• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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Chapter 2: Realizing What We Become...

So...so warm...this feeling...so nostalgic.

"Please, look at me."

"This feeling...this feeling of someone loving me and holding me when I said those words...

"I don't want you to hate me."

"I don't want to forget you."

Please stop looking away from me. I could be better...

"Please, Braver. Just once, say my name and smile at me."

"You're my only friend, the only one who sees me."

... I love you... I gave you all my love.

So wh y?

Why can't I have a chance?

Why do you keep forgetting me?

Why am I not enough for you?

You're all I have and all I want. The only one for me...

...don't leave me ...or I'll break...

...I'll scatter...

"Dawn, I'm right here."

Dawn looked up and saw Braver smiling—not the others but them; she was reaching out to them.

"It's okay. You're my friend. My best friend, I won't ever forget you."

Dawn's eyes went wide.


Within the darkness of the void ocean, Kemonomimi Dawn grabbed the window and looked at her pony self as if Braver loved her. She started to cry.

"Keep loving her! Please! Don't let her go!" cried Dawn as she started to break down in tears. "She needs someone to love her and hold her! Protect her and help her when no one else will. Don't let her end up like me! Give her a chance!"

Flashes of her memories filled the void with water; it was her life; it was her meeting...

"I lost my rainbow light—my reason to rise like a morning dawn every day—but I won't let the same happen to her! Love her, protect her, and keep her safe!"

Soon, the memories stopped as they froze on one memory. She looked down, and she clutched the prism window harder. The memory was covered in rainbow slime, oozing out of her chest.

"You promised! Don't forget it!" Dawn looked at the window and smiled as rainbow tears came oozing out of her eyes. "Don't break! Don't break her! Make sure she lives a happy life, no matter what. Love her. Always be by her side."

She slid down on the window, feeling her chest hurting as more colorful slime came out of her hole. "Don't leave her alone. She will be a good lover to you... She will make you so happy, as you did for me," Dawn kept watching this universe while in great pain.

"It's warm...and wet?" thought Blitz, who was in her human form. She opened her eyes and could see she was in Braver's bedroom in the library. After what happened, she was allowed to stay at Braver's home, as Braver needed her. She turned and could see the broken wall was covered with a blanket. She sat up from the hay bed and felt something wet between her legs, which she quickly turned red.

"No! I haven't wet the bed in years!" shouted Blitz within her mind as she pulled the cover off and sighed with relief as she saw Braver sleeping on her lower half, and her mane was in slime form and oozing on her. She couldn't help but giggle at how cute her sister was. "You are such a cutie."

Blitz got up and went to the bathroom, and she could see she was covered in Braver slime. It was dark black with bits of light blue and didn't stain her clothes; it was just a bit slimy and sticky. She looked at it, then back at Braver and her finger. She couldn't help but lick some of it and taste its sweetness.

Blitz laughed a bit as she turned to her sister. "Blackberry with blueberry...huh... Braver, you're so delicious."

"I love you too, Blitz," whispered Braver as she flipped over. "We'll always be one now."

Blitz quickly sighed, "Sister complex dummy."

Blitz cleaned herself and could see it was morning. She picked up the blanket and covered Braver as she was sleeping soundly. She looked out the vast window—well, hole—and could see the town as ponies and creatures were waking up and starting their day. This place is called New Ponyville, as she remembered it. She walked away, got her running leggings and shoes, and was heading to shower, but was suddenly tackled by Braver and fell into the tub.

"MORNING LITTLE SISTER!" shouted Braver.

"AHHH! Get off me! YOU'RE ALL WET!" screamed Blitz, who was trying to push her sister off.

"Hahaha, come on, let's wash together!" laughed Braver

"No way, it's weird!" cried Blitz, struggling in the tight bathroom.

Braver puffed her cheeks and said, "It's not! Little fillies do it all the time!"

"B-Braver, get off me! It's not funny!" Blitz pulled her sister's cheeks, hoping she would let go, but her cheeks just became slime and oozed all over her.

"You're right, it's not. Because it's not a joke," Braver fully turned into her slime form, giving off an evil vibe as she held up a bath sponge. "Hold still, little sister, as I scrub you clean!"

"NOOOOOOO! BRAVER!" screamed Blitz as she was fighting off Braver slime from getting her naked.

"What the hay was that?" Luster Dawn thought as she was getting ready for the day. She looked out her door and could hear screams coming from up the stairs. "Oh, Braver and her sister? What are they doing? It sounds like someone is being eaten alive." Dawn closed her bedroom door and headed up stairs to check on them.

"You are such a perv!" shouted Blitz as she quickly put on her clothes and ran away from Braver, who was chasing her like a blob of slime with a creepy face on it.

"But you need to wash in your ears!" cried Braver.

"I can do that myself!" cried back Blitz, who ran around the library, dodging the slime attacks as Braver was spitting at her.

"What the hay is going on?" Dawn watched all this as she was in the stairway, seeing the slime hitting the walls. However, the slime quickly returned to its master like it was alive. Heck, one even waved at Dawn before leaving.

Brave turned and saw Dawn and waved at her. She said, "I'm washing my little sister's ears! It's my job as her big sister!"

"Get off me!" screamed Blitz, who quickly jumped away from Braver's slime and landed on top of books, only to slide off the bookcase and crash onto the floor, only for Braver to quickly chase her down as Blitz jumped up and ran off.

"Are they sisters?" thought Dawn, watching all this with an emotionless face.

"Ahhh! Get away from me!" Blitz was being chased, only to be caught by Braver's tail and thrown to the ground as Braver pinned her down and quickly turned back to her pony form and closer to Blitz's face.

"Got you! Now stay still!" smiled Braver as she wet the sponge with her slime

"No! Let me go!" Blitz was kicking her legs and trying to break free.

"You two are so noisy," sighed Dawn as she approached them.

"Dawn! You're here!" happily said Braver as her head made a 360-degree turn to meet her, which didn't freak her out, again being used to Braver over the years, but she froze for a second, smiled, and returned, walking to her.

"So, what's going on? What was all the noise?" asked Dawn

"Nothing," answered Blitz as she pushed her sister off and got up.

"Well, it didn't sound like anything. It sounded like someone was being murdered," replied Dawn.

"Hahaha, that was me screaming from a scary siscon," nervously replied Blitz as she backed away. Braver slowly turned to her and smiled evilly again.

"A what?" asked Dawn, who never heard that word before. "Siscon?"

"Nothing; we need to leave!" replied Blitz, who turned and ran out of the library.

Braver turned her head and then her body back to Dawn and explained to her what a siscon was.

"Oh, okay..." Dawn walked past Braver, cleaning up the mess away from Braver's sight, revealing her anger in her eyes as she learned what the word meant. She's simply jealous.

"Why didn't you stop her?" asked Braver.

"Huh?" answered Dawn, not facing her.

"Stop her from leaving, silly." Braver started to help with the mess she had made, picking up the books.

"You have four legs, don't you?" replied Dawn in an icy tone.

