• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 5,790 Views, 88 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal - moviemaster8510

A crossover of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and my fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus.

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Chapter 1: Summoning


Sunday, June 17th, 2012, Unknown Location, Equestria


The dark-cloaked pony walked through the center of an empty, candlelit chapel. The pews were crafted from mahogany and the walls were white as snow. The floors were made of a smooth, black-and-white checkered surface, the only thing muffling the pony’s steps was a red carpet leading to the alter at the front of the chapel.

The pony continued forward, the only intelligible features anyone could make out through its cloak were its light-khaki forelegs and hooves, the long, pointed horn that protruded from the hood over its head, and the large, majestic wings that rested at its side through the holes in the cloak’s mid-back.

The cloaked pony finally stepped forward and peered upon the contents of the alter: a hardcover copy of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. The pony stared upon the cover, an image of the titular pegasus Daring Do in her trademark olive-green shirt, her white pith helmet with olive-green band, her mustard-yellow coat, her greyscale-rainbow mane and tail, raspberry colored eyes, and a compass rose for a cutie mark.

With her right arm, she gripped for dear life onto a vine over a pool of water, where three expectant alligators waded, one of them already leaping out of the water towards the nervous pegasus. In her free left hoof, however, she held onto a blue, sparkling statue of a two-headed Anubis, presumably the Sapphire Stone the book was named after. The alicorn glossed its hoof over the cover.

“Hmhmhm,” giggled the alicorn in a masculine voice, “what thrilling adventures await you?”

Using his horn’s magic, the alicorn flipped the book open to a page with a picture of Daring Do being confronted by her nemesis, Ahuizotl, on the outskirts of a thick jungle.

Ahuizotl was a dark-purplish-blue creature that looked to be a mix of other animals. He had a dog-like body and a rectangular dog-like head with narrow and pointy cropped ears. His arms and the four-fingered hand-shaped limb at the end of his long tail were much more like an ape. His three hands, fur from his chest to his belly, his eyebrows, and his jaw were a cornflower blue, the latter being armed with a jagged set of teeth.

His small, yellow eyes with black, pencil-thin pupils were scrunched to the center of his face, only separated by its small, cat-like nose. On the back of his neck was a short extension of black hair. It wore an ornate gold choker around his neck, a pair of gold and red armbands on his biceps,a red and gold earring on his left ear, and a crown shaped bracelet on his tail. There were also some light purple patches of fur on the sides of his back.

Charging up his horn with a green aura, the alicorn cast a green spell at the book, knocking it to the floor while still staying on the page it was on. The alicorn walked away, chuckling as the book began to move. The picture on the page started pulling itself up, like someone or something was trying to poke or break its way through…

Monday, June 18th, 2012, Union Station, Chicago IL, USA


A Metra train pulled into the terminal for Union Station, allowing its many passengers to get off when the train finally stopped. Two of the first people leaving the front car were Alex Yuwell and his best friend Tom Emmitt. They sped up to avoid the wave of other passengers behind them.

Alex and Tom dressed in their usual attire: black blazer, red Ed Hardy t-shirt, black pants, and black shoes, with his spiked brown hair for Alex, and a white t-shirt, khaki pants, red Converses, and curled blonde hair for Tom.

“God,” exclaimed Tom, “I love going into the city by train! There’s so much nostalgia to it.”

“That’s great,” said Alex, “but we’re here for more than sightseeing around the city. Kyle wanted to show us something.”

“Yeah, yeah,” scoffed Tom.

“Listen,” said Alex, as they continued to walk through the station and its various stores and vendors, “I know how much you love the city, and I promised you that we’d do some stuff afterwards, but right now, business comes first.”

“We better get some Garrett’s cheese corn.”

“I’ll make note of that.”

Alex and Tom walked from one of the station’s exits, bringing them into the outdoor, urban air. The sky was cloudless, the only thing besides endless blue that could be seen was the Equestrian planet that had been orbiting earth for nearly a month and a half.

Date Unknown, Heartland City, Japan


“The World Duel Carnival ended just yesterday,” spoke a newscaster on the TV in a room filled with numerous archaeological finds, “but it seems that its passing has brought chaos to Heartland City.”

