• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 240 Views, 3 Comments

The Wheel of Ships - Luminous Comet

A series of shorts based on randomised pairings, mostly for writing practice.

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Major Dream Vibes (Princess Luna x Treehugger)

It had been a long night. Nightmares and anxiety dreams were more common this time of year and though Luna did her best to help as many ponies as she could, she had to look out for her own mental health as well. It had been a difficult lesson to learn, to internalise properly, to practice what she preached.

And yet, she couldn't wake up early. Shirking her duties was not something she was willing to do. She had to at least patrol two or three more dreams. It pained her to ignore the distress emanating from so many of them, but she knew she couldn't help them all tonight. Surely they would forgive her if she got to them one night later, or two.

Instead, she found the opposite. The calmest dream she could find. She stopped in front of it, only seeing a small, wavering aspect of it. Would she be welcome here? To invade ponies' dreams to aid them was one thing, but to let herself in somewhere without such need, would she not just be an invader? Might she even make their dream worse?

Luna took a deep breath - or imagined she did, for she did not breathe in this realm. Perhaps her body did the same, back in the comfort of her bedchamber, but she did not know. She imagined her sister, and Twilight Sparkle, who had become such an aid to her as well, thinking of what they would tell her. To not let things weigh on her so much.

With a quiet sigh, she stepped forward into this dream. She wouldn't even need to make her presence known. Just some relaxation, or even just to sate her curiosity.

She emerged into a meadow, tall trees growing in smooth, bending shapes all around, like dancers frozen in the middle of an elegant step. A pleasant breeze tussled her mane, refreshing but not cold. It made countless leaves and petals dance in the air, forever falling from the trees that would never be bare.

Luna took a deep breath - or not, we've been over this - her lips curling into a smile. Being here was soothing, just like she had hoped. She began walking across the meadow, between fields of wild flowers of all colours. Soon, the breeze carried more than the petals. There was a pleasant scent, and soft music. Luna began to follow the sound, wondering if it did have an origin, or if it was simply ever-present in this dream.

It didn't take too long for her to find the source. On a slight incline, creating a hill that overlooked the ever-expanding surroundings, was a small mountain of cushions and pillows. The music emanated from there and drifted down into the untouched valleys.

Movement caught Luna's eye. A pegasus, dressed in a sheer gown, which danced in the breeze alongside her long mane as she moved through the flowers. She recognised her easily. Fluttershy, the one who had come to bear the Element of Kindness. Though she was just a figment here, an image of the real self created by the dreamer.

Now her curiosity was piqued all the more. She trotted up to the cushions slowly, hoping not to startle the dreamer. When she was close enough, she saw her, an earth pony with a green coat, her mane spilling over her shoulders in thick dreads, lying on her back while her hooves played with a stringed instrument, creating the music that drifted along the wind, more complex than such an instrument should be able to produce, were it not for her own imagination.

"Whoa... welcome, beautiful stranger," the pony said gently, once she had opened her eyes and noticed Luna's presence.

She immediately remembered that she shouldn't be here. This pony was having a pleasant dream, she didn't need her intervention. But to simply leave now might leave her just more confused.

"We apologise for invading thy dream thus, good Treehugger," she said formally, plucking the dreamer's name from the dream's essence, "Know there is no cause for alarm, we are merely passing through."

"No need to be sorry. Any babe is welcome in my dream."

"Babe?" Luna scoffed. "We realise thou didst not mean to offend, but let thee be assured, we are no child."

Treehugger's laugh came slowly, melodically. It was almost hypnotising. "Your vibes are so rigid. Come chill a bit."

This Luna did understand, though just barely. She was about to reject the invitation, when she remembered that that was actually the reason she had sought out this dream. To "chill". She lifted one hoof at a time, each silver horseshoe slipping away into nothing, the rest of her regalia following as well. She beat her wings to not step all over the cushions, setting herself down across the pile.

To her surprise, Treehugger adjusted herself to lean her head on her flank, continuing to casually play her instrument. "Close your eyes. Enjoy the sweet scents of nature. Let all your stress just fade away."

"If only it were so easy. One does not simply--"

"Shhh." Treehugger shushed her softly, nuzzling her neck. "Just let it all fade away."

Luna sighed. It was at least worth a try. She crossed her front hooves and rested her chin on them, closing her eyes.

It was so much easier than she thought. Between the breeze, the soft cushions, the music, and not least of all, Treehugger herself. The dreamer hummed and eventually laid down next to her, pushing back against her in a comforting way. Luna had dropped onto her side at some point and raised her leg to put it over the earth pony, cuddling with her in a way she hadn't done in a long time. And with her sister, of course she was always the little spoon by default.

"Good Morrow, sister!" Luna said cheerfully as she entered the dining room, taking her seat across from Celestia. "And my thanks for preparing breakfast again!"

"Oh, you're in good cheer." Celestia smiled, visibly still tired. The sun was raised, but so many things were still on her list for the day, and she wasn't even fully awake yet. Perhaps she aught to take time to 'chill' soon as well.

"I had the most restful night. Though, there is one thing I must ask your council on this morning."

"Of course, ask away."

"In today's colloquial terms, what does it mean to be called a 'babe'?"

Celestia spit her coffee over her pancakes.