Braver looked at her legs and giggled as she looked back up. "Oh, right! I do!"

"Hey, Braver, can I ask you something?" asked Dawn

"Sure, anything," replied Braver.

"Why is Blitz acting so coldly towards you?" asked Dawn, still not facing Braver.


"Well, I'm not going to deny it. She has been acting mean to you and has been ignoring your love," answered Dawn

Braver pushed up a bookshelf and fixed it. "It's a sibling thing! She hated it when her big sister loved her so much!"

"Hmm..." replied Dawn.

"Something the matter, Dawn? You don't seem happy."

Braver cleaned the room alone, never realizing that Dawn hadn't moved from her spot.

"I'm just... confused. You are giving her so much love, yet she's rejecting it. I would never do that to you. I'll gladly take it all! You're my one and only friend, after all. I would never treat you like trash," replied Dawn, with an evil smile, showing her true colors.

"Hehe, it's a twin thing, Dawn. Don't worry, I'm sure she will come around."

"You know I love you, right? My best and only friend!"

"I know, and I love you too!"

"And you would always love me, no matter what?"

"Of course!"

"Would you ever stop loving me?"

"Nope, not even death will do us part."

"Oh, Braver."

"Dawn?" asked Braver as she turned around, seeing Dawn standing there.

"You are my whole world."

"And you're mine...are you okay?"

"I will be soon..." Dawn turned around, giving Braver a bright smile. I'm just fixing my mane with this mirror," she said, revealing a small mirror she summoned with her magic.

"Oh, okay. Hey, don't mind if you hold down the fort for today... I have to be somewhere today. I promise I'll make it up to you. I'm so sorry, I can't stay with you today." explained Braver

"Oh, no worries, Braver. I'll take care of the library," answered Dawn

"You are the best friend I could ask for!" cheered Braver as she jumped on Dawn, hugged her, and nuzzled her cheek.

"Thanks, I love you."

"Love you more."

"I love you most."

"I love you more than most!"

"Then I must love you more than anything else," whispered Dawn as she hugged her back, never wanting the hug to end.

"Hehe, you're so silly, Dawn. I love you so much," whispered Braver

"Me too."

"You know, I'm so glad I'm friends with you, Dawn."

"Same. You're the only friend I have."

"Well, I hope we can make more soon."

"No. You have me. That's all you need. Me," thought Dawn, hugging tighter.

"I'm so happy, I can't stop smiling!"

"Yeah, me too."

Braver. as a slime passes through Dawn's grip, hurries over to the door and waves goodbye to her.

"Bye! See you later, Dawn!" shouted Braver.

"Goodbye," replied Dawn, who didn't wave but stared at her.

Braver quickly closed the door and ran off to catch up with Blitz, who created a crowd because no one had seen a human before.

Dawn stared at the door for a long time, never blinking. She raised her mirror, and without noticing, her other self was pounding the glass surface, begging her to stop but also clutching her chest.

"I'll scatter it—all of them, all the friends you made, all the family love you have—I'll scatter it and make you break. It's the only way. For me to have you, as you will need me. Only me."

Her kemonomimi counterpart started to punch the glass surface and scream, but it was useless; no one could see her.

"I love her. I truly do. But I won't stand by and let anyone come between us. I'll shatter her. She'll never leave me if she can't leave at all."

Her magic shattered the mirror, and Dawn smiled as she walked away.

Within the sea of the white void, the other Dawn kept pounding the glass window and trying to get out and save herself.

"Please! Stop it! She will be hurt! She will lose everyone, and she will be alone and broken! Please! Listen to me!" cried Dawn, trying to break the window and reach her pony self.

She stopped as she placed her head on the glass and started sobbing...until her chest began to pour out more rainbow liquid, and her sobs went from crying to laughter, and her eyes were wide and full of madness as dark covered her whole body.

"She will lose everything and be all alone. I won't let anyone take her away from me. I found them again! She is mine! ALL MINE!" laughed Dawn as the rainbow liquid started to fill the endless sea of void.

Back in town, Blitz was back in her pony form as she had enough of the town folks annoying her as they were grouping up at her. Braver was super happy, as she proudly showed off her little sister to everyone near her.

"SHE'S MY SISTER!" cheered Braver, showing off a nervous Blitz.

"Please, stop it," whined Blitz, hating the attention.

"And look how cute she is!"

"Please, stop. Ponies and other creatures are staring."

"Isn't my sister the best?"

"Braver, please."

"She's the cutest pony ever!"

"You're embarrassing me," said Blitz as she was using her wings to hide her face.

"Aww, Blitz. Why so shy?" asked Braver, hugging her.

"I hate the attention."

"Don't worry, everyone will get used to you. Like they are with me."

Blitz just wanted to leave and head back to the castle like planned, but Braver wanted to walk out of town first, and she couldn't say no to her; she wanted to spend time with her as well.

"Oh, oh, look. A cafe; let's go there and have lunch together," suggested Braver, pulling Blitz.

"It's still morning. When we come back," said Blitz, pulling her back by the tail.

"I'm hungry," whined Braver, still pulling her.

Blitz, still pulling her back by the tail, "We will eat at the castle."

"I want a milkshake."

"We will have breakfast soon."

"I want one now!"

"Braver..." sighed Blitz, turning to her and seeing her as a long streak of slime, as her upper body was still back at the cafe. Soon, town folks started to slip on the slime as they walked by, not noticing it.

"Please. Just one. It will be really quick. Please!" shouted Braver from afar.

Blitz sighed. "Fine, fine," she walked up to her and saw the slime returning to its master.

"Yay! Blitz the best!" cheered Braver as the slime started to pull her sister in.

"Braver, stop it," said Blitz, but she wasn't fighting back; she gave up.

"But I'm so happy," smiled Braver as she sat at the table.

"I can tell, but your slime is spilling out," replied Blitz as she saw a dragon waitress tripping over the slime and tossing the drinks on a couple.

"Oh, whoops. Sorry," Braver blushed as she scooped her slime back up and into her.

"Sorry about that." apologized Blitz.

"It's alright, miss. It happens. Classic Braver," smiled the waitress as she left.

"So, what will you like?" asked Blitz, opening the menu.

"Hmmm, how about this one? You'll enjoy it! I'm buying!"

Blitz nodded and watched as Braver called the waitress from before and ordered the drinks. Though Blitz was confused, the waitress blushed and smiled as she left.

"Is it just me, or does that waitress like you?" asked Blitz, pointing at her.

"Hmmm, what do you mean?"


"Like, like? Oh, like a friend?" answered Braver with a happy smile.

"...no, like 'love you.'"

"Ooooh...family love?"

"No, more like a lover, love."

"A what?" asked Braver as she tipped her head to the side, not knowing what Blitz was trying to tell her.

"You don't know what love is?"

Before Braver could answer, the waitress returned and placed a huge milkshake on the table. She turned to Blitz and gave her a thumbs-up, confusing her until she saw a heart-shaped straw in the middle of the shake. The dragon waitress quickly ran off, giggling.

