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Chapter 6 - The Shadows of the Past

August 19, 50 | 1:32 am | cold and dry

We arrived at the base, Jack had fainted halfway through, and was taken to nursing by Black, I sent some soldiers to analyze what was inside the truck, and so they did, I walked around the base going to the officers' tents, Lyra, Stone and Drops followed me:

"That was close, what about the next one?" Lyra asked.

"There will be no next…" I replied.

"The threat continues, and there was even an assassination attempt." Drops questioned.

"Captain...we had everything under control!" I replied to her.

"Yeah, I know, but…" she was going to say something.

"We have more important things now, Drops, and I want you at the intelligence meeting tomorrow!" so I cut her.

"Yes sir…" she stayed quiet.

"Dismissed." I said them.

After they left I lit a cigarette and started to get my mind in order, I needed to find out where Jack's double was, about the meeting with the officers and the War Council, avoiding a direct war with Stalliongrad, talking to AppleJack about the computers, there was too much stuff, and I was getting exhausted. My personal life was simply gone, I was no longer being completely autonomous, I had become a puppet of my own job, while others had their families and conversation circles, I was just a robot that was working and doing nothing else.

Besides that, I urgently needed to talk to someone, to open up again. The last time I opened up to someone was a Germaneighian girl, it was the first time I fell in love with someone, and what I thought would last until the end of our lives actually lasted a whole afternoon, maybe even less, I never will forget about her, Meer Kreide, dark green pastel hair, dark aqua green skin, blue eyes, 1.67 tall, she was beautiful, we met when we were advancing in the territory of Germaneighia itself, we found a small town full of enemies and civilians, the Germaneighian officers even put children on the front line, by that time in the championship I was already used to killing those vermin, so I shot the officers even before one of our superiors told someone random to shoot them, at that moment I just I was angry, but in the end the city was cleaned up, I walked around the place, then I saw her, she was in the city park, sitting on a bench, next to a tree, I started walking towards her, then I stopped, no too far away from her, I thought it was just bullshit, so when I went to turn around to leave, she looked at me and waved, I waved back. She got up and walked towards me, and we started talking in the local language:

“Hi…I'm Sniper…” I said.

“Meer Kreide.” she replied.
“Nice name.” I replied back.

“Thank you.” Meer thanked.

"Do you...speak my language?" I asked

"Hell yeah, I went to Equestria for a few years!" she replied in my language.

“Oh…cool.” I replied back in my language too.

"How long have you been speaking in German?" she asked.

“When the War started I had to learn.” I replied.

“Oh…right…” she said.

“It ended up being part of my routine to kill…your army…” I said.

"It's okay…they don't feel sorry for anyone…" she replied.

"Hey, Sniper, you found a..." Lock appeared.

"Come on Lock, let him enjoy the moment!" Velvet pulled Lock by the ear, pulling him away from us.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he exclaimed.

"Your friends?" Meer laughed and asked.

“Brothers of War.” I replied.

"I'm sorry that you're going through this, and that you have to kill." she showed regret.

"What we do isn't pretty, but it's our job." I said.

"Want to go for a walk?" she asked.

“Of course!” I agreed.

We walked through the city, had a coffee, listened to music that the people from my battalion were playing, we got very close, around 2 pm, we entered her house, it was a comfortable house, there was a brown sofa in the living room, a fireplace with some things on top, like a clock, travel photos and a painting, she told me to make myself comfortable, so I sat on the sofa, then she came to me with a basin of warm water:

"Take off your uniform." she said.

"Erh..." I found it strange.

"Come on…you've been showing back pain all day." she explained.

I took off the top part of my uniform, on the back in the area of ​​the ribs I was scratched, and it really was burning, but I didn't use to say that I had minor injuries so they wouldn't think I was fresh:

"Wow…it's all grated!" she said.

“It happens.” I replied.

"That might burn." she spoke.

She took a cloth and started to clean the wound, it burned a little, but not as much as vinegar or alcohol, she went through the cloth in a delicate and calm way, very different from combat doctors, who unintentionally end up hurting the patient for Due to the pressure and despair, it is very likely that they are the ones who suffer the most from all of this, as they are in charge of other people's health, a life:

“And…ready!” she finished.