A montage of clips were then shown. A boy with a purple blazer and long purple hair glowing purple as he summoned a never-before seen monster, a younger boy in a blue suit with half of his face replaced by a technicolor aura, the sudden appearance of a duelist with spiked red and gold hair in an extravagant white and red jumpsuit, and the destruction of both the Duel Tower and Heartland Tower.

Watching the television was a slender and somewhat translucent humanoid creature. The left half of its body was an icy blue while most of its right half was glowing bright white. It didn’t appear to be wearing any clothes, although any signs of gender were completely ambiguous. Its body and face was covered with seafoam green markings, along with blue bead-like attachments on its joints.

Its ears were elven in appearance, its eyes bright yellow, and a pair of long, dangling earrings hung from its ears. Its longer hair was the same color as its body, which was pulled back and over its head. It was floating in midair in a sitting position, watching the images on the TV.

As the humanoid watched the events of yesterday, a young, skinny human boy around fourteen was sleeping in a hammock. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt with red sleeves. His hair was mostly black, minus the two red spikes of hair protruding from the front of his head and pulled towards the back. His black hair also had two spikes shooting off from each side of his head. Around his neck was a gold, triangular shaped pendant with a green, circular gem at the broader end bordered with more gold.

The boy continued to rock in the hammock, still asleep, until he began to tip out. Finally, his rocking caused him to fall from his bed onto the wooden floors.

“Ouch…” the boy muttered in a raspy voice, opening his red colored eyes.

“Oh, Yuma,” exclaimed the humanoid in a seemingly apathetic voice, “you’re up.”

“Astral,” addressed Yuma to the blue creature, still somewhat uncomfortable about his awakening. “What are you doing watching TV?”

“This ‘TV’ was playing The Sparrow last night and I was watching it. However, it now seems to be playing this.”

Yuma watched the screen as it showed more footage from the day before. Yuma smiled bright upon seeing his name being announced as the World Duel Carnival Champion.

“Yeah,” reminisced Yuma aloud, “we really showed our kattobingu yesterday, didn’t we?”

Astral, whose face was mostly emotionless, couldn’t help but smile with his friend.

“Yes,” he agreed, “we did.”

“You know,” said Yuma, lying with his back on the floor and his arms under his head, “it still really bums me that Kite beat us yesterday. Sure, I still get the official title, but in our hearts, we both know that he’s the true World Champion.”

Yuma then glanced at the television, which just happened to catch a glimpse of the purple haired duelist making his self-sacrificial loss in the semifinals to Yuma. That’s when it hit Yuma, causing him to spring to his feet.

“That reminds me,” he stated, rummaging through his room.

Meanwhile, at a café in the colorful city of downtown Heartland, a pale-skinned, purple haired boy around Yuma’s age was sitting at one of the outdoor tables by himself, drinking hot tea. His hair was long, allowing it to be shaped like octopus tentacles that draped off to the sides (three on each side), along with an odd, ice-blue “W” shaped pattern that ran above his forehead. His eyes were blue like sapphires.

He wore an open light-purple blazer with green diamond shaped buttons on both sides with ice-blue cuffs with green diamond-shaped gems on them. Underneath was a dark brownish-red V-neck t-shirt that revealed a metallic shark tooth necklace. Along with black pants held with a belt and a buckle shaped similarly to an infinity symbol, he wore fancy white slip-on shoes with black soles and three green gems at the tip of each shoe. On his right hand, he wore two silver rings on his ring and pinkie fingers.

As the boy took a sip of tea, he heard a beeping coming from his coat. Upon reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a strange device. It resembled a monocle, but the top and left side frame was white with a small, yellow horn sticking out from the end, while the bottom frame was green. The actual glass of the monocle was red, and on it, flashing in yellow letters was the word “Yuma.” The boy clicked the name, bringing Yuma’s face onto it through a video chat.

“Yuma,” confirmed the purple haired boy in a stoic tone.

“Shark!” shouted Yuma, happy that his friend answered his call.

“What do you want?”

“Hehe,” giggled Yuma. “I want to duel you, of course.”

“Duel?” asked Shark in a slightly surprised tone.

“Yeah. I don’t think we really settled things at the World Duel Carnival yesterday, and I want a rematch!”

“Yuma, I appreciate the offer, but you won that duel fair and square.”

“Don’t kid with me! Vetrix was controlling you for most of that duel! Plus, if you activated Heraldry Catastrophe instead of Marine Snow Seal, you would have won that duel. I want to see who’s really better between the two of us. Now that Vetrix and Dr. Faker are no longer threats to us, this is going to be a fight just between us.”