"...what is this?" asked Blitz, seeing the heart-shaped straw.

"It's a milkshake with three scoops of vanilla ice cream, four strawberries, five cherries, a lot of sugar, and a special love heart straw," Braver said with a smile.

Blitz looked at the mountain of ice cream. "This is not a milkshake. This is a drink of diabetes,"

"Hehe, I know, isn't it cute? I have always wanted to buy one, but it's only for couples! But you are here now! We can do a couple of things, too! We're sisters!"


"Drink up!"


"Drink up! Drink up! Drink up!" chanted Braver, cheering her sister on.


"Drink up! Drink up! DRINK UP!" chanted Braver as she gave off an evil look and pounded the table hard. "Sister always shares! Let's drink it together!"

"Braver, can't we just..."

"Nope! It's for a couple only! So, you have to drink it with me, your sister! Now, drink it, or I'll force you!"

Blitz started to sweat as her sister gave her the evil eye. She and her sister slowly took a sip, and the milkshake was going down slowly. Soon, Braver pulled something out of her slime: a camera. She took a picture of them drinking like a cute couple.

"Nope, I'm out," Blitz said as she stood up and walked away, ignoring her sister's cries to return.

"Hey, where are you going?" cried Braver, following after her.

"Anywhere but there," replied Blitz, looking for an escape.

"But why?!"

"I'm not doing a couple of things with my sister! Stop being a siscon!"

"But this is so cute."

"No, it's not."

Braver got mad at her and angrily told her, "Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Because it's weird."

"It's not weird!"

"To me, it is!" Blitz turned to her, looking upset but also blushing.

Braver held up the drink and shook. "Come on, Blitz."


"Come on!"


"Come on, Bli-"

"...you okay?" asked Blitz, with an apprehensive tone in her voice, catching Braver off guard.


"Are you okay, Braver?" asked Blitz again as she approached her.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?" Braver started to melt as she smiled.

Blitz put her hoof on her sister's cheek and gave her a worried smile: "Don't lie to me—not after what happened last night. Talk to me. Are you scared for today? Are you afraid of the session with my mom?"


"If so, don't worry. She's not that bad. She got her license and has been helping one of my friends back in my universe. She also got it to help me, to help me if I ever get triggered, and she needed to understand what to do when it happens."


"I'm not sure if you're the type to like that kind of stuff or if it even exists here, but it helps. Trust me, I had my first session with her years ago when I got triggered, and, well, it's embarrassing to talk about since I'm telling my mom everything, but she didn't act like my mom; she acted like a real professional therapist who just listened to me and made sure I didn't harm myself. That's what she will do with you, Braver. Make sure you don't hurt yourself, and make sure you're happy and help deal with...you know..."

Blitz took the drink and set it down. She waited for her sister to say something to her. "Come on, say something. Anything,"

"...you're right."


"You're right about me... I'm...scared. Very scared, in truth, Blitz. I don't want to have a therapy session. I'm not too fond of the idea of telling someone about my life and that person has seen what I did in the past. Worse, it's another mommy."

"... another mother? You see Twilah as a mom?"

"Well, yeah, she's a mom, after all. It's like Discord said to everyone that day when he showed them their other prime selves. 'The multiverse is the place where anything can happen. No matter how far you change—in name, body, or whatever—it's still the same person. You are still the same, deep, deep down inside. It's always you.' remember that? Mommy is always mommy!" explained Braver as tears started rolling down her face and onto her body, forming back into her.

Blitz smiled, hugged her, and let her cry.

"Thanks, sis. Thanks for helping me through this. Thanks for understanding me. Thank you..."

"Come on, it's okay. You're alright, Braver," smiled Blitz as she rubbed her sister's head.

"I'm a bad twin... I shouldn't be making you worry."

"No, you're not. You're not bad. You're a great sister."

"I am?"

"Of course."

Braver returned to her happy self, picked up the drink, and finally started to leave with Blitz and head off to the castle.

"Spike, can you move the patient chair over here?" asked Twilah, still in her anthro form.

"Gotcha, Twi," answered Spike as he moved the chair quickly after growing up so big and well-built.

"Spike, can you move the desk to the right? It's off-center now with the patient chair," asked Twilight as she checked to make sure everything was well placed. This old storage room is being used as a therapy room for her daughter.

"Sure," answered Spike again as he moved the desk.

Dash walked in and over to Twilight, who was still triple-checking everything. "Twi, it's fine. Everything looks fine."

"You're right. It's perfect," replied Twilight.

"No, the picture is off-center as well. Spike?"

"On it, Twilight," answered Spike, who was putting something away and hurried over to the picture.

"I'm Twilah." Twilah quickly corrected Spike.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that you two are alike and even sound alike. I can't help but get the wrong name."

"I know. I can't even tell my wife from Twilah," replied Dash as she laughed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just what I mean, sweetheart. I can't tell which one you are. You're both the same to me," Dash simply answered, kissing Twilight on the check.

"Dash, she's not like me. You can easily tell us a part," Twilight replied with a deadpan look and tone.

"True." Dash started to feel like she was about to start something and started to sweat.

"Dash, are you saying you can't tell me or your wife a part?" Twilah asked, looking upset.

"What! Of course not. I'm just playing around, Twilight. I mean, Twilah," corrected Dash as she started to sweat and felt Twilight's dagger glare.

Dashie walked in with the potted plants and knew where to leave them; she knew her girlfriend very well.

"Dashie, move the plant to the other side; it will better fit over there."

"Alright, love."

Dashie picked up the pot but heard an upset cough from behind her. She turned and saw Twilah tapping her foot. "...What's wrong?" asked Dashie, ignoring Dash, who was behind Twilah and waving no at her but facepalming as she heard her talk.

"You spoke to me." Twilight walked up to Twilah's side, also a little upset.


"Even you can't tell us apart?" questioned Twilah, a little upset.


"You two can't tell us apart."

"I'm sure I can...right Dash!" shouted Dashie as she saw Dash trying to leave the room and pulled her back inside.

Dash flew to her face and whispered, "Dude! WHY!?"

"If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me! I know you started this!" whispered Dashie back.

"I did not."

Spike wasn't sure what to do. Should he leave or stay? He was told to prepare everything, but Twilight told him to stay. So he stayed in the corner...and watched the poor Dash's suffer.

"Okay, we're going to play a little game. Are you two ready?" asked both Twilights at the same time.

"No," said both Dash, sweating.

"Good. Turn around." both mares asked.

Dash and Dashie did what they were told and faced a wall.

"You both have 10 seconds to guess who's talking to you: Twilight or Twilah. If you fail three times, we're not talking to you for a week," they both said at the same time.


"And no cheating either. got it?"


"Let's start!"

"Okay, we're ready!" said Dash and Dashie, facing the wall.

"Okay, here goes. Who's ready for a fun time in bed later?"


Both Dash and Dashie started to sweat a storm when they heard that. They were too scared to answer, but they had to.

