mask. She turned it around, examining it. There wasn't any sort of mechanics to speak of, just spots for straps to hold the mask on. She frowned. Couldn't an android just build in clips? That would even hold the mask better. No bothering with silly cloth straps.
Vinyl held it up to her face, sitting on the corner of the table. "Terror, arise," she whispered. Much to her surprise, her voice went low, distorting and turning raspy. She lifted the mask away—there wasn't any sort of machinery in it. That hadn't been the mask.
She lifted it away from her face, thinking. Could she manipulate her voice? Was that because of her Cutie Mark, or because she was an android? She quickly checked. Her voice modulator was working fine...and didn't allow for alternative voices.
Cool! Magic!
"I believe that you aren't the only thing that got lost, darling," a smooth, aristocratic voice said from the doorway.
Vinyl shrieked, jumping, holding up her hands—and the mask that absolutely didn't belong to her.
Rarity smiled. "It's owner was looking for it," she said, nodding to the mask. Unlike yesterday, she was wearing a blue skirt, and a violet, button-up blouse. The look was completed by the scarf hanging off her neck, down to her waist, and another hat that covered the top of her head. She stepped into the room, shoes clicking lightly, purse swinging off one arm.
"Sorry, Sunset just teleported out, and I got lost," Vinyl chuckled. "Then I saw this, and...well..."
"Please. There are two more just like it in case one gets lost," Rarity said, reaching out a hand. Vinyl gave it to her, and she slipped it into her purse. "It has nothing in the way of sentimental value to its owner."
Vinyl paused. The mask was not sized for a pony Vinyl's size. It seemed sized for a mare slightly taller than her, and the rumors were surely exaggerated on a number of points.
Rarity seemed to figure out what her gaze was about, so she sighed. "Go on, ask," she said in a resigned tone.
"Are you the Diamond Duster?"
Rarity grimaced. "Yes."
"So, the whole...'android with a pony heart' thing..."
"Completely false," Rarity said firmly. "But I realized that scare tactics worked well on most ponies, so I've never bothered correcting the rumors." She grimaced. "As distasteful as it is, really. Let's stick to more pleasant conversation for now, hmm?" She turned, trotting off at a leisurely pace.
Vinyl nodded, still confused, before she remembered the cube. She unsquished it, relaxing her telekinesis as she followed Rarity out.
"So, um...I have a question." Pause. "Not about...Diamond, really. About magic."
"And what even makes you think I'd be able to answer the question?"
"I don't know? Sunset said you got magic based off your Cutie Mark, and..." She hesitated. "Actually, I haven't seen you without a hat on. I don't rightly know if you're an Earth pony or a unicorn."
"Unicorn," Rarity answered. "As far as magic goes...I got my Cutie Mark when my magic decided to go off on its own, showing me to a stockpile of gems." She smiled at the memory.
"Do you think I could learn how to do that? Maybe I could help you guys find gemstones for bullets," Vinyl said.
"I'm not sure if you could, but it wouldn't hurt you to try," Rarity said slowly. "Sunset knows how, she can teach you."
"Oh, she's...done for the day. And I suppose I am still working it out with this thing." She shook the plush cube in front of Rarity, using her telekinesis. "Are you busy right now?"
"Not particularly, but I can't show you how to do the spell," Rarity said.
"But...Sunset can?" Vinyl paused, thinking about that. "I'm a little confused."
Rarity sighed, then took off her hat. She turned slightly around, showing Vinyl her forehead. Her horn was broken, with jagged points sticking up, and some light scaring around the base of the horn. "I tried to stop some ruffians from kidnapping an android. This was before I joined Discord, so...I didn't know how to fight. I didn't know how to do anything. They thought it was funny, and decided to have a little fun with a hammer and a knife." She smiled sadly. "Rarity Belle couldn't survive that torture. Diamond Duster did—at least, she survived long enough for Rainbow Dash to show up. If they'd been caught by Canterlot officials, they'd have gotten off with assault and theft, nothing more." Her grin turned a little more savage. "I daresay they got what was coming to them."
"So is that why you fight?" Vinyl asked. "For Discord?"
"I fight to make sure everypony is allowed to fight," Rarity said. "Applejack was tough, even back then. She could have wiped the floor with them if she hadn't had the violence inhibitor. She should have been allowed to."
"Thanks. This...sounds heavy to talk about."
"It is, but I'm used to carrying some weight," Rarity intoned. She put her hat back on, saying, "Besides, it'll grow back in another five or so years. It can be permanent if they break too much, but like it is, I'll get it back someday." She smiled in an assured manner.
"And I'm assuming prosthetics are a no-no?"
Rarity shuddered. "Replacing a horn? No, no, no, no, no. Replacement limbs can be fine, but the lowest end horn prosthetic would be way too close to my brain. I've heard horror stories about the damage that could do."
"And what about Sunset?" Vinyl pressed.
Rarity pursed her lips together. "Ask her if she's doing alright," Rarity answered. She continued walking, shoes clicking lightly against the ground. "Where were you headed, again?"
Vinyl sensed the change in subject, so she let the matter lie. Instead, she asked, "At this point? I think I need some time to process everything."
"Alright. I'll lead you there."
Gilda straightened her jacket, making sure the collar was flipped up, before slipping into the office room.