Shark smirked, amused by Yuma’s ambition.

“Alright,” he relented with a smile, “I accept. Where do you think we should duel?”

“How about the Heartland Train Station?”

Shark seemed more surprised by this answer.

“That’s where we dueled for the very first time,” he said. “When I was possessed by Number 17: Leviathan Dragon. And you acquired Utopia for the first time.”

“Yeah,” confirmed Yuma, “it’s going to be great!”

Shark smiled again.

“Meet me there in one hour.”

With that he clicked the screen again, placed the monocle in his pocket, and continued drinking his beverage.

Back in Yuma’s room, Yuma held onto his own monocle device that he used to call Shark. His was much larger than Shark’s, however, with a white frame and a yellow and white bottom frame. The glass on it was green. Yuma clenched his fists, and began to squeal happily, excited over the planned duel.

“Yes!” shouted Yuma, “I’m dueling Shark!”

“Yuma,” said Astral, floating down from the ceiling, “you do know that you still could have won that duel yesterday.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“If you had summoned Utopia Ray and used its effect instead of activating Bonds of Rival, you could have been victorious.”

“I know that!” shouted Yuma in a burst of anger, calming down almost immediately. “But if I didn’t take Shark Drake Veiss away from him, he would continue to have been consumed by Vetrix’s ambitions.”

Astral smiled at Yuma, pleased at Yuma’s concern for his friend’s well being. Yuma continued talking.

“Shark is too valuable of a friend for me to abandon him like that. I’m sure he feels the same way about me. Otherwise, he’d never activate Marine Snow Seal. Without my friends, how could I have possibly made it as far as I did?”

Yuma’s serious and calm demeanor was then replaced by his happy and energetic self.

“Either way, we will settle things at the Heartland Train Station.”

Yuma then leapt into the air, his hand held above his head.

“Kattobingu-da, ore!” he shouted.



Alex and Tom entered the Faustian Industries headquarters building, heading through the spacious lobby to the front desk.

“Next time,” groaned Tom, “we take the El.”

“Walking doesn’t cost anything,” said Alex. “Plus, I’m going to want to maintain my healthy weight over the summer, and doing nothing but dueling isn’t going to help me out there.”

They both reached the desk where the female receptionist was ready to greet them.

“Ms. Faust and Mr. Penn are expecting us,” stated Alex.

“Name?” she asked.

“Yuwell and Emmitt?”

After typing the names into the computer, the receptionist pointed at the elevator.

“Push the button labeled ‘T’,” she said.

“Thank you,” said Alex.

Tom and Alex walked into the elevator, pressed the button, and stood patiently as the doors began to close.

Upon reaching the top floor, Kyle was there to greet them. Instead of his usual buttoned blue trenchcoat, he wore a formal shirt and vest combo with his red hair combed neatly.

“Alex! Tom!” he called. “You made it!”

Alex and Tom greeted him back with a firm handshake from each of them.

“Please, come,” beckoned Kyle. “There are some things that I wish to show you.”

Alex and Tom followed him through the hallways of the building until they came across a door which Kyle unlocked and opened. Inside was a white, laboratory-like room, except it was far roomier and spaced out.

From the table in the side of the room, Kyle took off two white, circular devices with four colored lights divided by quarters: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. There was also a black button in the center of the lights. The devices were nonetheless small enough to fit in Kyle’s palm.

“Here’s a new invention that we’ve come up with,” explained Kyle. “It’s called a Duel Rezzer. It’s light, it’s portable, it has a battery life of three days, it–”

“You know,” interrupted Tom, “I’m really intrigued about the mini Simon Says as you are, but can you just tell me how the damn thing works?”

“Of course. Let’s say that you go to a place where there are no hologram projectors to duel with. The Duel Rezzer will project them for you, like so.”

Kyle pressed the black button in the center, causing the machine to whir to life. Kyle then threw the machine like a frisbee to the floor while placing the other one back down. Instead of crashing, however, the disc began to hover and spin about an inch off the ground in a clockwise motion, the four lights now becoming a blur. The object then began to fill the room with the holographic aura, surprising Alex and Tom. Alex also noticed that the device was now gone.

“Hey,” exclaimed Alex. “Where did it go?”