"Can't be Twilight; she doesn't have the guts to say that. It's Twilah!" Dash answered, still freaking out but hopeful.

"Oh, like how you don't have the guts to say those words to me? It was me, by the way," answered Twilight, sounding angry.

Dash started to sweat more as she got it wrong. "I'm sorry!"

"Strike one for Dash. Spike, put that down."

"Right, Twil-" Spike quickly stopped as he looked up, seeing both mares glaring at him, realizing he had almost stepped on a land mine. "Right. Dash has one strike."

Twilight and Twilah both talked, as it sounded like they were enjoying this "Now, the next one."

"Here goes. I love it when you run. It turns me on."


"Dashie, are you blushing?"


"You had it; it was me, but I wasn't asking you that question. Dashie got a strike." angrily said Twilah

"I'm sorry!" shouted Dashie, blushing and sweating.

"Here goes. When we first met, I knew you were the one for me."


"It's Twilah. There's no way Twilight can say that."

"Sorry, Dash, but it was Twilight. Strike 2 for Dash."

"What!? It was Twilight!" shouted Dash as she turned around, seeing Twilight blushing and mad at her.

"Dude, really?" asked Dashie, punching Dash on the shoulder.

"What? How did you know?"

"Because Twilah isn't the type to say something like that, it should be more like, 'When we first met, you were the one who saved me. Thank you.', right?" asked Dashie, turning to her Twilight

"You are right," answered Twilah, sounding happy and blushing.

Dash, not believing this, "What? Really?"

Twilight looked at her counterpart and Dashie. She started to feel jealous of the two. "Okay, turn around.".

Both girls turned around.

"I love you..."



Both girls had no idea who said it. They looked at each other, realizing they were so freaking screwed.

"You both are terrible at this. How can't you tell us apart? Even our kids can. I'm not letting you touch me."



Both girls knew that question was a trap and a way out. They had to guess, so they thought.

"Twilight!" answered both at the same time.

"Correct, it was Twilight."

"Yes!" cheered Dash and Dashie happily.

"But both of you have two strikes," Twilah gave Dashie a glare of death. "So, you can't figure it was me, huh?"

Dashie gulped as she heard Twilah's upset voice.

"Okay, turn around."

The girls turned around and faced the wall again.

"Here goes."

"When you said 'I love you,' it filled me with a feeling I had never felt before. I was so happy... I didn't care if I died right then and there."

Dashie tried to guess, but she noticed Dash sitting there, looking sad.

"Dash? What's wrong?" asked Dashie.

"I'm sorry." said Dash as she turned around, seeing Twilight looking away, looking hurt.

Twilah and Dashie were more confused, as Spike said Dash had three strikes, making her the loser. Before they could say anything to them, they could hear the girls coming down the hall, causing everyone to forget what just happened and wait for them to go in, which was Braver's tackle hugging Dash to the ground.

"MOM!" shouted Braver.


Braver wagging her tail like a dog and rubbing her cheek against her mother's. "Hello, sweetie." Dash is happy to see her daughter being her normal self.

"Braver, honey. Get off your mother." smiled Twilight as she used her magic to pull her off, setting her in front of Twilah. "Honey. Twilah will help you until we find a way to get her and her family back home, which we need to talk about, but not now, so don't worry. Alright."

"Sure..." answered Braver as her ears dripped down and her body melted.

Twilah bent down and looked into Braver's eyes, asking a few questions. "You've been a good girl, Braver?"

"Yup!" answered Braver.

"Nothing is making you feel uncomfortable."


"You know, your mom and mommy love you very much. Okay?"


"You don't have to worry. You are safe here."

"I know," whispered Braver, returning to normal.

"Good. Before we start, everything that is said here stays, okay? Unless you want to hurt yourself, others, or your family. So, unless they need to know something significant, like self-harm or other important things, nothing is leaving this room, but don't worry; if they ask me for stuff during the session, I won't tell them."


Twilah stood up and showed her the long chair to lie on, asking her to sit. As she sat down, everyone started to leave, making her scared.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going? You can't just leave! What's going on?" shouted Braver

"It's okay, sis. This is how things go. Relax, okay?" Blitz said, walking back into the room and sitting next to her.

"B-Blitz, why is everyone leaving?"

"It's because we can't know what you tell my mom. What you say here stays between you and her, remember? It's the rules."

"I don't understand."

"Don't worry about it. You'll be okay. I promise. Just do your best."


Blitz turned around and walked out with the others, shutting the door behind her and leaving Braver with Blitz's mom.

"Well, hello, Braver. I'm Twilah Finkelstein. Nice to meet you." kindly said Twilah as she sat in the chair beside Braver.

"Nice to meet you, too."

"How are you feeling? Is there anything I should be concerned about?"

"Not really. Just a little nervous."

"Alright. You may have some questions. So, let's start there. I'll answer what I can. Okay?"


"Good. Now, what do you want to know?"

"OH! How was it like raising Blitz?" shouted Braver, excitedly.

"W-what!" replied Twilah, catching her off guard by the question.

"Yeah! How did you raise Blitz?"

"Well, it was a lot of hard work and..."

"Did you teach her how to use her powers, like flying and changing form?"

"Well, we taught her the basics as best we could since we saw your mother's memories and..."

"Like, what did you do?"

Twilah stopped her by raising her hand to her mouth. "Braver, when I asked questions, I meant what we would do today. We can talk about Blitz after this, okay?"

"Okay," replied Braver, sitting back down, all sad

"Good. Let's start with the CBT."

"What's that?"

"CBT stands for cognitive behavioral therapy. It's a psychotherapy treatment used to relieve or change troublesome thoughts and feelings."

"That's...a mouthful."

"I'll try to make things simple for you. This is how I can help you. With what we will discuss here, will it help you be a better pony? Slime? Both!"

"That's why you wanted everyone to leave. So, it was to make me feel comfortable talking about personal things. Like Blitz was saying."

"That's correct."

"That's a smart way to help others. I like it."

"Thank you. Alright, Braver. First, I need to know more about you before I can help you."


"Okay. First question: have you ever had a nightmare before?"

"Of course."

"And can you describe this nightmare to me?"

"I dreamt that I was back in my mommy's garden. She was happy; she was alive. Even when she told me she loved me, she was dying again right in front of me. I was screaming that I was sorry. I killed her again! I KILLED HER AGAIN!" shouted Braver as she broke down crying.

"There, there. It's okay. It's just a dream," Twilah replied, petting her and holding her close.

Braver cried into her chest, hugging her back. She knew it was from the past, when Breaker killed Nightfall that night. Braver was only protecting Blitz, and Nightfall hurt them after seeing their slime form for the first time. Nightfall only did that as her fear took over. She saw her memories; she regretted them, like how Twilight regretted hurting Braver last night.

"I killed her," sobbed Braver.

"Shh...shhh. It's alright. It's okay. You didn't mean to."

"But I did! She was scared of 'us,' and I only wanted to protect Blitz from the pain she felt in her body and also her heart. It was hurting me, too."