Behind a desk, Filthy Rich looked up in alarm and confusion, before it quickly faded to irritation. "Whatever happened to the schedule?" he asked dryly.
"It got expedited—like my men did," Gilda replied.
"Diamond, why not you go on to your room?" Filthy said, adopting a fatherly smile to look to his daughter.
Diamond Tiara—if Gilda remembered the name correctly—looked from her father, to Gilda. She stared openly at the rough jeans and the open leather jacket, before turning back to her father. "Dad--"
"Sweetie," Filthy said, "we'll talk again some other time, hmm?" Firm, but gentle in a way that had Gilda fighting back a retch. Ponies were way too damn soft, she'd always thought.
As Rough Tumble stepped into the room besides her, she amended with, Well, most of 'em, anyway.
Diamond Tiara, pouting visibly, stormed from the room. Her caretaker android slipped out behind her, keeping her visor focused on Gilda, with a small firearm poking from beneath one of her sleeves. It was one of the ones modeled like a child, but given Filthy's vast wealth, Gilda had little doubts that that thing could put up one hell of a fight.
The absolute best pampering for his little princess.
Gilda slid a chair in front of Filthy's desk, sitting down as she fought to keep her beak in a neutral expression. Well, it wasn't like Filthy could figure it out, anyway.
Rough Tumble pulled up a chair, slightly farther away, then sat down stiffly. Filthy eyed the massive Earth pony, and the rarely-seen bruises, then turned to Gilda. "So, I take it this is about what happened at the Flight of Fancy?"
Gilda nodded. "I got bad news, Filthy."
"Mister Filthy, if you absolutely must, but I do prefer Mister Rich," Filthy said stiffly. "Do explain to me why all those bits worth of ponies I hired, and gave to you to lead, why they just failed to take out a couple of cheap combat androids?"
"Two Inquisitors showed up," Gilda said. Filthy's eyes widened, the fear in them making Gilda crack a smile. "Yeah, I thought that'd get you to drop the 'stern boss' act."
"Inquisitors?" Filthy exclaimed.
"Undercover, by the looks. Earth pony mare and a ridiculous combat android. Like a souped up workhorse." Gilda thumbed towards Rough, adding, "It left all the bruises on Rough here."
Rough nodded. "I still would have killed Fancy, if it hadn't been for that thing," he said. "Hell, probably still would have, but its owner was getting her gun back out." He shrugged.
Filthy stared at them for a moment. "Did you get names?"
"I have someone tracking down the android's make, but I haven't gotten a match on the pony," Gilda said. "Of course, those are friends of mine, actually. All the rest of the ponies you hired got killed by the other two Inquisitors."
Filthy gaped. "Four Inquisitors?"
Gilda nodded. "I caught wind of the two who found the base, with some Wonderbolts right behind 'em, so Rough and I got out. I just thought you'd want to know before Rough and I went dark."
"You're going dark?" Filthy asked, frowning. "Then why come back to me? What do you want?"
"You're a good employer; the bits have been pleasant," Gilda said with a shrug. "In a year or so, when we come out of hiding, I thought it'd be nice if I didn't burn this bridge. Maybe we can do business again, sometime."
Filthy relaxed. "Of course. You've handled everything else well enough...I suppose expecting you to be able to handle Inquisitors would be a bit much. And in the sake of good relations..." He gestured to her. "I'd strongly suggest putting on a shirt under that jacket. It's indecent."
"I'd be wearing less back in Griffonstone," Gilda snorted. "Whatever. Thanks for the advice, F—Rich." She could be nice, if she chose. And it suited her.
Gilda stood, letting Rough rise behind her.
"And where will you be?" Filthy asked.
"Out of town, as fast as possible," Gilda answered. "Who knows after that?" She gave a shrug.
"That will be all," Filthy said stiffly, waving them off.
Gilda did her best to contain her annoyance, but let Rough close the door behind them since she wasn't containing it well enough.
Rough slipped into the driver's seat, saying nothing as Gilda slammed her door. "That motherfucker," she hissed. "Rat bastard."
"I take it you learned what ya wanted to learn?" Rough asked, tapping the dash with one hand idly.
"I'm certain he sold us out," Gilda snarled. "Probably in exchange for a pardon. Sucking up to the crown just for a few bits—rrragh!" She threw up her arms. "I'mma fuckin' kill him. I swear to Grover."
"So, are we actually headin' out of town, or what?"
"I told him we would to set his men on the wrong track," Gilda replied. "I want to stay in town for a day or so while I think up how best to kill that fucker."
"Ah. So where do you want me to drive?"
"Our room at the Dazzle Den," Gilda said with a sigh. "I'm stressed, I need booze and sex."
"Of course," Rough grumbled, starting the car. "Your answer to everything, right?"
Gilda rolled her eyes. "What about you? You want vengeance on Filthy too, right?"
"Yeah, but I'd really like to crush that robot good," Rough said in a low voice. "I don't like things I can't break."
"Eh, I doubt that's happening," Gilda said. "Inquisitors are a little above our paygrade, but...well, if we got the option, I'd like to fuck 'em both up, too. Tartarus, maybe I could sell that Earth Pony with 'em in Griffonstone."
"Then we're settled on that front," Rough said, pulling to a stop at a red light. "Let's worry about Filthy first, though."
"Yeah. Let's."
(think this chapter got double-posted; but it was a good one )
LOL nice catch. Fixing it now.