• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 1,585 Views, 244 Comments

In Equestria - ARandomLonelyDude

I'm here because of circumstances beyond my control and now I serve the horrors. Being fluffy and doing magic is cool though.

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Chapter [worst number]: Blood, sweat, and tears. Mostly tears. (rewritten)

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that everything hurt. A slight breeze blew and the right side of my body was in a lot of pain. I tried moving to shield it in some way but thay just made everything pain even more. I managed to sit up and lean back on to a wall but I was exhausted by that act.

What made this happen?

My ears were ringing and I hadn't opened my eyes yet, so, I couldn't tell what was around me either, and honestly, I didn't care about what was around me. I just wanted the pain to end. However, it did not go away like I wanted, meaning that I should try to get help. I cracked open my eyes and found my vision to be very blurry. Was I missing my glasses?

I put a hoof to my face and found that I was indeed missing my glasses. I didn't really know why my ears were ringing but I had a faint idea that it had something to do with an explosion.

Despite my blurry vision, I could still see a few things. I was in some open area with a stone floor, the sun was rising, and most importantly, someone was there with me. A pony was lying on the floor a small distance in front of me, their dark blue fur contrasting with the grey floor. I couldn't make out any other details though.

I tried speaking up to ask them what happened but I had a coughing fit instead, making me aware of the amount of dust in the air. Each cough sent jolts of pain down my body and I almost collapsed back to the floor. I did, however, get the pony's attention.

"Wh... what's... happen–", I managed to whisper between taking breaths before I was suddenly, and painfully, pushed into the wall behind me. I felt my chest get compressed to a degree that made it impossible to breath for a second but it went back to normal after that. I almost had another coughing fit but managed to control it somewhat, letting me focus on what pushed me into the wall.

It was the pony. She had latched onto me in a one-sided hug and buried her face in my chest. Now that she was closer, I could see that she had long light blue hair and wings that looked to be in bad condition. Above all, she was crying and saying something. My ears were still ringing, however, and I couldn't tell what she was saying.

What I could tell was that she was not having a great time, kinda like me. I managed to wrap my forelegs around her to return the hug and maybe provide some comfort but it seemed to have no effect. I couldn't hold my head up any longer and let it rest on hers.

I hoped that help came soon.

Princess Celestia finally conjured a portal out of the pocket dimension that Nightmare Moon had trapped her in. The locks had been impossible to break just a few minutes ago but now they had broken, signalling the defeat of Nightmare Moon at the hands of her student, Twilight, and the success of her plan.

She stepped through the portal and out of the pocket dimension, letting it collapse behind her. She was in one of the towers in the ruins of the Everfree Castle. Twilight was there with a group of five other ponies, the element bearers. They did not pay attention to her, however, and were staring at a writihing black mass ahead of them. It made all manners of unnatural sounds that seemed to either be laughter or screams of pain.

The princess recognised one of the screams. It was her sister.

The THING got up to all six of its legs and spread out its five wings. A head emerged from the central body on a long thin neck. The head had innumerable eyes and a large jaw that opened into a dark abyss lined with red teeth. It grew horns made out of forelegs and arms of various creatures. When it was done transforming, it stood tall above all in the room, and let out a horrible sound.

"We MeEt AgAIn, PrINcEsS Of THe SuN," it greeted. The ponies turned around and saw the princess walk up to them and stand by them, her expression one of barely controlled anger.

"So it seems, monster," the princess replied angrily. "Return my sister."

"wHy ShOUlD i? ThIs iS My ONLY HiDInG pLaCE," it said as it started approaching her. The ponies around her took a few steps back, prompting her to charge up an offensive spell in her horn.

"Ah aH ah, PrInCeSS, YoU WoULdn'T waNt SOMEONE tO HURT yOuR Oh sO BELOVED SistEr," it chided as it stopped moving. It's main body started to part and revealed a patch of light blue fur underneath the dark fleshy exterior. Celestia hesitated and discharged her horn.

"What do you want?" Celestia finally asked the question she dreaded to hear an answer for.

"mY tRuE FoRM haS BeEn AtTaCkeD By an UpsTaRt aNd Is CuRrEnTLy InDisPOsEd oF. i WANT POWER tO ReGaIN CoNtROl oF iT aNd MAYBE, In ReTuRN, i WilL lEavE tHiS pLaNeT AlONe. I'Ll eVeN GivE yOu tHe IDENTITY oF aN AgENt. oH HoW APPETISING tHeY LoOked, oH hoW MucH i WANT tO CRUSH THEM," it said with a terrible smile on its face.