"What are you talking about, honey?"

"When mommy was alive, she was kind and loving to Blitz. I saw all the love they gave her as I watched Blitz. I felt jealous, but I was happy for her. She is me, after all. I wanted to protect her, but I never saw her hurt, so I contacted and talked to her. To the point that we started to become one that night. Mommy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Braver, can you tell me a few things about what you've been through?"

"W-what did I go through? What do you mean?"

"Like, before meeting your mom's? Like, where did your 'slime' come from? Prime Discord talked about it. Do you know where you're from?"

"Oh, that."

"Yes, that."

"I don't want to talk about that."

"That's okay. Let's move on to the next part."



Twilah pulled out her book and started to write a few things as Braver sat up and looked at her.

"Hey, Twilah."


"Do you love Blitz?"

"Of course. More than anything."

"Did you hurt her?"

"Excuse me?" said Twilah, looking at her with anger.

"Blitz. Did you ever hurt her? Did you hit her when she was bad or yell at her when she didn't do her homework?"

"Oh...no, never. Dashie was always the one to help her with homework and other things. She never did that; trust me."

"You never helped her with anything? You never did anything to help her?"

"I did. I was the one who took her to the doctors for her shots and the dentist when her teeth were hurting her."

"No, I mean, be around her. Like spending time with her. Reading her a book, doing arts and crafts together, or taking her out to play."

"Well, I was busy working."

"Too busy?"


"So, you're the breadwinner."

"T-That's correct."

"So, how many jobs do you work at?"




"Hmmm...okay. Mommy is a princess! It's her one job as well! Even though she's ruling Equestria, she's always made time for me! Even when I don't ask. You two are truly alike!"

"That's great; we're each other's counterparts after all!" stuttered Twilah, as she realized Twilight was the better mom here, as they were nothing alike in that department.

"I'm glad. Sorry for asking! Just wanted to check if my sister was in good hands with you, momma!" Braver smiled at her, which took Twilah off guard again as she heard Braver call her 'momma.'

"It's alright. We're just getting started, okay? Let's get back to it." Twilah fixed her glasses.

"Okay. I'll answer anything."

"Good. Now, when did the dreams start to happen?"

"Oh, it was when mommy taught me to fly when I came to live here!"

"You mean Dash, right? Can you start calling them by their names? It will be easier to keep track," asked Twilah as she was writing stuff down, and Braver nodded. "So, can you give me full details that day? The day when you learned to fly?"

"Oh! Yeah!" smiled Braver, nodding as she remembered it all like yesterday. Dash was teaching her how to fly by jumping off a cloud and catching her if she wasn't flying. It went on like that until she was able to fly without falling. Dash was so proud of her! "Dash was smiling at me! She was so happy that I could fly!"

"Good, good. And how did that make you feel, Braver?"

"Oh, I felt so happy!"

"Why did it make you happy, Braver?"

Braver was quiet as her eyes went wide, making Twilah notice this.

"Braver? Are you okay?" Twilah asked, and Braver just looked at her. "Braver, please tell me. Why did learning how to fly make you happy?"

"It was the third time... I was facing Mommy again... I was happy...happy that she would kill me," Braver smiled as her memory of Dash flashed between Sky, when Sky fought the slime in the kingdom of night, and then later, in the kingdom of day.


"I didn't want to hurt her or anyone anymore... I didn't want to kill her again. I just wanted to make her smile."

"Braver, snap out of it!"

"I DIDN'T WANT TO BURN HER AGAIN!" Braver held her head as tears fell from her face, and the ground rumbled. A dark aura surrounded her, and her pony ears and tail faded.

Twilah jumped back and looked at Braver in fear, as her past took over her mind. Twilah quickly wrote something down, nodded to herself, and shouted at Braver.


"NO!" shouted Braver, crying harder, but her ears and tail started to return as the aura left, making Twilah sigh. "No, I'm not scared of her. I'm not," Braver cried as Twilah sat back down and nodded.

"Yes, yes, I know. Let's talk about this, huh?" said Twilah as she suddenly heard yelling from outside the door. It was Dash yelling.

"LET ME GO TWILIGHT! Don't you hear her crying! SHE NEEDS US!"

"Dash! Twilah said not to go in there, no matter what happens, unless she calls for us!"


Suddenly, Dash broke through the doors. Twilight's magic held her down, but she didn't care; she needed to be there for her daughter.


"Mommy!" Braver saw Dash and flew to her, but suddenly saw flashes of Sky, slowly being burned alive by her rainbow aura. This caused Braver to fall backward, screaming, "STAY AWAY! GET AWAY!"

Twilah noticed she was having a panic attack, wrote something down, and shouted to Twilight and Dash.

"Get out now!"

"What?! No, I need to."

"She's having a panic attack; you triggered her! DAMN, IT!" shouted Twilah at Dash, as she was enraged by her actions in coming in here.

"But she needs..."

"SHE'S SCARED OF YOU! OUT! NOW!" shouted Twilah angrily, causing Dash to be confused.

Twilight knew she had no choice and teleported Dash away with her. They were finally, leaving Twilah and Braver alone. Dashie and Blitz were outside and saw what happened. Blitz was about to go to her sister, but Dashie stopped her.

"No, you might make it worse. Let Mom handle this; trust her."

"Okay," sighed Blitz, as she didn't want to cause any more problems. She saw her mom shut the doors with her magic.

Twilah was holding Braver back inside the room, rocking her back and forth.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here. It's okay, it's okay."

Braver was crying, her eyes out, and hugging her.

"I-i-I'm sorry! I'm sorry, mommy, I'm sorry!"

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, it's okay. Let's start with diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in and out. Good, good, again. Breath in...and out."

For five minutes, Twilah taught Braver diaphragmatic breathing to calm her nerves and relax. Braver was starting to feel better, and the aura was entirely gone.

"You alright now, sweetie?" asked Twilah, smiling, causing Braver to smile.

"Yeah, thank you."

"Good, now let's do the progressive muscle relaxation next. I want you to take a deep breath slowly and exhale slowly."

"Okay, like this?"

"Very good. Now, tense up every muscle and hold for 10 seconds. Then, release and repeat. Keep going until I say so."

Twilah was holding a timer as Braver slowly tensed up her body.

"Tense, 10 seconds. Relax for 5 seconds. Good. Again. Tense, 10 seconds. Relax for 5 seconds."

They kept this up for a few minutes until Twilah stopped the timer.

"Very good. Now, can you feel your body slowly relax?"

"Yeah, yeah, I can feel it. I feel so much better. Thank you, Mommy!" answered Braver, wagging her tail.

"Good, now I want you to do this when you start feeling overwhelmed, okay? It will help to reduce your stress and anxiety."


"Now, I'm going to tell you something important, and you're not going to like it, but you need to hear it." Twilah had a severe face, causing Braver to nod. "Your feelings are valid. I can't tell you to stop feeling a certain way or try to eliminate those feelings. But I can teach you how to manage those feelings so they don't take over you."

