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Meeting a New Universe

*Lillian's POV*

After we got back to Equestria, Chameleo and some of his friends came with us to see what it looks like.

Twilight spoke "Don't mind the Changelings and Diamond Dogs, they listen to Danyelle since she's their alpha-queen."

Chameleo spoke "Well, this is a surprise. But I’m glad. But to think there could be more Trees of Harmony."

“But what’s with the watches you gave me and Danyelle?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "There's one in Caninia though, there are others but I don't know where they are."

Rainbow spoke "Hey Flatfoot!"

Fleetfoot and Soarin turned around, smiling as they hugged Rainbow Dash.

Chameleo spoke "Well Lillian, those are Multitrixes. They’re like Omnitrixes, but they have many more forms and abilities to give to the user. And as far as I’m concerned, I consider you and Danyelle as friends."

Danyelle spoke "I've got my Solare form though."

Bold was on Rainbow's head.

Fleetfoot asks "So, how was it?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "It was awesome! And I met another me!"

But then both Fleetfoot and Rainbow Dash felt a kick as they rubbed their bellies.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Man. It is a bit awkward."

Fleetfoot spoke "You’re telling me."

Bold and Nimbus were both starry eyed since they were getting new siblings.

Soarin spoke "Whoa. And something’s telling me that those two will be step twins."

But as soon as Soarin said that, Rainbow Dash and Fleetfoot lovingly looked at him with lustful half-lidded eyes, as Soarin gave the two of them the same look, all three of them eager to have fun with each other as pegasi and dragons soon.

But then two Sumardas appeared.

Sumarda spoke "Heehee! Good thing I have something in store for those three when it’s the due month."

Summer giggles "I can tell, you really are my counterpart, Sumarda."

Sumarda spoke "Thanks, Summer."

Danyelle was flying through the sky with her children following close behind.

Chameleo spoke "Whoa. That’s a lot of kids you have, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Iris, Nyx, Guinevere, Bluestar and Thunder are adopted. Irene and Ralph are blood related."

Chameleo spoke "Oh. Well I haven’t really tied the knot yet with Viper. We’re trying to take it slow."

Viper then showed up, revealed to be a dragon with a serpentine tail. “Thank you, Chameleo. I love you.”

Chameleo spoke "I love you too."

The two of them shared a brief kiss for 15 seconds before another friend of Chameleo arrived, a skinny and tall griffon wearing a Chinese rice hat, with the black head of a crane, black skinny talons, white fur and wings that had black tips.

Chameleo spoke "Glad to see you’re here, Crane."

Danyelle spoke "If Crane and Viper are here... Then Mantis, Monkey, Tigress and Po can't be too far behind."

Chameleo asks "You know them?"

Danyelle spoke "I travel a lot though. But that was before I became a mother."

Chameleo asks "You have Mobian versions of Po and the others?"

Danyelle spoke "Not exactly... but.. NOODLES!!!!"

Chameleo exclaims "RAMEN?!"

Danyelle spoke "I can beat you in a ramen eating contest!"

Chameleo spoke "Oh… You’re so on!"

But then Twilight started speaking in Kurama’s voice. ”You’re starting to remind me of Naruto.

Chameleo chuckles "Hehehe. Well, some may say that I’m the Pokémon counterpart of him. But if that’s not enough, how’s about this? I don’t use it much anymore, but it’s an original. Transform!"

Smoke erupted around Chameleo, and when it faded, it showed a seductive female Inteleon with clouds swirling around certain areas as he giggled in a female voice.

A wolfish neigh was heard since a godly version of Twilight had challenged the two to a contest.

Chameleo asks "Twilight?"

But then Crane covered his beak which had blood coming out of it. “Chameleo, would you please cut that out?!”

Danyelle spoke "Our Twilights both speak normally... Same with Twily... But this one doesn't..."

Twiliterasu bops Chameleo on the back of the head with her Divine Reflector.

Chameleo spoke "Ow! Hey, that hurts, ya know!"

Danyelle spoke "It's like I always say.... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

Twiliterasu barks.

Chameleo asks "Yeah, I had a feeling it was that. But up for that ramen-eating contest, Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "Bring it!"

Kurama spoke "Count me, Twilight and Matatabi in!"

Twiliterasu barks in agreement since she wanted to join the contest.

Sumarda asks "Hmm… Maybe some of the others should see this. Whaddya you think other me?"

Summer spoke "I think it’s a great idea!"

Danyelle whistles loud, getting the attention of the others quite easy.

Twiliterasu barks.

Danyelle asks "Where should we have the contest?"

Chameleo spoke "Hmm… Hehe! At the Jade Palace in my universe!"

Danyelle spoke "Okay and Sumarda, don't change our sizes."

Sumarda and Summer spoke "Dang it!"

Twiliterasu growls at the two.