“Thanks!” I thanked.

"You're welcome." she replied.

“Well…do you see your parents often?” I asked.

"I'm actually an orphan." she said.

“Oh…sorry.” I replied,

"Okay...and your parents, do you see them often?" she asked the same thing.

"My mom abandoned me when I was 3, and my dad wasn't...not a very good man..." I replied to her.

"I'm sorry..." she apologized.

“My childhood comes down to slaps, straps, punishment…” I explained.

“Insecurity…” she completed.

“That.” I said.

“Look…it doesn't matter how often you go see your dad, but I guarantee I'll be there for you!” she comforted me.

"Are you going to Equestria?" I asked.

“Yes, I plan to live there!” she replied.

“Cool.” I replied back.

"I just don't know where I can live..." she detailed.

"In the city where I live, there were some houses for rent and for sale." I informed.

"I'll check later." she said.

“And…if you want, I can host you.” I offered to be a host.

"Fine by me." she replied.

She had gained my trust, and I was starting to like her, I don't know if she was feeling the same, but I was feeling a connection between the 2 of us, we continued talking for a few more minutes:

"Did this really happen?" she was laughing at one of the stories I went through.

"I've experienced a lot throughout my life, mainly fights." I replied.

"But from your size, it looks a lot like you'd win any fight." she said.

"Do you know Velvet I told you about?" I asked.

"I remember!" she replied.

“She already managed to knock me out in a fight.” I told.

“Fight?”- she found it strange.

"Well, it wasn't really a fight, it was just practice." I explained.

“Ah, well…what a scare.” she said.

"I've been waiting for this war to end for 3 years, but the best part of this war was meeting you." I said.

"Oh, you silly boy, I like you too!" she replied.

"I hope I don't have to leave so soon..." I said.

“Neither do I.” she replied.

We looked into each other's eyes, and slowly brought our faces closer, and when we least expected it, we kissed, it was something completely natural, it seemed that she felt the same way about me, that desire to stay with that person forever, to spend her last years with her, a feeling of security, affection, alliance, a feeling of love, that's what I was feeling. We held each other for a few more seconds, then we went to her room, she took off her clothes, I took off mine, and we let it roll. After 1 hour, we put on our clothes, and went out of the house:

"I never thought I would...fall in love with someone." I said.

“Well…it happened.” she laughed and said it.

“I…I love you!” I declared.

"Aww, me too, you cutie!" she replied.

We hugged and closed our eyes, after 2 seconds we started to hear the sound of trucks, semi-tracks and tanks turning on, then Flash came to us:

"Sniper, we have to go!" Flash said.

"But..." Meer got sad.

"I'll send you letters!" I said to her.

"I'll miss you, hon." she said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Come on…I'm serious, man, let's go!" Flash said.

"Okay..." I said.

Meer kissed me and went into the house again, it looked like she wanted to cry, but unfortunately I couldn't stay, I lined up with the queue that was on the left side of the vehicles, until some mortars started shooting, there was shouting and confusion. in the middle of the explosions, everyone panicked, then I remembered Meer:

“MEER!” I shouted.

"Sniper, no!" Flash said.

I got up to go to Meer's house, but I couldn't get there in time, a mortar hit her house, at the same time I covered my face with my arm, I felt some broken glass and pebbles coming from the wall and the floor hitting me, then, the attack stopped, when I found my face the front of the house was destroyed, I ran to the rubble, looking for Meer, I found her, bloodied, it was late:

“No…Meer, wake up…wake the fuck up!” I shook her.

"C'mon man, we gotta go!" Flash exclaimed.

“LET ME GO, YOU SHIT!” I pushed him, and he pushed me back.

“SHE'S GONE, MAN! THERE'S NOTHING TO DO!" Flash shouted at me.

“Yes there is…she said she was going to live in Equestria…” I replied.

"Sniper, calm down!" Velvet said.


"Hey man, relax!" Lock said.

Lock approached me, going to put his hand on my shoulder, but at the same time I punched him:

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" Lock covered your nose.

“LEAVE ME ALONE…” I replied.