"You...can? So, it's okay that I love Mommy so much?"

"Yes, it's okay. It's wonderful that you love your mom so much. She loves you too, so much." Twilah smiled, causing Braver to smile as well. "You just need to understand that love is a two-way street. You can't love someone else without loving yourself first. If you don't, you're only going to end up hurting yourself."

"I...don't understand."

"Well, for example, you can't give 100% of yourself to someone else if you're only giving 10% of yourself."

"Oh, I think I get it. If I'm putting myself first, I will be able to put others first. Right?"

"Right. It's straightforward to become codependent and lose yourself in a relationship. You must ensure you're always taking care of yourself before caring for others."

"Codependent? What's that?"

"It's when you rely on someone else to make you happy. And when you're not with them, you're miserable."

"Oh. So, I should love Mommy but not be too dependent on her."

"Exactly. It would be best if you learned to stand on your own two feet. I mean, four hooves. Wait, two wings? Whatever, you get it, right?" asked Twilah as she scratched her head.

"Heh, yeah. I do. Thanks, Mom."

"Of course. I'm always here for you. Now, let's try this again, okay?"


Twilah sat down in front of Braver and took out her notes.

"Good. Now, let's talk about these flashbacks you're having. Tell me, Why do you think you're having these flashbacks?"

"Um, well, I guess because I'm scared of losing mommy again. Just like when I lost my other mom."

"I see. Tell me, why are you afraid of losing her?"

"I don't want to lose her because I love her. Both of them. They're my moms, the ones who saved me. You and the others saved us! I can't lose them, not again. I could not live with myself if I lost them again. Not when they're the reason I'm here."

"The reason you're here? Do you mean the reason you were created?"

"No, no. I was created to break things, but that's not it. She's the reason I'm still alive. Again, all of you are the reason we're here. If it weren't for you guys, Blitz and I, we would've died."

"Oh, Braver, I didn't know you felt that way. Did we save you? Or did we just bring you back?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, yes, you were brought back. But was it because you wanted to be brought back? Or were you forced back?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Braver, seeing Twilah's upset face.

"Tell me, do you believe in fate?"

"Fate? What's that?"

"Fate. Fate is the concept that everything in the universe happens for a reason. There is a set plan for everything and everyone. That nothing can ever be changed. Do you believe in that?"

"I, um, I don't know. I know I was created, but was it because I was fated to be born?"

"That's exactly what I'm asking. Someone told us that there were rules in the multiverse—that things were meant to happen, no matter how bad or good; it was fate, and we weren't allowed to chanything. Do you believe that?"

"I don't know. It sounds like a lot to take in. I mean, if everything's fated, then does that mean mommy is fated to die?"

"Hmm, well, not necessarily. Remember, fate is just a concept. I believe it's not set in stone. There are plenty of things that happen in life that are outside of our control. We can't predict the future like how your mothers came to us and set off everything, bringing all of us to you and Blitz. They fought against fate to save you two. Again, did we save you or bring you back by force? Because if the latter is true, then it means we just brought you back from death and made you suffer. Are you suffering, Blitz? ...did we..." Twilah suddenly stopped as she realized she was crying and calling. Braver, by her sister's name


"I'm sorry, Braver. It's just that I can't bear the thought of making you or Blitz suffer. If everyone were here right now, we just couldn't handle the thought of losing you two. Your mothers gave everything to bring you back and make sure you lived. You earned this life, but it would've all been for nothing if we made you suffer."

"Mommy..." whispered Braver as she got up and ran towards the door, causing Twilah to stand up.

"Braver! Wait! Where are you going?"

Braver pushed Blitz into the room, walking back to Twilah.

"Blitz told me she has what I have. We might be suffering, but..." Braver looked behind herself, seeing Blitz confused.

"We're suffering together. That's what we want. If we're going through something, we want to go through it together, not alone. You and everyone saving us weren't for nothing! You did save us. You saved us together. You didn't force us to return; we came back alone!" yelled Braver.

"To be with you, both of you. Because we love you!" Blitz finished as she realized what was going on. She, too, said this to her. "Mom, are you still thinking that?"

Twilah Horn started to flash purple on its own, releasing a memory; maybe it was her element of magic at work.

Twilah started to remember a few years back when she asked Blitz about not saving them but making them suffer...

"Your mothers gave everything to bring you back and make sure you lived. You earned this life, but if we made you suffer, it would've all been for nothing. Are we making you suffer, sweetie?"

"Mom," said Blitz, as she saw her mom crying as she sat in her chair. She didn't know why her mom was acting this way, as she'd been like this for a few weeks after having a session with her when she had a bad trigger, and Blitz couldn't get her to stop.

"Blitz. Tell me, is it wrong that I don't feel like a real mother to you? I keep thinking that if I hadn't saved you and your sister, none of this would've happened. None of this would've been real. If we didn't save you, you would be at peace and wouldn't have to deal with me and Dashie. We would've never known you and wouldn't be a family. We wouldn't be making you suffer like this. Blitz, sweetie, am I your mother? ...am I doing more harm than good? I just feel like I'm not being a good mother to you. Am I? No, I know I'm not. I'm the reason you suffer, the reason you have PTSD. If we didn't save you, would it have been better?"

"Mom! Don't say that!" shouted Blitz as she sat up from the long chair.

"Why not? It's the truth. This life isn't what your mother wanted for you. She wanted you to have a good life, not a life of trauma. Maybe, if we hadn't saved you, you would've had a better life in de-"

"Stop! Please, don't say that; please, please stop!" yelled Blitz as she ran into her mother, wrapping her arms around her, crying.

"Please don't leave me. I need you. Please, I don't want you to go! We'll suffer together. That's what I want. If we're going through something, we should go through it together, not alone. You and everyone saving us weren't for nothing! You did save us. You saved us together. You didnrce us to come back; we came back on our own!" cried Blitz as Twilah remembered her daughter's words. Her horn stopped flashing, and the memory disappeared.

"To be with you, both of you. Because we love you!" Blitz finished, hugging her mom tightly, as she could feel her mom hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, Braver. I just realized it's been bothering me for a while now, and I couldn't get rid of it."

"It's okay, Mom," whispered Blitz as she hugged her while Braver smiled, but Dashie looked upset.

After a few minutes, Twilah was okay again and told Braver they should stop here for today.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, about all of this. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"It's okay, Mommy; it helped me... I want to keep doing this. Can we?" asked Braver with her puppy dog eyes.

Twilah giggled as she said yes, they can do this again in two days, but she lowered herself to her and said, "Listen, Braver, if you feel like a trigger is coming on, you need to tell us or whoever you are with it. No one is going to judge you or hate you. We will understand and help you through it, no matter what. Do you want a safe word? So, we can know if you're in trouble, and be careful what we do or say to you."

Braver nodded as she thought of one.

"Dawn..." blushed Braver.

"Dawn?" said all three.

"Your friend's name? This universe, Dawn? Why?" asked Twilah, confused.