Chameleo laughs "Hahahahaha! Good call, Danyelle! And what I said about forms for your Multitrix, it also has abilities it can give you for a limited amount of time."

Twiliterasu lets out a confused growl.

Chameleo spoke "Sorry if it’s confusing, Twiliterasu."

Danyelle asks "Wait, what’s with the picture of a purple fruit with s-shaped swirls?"

Twiliterasu barks.

Chameleo spoke "Oh. That’s the Gum-Gum Fruit. Push the picture on the Multitrix and find out what happens."

And Danyelle did just that, but nothing seemed to happen.

Twilight spoke "If it's anything like the stretchy arms that Sonic has in his werehog form..."

Danyelle groans "There goes taking baths...."

Chameleo spoke "Don’t worry, you just need to stay out of sea water, and you’ll be back to normal after an hour."

Danyelle stretched her arm. “Though I’ll admit, it’s pretty awesome.”

Kurama growls suddenly, as did Twiliterasu.

Chameleo asks "Is something wrong?"

Kurama growls "I smell smoke...."

Danyelle spoke "Dang it... Natsu's gotten into a fight with Spyro..."

A younger Spyro asks "Someone rang?"

Chameleo spoke "Hey, Spyro."

Danyelle spoke "Not you, I was talking about Spike's dad..."

Spyro exclaims "Wait, my counterpart’s a dad?! I’m actually my Spike’s brother!"

A fiery Pegasus groans "Ugh…"

We then turned around, seeing some kind of fusion of Flash Sentry and a female Centiskorch.

The older Spyro was fighting with Natsu.

Twilight spoke "My Spike is dating Wendy."

Chameleo spoke "Whoa. Really? My Spike’s actually starting to become closer with my Rarity."

But then a dark purple dragon appeared next to the other Spyro.

A gale of wind kicks up as the older Cynder flew past.

Danyelle spoke "And that was Spike's mother."

Other Cynder gasps "Whoa!"

Then Chrysalight showed up. “Flash Sentry? Is that you?”

A portal had opened up before an untransformed Changeling nurse drags Chrysalight away.

Flash Skorch spoke "Chrysalight! Wait!"

Flash Skorch followed Chrysalight right into the portal.

Danyelle spoke "That isn't your Chrysalight..."

Chameleo spoke "Uh… Something’s telling me that was Flash Skorch’s Chrysalight."

Twily spoke "There have been several reports of missing ponies, Changelings and other creatures.... Among them was my world's Rosewood..."

Stepping out of a warp ring, Zelestia spoke "It's true, various folks from other zones are going missing. I do not know why but I need help from the Mobian Guard and all of their allies."

Chameleo spoke "Sounds like you’ll need some help from me and my friends too."

Zelestia spoke "I will need everyone's help to solve this mystery."

The alicorn cop passes a strange card to Chameleo.

Zelestia spoke "this was the only clue that I found."

Chameleo exclaims "Hmm? *Gasp!*"

The card had a symbol that looked like a music note

Danyelle asks "What is it?"

Lugia pops out of the ball.

Lugia asks "A music note?"

All six sirens had surrounded the trio.

Chameleo then started growling as a blue aura started covering him.

All six sirens growl as well.

Danyelle's ears flatten.

Danyelle spoke "Kids, it's not safe to be roaming around."

Nyx took her siblings home.

“Chameleo? You okay?” I asked.

Chameleo growls "Dragalchimaru…!"

Kurama snarls "Go figures.... That Orochimaru bastard's behind this mess..."

Chameleo spoke "No… Dragalchimaru’s his Pokémon counterpart. We need to head out! Now!"

Then a strange purple earth pony appeared, wearing a white cobra hat and mask.

Danyelle was on Lugia's back.

Danyelle spoke "Right!"

Adagio spoke "Count us six in, we'll help."

Sonic was on Millie's back while Aria was carrying Sonia on her back. Manic was on Operetta's back while Melody was being looked after by Daria.

Twilight spoke "Let's fly!"

Chameleo asks "So, ready to help, Kid Cobra?"

Kid Cobra spoke "Yes."

Kid Cobra then started unleashing some sort of energy as his hat and mask cover his entire head, forming the head of a cobra as the new mask went down to the middle of his back, his purple and green eyes obtained swirls in them, he somehow gained battle gear on him as his front legs and shoulders transformed into snake coils with his front hoofs turning into some kind of weapon.

And Kid Cobra had a symbol on his chest plate.

Kid Cobra spoke "Cobra!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm not going to ask...."

Treble spoke "The longer we wait around, more folks will vanish!"

Chameleo spoke "Come on! Let’s go!"

Sonic spoke "Yeah!!!"

Millie takes flight while carrying Sonic on her back.

Lugia takes flight as well.