Kyle then walked up and knelt down to where the Rezzer was.

“It’s got a cloaking device in it so it won’t become an eyesore for the rest of the duel.”

Kyle picked up the invisible Rezzer and pressed the center, turning it off and making it visible again.

“These are our prototypes, but Lauren and I wanted you to have them first before we release them in a couple of weeks.”

Kyle picked up the other Rezzer and handed both of them to Alex and Tom to take.

“Thanks,” said Alex.

“Kyle,” called a woman’s voice on the intercom.

“What’s going on, Lauren?” asked Kyle.

“Orion has picked up a duel in Nebula 329 again, and he’s shown up.”

Kyle then looked at Alex and Tom.

“You want to see something really cool?” he asked them.



The train station was quite busy, many of the international duelists from the World Duel Carnival having stayed the night and were returning home. However, on the large, circular platform just outside the station building was Yuma, Astral, and a young girl about Yuma’s age. Despite the number of people around, no one took notice of Astral.

The girl was in a collared, white, sleeveless dress with light-red sides and back that cut off at the thighs with a brown belt around the waist. She wore a red bow around the collar of her dress. She also had black thigh-high stockings and red slip on shoes with large white soles. Her hair was dark green and swooped over the right side of her side of her head with two lighter green extensions in her bangs. She also had a bulbous bun on the left side of her head that was held together by a pink ribbon.

Yuma was also dressed differently. He wore a purplish-blue sleeveless shirt with a large seafoam-green “D” decorated on it. Over it, he wore an open red leather vest with a white hood in the back. He wore a black elbow pad on his right elbow and a thick, dark purple bracelet with cyan beads outlined in red. On his right hand, he wore a brown, fingerless glove. He also wore a large black belt with white, square buckles on the front, back, and right side with a red case that hung on the left side. Yuma’s pants were white with a flame decal that ran along the baggy shins. His shoes were black and blue with white straps over the top of the foot.

“Geez,” muttered Yuma, disappointed, “where is Shark?”

“Calm down!” yelled the girl, “he’ll get here when he gets here. Not to mention, you’re going to pay for not telling me you were dueling! You’re just lucky that I bumped into you on the way here.”

“Don’t remind me, Tori” moaned Yuma over his friend’s blunt behavior.

Yuma then saw a dark purplish-red vehicle ride towards him. It resembled a motorcycle, except the only wheel was a large black ball in the back. The front was long and pointed. It’s rider wore a black helmet with a red center that had protective eyewear with red lenses attached to it. From the purple hair that stuck out from the helmet, it was obvious that it was Shark.

Shark parked his motorcycle along the edge of the platform, took his helmet off, dismounted his motorcycle and walked over towards Yuma, stopping about twenty-five feet from him.

“Shark!” shouted Yuma. “You made it!”

“Yuma,” accounted Shark. “Tori. Astral.”

“Astral?” asked Yuma. “You mean you can see him too?”

“Yeah!” called Tori from behind. “Don’t you remember the fight with Dr. Faker?”

“That’s right. And you were able to talk to Astral yesterday,” he said to Tori.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Shark. “Because at the end of the day, it will be me who will come out on top.”

“Ha! Dream on, Shark!” said Yuma, throwing a red D-Pad tablet into the air.

However, this tablet was smaller, that was until it unfolded itself and elongated, bringing it to full size. Shark threw his blue tablet into the air, it unfolding as well. Both Yuma and Sharks' tablets landed and attached onto their wrist dealer/graveyards, where they both unsheathed their zones.

“Duel disk, set on!” they yelled in unison.

Yuma then threw his monocle device into the air, where the back slid out to become a headset that wrapped around the left ear. Yuma placed it over his left eye. Shark casually placed his on his left eye as well.

“D-Gazer, set on!” they yelled.

Tori wore a D-Gazer as well, it being more circular in appearance. The main color matched Tori’s red parts of her dress while the glass was a golden yellow.

Suddenly the area began turning purple with green numbers rising from the ground. The numbers soon disappeared as the purple aura disappeared too, the crowd of nearby people being isolated from the duel as well.

“AR Vision” called a robotic woman’s voice, “link established.”