"Because that's when I feel happy and don't want to see or hear the bad things, so I'll say her name. She'll make me happy."

Twilah closed her eyes and smiled. "Yup, both of you are twins," thought Twilah as she turned to Blitz, who was smiling, as her daughter's safe word was the same and for the same reason.

Soon, Twilah asked them to head to the garden, as they needed to talk about how to get home and other things. She told them to go ahead while she finished up here. Both girls left, but Dashie stayed behind and shut the door.

"Dashie, why are you?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Dashie, as she didn't turn to her, as she was still holding the doorknob.

"...what are you talking about?"

"That, you felt like that!" shouted Dashie as she turned to her, tears in her eyes.

"You think you weren't good for the Blitz? You felt her, and Braver was better fucking dead, right? Right?! How could you feel that way? Why would you think that?" Dashie was crying now.

Twilah was silent, just staring at her.

"We're a team! We're in it together! We should talk about this! Instead of you keeping it to yourself like that, that's not a team! We're supposed to work together and support each other! I should be there for you, yet I didn't even know until now that you felt that way!"

"Dashie, you couldn't do anything about it. Besides, it's all in the past."

"What if I could do something? What if I could've stopped it? Or at least, comforted you or helped you through it?"

"You couldn't-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" screamed Dashie as she stood there, clutching her fist. Twilah was very surprised, as she had never seen Dashie so mad. She started to feel small. "Why do you keep putting me down? I can do things! Yet, you never trust me! Am I that much of a failure to you?"

"No, of course not! You're a great"

Dashie glared at her as she slowly walked up to Twilah, making her even smaller. "Don't. You. Dare. Lie. To. Me. Am I a failure? Tell me the truth. Am I? You still feel that I am, right? Not going pro in the running!"

"...no...you're not..."

"Then why do you put me down? Why do you treat me like I'm a weakling? Huh?! I'm not weak!"

"I know! But I want to protect you!"

"Protect me!? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dashie, calm down; you're overthinking things. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You know, I love you."

"You can't love me and put me down! That's not love! You're treating me like I'm a child, not your girlfriend! Is that what I am? A child? To you?"

"No! You're not! Dashie, please, let's stop this. It's getting too far."

"Too far?! Is this too far? After all that, you can't even give me a straight answer! What do you see me as?"

"Dashie, please, you're acting-"

"LIKE WHAT?!" shouted Dashie

"LIKE MY FATHER!" shouted back Twilah, as this took aback Dashie.

"What are you talking about?"

"Dashie, my father, used to scream and shout at me and my mom. He would hit us. If my mom talked back to him, he would beat her. Even if I said the right things, he would still beat me. You know that. I can't stand yelling and screaming, especially in the house. I told you this. I told you not to raise your voice in the house or scream at the top of your lungs. If you do, you'll trigger me, like before. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to scare you or have you look at me like my father did."

"How...did he look at you?"

"...like you are doing right now."

Dashie took a step back. She felt ashamed and was staring at Twilah the same way her father did.

"Oh, my god... Twilah, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Don't worry about it. You were mad and wanted answers. You're just like me. We don't like to be lied to or treated like kids."

Both kept quiet until Dashie put her hand in her pocket, felt the wedding ring box, and clutched it hard.


"I need to run for a bit," Dashie said, running out of the room, leaving Twilah alone. She felt like a failure and that she had hurt the most wonderful person in her life.

"Sorry," whispered Twilah as the door slowly closed behind Dashie.

Meanwhile, Twilight teleported Dash and herself into the AJ barn.

"Why are we here?"

"I just thought of whatever, and it happened to be this place!" Twilight sat on the hay-covered ground. "Why? Why didn't you listen to me? You saw how she acted! You hurt her! ...just like I did."

Dash sighed. "Sorry, I just didn't want her to be alone! I wanted to be there for her! I don't know if we're good parents. I mean, the way Braver acted, we failed her. We should've noticed her triggers. I thought we would've been a great team, a great couple, and the best moms ever. I guess I was wrong."

Dash sat down on the hay-covered floor and started to cry, which made Twilight's heartbreak in sadness.


"Twilight, I'm sorry. You should be with someone better than me."

"But I love you. And only you. There is no one else like you. I didn't have any feelings for anyone else but you. I only love you." Twilight used her magic to carry Dash to her, hugging her, "I love you, Rainbow Dash."

"I...I...I like you too," stutters Dash, causing Twilight to shake her head.

"Why?" asked Twilight.


"Why can't you say "I love you" to me? I told you that I loved you. But why can't you say "I love you" too? Even right now, when I'm pouring my love out to you, You can't even say it right now. Am I not good enough for you?"

"NO! Of course, you're good enough! It's me; that's not good enough!"

"How are you not good enough? You're my lover! My wife! You're amazing in every way possible! What's stopping you from telling me that you love me?"

"...because I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what? Me? Loving me? Me not loving you? What are you afraid of?"

"Everything!" yelled Dash as Twilight looked at her, confused.

"I'm, afraid. I'm not good enough for you. I'm scared that you might leave me for someone else. I'm scared that if I told you that I loved you, then something would go wrong. You would realize you don't love me and want to break up. If I did tell you, "I love you" now, then that would cause you not to love me."

"Oh, Rainbow," whispered Twilight as she hugged Dash tightly while crying.

"I love you. No matter what, I love you. No one can change that. I'm not leaving you for someone else."

Dash pushed her away. "You don't know that! You don't know that!"

"Yes, I do!"

"You don't know anything about the future, nor do I! You could be thinking of leaving me for some other mare! Behind my back!"

"You think I would cheat on you? REALLY!?"


This took aback Twilight as she took a step back.

"You can have anyone and anything. You're the princess of friendship; you could get anyone—even Celestia. You could have her if you want! Even Cadan-" Dash couldn't finish as Twilight slapped her for the first time ever.

Dash looked at her and saw how hurt she was.

"Is that what you think of me?" cried Twilight as tears poured down her eyes.

"No, no, it's not."


"Because I'm scared! Scared of losing...you," Dash realized she was doing something right now. "Twilight, I'm so sorry."

"No, you are not. If you're scared, then you should be with someone else. If that's how you feel about me."

"I'm not saying you would, Twilight. You're the best thing in my life besides Braver and the others."

"I can't take this. Dash, I can't take being with some pony who can't say, "I love you," because she thinks I'm a... I can't even say it. I can't deal with this right now." said Twilight as she opened a portal.

"Twilight, wait! Let's talk-"

"About what? The fact that you're scared of losing me? Do you think I would cheat on you? And the fact that you think I'm a..." Twilight shut her eyes as she could bear to say, "Please don't follow me. Just let me be alone," Twilight walked through the portal, and the portal disappeared, leaving Dash alone.

Dash fell to her knees as she started to cry. She cried and cried until she couldn't anymore. She wiped the tears from her eyes, looked up, and saw the sun in the sky. She smiled and laughed at it, as she thought it was funny. "Hahahaha, hahaha...ha...it's just a sun. You have all the time in the world when you have to move it... I don't. Twilight, I'm sorry. I'm scared of losing you. I am trying to figure out what to do without you. You're my life. I can't lose you. Not, again." Dash's worst fears were coming true, and she didn't know what to do to head back to the castle...