A portal opened and we went into it, finding ourselves in a dark cave.

Danyelle's claws and Twilight's horn glow bright, providing some light.

Twiliterasu yips in a confused tone.

Chameleo spoke "Don’t worry. I’m sure the creatures kidnapped aren’t dead. But Dragalchimaru’s gonna try some sick experiments or tests on them."

Twilight spoke "That's what happened to Sunset... she was turned into a Mobian against her will."

Chameleo spoke "Grr…! Let’s take him down."

Danyelle spoke "Even with six sirens, three hedgehogs, two alicorns, a beast-lord, two Pokémon and a nekomata-gryphicorn... We're too small of an army to stop him..."

Chameleo spoke "You forgot who’s with you, a shinobi and an ARMS fighter."

Kid Cobra hisses "Yessssss."

Twilight spoke "Not to mention, one alicorn has two beasts in her soul while the other has godly powers."

Chameleo asks "What have we got to lose?"

Danyelle sarcastically says "Oh I don't know... Maybe our lives?"

Chameleo spoke "Man, you certainly remind me of someone that I hope is here."

Twilight spoke "But she's got a point though."

Chameleo spoke "This fight, no matter how you look at it, will be do or die time."

Twiliterasu growls.

Chameleo spoke "Okay. I seriously need to get a translator."

Danyelle spoke "I speak dog though."

Chameleo spoke "Then translate away."

Danyelle spoke "She said 'We will stop that jerk no matter what!'"

Chameleo spoke "Cool. You know Twiliterasu, you kinda remind me of Iggy. Let’s just hope you don’t die like he did."

Danyelle asks "Who?"

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark. {Gods are tougher than mortals are.}"

Chameleo spoke "Stand User of 'The Fool,' and good point, Twiliterasu, but spirits and souls live on forever. Speaking of 'The Fool...'"

Chameleo pushed a picture on his Multitrix, which looked like a combination of a canine and a car, before sand started swirling around him, forming the same creature that was on the picture.

Danyelle used her magic to transform into a bear with a red stripe of fur going down the back.

Danyelle growls "Let's go."

We moved forward, fought strange enemies, and soon, arrived at the lab where Dragalchimaru and the kidnapped creatures were.

Danyelle snarls at Dragalchimaru.

Dragalchimaru spoke "Hmmhmmhmm… Chameleo, to think you managed to find inter dimensional allies."

Chameleo growls "Where are the creatures you kidnapped? And where is Swampsuke?"

Dragalchimaru laughs "Oh, Swampsuke isn’t here, and all of my test subjects are alive, but I only managed to experiment one. But the results seemed quite fitting for that earth pony mare, Roseluck."

Twilight had shifted to Blue Flame Twirama before snarling at Dragalchimaru.

Dragalchimaru spoke "Oh my. It seems you’re a counterpart, or a reincarnation of the nine-tailed fox brat."

A sudden Ice Beam hits Dragalchimaru.

What looked like a Suicune was snarling at the male.

Dragalchimaru spoke "Well… I certainly didn’t expect that. However, I have some assistance."

A sudden knife flew straight at Chameleo, nailing the wall right next to his face, leaving a small scar on his cheek. Then a figure emerged from the shadows, revealing to be the culprit. However, it looked human.

What looked like an Entei had attacked the human with Flamethrower.

But then a hatchet flew by Danyelle, revealing the culprit to be a woman wearing the chipped mask of a rabbit.

Lugia swatted the hatchet away with its tail.

A Thunderbolt electrocutes the female.

The one responsible for the thunderbolt looked like a Raikou, before it yowled in pain, finding one of its legs caught in a bear trap. Then a figure revealed itself, having placed that bear trap that caught the Raikou, wearing a frightening mask, wielding a strange weapon, and having more bear traps on his back.

Danyelle quickly recalls the Raikou before the freak could hurt it more.

Danyelle, Sonic, Sonia, Manic and the six sirens snarl "UNTIL EQUESTRIA ENDS!!!"

Ben, Knuckles, Lune, Yuki, Korra, Blaze, Breakfang and the rest of the Mane Six call out "MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!!"

Breakfang digs underground before popping up in random spots while taunting the trio of freaks.

But then black gooey insect legs with an orange glow in them started erupting from the ground. And as if luck was on our side, a tri-elemental attack stunned the three killers.

Korra and the avian Mobians flapped their wings hard, kicking up a powerful tornado to push the trio of killers back.

Pinkie and Fluttershy use their airbending to boost the tornado speed.

But then Viper, RD and Makoto showed up, with the dragon glowing a fiery red, the counterpart a water blue, and the hybrid a lightning yellow.

Danyelle used a full restore on her Raikou before letting it back out.

Danyelle spoke "Raiju and Tessa, Thunder! Suicu, Ice Beam! Enkai, Flamethrower! Lugia, Aeroblast! Venus, Shadow Ball!"