As Yuma and Shark continued to set themselves up, a young man, a boy, and a robot were walking by. The young, pale-skinned man wore a long, zipped-up black coat with a purple center, shoulders, and cuffs, along with red lining. Underneath was a tight grey turtleneck with a red gem on the chest. Over the coat, he wore a black belt with similar buckles on it similar to Yuma’s including a case, but his were a light purple. He had tight white pants with black, shin-high boots that had large golden cuffs. He had blonde hair that was pulled back and up, along with a forest-green, crown-like hairstyle that ran along the front of his head where his hair met, going from ear to ear. He had ashen-colored eyes. He looked to be about four to five years older than Yuma.

The boy was small for his age and had the same skin tone as the man he was walking with. He wore a zipped up purple vest with various orange buttons on it. The vest cut off just above his waist, revealing a cyan, sleeveless shirt. He wore dark-purple pants with black shoes, along with two purple armbands on his wrists. His hair was a light blue and longer in the back, reaching the back of his neck, along with three orange, button-like clips in the front of his hair. His eyes were a warm golden-yellow.

The robot was cream colored, traveling along its four wheels held by two triangle shaped appendages. It’s main body was cone shaped, with two arms coming from where the shoulders would be, although there were no fingers. On each side of the robot’s head were two large mushroom-shaped bulbs with light-orange centers. Its ‘face’ was trapezoid-like in appearance with two red lenses for eyes, the right eye being larger than the left. It stood at about the young boy’s height.

“Brother, look!” called the young boy, pointing towards Yuma and Shark. “It’s Yuma, and he’s about to duel! Can we watch him?”

The young man smiled at his younger brother.

“Of course, Hart,” he replied.

“Hehehe,” giggled the robot in a high-pitched metallic voice, “Yuma is going to lose badly, just like he did to master Kite.”

“Orbital 7! That’s enough!” yelled the Kite to the robot. “Come!”

“Understood!” complied the robot, following the two to a place where they could watch.

As Yuma and Shark stood, ready to duel, Yuma glanced to his left. Hart, Orbital 7, and Kite stood on the sidelines. The area around Kite’s left eye was now covered in a blue tattoo that reached his ear, his normally grey eye now turned red. Hart wore a grey D-Gazer on his left eye while Orbital 7 didn’t have one at all.

“Kite! Hart! Orbital!” called Yuma to his other friends.

“Yuma. Don’t go embarrassing yourself this time,” said Kite with a blank expression on his face.

“Don’t worry, Kite. I’m going to bring it to Shark.”

“Go Yuma!” cheered Tori.

Shark and Yuma finally drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they both yelled.



Alex, Tom, and Kyle walked into a large boardroom, the only person inside being a woman with a buttoned-up plaid shirt, blue jeans, black slippers, and straight, red hair. She was watching the beginning of Yuma and Shark’s duel on the large TV in the back of the room.

“Glad you could make it, Kyle,” she said without even turning her head.

“Sorry, Lauren. I was busy showing them the Rezzers.”

“That’s quite alright. Please, have Alex and Tom take a seat. The duel has just started.”

Alex and Tom took the two closest seats next to each other as they began to watch the duel. Onscreen, Yuma appeared to be setting a monster and placing a card face down.

“What is this?” asked Alex. “This isn’t the world where the Numbers come from, is it?”

“It is, actually,” answered Lauren. “Usually, we can just hack into the databases of every card manufacturer on this world for card information, but these duelists are special.”

“Special how?” asked Tom.

“Just watch and see.”



The hooded alicorn stood by one of the stained glass windows of his private chapel, looking out through it.

“It should be returning any second now…” he muttered



Alex and Tom were glued to the screen. Tom was focused on Shark, mainly because his ace monster, Number 32: Shark Drake, was a card that he used to own too. Alex focused on Yuma, whose dueling spirit matched his own.

“Didn’t I tell you this was cool?” asked Kyle.

“Mmhm,” replied Alex.



Shark soon began glowing purple, his body brimming with otherworldly energy that was prepared to summon his ultimate monster.

"My turn!" yelled Shark, drawing his card. "Draw!"

Shark's Number 32: Shark Drake began to change, its arms and fins receding into its body until it was shaped like a large crimson shark tooth with a bright ellipse in the center.

"I use Shark Drake as xyz material to chaos xyz change!"

A galaxy-like portal opened up from above Shark Drake, allowing it's sealed form to fly into the portal from the tip up. Upon entering, the portal exploded in an array of neon-colored lights.

"Show yourself! Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss!"