That was the last time I cried, and the last time I opened up to someone, it was 7 years of holding grudges, but I was being a very big gallon, but that gallon had to be emptied before it started to overflow. Then I saw Jack walking into my tent, he was looking much better than the way we found him:

"Sniper…" Jack called me.

"Jack?" I asked.

"I'm good! Are you busy?" he asked.

"Actually no...why?" I replied.

"Before you rescue me, I have some information while the enemies were talking, rather: information about the enemy attack!" he informed.

"How so?" I asked.

"While I was trapped, I heard some conversations from the enemies that they are going to attack Equestria in 5 days, silently." he detailed.

"What the…" I was amazed.

"Since they were speaking in Russian, you could understand what they were saying, and I'm not lying!" he said.

"We have to go back to Equestria now! I hope you didn't schedule an "acupuncture" session with any of the medics." I replied.

"We need to warn all units!" he exclaimed.

"Let's tell Rainbow and the Intelligence people, we have to go!" I said.

"And let me tell you: Stalliongradian torture methods are worse than the Germaneighians." the detailed.

"I don't even want to imagine... pack your things because we have a lot to solve!" I replied.

I started to pack my things, we had to return immediately to Equestria, a spy in Equestria who heard unofficial meetings, meeting with the War Council, warn the Ministers about the attack, and on top of that avoid escalating the situation, the resources diplomats were running out, Jack went to pack his things and I went to the rest of the staff:

"Pack your things, let's go back!" I ordered.

"Okay…" Drops replied.

"Already?" Wire asked.

"No time, be on the plane in 15 minutes!" I said to him.

I went to the plane with my things, I was wondering where the double was, and what he was doing, we had to act with caution, Jack got on the plane with me, after 7 minutes of waiting, the rest of the people arrived, and we took flight.

August 19, 50 | 4:40 am | cold and wet

When we arrived, we went straight to the Pentagon, I walked into my office, closing the door and picking up the phone, calling Minister Rainbow Dash:

"Come on... pick up…" I thinked.

"Hello?" she answered.

"We need to have the War Council meeting today!" I told her.

"Did you see what time it is?" she complained.

"Yes, I saw it, but it's urgent, we're going to be attacked in 5 days!" I replied.

"How is it?" she asked.

"Jack had been kidnapped at Address 3 Compound…" I replied.

"But he was at the meeting with the President." she said.

"It was his double, we ended up giving a...free pass to a spy." I explained.

"…" Dash stayed quiet.

"The rules of the game have changed, can you ask someone to fetch the Flash in Ezpassion?" I asked.

"I'm going to see him, I'm going to the Pentagon, I'm going to call the others, the Council and the Officers!" she replied.

"Right!" I said.

As soon as she hung up, I turned on the computer, right after that, I went to check the messages, I had the usual, reports, inventory updates, and AppleJack's response regarding my message to her:

”Relax, sugarcube, you'll have computers without any malware, that's for sure, don't worry” AppleJack replied on mailbox.

”Okay, thank you very much ma'am” I replied back.

Right after the message was sent, I went looking for Minister Fluttershy's email, I wanted to schedule a day to talk to her about what was going on, I really needed help, and the first person I thought of and ran after that was the Minister of Health herself, I hadn't been to a doctor for over 4 years, when I got a flu that was too bad even for me, so I started to write the message:

”Good morning Dr. Fluttershy, I was wondering if you have any free time, I need your help, I just now realized that I needed help so I thought I'd turn to you. I've been going through a lot of difficulties 7 years ago, and I never sought help, can you help me?” I typed.

After I finished writing I didn't send it, I thought it was silly to send it now, I had more important things to do, so I just deleted the text, the meeting siren went off, so I went straight to reception, found Lock, the Velvet and Loot there, we would no longer have an exclusive meeting with the War Council or with the Commanders of the Secret Services, it would just be a single meeting to resolve all this, the Ministers, the President and her Deputy, the Generals and the Commanders of the Secret Services, all together with a purpose, to find the best way to resolve this whole situation, in less than 5 days we would be attacked by Stalliongrad, and we would not be doing nothing.

To be continued!!!