The full brunt of five attacks hit Dragalchimaru.

Dragalchimaru groans "Grk!"

Viper shouts "Sacred Fire! And Springtime Storm!"

RD spoke "Aura Beam! Dragon Ascent! Thunder Cage! And the Sonic Rainboom!"

Makoto spoke "Thunder Fang! Psycho Boost! And Planet Crusher!"

The multitude of combined attacks hit Dragalchimaru and the killers dead on.

Rainbow spoke "Flaming Rainboom Spear!"

Rarity spoke "Water Whip!"

Blue Flame Twirama "INFERNO OVERDRIVE!!!"

Dragalchimaru was swarmed with many attacks.

Chameleo spoke "Rasengan Snipe Shot!"

Chameleo charged up a Rasengan and combined it with his signature move, hitting Dragalchimaru from a distance.

A sudden Dazzling Gleam strikes Dragalchimaru at full power, sending him flying.

Zadence flew over with a Sylveon on her back.

Zadence spoke "Dazzling Gleam again!"

The attack hits Dragalchimaru again.

Pibby shouts "FUSION FLARE!!!!"

A fiery tailed beast ball hits Dragalchimaru from behind.

Dragalchimaru laid on the floor, defeated.

Twiliterasu sliced up the trio of killers with her thunder glaive sword.

But as they were sent flying, the black gooey insect legs grabbed them and took them to who knows where.

I ask "is it over?"

Chameleo took a closer look at Dragalchimaru, before scoffing. “I knew it.”

Pibby asks "Knew what?"

Danyelle growls "It's a fake!!!"

“Dragalchimaru” started turning into mud.

Chameleo spoke "A substitute manipulation Jutsu."

Ben snarls "THAT DAMN COWARD!!!!"

Chameleo spoke "No, he knew we would come here and tried to leave a trap for us. If only my Dragalchimaru was more like the mirror world’s Dragalchimaru."

Blue Flame Twirama growls "He's a jerk..."

But then I realized something. “Wait, what do you mean by, more like the mirror world’s Dragalchimaru?”

Chameleo spoke "Well, the mirror world, being the EG world, has something a bit strange."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Dany and I have been to that world twice."

Chameleo spoke "Well, let’s just say that the Dragalchimaru and Swampsuke there are a bit more ally than enemy, thanks to me, Viper, Crane, my Twilight and Spike’s intervention."

A voice from Danyelle's multitrix was heard scoffing. "I doubt that."

Danyelle asks "Huh? Who’s that?"

The voice laughs "Seriously Danyelle, you forgot who I am already?"

Danyelle giggles "No. I was just joking, Megaman."

A female voice spoke "Hmph!"

Danyelle teases "You with your girlfriend, Mega?"

Both NetNavi were blushing like mad.

Danyelle giggles "Hehe. Don’t tell me you two will be mixing new ones and zeroes with each other, are you?"

A flustered Roll retorts "Oh shut up..."

Chameleo spoke "Looks like you have some mega NetNavis, Danyelle."

Danyelle giggles "Plus I like embarrassing Roll at times since she and Mega are pure data and thus unable to have kids the normal way."

Roll was muttering nonsense.

A flustered Megaman spoke "But there is the other option.... Adoption..."

Chameleo spoke "Hmm… Maybe reproduction is a possibility for those two. Since Digimon are also pure data, yet they can reproduce."

A soft trill was heard.

Danyelle asks "Is it Trill again?"

Roll spoke "Yeah, he's pretty much mine and Mega's son though since we adopted him."

But then Sumarda’s voice came up, “But I have a feeling that you and Mega will have some fun sometime soon, so that you both will rock ‘n’ roll each other’s worlds!”

Both Roll and Megaman spoke "Not in front of Trill!"

Sumarda asks "Trill didn’t hear any of that since I put earplugs on him. But do you think you’d be able to babysit Trill for those two when that happens, Danyelle?"

Danyelle asks "Roll, what do you think?"

Roll asks "Mega?"

Megaman spoke "I think it’s okay."

Roll spoke "Alright, Danyelle. We’ll trust you."

Trill was soon asleep in Danyelle's 2DS since he was tired.

Chameleo asks "Well, should we head back?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle uses a warp ring to head back to Ponyville with the others.

Viper spoke "We’re back. And guys, I’d actually like to participate in the Ramen-Eating Contest."

Danyelle spoke "Oh it is on!"

Chameleo spoke "This is gonna be good!"

RD spoke "Hold it! I’m joining in, too!"

Makoto spoke "Same here!"

Then AJ showed up. “Count me in too!”

Roll groans "This'll end in disaster..."

Twilight turned back to normal. “How exactly?”

Roll groans "Danyelle's got a major addiction to ramen...."