Celestia almost agreed to the deal. She could get back her sister AND the identity of an agent of the eldritch beings, who'd have to be eliminated before they caused widespread destruction or facilitated an incursion. However, she knew that the THING wouldn't make such a generous sounding deal unless it had something to gain, and as far as she knew, it would not be a good thing for her to let the THING get anything.

"Not even in your dreams, monster," she said, declining the offer.

"VeRY WeLl ThEN," it said as its smile became a frown. "hOw AbOuT, ThE LIFE oF yOuR SISTER fOr ThE POWER i NEED."

Celestia knew she had to do something quick to save her sister. Fortunately, she didn't have to. The THING suddenly fell to the ground as if its legs had snapped. It let out a screech of pain that made the ponies cover their ears. The THING started crawling towards her as it slowly melted, becoming more and more of a primitive slime thing until it was finally turned to ash which the wind carried away.

It left behind a light blue alicorn on the floor, who was coming to. Celestia rushed to her to check for any injuries and also out of the joy she felt. The blue alicorn was confused and sat still as Celestia lookeed her over. Her mane wasn't waving in an unseen wind like hers, her leathery bat wings were not in any condition to fly, and she was a lot smaller than Celestia remembered, but otherwise, she was healthy.

Celestia pulled the blue alicorn into a crushing hug and said, "Luna! How I missed you my dear sister!"

Luna returned the hug, happy to see her sister as well, but pulled away.

"Nightmare Moon, where is she?" she asked Celestia. Celestia looked to the element bearers, confused. Shouldn't Nightmare Moon have been destroyed?

"Oh no, there was another pony as well. Celestia, we have to find them fast."

I didn't know how much time had passed. I was facing the sunrise and had a clear line of sight with it, and I had to close my eyes to shield them from the sun's rays. If I were to guess, it was probably somewhere around six in the morning. The pain had subsided a little bit but I was tired and the only thing keeping me awake was the still crying pegasus. Even though I hadn't check over my injuries, I was starting to feel that the pegasus probably needed help before me.

I would have tried talking to her but my ears were still ringing and I was starting to suspect that the explosion from when the beam hit the THING had given me ear damage. Or maybe I needed more time since it had probably been only, at most, ten minutes since I woke up.

I was disturbed from my thoughts by the ground vibrating all of a sudden, followed by the pegasus increasing the strength of her hold on me. I opened my eyes and saw two figures in front of me. One was the tall and easily recognisable form of princess Celestia while the other was a shorter blue one. The princess approached me, looking real angry, making me question if she knew I worked for Voth.

The princess said something to which I responded, "Can't hear you, my ears a' ringing."

The other pony came forward, revealing herself to be a... an alicorn? She had bat wings and a horn, but I knew that there were only two alicorns, and that she could be a pegacorn. Her horn glowed a dark blue and I suddenly became aware of all the sound around me.

"Could you let Nightmare Moon go?" the blue alicorn asked.

"Nightmare Moon? Where?" I asked, totally confused. Wasn't she destroyed by the rainbow beam?

"Please excuse me," Princess Celestia said in a voice that indicated that she was really angry but trying to hide it. The pegasus was suddenly covered in a golden aura and pulled away from me. The pegasus held onto me, dragging me along.

"Tia!" the blue alicorn shouted, making the princess stop whatever she was trying to do, letting the pegasus and me fall onto the floor. The blue alicorn then came close and spoke.

"The mare in your arms is Nightmare Moon. We need you to let her go so we can help her."

I looked down at the pegasus(?) and moved the hair on her forehead with my magic, revealing a stump where a horn used to be. I involuntarily shuddered at the sight. Nightmare Moon held onto me even tighter and shook her head no, as if she were scared to go with the alicorns.

I didn't really know what to do.

"Hey, uhh Nightmare Moon, I think you should go with them," I whispered to her to try and coax her to go with them. It didn't work but I was persistent. On the fifth time, she let me go and immediately hid behind the blue alicorn to not be seen by the princess. I couldn't help but feel bad for her even though she was going to end the world by mistake.

Now that she wasn't latched onto me, I looked down at myself to assess my injuries. At first, I was a bit confused about why a rather large portion of the right side of my body was a dull red colour but then, I realised that it was blood. My blood. As if on cue, the pain came back to me and I finaly fell flat on the floor.

My vision went dark almost as soon as that happened.

Author's Note:


we liev ina sociteyty wehre a bunger king whoper can walk into a a bar and oeder a beeer and the bart ender can say 'we do not serve food here'

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