• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 446 Views, 24 Comments

Trials and Tribulations - Divide

A young, world weary entrepreneur is brought to Equestria. Will he love or hate his new world?

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Chapter Twelve

Trials and Tribulations

Chapter Twelve: A matter of perspective

Seth told his tale of how he met Princess Luna, turned into a pony, ranted at Princess Celestia, and appeared back at Dash's house. He still had no idea how he lost an extra day though, or why Rainbow Dash slept through it.

Seth proposed a theory. "Twilight, what would you do if you saw something go wrong when somepony was using magic for the first time?"

Twilight thought for a moment, as all previous hostility and awkwardness had subsided. "I would probably cast a sleeping spell on them, since nopony can use magic while their sleeping, accidentally or on purpose."

Seth took that information and turned it into a hypothesis. "What if that's exactly what Princess Luna tried to do, except the spell was redirected somehow? Rainbow Dash, you said that you remember waking up to check on the light show, right?"

Rainbow Dash nodded.

Seth nodded as well, pleased with his guess. "If I had to wager, my money would be on Luna attempting to use a sleep spell on me and it redirecting into Rainbow Dash. And that's why, Twilight, we were both gone for two days."

Twilight sheepishly looked at her hooves and said, "I'm sorry for assuming the worst. I'm just glad the both of you are safe."

Rainbow Dash headed towards the door. "Thanks for the concern Twilight, but I gotta fly! My training routine won't practice itself!"

She was about to lift off when she turned around and added, "Oh and Seth? Your welcome to sleep over again if you want. You're the only excuse I have to be able to sleep for a whole day!"

As she turned and flew off, Seth said, "For some reason, I don't think the Wonderbolts will ever let her join."

Twilight, being her questioning self, asked, "Why not? And how did you know she's trying?"

Seth looked at her, his face neutral. "I'm very smart, Twilight Sparkle. I can inference things out of the smallest details and remember most things that I actually care about. They called people like me 'mensa' or 'genius'. But you already knew that, didn't you?"

Twilight smiled and said, "I read a lot of the books on your phone. Were people like you common on Earth?"

Shaking his head slowly, Seth said, "Few enough, Twilight. Few enough."

Seth scratched his 6-day beard. "Do you have any books on magical spells? If I'm able to actually cast them, I'd like to learn as many as I can."

Twilight nodded and motioned for Seth to follow. As they were heading towards a bookshelf, Twilight asked, "Why don't you think Dash will make it into the Wonderbolts?"

Seth grinned and said, "I never said that. I said they won't let her join."

Twilight sighed and rephrased her question. "Why won't they let her join?"

Seth grin turned into a full-blown smile. "Because she's too good for them."

Leaving Twilight's house with another book, Seth strolled over to Rarity's boutique to pick up his shoes. He knocked on the door, and was surprised to see one of the little ponies that had bowled him over in the forest open it.

The little unicorn stared at Seth in pure, unadulterated fear.

"Hello there. I've come to talk to Rarity. Is she here?" asked Seth as nicely as he could.

The unicorn stood there in shock.

Sighing, Seth said, "Yes, I know I'm terrifying, I've heard it before. I assure you, however, that I mean no harm to anypony. Now, would you kindly see if Rarity is around?"

Before Sweetie Belle could respond, the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders yelled out, "Now! Get him!"

Seth found himself tackled and being pinned under an orange pegasus with a purple mane alongside a yellow Earth pony with a red mane. The yellow one was saying, "We got him! We got him! We'll be heroes!"

The orange pegasus said, "I can't wait to tell Rainbow Dash!"

Before Seth could defend himself, Rarity appeared in the doorway and said, "Girls! Get off of Seth this instant!"

The two Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't move. "But this was the monster that we warned ya'll about. Wasn't he dangerous?"

"Yes, I am dangerous, but only when I want to be," said Seth as he stood up, making the two fillies tumble to the ground.

Seth brushed himself off and said, "Hello Rarity. Sorry I'm late picking up my shoes, but I had some...delays."

Sweetie Belle, who was hiding behind her sister, piped up and asked, "Rarity, is what he's saying true?"

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Yes Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, I want you to apologize to Mr. Seth. He has acted like a complete gentlecolt and is not deserving of such accusations."

The two fillies stared at their hooves and said, "Sorry Mr. Seth."

Seth laughed and said, "That's quite alright. You two were just trying to protect your friend from me. I know how threatening I can look, especially considering I dwarf everypony in size. Next time, however, I'd advise you to ask an adult for help, much like when I first arrived here. Not that you three aren't intimidating, but I'm sure some creatures wouldn't be as understanding as I am."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders felt their chests swell up in pride. A tall and scary creature just called them intimidating!

