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Chapter 3 - The Compound of Address 3

"Looks like something's going to get ugly." Jack said.

"Only time will tell." I replied.

"Who knows…" Jack spoke.

I lit a cigarette and said "But I know one thing, it won't end anytime soon..."

"We know that, but to finish it, it will take a long time...so, Sniper, we better not rush too much, you don't know what the enemies are planning!" he said.

"We need to investigate these addresses we found further, but we can't make a fuss." I gave the idea.

"I'm not much of an expert on espionage, I was a marine in the war, maybe Rainbow Dash or her allies will sort it out." Jack said.

"Likely, we have to go back to Equestria and talk to her." I said.

"Maybe, you're the boss…" Jack spoke.

"Let's go back to Equestria next week, I want to investigate address 3!" I stated.

"Okay." Jack said.

"What's the plan?" Crow asked.

"Tomorrow night, we all go to address 3, put silencers on the guns and wear dark uniforms!" I informed.

"Yes sir!" Crow stated.

"And changes of plans, we're going to Equestria the day after tomorrow!" I updated the order.

"All of us?" Lyra asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I'll get my silenced rifle and help with the operation." Jack said.

"We would need 2 snipers." Crow thinked aloud.

"Is Stone on a mission right now?" I asked.

"I think so." Crow said.

"Let's wait for him to come back!" I said, sitting on the floor.

August 13, 50 | 4 pm | cloudy.

Stone, brown skin, blue eyes, light hair, 1.79 tall, arrived from a mission and got out of the truck:

"Finally…" Stone said relieved.

"Sergeant Stone Bullet, I want you here!" I called him.

"Yes sir!" he looked at me surprised by my presence.

Stone came to me, he was a bit of an enigmatic guy, we never know what's going on in his head, but even so he's efficient, he entered intelligence at the age of 18 in 1946, taking the exam, we don't have much information about his past , but something that I find interesting is that since before he entered intelligence, he already wore his blue Kepi model hat:

"We need you for a mission!" I ordered.

"When will this mission be?" he asked, demonstrating commitment.

"Tomorrow night." I informed.

"Understood!" Stone stated.

"Rest, train or just have a drink." I told everyone.

"Yes sir!" Crow nodded his head and left.

"One more question!" Stone said.

"You can talk." I said.

"What are the details of this mission?" he asked.

"Let's go to a location in order to steal enemy data, you and Jack will cover us!" I replied.

"Copy!" he stated.

"And wear a silencer and a dark outfit!" I detailed.

"Right!" he stated.

"Dismissed!" I released him.

I went to the officers' tent and saw some journalists asking the colonels for interviews, who were refusing, until they saw me and went to me:

"Look, it's the General Commander!" one of the journalists said, pointing at me.

"How is the war situation?" another journalist asked.

"Erh…" I was going to inform.

"Are we winning or losing?" a journalist asked me when I was cut off when answering.

There were so many people talking that it was not possible to understand properly:

"Wait, one at a time!" I said, trying to keep order.

"Open space for him to go to the podium!" one of the majors said.

They gave me space and I went to the platform where the leaders explained the details of the missions and messages from the Minister and the High Command:

"You asked the first question, can you repeat it?" I told the journalist who asked the first question.

"How is the war situation?" the same, asked the question from before.

"At the moment we are studying enemy lines, tactics, weapon modifications, the usual." I explained the situation.

"Are we winning or losing?" the journalist on the second question asked.

"I can't say who has the upper hand, but I assure you we're doing our best." I answered the question.

"So we're losing?" the journalist who pointed at me asked.

"That's not what I said." I pointed.

"How many losses have we had so far?" another journalist asked the question.

"This is confidential!" I answered clearly.

"Is there more stuff you're hiding?" the same journalist confronted.

"‘Hidden’ is a strong word, we only keep what's public as public, and what's confidential shouldn't be revealed!" I replied.

"One more…" the same journalist on the question who thought we were missing out was going to ask another question.

"The questions end here, good afternoon everyone!" I maintained the posture of authority and left.

August 14 | 50, 10:11 pm | cold and wet.

"Ready?" I questioned the team.

"Yes!" Lyra and Drops replied.

"Whenever you want." Stone said.

"Any other questions?" I asked.

No one else had any doubts:

"Perfect, let's go!" I got in the truck.

We headed towards Address 3, we stopped 2 km from there so as not to give away the position:

"Remember that we don't have information about this place, anything can happen!" I warned.

"Wait... isn't it a bad idea to go somewhere you don't know?" Stone questioned.

"This is the closest place to the base compared to the others." I said.

"Oh…" Stone exclaimed.

Go ahead carefully, Jack, you're on t"his side of the woods on top of a tree, Stone, you're on the other side on top of a tree too, the important thing is not to use lighting, that could compromise you." I ordered.

"Right." Stone stated.

We were advancing carefully, the truck driver maneuvered for us to return to the base with the fewest possible interruptions, as we walked we observed that there was an open forest where we were, which would facilitate in situations that we needed to make an escape for example, on the other hand, it would be easy for enemies to run after us.
As we advanced, the forest became more dense, until we could see some houses a few meters away:

"I think we're here." Stone spoke.

"Stone, Jack, take your posts, the rest come with me!" I said.

"Yes sir!" Stone stated.

Stone and Jack positioned themselves in trees, as planned, the rest of us went forward in a crouch, Crow had a 1911 with a laser sight, Lyra had an M3, Drops had an M1 Carbine and I had a Cowp"ony Repeater, I took my radio to see if I could communicate with Jack and Stone:

"Stone, listening, over?" I tried to communicate via radio.

"Yes sir, over." Stone replied.

"Great, Jack, can you hear me, over?" I repeat it, but with Jack.

