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Leilani Versus Arcana!/ Megaman's truth/ Rutherford's visit

*Three days after the summit*

*Lillian's POV*

Several explosions were heard since Leilani and Arcana were arguing over something.

I groan "Not again..."

But then Sumarda showed up. “Are they at it again?”

I groan "Yeah.... Plus Danyelle's sick again...."

But then Sumarda's ears twitched.

Pinkie was zipping about in a panic since the Yakyakistan delegates were coming for a visit.

Sumarda asks "No way… They’re actually doing that?"

I groan "Yeah but they picked a bad time for a fight..."

Tempest spoke "And with the Yakyakistan dignitaries coming today, we can't have any of the Mobians roaming around..."

Sumarda spoke "No, it’s not that, they actually challenged each other to the Challenge, which will only be challenges one and two for them."

Gingerheart spoke "For the love of... QUEEN LEILANI! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!! We have guests!"

Sumarda spoke "Um… They’re gone."

I spoke "Annnnyways.... The Mobians, chakats, ponykats, Changelings and Diamond Dogs have to stay out of sight. Last thing we need is a war between ponies and yaks."

Sumarda spoke "Definitely, but I think I need to keep an eye on Leilani and Grandma. Besides, they’re doing a Challenge, so I’ll have to see what’s going on."

I spoke "Good idea."

*Pinkie's POV*

Lillian and the others remained indoors while Rutherford was visiting.

I ask "Cheesy, could you help me with the yaks?"

Cheese spoke "Sure Pinks, we can't ask Danyelle or Lillian to help out since the yaks don't know what a Mobian is."

“And Sumarda told me that Queen Leilani and her grandma Arcana are doing the first two challenges of the Challenge.” I added.

Blueberry crawls over to me.

“Hey, Blue. You doing alright?” I asked one of my daughters.

Cherry and Raspberry were soon on my back.

Melira, Bunbun and Sam were staying at Danyelle's place.

I spoke "I'm so lucky to have three cute daughters."

Cheese spoke "Both of us are, Pinkie."

I couldn’t help but love that Cheese Sandwich. “Aw… Cheesecake…”

Cheese spoke "Sugarcake…"

Pibby spoke "Pinkie, we got a problem!"

I ask "What's got your tail in a twist?"

Pibby spoke "Joke aside, we got guests... But they're rather picky though."

“And they would be…?” I asked.

Pibby spoke "yaks..."

“That means they’re here!” I noticed.

Pibby spoke "All of the non ponies are staying out of sight though... and that also includes half ponies too..."

I ask "Why?"

Pibby spoke "I don't know..."

*Meanwhile at Danyelle's place*

*Megaman's POV*

Danyelle spoke "I hate not being able to roam around freely..."

But then Sumarda appeared. “Well, if you want, you can see the Challenge. My grandma and Leilani willingly challenged each other to it, and it’s only the first two challenges.”

Nyx, Guinevere, Bluestar, Iris and Thunder ask "Can we watch too?"

Sumarda spoke "Uh… That’s up to your mom."

Danyelle spoke "Of course since Nyx, Guinevere and Iris are unable to hang out with the other Crusaders while Prince Rutherford is visiting."

Sumarda spoke "Oh boy. I’ll ask again, because if we go there, we’ll all be in our midforms, and we’ll be seeing Grandma and Leilani in their midforms too."

Danyelle spoke "Not counting natural born Mobians though... But since I was born human, I look more like a Mobini when I'm not on my Mobius."

Sumarda asks "True. But still, knowing this, are you sure?"

Danyelle growls at Sumarda.

Sumarda spoke "I’m just trying to help protect your kids."

Nyx spoke "I can protect my siblings though, it's what my talent is."

Sumarda spoke "Okay. Well, here we go."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, teleporting herself, Danyelle and the nekomata’s children to a new place, where they saw Leilani and Arcana ready to dig in.

Sumarda spoke "Alright! Since we have some creatures who volunteered to be in the audience, let’s get this first challenge started!"

Then Cronile showed up. “And for the two competitors’ request, the eating competition will go for six hours! And they’ve given us the physical battle for the second challenge, which will be revealed after the first challenge!”

Sumarda spoke "For the first two hours, the two competitors will be eating sweets and pies! For the second two hours, they’ll be eating ramen and spaghetti! And for the final two hours, they’ll be drinking frappé and milkshakes!"

Danyelle was drooling since she had a weakness for ramen, spaghetti and milkshakes.

Guinevere spoke "Oh god...."

Sumarda asks "Uh… Danyelle?"

Nyx spoke "She's got a weakness for ramen, spaghetti and milkshakes... But with a new kitten on the way, she can't have any starch...."