"Thank you Mr. Seth!" the three called out happily before running down the road.

Rarity looked at Seth. "You could have gotten up the whole time and yet you chose to let them have their fun. You are an interesting person, Seth.

Seth smiled. "I try." He looked at Rarity and said, "They were nice fillies. I take it Sweetie Belle is yours?"

Rarity looked at him with mild shock on her face. "Good heavens, no. She's my younger sister. I'm looking after to her for a bit, as our parent's are in town."

"Oh," said Seth eloquently.

Anxious to change the subject, Seth asked Rarity, "Are my shoes ready? The weather is nice and all, but there's nothing like a good pair of shoes."

"Yes. In fact they've been ready since yesterday morning. What was it that delayed you so?"

Seth told Rarity about what everything that happened since leaving her shop the first time. By the end of it, Seth had some kick-ass shoes. Well, more like boots, thought Seth abstractly. Boot-shoes? Boose. Speaking of booze, I could use a drink. This has been one hell of an interesting few days.

"Hey Rarity, is there anywhere I can get a drink? You know, drink drink."

Rarity put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Now that you mention it, I do recall a bar opening up recently, near the edge of town."

Perfect, thought Seth. Thanking Rarity again, Seth was about to head over to the bar when he realized he didn't have any money. He didn't even know what money here was. Luckily, his dilemma was resolved when a letter appeared out of thin air in front of him. Seth opened the letter and read:

Dear Seth,

Luna and I have discussed whether or not you are to be trusted. After reviewing your memories, we thought it wise to allow you to continue your stay in Ponyville, as long as you behave yourself. As for currency, enclosed in the coin purse in front of you is 5000 bits. This should be sufficient until you can find a job for yourself.

Regarding your transformation capabilities, we both thought it wise for you to be either human or pony, and to not show your transformation to anypony else.
Luna and I are both equally sorrowful for the losses of which you have suffered, and we both hope that you may find peace in Equestria.


Princess Celestia

"Ask and you shall receive," muttered Seth as he read over the letter. He couldn't tell whether the princess was lying or not. He decided to think about it later. Now, he was going to get wasted.

4 hours and many drinks later...

Seth stumbled out of the bar, waving goodbye to the friends he had made there. He liked talking to drunk people. They made him feel smarter.

Realizing he had nothing to do, Seth groggily sat down on a park bench. He checked his pockets for something to entertain him, and stumbled upon his gun. He pulled it out and examined it. Full on ammo, hardly any use. He hoped he never had to use it. Carefully putting it away, Seth checked his book bag. Noticing the new book he borrowed from Twilight's, he decided to read it.

After an hour of reading, Seth made it the type of magic that most interested him: transformation magic. He quickly read through the chapter, but had to repeatedly re-read some sections. Apparently double-vision makes it difficult to read. Go figure.

Just as Seth was finishing the section on transformation, he was startled by Rainbow Dash.

"Hiya Seth! Whatcha doing?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Seth lost his already precarious balance and fell to the ground. He looked up at her and said, "You know, unraveling the secrets of the Universe. The usual."

Rainbow Dash cocked her head and asked, "What? Really?"

Seth laughed and said, "Naw, I'm just trolling. I'm actually trying to read a book while drunk. Not as easy as it sounds."

Rainbow Dash wasn't buying it. "Are you sure? You don't sound drunk."

Seth staggered to his feet, holding his head in his hand. "I've been told that before. Something about high alcohol tolerance or some bullshit like that. Regardless, I'm pretty wasted. Can I stay over at your place again? I don't trust myself to walk." Seth giggled at his last joke.

Smirking, Dash said, "Fine. I'm not going to catch you if you fall, though.

"Yay!" exclaimed Seth. He climbed onto Rainbow Dash's back. "Giddy up! Giddy up magic flying rainbow pony!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and flew to her house with Seth somehow managing to keep his balance. After entering the house, Seth made a beeline for the couch and flopped onto it.

"Oh my god! Clouds are soo fucking soft!" said Seth drunkenly.

Realizing he had an audience, Seth sat up. He remembered reading something about being able to transform others.

"Hey Rainbow, wanna help me test something?" asked Seth.

Rainbow Dash was understandably skeptical. "Test what?"

Seth pulled out his spell book. "You just stay right there. I got this."

Seth reached into himself to pull the magic that he knew was there. It instinctively responded, engulfing Seth in a silvery aura. He checked the book again, and said the words to the spell, directing it at Rainbow Dash.

A great flash of light came from Rainbow, blinding Seth momentarily.

He looked up, and witnessed what he'd done.

"Oh sweet Jesus, what did I do?"