A blue, swirling whirlwind appeared, with it a white, seven-pronged star with a purple center. Each of the prongs shone and elongated until they formed into a bulky, white, bipedal, anthropomorphic shark.

Cont. from Yuma vs. Shark

Cont. from Shark’s Turn: Shark overlays Number 32: Shark Drake (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100) to chaos xyz summon Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100). Shark activates Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss’ effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can target one Shark monster in his graveyard and have an opponent’s monster lose ATK equal to the banished monster’s ATK, banishing Number 32: Shark Drake to have Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000) lose ATK equal to Number 32: Shark Drake’s ATK (ATK: 2500 -> 0).

Shark attacks Number 39: Utopia with Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss. Yuma attempts to activate Battle Break, destroying the attacking monster and ending the battle phase, but Shark activates his quick-play spell Shark Spark from his hand to negate the effect of Battle Break and destroy it. Yuma then activates Damage Diet, taking half of the damage this turn.

Yuma’s Life Points: 1500 -> 100

Yuma then activates his face down Xyz Double Back, special summoning the destroyed xyz monster along with a monster with ATK equal to or lower than the special summoned monster, special summoning both Number 39: Utopia and Gogogo Golem in defense position (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1500).

Shark places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-800 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Sticking to defending, huh?” questioned Shark. “Hmph. Your tactics won’t work on me forever, Yuma.”

“Go, Yuma! Win!” cheered Tori.

“Yuma!” cheered Hart.

Kite watched Yuma with intensity, expecting a turnaround coming soon from him.

“Shark,” exclaimed Yuma, “my life points are now below 1000, and Utopia’s on my field. If I summon Utopia Ray, you’re finished.”

You can certainly try, thought Shark.

Yuma, thought Astral, watching the duel, I hope you’re prepared for his trap card.

“Let’s go!” yelled Yuma. “With this final draw, my destiny will finally be shaped. Ready, Shark? Because here I come. Kattobingu-da ore!”

Yuma’s Turn: Yuma tributes Gogogo Golem to summon Chachaka Archer (ATK: 1200 DEF: 1800). Yuma activates Chachaka Archer’s effect, destroying one spell or trap card on the field, choosing Shark’s face down card.


Utopia began to transform similarly too, parts of his body, including his arms, wings, and shoulder pads folded in until it formed into a white and gold, ovular sword-like structure with a blue orb in the center, floating above the ground.

"When my life points are lower than 1000," spoke Yuma, "I can use Utopia as xyz material."

The transformed Number 39: Utopia floated down into a similar galaxy portal, which also exploded upon it entering.

"Chaos xyz change!"

Another sword-like structure similar to the one that went into the portal appeared. However, the main color was now black with a golden top and silver bottom. It began to unfold into a bulkier, black version of Utopia, although its wings were much larger and it had a massive sword on its back.

"Appear, Chaos Number 39. Emissary who changes chaos into light! Utopia Ray!"


Yuma overlays Number 39: Utopia to chaos xyz summon Number C39: Utopia Ray (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000).

Yuma activates Number C39: Utopia Ray’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Number C39: Utopia Ray’s ATK increases by 500 while a monster his opponent controls loses 1000 ATK, choosing Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss (ATK: 2500 -> 3000) (ATK: 2800 -> 1800).

Yuma was getting pumped. With one last statement, the duel would be his. Shark grimaced, knowing that his loss was imminent.

“Now, I attack Shark Drake Veiss with Uto–”


Green electrical sparks erupted from the center of the dueling field, scaring every one of Yuma’s friends.

“What was that?” asked Kite, holding the frightened Hart close.

“Is something wrong with the augmented reality?” asked Shark.


Everyone jumped again. Yuma was getting irate now, taking off his D-Gazer.

“Alright, what’s going on…”

Upon taking his D-Gazer off, many people around him stared in his general direction. Yuma was confused.

“I wonder why everyone is looking over–”


There were many green bolts now, causing many people to stray back. Yuma, like them, were able to see the bolts outside the augmented duel, making him wary.



“What’s going on?” asked Lauren as she watched the screen glitch repeatedly.

Lauren got a phone call from upstairs. She immediately recognized this as the department that monitored the Orion satellite that was currently observing the duel.

“What is it?” she asked in a concerned, but serious tone.

“There seems to be some heavy interference with the satellite,” answered a man on the other line.