Cronile spoke "Oh boy."

Sumarda and Cronile snapped their fingers, and the next thing Danyelle new, she was chained to her seat.

I retort "What was that for?"

Sumarda spoke "Just so she doesn’t go on a ramen/spaghetti/milkshake frenzy. Normally, I would allow her to compete, but Grandma and Leilani want to settle it themselves. Besides, I can make any food not have starch, even ramen, spaghetti and milkshakes."

The sound of sizzling metal was heard since Danyelle had set herself on fire.

Sumarda spoke "Uh-oh!"

Arcana asks "Sumarda, since Danyelle seems so eager to join, why deny that?"

Leilani spoke "Danyelle can join our Challenge, she might actually make the second challenge more interesting."

Sumarda stammers "W-What? But I thought-"

Arcana and Leilani both spoke "It’s Danyelle’s choice!"

Sumarda and Cronile spoke "Y-Yes ma’ams!"

I spoke "Roll and I will sit this out though."

Sumarda and Cronile sighed in relief.

I spoke "But I'll keep an eye on the brats."

Roll thinks "Maybe I should tell Danyelle the truth about Mega..."

“Roll, please. Let me tell Danyelle after this Challenge ends.” I requested my wife.

Danyelle's left ear twitches.

Danyelle asks "Tell me what?"

Roll spoke "You silly NetNavi, you keep forgetting that Danyelle has keen ears...."

“Sorry. But now’s not the right time, Danyelle.” I responded.

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me stick a virus into Roll and turning her into a dominatrix again..."

“Please, now’s not the time to bribe me! A Challenge is going underway!” I responded.

Roll spoke "I swear, you and Danyelle bicker like siblings would..."

Danyelle asks "NetNavi say what?"

“Roll!” I said.

Roll spoke "Well it's true."

Danyelle was speechless.

Nyx asks "Mom?"

Iris asks "You alright?"

Danyelle ends up fainting.

“Now the cat’s out of the bag....” I dreaded.

Nyx spoke "Mom never mentioned any siblings though..."

“Well, you can say that your uncle’s a NetNavi now.” I explained.

All seven kids spazz out and faint.

Roll spoke "30 years is a long time to keep such a secret from your sister..."

“And Ben is really gonna lose it when we tell him. But it looks like the first Challenge is gonna start.” I noted.

Danyelle groans "Ugh....."

“Just in time, sis.” I greeted.

Danyelle groans "You've got to be pulling my tails..."

“I’m not lying.” I honestly responded.

A teary eyed Danyelle hugged me.

Danyelle cries "All this time... My brother was alive but I never knew...."

I couldn’t help but shed a few tears myself. “And I’m really sorry for making you wait like that.”

Danyelle spoke "I never told mom though... But I'll never be able to now..."

Iris groans as she slowly woke up.

Iris asks "Mom, what happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Just reuniting with your uncle."

I chuckle "Not every Mobian is aware of this fact though."

Danyelle spoke "Knowing Ben, Sonic and Tails... They'll freak out. So will Lillian."

I spoke "So true."

Sumarda spoke "And the first challenge will start in a few seconds!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm ready! and no size change spells Sumarda."

Sumarda asks "Uh… didn’t you say that you and Roll were gonna sit this out?"

Danyelle spoke "I didn't say that, I wanted to join in!"

Sumarda spoke "Okay, but are you sure? The second challenge will be quite difficult for you as you are now."

Danyelle spoke "On second thought... I'll just watch the second challenge...."

Sumarda spoke "Okay. The first challenge will start in 3…"

Cronile spoke "2…"

Sumarda and Cronile spoke "1… FEAST!!!"

Danyelle chows down on as many sweets as she could.

Sumarda groans "What the?! Aw man… Danyelle should really take her own advice."

When the gong rang, right after Danyelle jumped in, her appetite, as well as Arcana’s and Leilani’s, became insatiable, as they all kept eating tons of sweets, cakes, ice cream and pies as fast as they could, not caring one bit about the weight they were rapidly gaining.

Roll spoke "She's not taking part in the second challenge though."

Danyelle spoke "I can't stop eating...."

Sumarda asks "How exactly, Roll?"

The three of them kept eating and eating, but when the first two hours ended, they were as big as mountains, weighing at least one million pounds, and then spaghetti and ramen appeared.

Roll spoke "Risk of miscarriage...."

Sumarda spoke "Funny you should mention that, because whenever a Challenge is underway, any female participating who’s pregnant has an impenetrable barrier around their womb, so miscarriage is impossible and improbable. Trust me, I’ve seen pregnant females participate in the second challenge, and none of them had any miscarriages."

Roll spoke "Guess that doesn't affect female NetNavis though..."