"I can, over." Jack replied.

"Perfect." I said.

As we advanced, we discovered that the site was a compound of houses that was serving as an outpost:

"It won't be that hard to find information here, does anyone here know how to speak Ponrean?" I asked.

"Erh…" Crow exclaimed.

I snorted and said sarcastically "Wonderful…"

"I know very little." Lyra replied to my question.

"Well... since that's how it is, we kill 4 guerrillas, we wear their clothes, put on balaclavas and pretend we are part of them!" I explained the plan.

"Easy." Drops boasted.

"That's what you think, don't let blood get on your clothes!" I said.

We went to the back of one of the houses, I took a look at the window and made signs saying that there were 2 enemies inside the place and the door was closed, Crow confirmed that he had received the message, I took a stick on the ground and dropped it inside of the house to get their attention, both went to the window, I caught one covering his mouth and breaking his neck, Agent Drops took the other and gave him a butt in his throat, causing his trachea to break and he died without air and without chances to scream, so I said low:

"Drops, Crow, you get dressed first!" I ordered.

"Understood." Crow said.

The 2 wore the clothes and hid the bodies in the bushes:

"Lyra, with me!" I said.

"Copy!" she stated.

The 2 of us went into the middle of the woods again and went looking for another house with an open window:

"Sir, on the other side there is a house with an open window, but there are 5 soldiers inside." Stone said.

"Alright, we're going there!" I replied.

"Wait... there's a Claw in there…" he warned.

"What?" I found it strange.

"Perfect…" Crow complained.

"He just entered, they'll have to go lucky now!" Stone said.

"Right…" I stated.

"How will we know there are only 2 enemies in a single house?" Lyra questioned.

"I can help with that, I'll check the other windows that are open over here!" Drops offered help.

"Great." I said.

"Hurry up…" Lyra said.

"Is there no way to distract them?" Jack gave the idea.

"It looks like they're really focused...but it doesn't hurt to try." Stone spoke.

"I know!" Crow said.

"What?" I asked.

"You 2 distract some at the window and I distract the rest over here." Crow explained.

"Not a bad idea." I said.

Lyra moved the bush, the Claw that was inside ordered them to look at the weeds, then Crow threw a rock at the house wall and 2 soldiers went there, while the rest went to look at the weeds, I took a soldier and hit him in the face hard against the ground, Lyra killed one by breaking the neck, Stone killed the other, the Claw drew his gun and was going to get his radio, but I jumped into the house knocking him down and stepping on the radio:

"There's one more coming your way, he's alone!" Jack said.

Jack shot him, but caught the attention of the other soldier who went to check the noise outside the house where he was, I stuck a knife in Claw's neck and Sweetie Drops kicked the soldier's hand hard who saw the other die with the shot in the head, then she carried him and broke his spine using her knee, then broke his head with an elbow, then dragged him into the bush along with Crow who picked up the body of the soldier who was shot by Jack, in the end of the accounts, 4 came towards the bush and 2 towards the other side, but it worked, Lyra and I put on our guerrilla uniforms and hid the bodies:

"Now we're safe in a way." I said relieved.

So everyone went looking for files, an hour passed and we didn't find much:

"We didn't find that much…" Crow reported.

"We weren't so lucky…" I said.

"Guys, do you know this path in the middle of this compound?" Stone informed.

"I know, what's up?" I said.

"Apparently this path leads to another compound nearby." Stone replied.

"Let's go there!" I ordered.

"There's only 1 problem…" Stone warned.

"Which one?" I asked.

"To enter you have to take off your balaclava, and the place is surrounded, 4 towers with guards carrying rifles." he replied.

"It won't be that hard." I said.

"They're all Claws." Stone pointed.

"Drops, you who have a semi-automatic rifle, I need you to go to a tree for support too, and Lyra, same thing?" I ordered.

"Right!" Lyra stated.

Lyra changed places, positioning herself in a tree with her M3:

"Drops, you already know which direction to go!" I stated.

"Yes sir!" she said.

I positioned myself in a tree, leaving the weapon's handguard on a branch and my hand on my shoulder to help with accuracy, and I aimed at one of the shooters:

"Ready!" Drops and Lyra said.

"Whenever you want…" Stone spoke.

"Now…" I ordered.

We shot simultaneously, killing the guards in the towers at the same time, me, Lyra and Sweetie Drops got down from the trees and went to the fence, Crow cut the wire for us to pass and we went ahead:

"It'll be easy…" Stone said.

"I wouldn't count on it." I said.

"Where should we go exactly?" Lyra asked.

"Let's go through everything until we find everything that's important!" I answered.

"Sir, it looks like the dark green building has an officer." Stone warned.

"Crow, come with me, you two go searching the other places!" I said.

"Understood!" Crow stated.

"Sweetie Drops, come on!" Lyra said.

We went ahead, Crow and I arrived at the dark green building, I took a peek and it seemed to be an officer of the Claw, I took the recorder that I was carrying and started recording the conversation, 2 minutes later the officer came out of there with other Claws, thus leaving the building empty, we took the opportunity to enter and search, the place had 3 floors, I found some papers in Russian and I kept it, then Crow called me:

"Erh...Commander?" Crow called me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Come see this!" he said.

They had documents from Equestria, there, mainly from Star Powder Industries, founded in 1889, the company responsible for most infantry weapons and military equipment, they also had documents from the industries that produced our armored vehicles, such as Black Plate Inc, they had information that not even Rainbow Dash herself had:

"Let's get as many documents as we can and get out!" I ordered.

"Yes sir!" Crow stated.

"We didn't find much." Lyra said.

"Anything will do, take everything!" I replied.

"Yes, sir!" Lyra said.

We finished picking up everything and left the place silently, like ghosts.

To be continued!!!