Soon, in the castle garden, the twins enjoyed lunch as the maids brought them food. They soon noticed Twilah and Dash walking to the garden without their partner and were wondering why.

"Hey, Braver, is your mom okay?" asked Blitz, who was confused.

"Why wouldn't she be?" asked Braver.

"I dunno; I mean, isn't Twilight supposed to be with your mom? In fact, where's my mom?"

Braver and Blitz looked at each other and started to feel bad about this. Dash and Twilah sat down and put on a great front, acting like nothing had happened between their lovers.

"Okay, girls, we need to know. How did you get that prism window?" asked Twilah as the twins looked at her and then at each other.

"I just appeared in front of us one day, and we saw each other," answered Braver.

"Then you just didn't question it? It just popped out of nowhere," asked Dash as the twins nodded.

Twilah touched her chin and said, "This is odd. Nightfall explained that the prism windows can only appear in the wall of between, not within the universe. How did one end up in both worlds? ...And why was it for you two? It's as if someone wants the two of you to meet again."

"Someone like who?" asked Blitz, confused.

"Maybe..." whispered Twilah, remembering wanting to ask Prime Discord a question before he left but couldn't, which was about the person he was talking about.

"Hey, wait a minute," whispered Dash as everyone turned to her. "You said both of you could see each other, right?"

"Yeah?" asked the twins.

"That's impossible; prism windows aren't two-way. It's like watching TV. It's not really a true window," Twilah explained.

"Then how did we hear each other? How could we talk to each other?" asked Blitz.

"That's the thing. They can't. Unless..." Twilah started to put things together and was going to say her theory, but Braver quickly finished her theory as she spoke.

"Unless they can fuse as one! That has to be it!" shouted Braver as she jumped out of the chair, put on her glasses, and explained her theory. "If a prism window could fuse with another, they could become a real window! It's a real doorway. It wasn't a crack in the walls, but a window! So, we fused a prism window with another, which means it can go back and forth! We can always see each other!" shouted Braver as she hugged Blitz, who was just as happy as her.

Twilah was shocked and could only smile at how smart Braver was. "Wow, she was thinking what I was going to say."

Dash puffed her chest out, proud of her daughter. "Well, she is a smart cookie but also takes after Twilight." Dash quickly remembered Twilight and became sad, but she quickly shook it off.

"Okay, so how do we find it again? Did we scatter it? Is it gone forever?" asked Blitz

Braver shook her head. "No, even though we smashed our way through, I felt myself getting stuck when I reached out to you like it was repairing itself... I believe they're off in the wall of between and recovering. But the problem is, will it return to us after repairing itself? Maybe it's waiting for a sign to come back to us."

Twilah felt bad—like another multiverse crisis was about to happen. She turned to Dash, who had the same feeling. They both turned to the twins and felt worried. Without realizing it, they held each other by the hoof/hand, and when they did, they quickly let go and blushed.

"Sorry, Twilight. I mean Twilah," whispered Dash. as she corrected herself.

"It's fine, Dashie. I mean Dash," whispered back Twilah, both blushing harder.

They both sighed and stood up, turning to the twins and walking up to them. Twilah put her hands over her daughter.

"What is it, mom?" asked Blitz.

"It looks like we've been staying here for a while. Have fun with your sister. See the land. Think of this as a summer vacation. Have fun for now and play catch-up with her. If someone truly brought the two-way prism window to you, they'd bring it back again. It's just a feeling, but I feel it's true. Go, be sisters," answered Twilah, who gave Blitz a motherly hug. Blitz returned the hug, kissed her cheek, and stood up from the table. Dash got up and walked up to Braver, who was going to hug her too, but Braver quickly had flashes of Sky and started to call out Dawn.

"Braver? What's wrong?" asked Dash, confused.

Twilah quickly ran to Dash and pulled her away, holding her as she explained Braver's safe word.

"What's a safe word?" asked Dash, still confused.

"It's like a word you say when you can't handle what's happening—a word to make everything stop and to calm down, to tell others to stay away for now and be careful with what you say—like a code. I'll explain why she's feeling like that since this will impact you," whispered Twilah.

"Huh?! Why will it impact me?" asked Dash, getting out of the hold.

"You'll see," answered Twilah as she watched Dash walk up to her daughter, who was breathing heavily and somewhat melting. She was having flashbacks of her fights against Sky.

"Braver, listen, calm down. Just breathe," Dash said, holding out her hoof to touch Braver's, which was like holding a warm goo.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but...stay away!" Braver ran from Dash's touch to the middle of the garden and kept repeating Dawn as she tried to do the stuff that Twilah taught her. Dash, for the first time in a very long time, felt alone until Twilah bent down to her and told her it was okay.

A heartbeat skips... Dash was scared again. She didn't want this feeling she suddenly had, but she didn't want to be alone.

"Running out of time..." whispered her voice as her midlife crisis returned. "You are running out of time. Be with someone! Anyone!"

"Shut up," thought Dash, closing her eyes.

"You are alone..."

"I'm not."

"You're going to die alone."

"Shut up."

"She won't love you."

"She will...again."

"But...maybe Twilah will? It's Twilight, after all."

"Shut it!"

"She left you."

"Shut up," thought Dash as she hung her head in shame while Braver repeated her words.





In the library, Dawn could somehow hear Braver's voice, hearing her calling out to her. It was making her smile with joy and love, and she wanted to hug and kiss her, to be with her one and only friend in the world.

"I'm coming, Braver." Dawn smiled as she looked up to the window. "I'll protect you! So look at me!"





Within the dark sea of the void, the other Dawn was holding the prism window and sending out Braver's cries to her pony self. She was smiling, as another voice mixed with Braver's voice; it wasn't the same, but somehow it was. She was listening to it. It was calling out to her.



Her chest started blasting out more rainbow liquid as the voice began to cry in pain as it kept calling her name. She started to laugh and was smiling.

"DAWN! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" cried the voice, crying harder as the rainbow liquid started to leak from her back now, as she could see the memories of that day.

"DAWN! STOP! STOP HURTING ME!" the voice was in pain, as the rainbow liquid started to drip from her eyes, as she was now remembering the fight and was beginning to smile, as she was finally going to see her again, even if it was a memory.



Dawn pulled her head back as she started to cry and laugh.

"I see you. My reason to rise," smiled Dawn, as tears were leaking from her eyes and the hole in her chest had a faint glow like the core wanted to come back.

"Dawn, don't forget; you will never be alone." the voice said, as for a few seconds, Dawn returned from her madness and talked to no one.

"You were my reason. Why did you leave me?" whispered Dawn as her chest glow faded. "But don't worry. I found you again."

Dawn stood up and smiled. She touched the window and stroked the image of Braver and Blitz.

"I found my rainbow comet again."

End of Chapter 2

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