Sumarda spoke "Actually, it does."

The three competitors started slurping up spaghetti and ramen at an incredible rate, getting bigger and bigger, but then they started slurping in the pasta sauce and ramen soup along with the noodles, making them grow even faster.

Roll spoke "Even if I did join in, I wouldn't gain any extra weight."

Sumarda spoke "That may be so, but you would grow bigger like you got hit by a gigantify ray."

When the second two hours ended, Danyelle, Arcana and Leilani were as big as states, weighing at least two billion pounds each, before a bent funnels appeared in each of their hands.

Glancing up, I spoke "I feel like an ant compared to Dany..."

Sumarda spoke "Given the size, makes sense."

The three competitors put the funnels into their moves, before waterfalls of frappe and milkshakes fell perfectly into the funnels and then their mouths, as they chugged the sugary liquids without hesitation, getting bigger and fatter unbelievably fast.

I spoke "True there."

But then as Danyelle, Leilani and Arcana kept chugging the frappe and milkshake, they started moaning.

Cronile gasps "Whoa! They’re getting antsy for the second challenge!"

Roll spoke "I agree."

Sumarda spoke "And the first challenge will end in 3… 2… 1… Finish!"

All three competitors stopped, each of them weighing at least three trillion pounds.

Danyelle let out a loud belch.

Leilani and Arcana belched in unison with her at the same volume.

Nyx had to cover herself with a soundproof barrier.

Iris whimpers "That was too loud...."

Sumarda spoke "It seems that they’re satisfied with their meals."

I spoke "Too bad the sound was so loud."

Cronile spoke "Well, this just got more interesting for Leilani and Grandma Arcana."

Sumarda spoke "Yeah, they did say that the second challenge would be more interesting if Danyelle joined in. And it seems to be a three-way tie for the first event, for all three competitors each weigh 3.69 trillion pounds."

Danyelle spoke "This is nothing compared to the time I pulled a german suplex on Limestone!"

Sumarda spoke "Well, the second challenge is wrestling, but it’s an old traditional one."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, before Danyelle, Arcana and Leilani found themselves wearing sarashis and loincloths, while seeing that they were surrounded by a continent-sized circle as they noticed that they were as big as countries.

Sumarda and Cronile spoke "Get ready to Sumo!!!"

Danyelle stammers "W-w-w-w-wait! I don't know the rules for sumo wrestling!"

Sumarda spoke "Don’t worry, they’re simple; all you gotta do is use your physical strength, prowess and technique to push, throw or force your opponents out of the ring/circle you’re in."

Danyelle spoke "I'm more of a kicker since I learned how to fight with hands and feet."

Sumarda spoke "Well, sumo requires body strength, arm strength and leg strength. So you should be good to go."

Danyelle spoke "Too bad my wings are useless at this size."

Sumarda spoke "You do realize that your wings have grown along with you, right? And since my grandma and Leilani have wings that’s grown with them too, this is a fair fight. Even sumo-wrestling in the air is okay, as long as it’s inside the circle/ring."

I groan "My sister's an idiot..."

Sumarda spoke "Well, the three of you better get ready at the inner edge of the circle, because when that gong rings, it’s time to sumo wrestle!!!"

Danyelle yowls "READY!!!"

Arcana spoke "ALL SET!!!"

Leilani spoke "GOOD TO GO!!!"

Sumarda spoke "All right everyone!"

Cronile spoke "Here we go!"

Sumarda spoke "It…"

Cronile spoke "Is…"

Sumarda and Cronile spoke "SUMO TIME!!!"

Danyelle, Arcana and Leilani charged straight at each other, grabbing each other all at the same time.

Danyelle keeps her tails curled up so that the other two females didn't grab them.

Sumarda spoke "Wow! Those three are really giving it their all from the start!"

Danyelle pulls a fast one on Arcana, knocking her out with a german suplex.

Danyelle growls "You're next Leilani."

Arcana then suddenly got back up. “Thought it was going to be that easy, young lady?”

Danyelle grabs Arcana by the tail and yeets the old draconequus out of the ring.

Arcana spoke "Apparently so. I need to do more training."

Danyelle laughs "Get dunked on!"

The seven children, Roll and I burst out laughing at what Danyelle said.

Sans chuckles "hehehe. that’s my line."

I spoke "You're that skeleton that Danyelle met one time!"

Sans spoke "Yep. Name’s Sans. Put ‘er there."

I hesitantly grabbed Sans’ hand before- *Breaks wind*

Sans chuckles "hahaha. the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. never gets old."

Nyx and Guinevere giggle "Punny skeleton!"

Roll spoke "Danyelle told us about you."

Danyelle had Leilani in a headlock.