“I realize that. Can you tell me the source of the problem?”

“From what we could gather, a large amount of magic is surging from the northern part of Equestria. And the last time a surge of Equestrian magic this powerful interfered with the Orion satellite, we ended up sending Equestria here.”

“Have you tried shutting it off?”

“Yes, but the system has frozen. I can’t shut it off now without damaging any of the equipment, and even that would take some time.”

“You mean…”

“Yes. We should expect some visitors.”

“...Thank you. Goodbye.”

She immediately hung up the phone, picked it back up, and dialed for the front desk.

“What’s wrong?” asked Kyle.

Alex and Tom also looked concerned with Lauren’s nervous attitude.

“Listen to me,” demanded Lauren. “Stop the elevators and have them drop off at the nearest floor, now!”



“Guys!” Yuma exclaimed, “this isn’t part of the duel! Something’s wrong!”

Shark, Tori, and Hart took off their D-Gazers while Kite’s faded from his face, bringing his red eye back to its normal grey.

“Brother,” whimpered Hart.

“It’s okay,” cooed Kite, “just stick close.”


More bolts.


They continued to come with greater numbers and higher intensity.

“Everyone!” yelled Shark at the crowd, “get out of here!”

Everyone did as they were told.

“What is happening?” observantly asked Astral to himself. “Could this be a threat from the Barian World?”

Before he could ponder further, the entire area began to be covered in green light, which began to encircle around the pavilion and extend into the sky, trapping Yuma, Astral, Shark, Tori, Kite, Hart, Orbital, and Shark’s motorcycle. Tori ran to the wall nearest her and felt it with the palm of her hand, only for it to be solid to the touch.

"It's no use!" she exclaimed. "We're trapped."

Yuma and Shark then began to levitate up into the air, getting a rise out of Yuma.

“Wahaho!” he exclaimed nervously. “I’m floating!”

Shark too began to feel uneasy about his predicament.

“Yuma!” cried Tori.

As she stepped forward to help her friend, she found herself floating upwards too. Kite, Hart, and Orbital were soon being pulled upwards as well.

“Brother!” screamed Hart in fear.

“Orbital!” yelled Kite. “Do something!”

“Un- Understood!” it spoke.

Using wires that extended from its “hands,” Orbital roped Yuma, Shark, Tori, Kite, and Hart and anchored itself to the floor with its remaining wires. Astral floated towards Yuma.

“We’re safe!” exclaimed Yuma happily.

Suddenly, a force began to pull at everyone, forcing Orbital to hold onto the ground for dear life. Shark’s motorcycle was pulled into the force, bringing it upwards.

“My motorcycle!” he exclaimed.

Kite continued to hold onto Hart until he felt the force pull Hart away from his grip. Before Kite could let Hart be sucked up, he grabbed at his wrist, leaving it the one thing separating Hart from an unknown fate.

“Ow!” yelled Hart.

“Hart!” yelled Kite.

“It hurts!”

Kite could feel how hard the force was tugging at Hart, and he wouldn’t allow him to be hurt anymore, no matter what.

“Orbital!” ordered Kite. “Save Hart! I can’t hold onto him!”

“I can’t, Master Kite!” desperately explained Orbital. “If I let one my wires loose, I won’t be strong enough to anchor us to–”

“Just do it!!”


Orbital let one of the wires holding him to the floor detach itself. However, as Orbital predicted, the force was too strong for the other wires to hold onto him, causing the others to snap off the ground one by one until they were all off. Yuma, Astral, Shark, Kite, Hart, Tori, and Orbital screamed as they were pulled further and further into the sky until they were invisible by the many horrified onlookers below.



The once clear sky now began to darken with grey clouds that formed over the Faustian Industries building. A green lightning bolt struck from the cloud and hit the top of the building, making the structure shake slightly. With the odd bolt of lighting having passed, the grey clouds disappeared as quickly as they came. From inside, the power completely shut off, casting the building in darkness save for the bright summer sky.

“Holy crap!” yelled Tom, still inside the board room with Alex, Kyle, and Lauren. “Did anyone else feel that?”

“Kyle,” called Lauren, “check the roof. Make sure there’s no one up there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Kyle ran upstairs to the roof, Alex and Tom following him.

Let’s hope it’s nothing too drastic, thought Lauren.

