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#YouHadOneJob - You Had One Job, Larry!

You Had One Job, Larry!

Code Word: #YouHadOneJob

You find yourself in what appears to be a castle deep in the woods outside Ponyville, following a lead up on one of the pages from the Book of All Stories. As you approach, you quickly realize the castle is not uninhabited. Several large creatures with hairy spines coming off their backs patrol the grounds. Their blue glowing eyes peer directly in front of them, unblinking.

One of them notices you, but doesn’t seem all that interested in actually pursuing you. As you step out from the brush, the guards move along their way, paying you no mind. You step gingerly through to the entrance as the guards move out of your way to allow you passage. This is certainly very strange, but you consider yourself to be lucky.

The inside of the castle is dank and dark with very little light leading down the main hallway. As you enter what you ascertain to be a throne room, you hear the sound of arguing.

“Look, we agreed to co-own this castle, and I think the new design plans are really good,” one voice says, coming from what appears to be some form of living creature made of shadowy clouds.

“Normally I would agree, except you misspelled my name on the banner!” the other voice says. It is coming from a large white bipedal creature with blue eyes and a crown. You can see from his stature that he appears to be some form of satyr. “You had one job, Larry! One job! And you couldn’t even do that one right! It’s no wonder the other moon creatures kicked you out.”

“For the last time, my name is not Larry! It’s Shadowfright!” the shadow creature replies angrily. “And I did not mess up! You gave me the wrong specifications!”

“Uh… excuse me?” you decide to interject, waving slightly at the two. “Either of you happen to see a piece of paper floating around here? You know, it kind of looks like a page out of a spell book?”

“Who are you? How did you get in here?!” the satyr creature says. “This is the castle of the mighty Storm King! Larry, did you do something to the security?!”

“I definitely don’t know anything about how they got in here, if that’s what you’re implying,” the shadowy creature you’ve ascertained to be Larry says. “I am not always at fault.”

“The guards outside weren’t that troubled with me being here,” you say. “I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I find that page.”

“Actually you know what? I’m glad you’re here,” Larry says. “Maybe you can settle something for us. I do happen to have seen what you’re looking for, and I’ll give it to you if you can help us out.”

“Really? Involving a third party? I can’t believe you.” the Storm King says with a groan.

“Sure,” you say. “What do you need?”

“This is supposed to be a cooperative partnership here,” Larry says. “But lately I feel undervalued. I want more of a controlling interest in the business. Side with me and I’ll give you the page.”

“You mean you want me out of the business,” the Storm King says with a huff. He turns to you. “Look. I’ll level with you. This is the laziest partner I’ve ever worked with. He can’t even spell my name right! I’ll give you the page you want, but you have to agree to side with me.”

“Okay, but we have to set some ground rules here. Whoever I pick, the other has to leave,” you say. It’s a weird situation to find yourself in, but these two definitely seem like trouble if they could ever get along, so having only one present might be for the best. “Got it?”

The two nod in agreement as you make your choice.

> Support Larry. (Chaos)
> Support the Storm King. (Villain)

“Honestly? I think Shadowfright over there is probably a much better leader,” you say. “The Storm King? More like the Boring King, am I right?”

“Hah! I like the way you think!” Larry replies with a grin made of miniature clouds. “Sorry, Boring King. You heard them! Get out of here!”

“Fine. You can have the army,” the Storm King says with a growl before standing and leaving the hall.

“Excellent! Look, here’s your page,” Larry says, handing over the piece of paper. “I don’t really know what it does, and I may have scribbled on it a bit. Sorry about that.”

“That’s okay. So what are your plans now?” you ask as you take the page and stuff it into your bag.

“I don’t really know. I guess I should probably check out Ponyville and see if Rarity is still around. I wonder if she remembers me?” Larry ponders out loud.

(+1 page for Chaos)

“Well, for one I think Larry is kind of a poor worker, and he’s definitely very bad at his job,” you say. “I think the Storm King should be fully in charge.”

“Hah! You hear that, Larry!” the Storm King says. “I’m in charge! Get out!”

“You don’t have to be so mean about it,” Larry says with a sigh before floating out of the hallway.

You turn to the Storm King. “So… about the page?” you say.

“Oh, you actually believed I would give that to you? How quaint. You’re lucky I’m going to let you leave with your hide intact!” the Storm King says, glaring down at you with an evil grin. “I’m going to use the power of the page to raze Ponyville to the ground, and then it’s on to Canterlot! I’m back, baby!”

Several large guards surround you as you run out of the castle and away from the Storm King’s army.

(+1 page to Villains)

Author's Note:

I don't even have words for this one. I do love Larry (from the MLP comic run where Rarity becomes Nightmare Rarity) though.