Leilani spoke "I won’t go down that easily!"

Leilani went into her full power alicorn mode, causing her eyes to glow pure white as it pushed Danyelle away, but not enough to force her out of the ring.

Danyelle spoke "AND NEITHER WILL I!!!"

Danyelle's fur turns starch white as her eyes turn bright gold, pushing Leilani back thus causing the ten thousand year old mare to have one hoof out of the ring.

Sumarda spoke "WOW!!! I did NOT see this coming! That was so awesome!"

But then a belt appeared, with one half having a alicorn symbol, and the other half having a Draconequus symbol.

I spoke "But Queen Leilani's not fully out yet!"

Danyelle sings an altered version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCJciafTl5o after cross fusing with Roll.

Leilani spoke "It's all or nothing now!"

Leilani recovered her footing and prepared to charge towards Danyoll.

The duo was ready for the tackle.

Danyelle's tails twitch, thus she got out of the way before Leilani tackled her.

But then Arcana flew into Leilani, fusing with her.

Leicana spoke "If you're gonna fuse, then so will we!"

I join in on the cross fusion, boosting Danyelle's power further.

Leicana and Danyoll roared before charging right at each other, grappling and trying to push each other out of the ring, while they were unaware what was happening to them.

Cronile exclaims "Whoa! What’s this?"

Sumarda spoke "OMG!!! This is becoming sudden death!"

Leicana and Danyoll suddenly started becoming bigger and fatter until they were both as big as the moon, each weighing 4.92 quadrillion pounds.

Sumarda spoke "I don’t know how this happened, but this is now the endgame! Sudden Death! One push could force a competitor out of the ring, ending the match!"

But then we (Megadanyoll) and Leicana started growing again, until we were as big as continents, right on the edge of the ring, weighing 6.25 quintillion pounds.

Sumarda and Cronile exclaim "WOW!!! This is it! The Grand Finale!!!"

The combined power of Danyelle, Roll and I was more than what Leilani and Arcana had thus the three of us shove the draconequus-alicorn fusion backwards.

Leicana spoke "We’re not going down without a fight!"

But then their hair turned electric blue as they gained an aura of the same color, putting us on equal ground.


The tri-fusion grabs Leicana and throws the fusion out of the ring thus winning the match.

Megadanyoll roars loud in victory.

Sumarda and Cronile exclaim "WOW!!! MEGADANYOLL IS THE ULTIMATE WINNER!!!"

Megadanyoll roars one last time before reverting back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "That was awesome!"

Leicana split up back to Leilani and Arcana, but they didn’t seem to have changed back.

Leilani spoke You’ve certainly beaten us."

Arcana spoke "Yes, sometimes it’s better to pass on the torch. You’ve deserved this Draconalicornuus Belt."

Danyelle spoke "From one royal to another, you weren't so bad yourself Leilani."

Leilani spoke "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

Danyelle spoke "You were great too, Arcana."

Arcana spoke "You have my gratitude for that, Danyelle."

I spoke "I wonder how Pinkie handled the guests."

*Back to Pinkie's POV*

I spoke "This is not going great...."

A warp ring opens up behind me, revealing Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Pinkie."

“Dany?!" I gasped.

Danyelle spoke "I got a call from Protoman that you were having trouble with the yaks."

Megaman spoke "Instead of trying to make Ponyville into another Yakyakistan, you could try helping them feel at home in Ponyville. Basically, show them the bond ponies have with each other and the Mobians, chakats, Changelings and Diamond Dogs."

“Really? But where were you?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "In a Challenge against Queen Leilani and Arcana, and I won. But after that, they started wrestling each other getting bigger and bigger and… bigger and… let’s just say I took my kids home after I won before they grew to be as big as galaxies, weighing at least an undecillion pounds each. *Shiver!* I don’t think I wanna know the biggest size they can become, but I’m still curious."

Megaman spoke "Plus a long since buried secret was revealed... Due to a slip of the tongue from Roll..."

Roll spoke "I said I was sorry!"

I ask "What’s the secret?"

Danyelle spoke "I never mentioned this but I was supposed to have a brother but my mom had a miscarriage... My brother's soul wound up on the net for the past 29 years but I was unaware of it until now..."

There are no words.... I was totally and utterly speechless as my jaw dropped straight dead to the ground.

Danyelle snaps her fingers in my face, spooking me.

“Gah!” I yelped.

Danyelle groans "If that's the sort of reaction I'll be getting, I think Ben will react the same way."

“That settles it! Tomorrow, I’ll be throwing the biggest party for you and Megaman EVER!!!” I declared.

Danyelle spoke "I hate to break it to you Pinkie but I don't want everyone to know the truth."