On the roof of Faustian Industries, Yuma, Shark, Kite, Hart, and Tori stood to their feet while Orbital hopped onto its wheels and Astral appeared in flash of yellow sparkles.

“Wha…?” questioned Yuma, looking at the Chicago skyline, “where are we?”

“Orbital,” ordered Kite, holding onto Hart. “Do a scan of the area.”

“Understood!” answered the robotic servant.

Orbital 7’s neck rose from its body and began to spin around in a circle a few times before lowering itself back down.

“Judging from the architecture,” it confirmed, “it looks like we’re in the city of Chicago.”

“Chicago?” asked Tori, flustered. “But that’s on the other side of the planet!”

“How on Earth did we end up here?” asked Shark, looking at all of the buildings and El tracks.

Astral looked around him and then up into the sky, seeing something that made him gasp in shock.

“Everyone!” he shouted, pointing at the sky. “Look!”

Everyone looked to where Astral was pointing. Upon seeing at what Astral pointed at, they all gasped with an equal amount of shock: the large, Equestrian planet in the sky.

“Just…” stammered Yuma. “Just where are we?”

Royal Palace, Canterlot, Equestria


Princess Celestia was sitting on her throne in her ornate, light-purple chambers, signing a stack of papers issued to her by her new advisor, Trixie. Using her magic, Celestia signed each paper with a quill while Trixie used hers to hold the stack. Two white-coated pegasus guards stood at both sides of the throne. They wore gold armor and helmets with blue fur extending from the top that matched their short tails.

As the princess continued with her duties, she was alerted by the doors to her room slamming open. On the other side of the doorway was a royal guard with the exact likeness of the two pegasi guarding Celestia minus wings, indicating himself as an earth pony. Upon opening the door, he galloped down the red carpet leading to Celestia’s throne.

“News from northern Equestria!” he called out. Remembering who he was talking too, he addressed her properly. “Uh… your highness.”

Wanting to understand the direness of his message, Celestia dropped everything to see what he was going to say, leaving Trixie to place the papers away for the time being.

“Yes?” she inquired.

The guard respectfully took his helmet off and told her the news.

“I’m simply to tell you that… it has returned.”

Knowing exactly what it meant, Celestia gasped and turned to the guard on her right.

“Find Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,” she ordered.

“Yes, your highness,” complied the pegasus.

All three guards galloped from the room, going out to find the two ponies they were tasked with.

Celestia then picked up her quill and a blank sheet of paper and wrote a letter.

“My dearest Twilight,” she dictated as she wrote, “you must come to Canterlot at once! I have an extremely important test for you to take. Details will be explained upon your arrival.”

“Your highness?” questioned Trixie.

“Yes, Trixie?” Celestia answered as she signed, rolled, and sealed the scroll.

“What is this it that the guard referred to?”

“The Crystal Empire. Long ago, it was a prosperous kingdom that was cursed by an evil king to vanish for a thousand years. Many ponies have never heard of it. Even my knowledge of it is iffy at best.”

“And I’m guessing that this letter to Twilight has to do with that?”

“Yes. Yes, it does. The Crystal Empire needs to be protected. That’s why I shall be sending Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight to assist in that.”

“In that case, as your advisor, I advise you not to send that letter… yet.”

“And why not, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“If you aren’t privy to the knowledge of this Crystal Empire, then that will go double for Shining Armor and Cadance. Sending even more ponies there with little to no knowledge of this kingdom may prove to be chaotic.

“My advice would be to let them protect the empire alone for now. After all, one of them was able to protect Canterlot all by himself not too long ago. Imagine how strong he can be with the help of his wife. While there, they can gather information about the empire and learn more of it for themselves.

“Not to mention, Twilight and her friends left to visit their friends on Earth earlier this morning. Sending Twilight back now on such short notice might add unneeded stress on her. All I can suggest is to wait until something that would require Twilight’s help warrants it. But ultimately, it’s your call.”

Celestia stared at the scroll that she had made. And then she looked at Trixie, who looked determined about her answer. Celestia, using her magic, floated the scroll to Trixie.

“Keep that in a safe place,” she told her. “I will send that letter when the time is right.”

Trixie bowed in appreciation and respect.

“Thank you, your highness,” she said before taking the letter and trotting out of the room.

Let’s just hope Twilight won’t need to be called too soon, thought Celestia.