• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 2,058 Views, 77 Comments

An Experiment - Kelvin Shadewing

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I stepped into Do Manor, dropped my gun, and kicked off my boots, sighing as I did.

"So what've you been up to?" Daring asked me with a hint of smugness in her voice.

I smirked and made my voice sound raspy. "I had a hell of a day, Daring! I sank their battle ships... and their whales!"

She cocked her head at me.

I chuckled back at her. "Human joke, Dare. Mostly just went around and did some portal-related favors. Helped move in a couch, retrieved a purse, got a foal out of a tree. That last one was rather cute, heheh."

Daring smiled. "Well, glad to see you're making a good impression on ponies. But I just got us a contract, so playtime's over."

I raised an eyebrow. "A contract? For what?"

"Ever heard of the Philosoraptor's Stone?"

I couldn't keep a straight face. I doubled over and burst out laughing, holding my sides which were riddled with stitches. "You're-you're not serious, are you?! The Philosoraptor?!" I laughed some more and wiped my eye. "Oh, yeah, I've heard of him. 'I love food, but does food love me?' That guy, right? Holy crap, how do you have him in this world?"

Daring blinked in surprised. "You really have heard of him? How?"

I fought to calm down and catch my breath. "We have him on my world, too. But he's just a joke there. I can't believe you guys actually have that here, and that he's got relics!"

Daring looked seriously confused. "I don't get it. How could he be in two worlds? That makes no sense."

"Hey, we have the same animals, and things I thought were myth back home are real here," I said, "I don't see what's so surprising. Of course, I've been debating whether or not I'm even really on another planet, anyway."

Daring became even more confused. "How could you not be on another planet?" she asked, "You said yourself, you made a portal from another world."

"I know I said that," I tried to explain, "But what if I'm wrong? What if something happened with the portal beam that caused it to break into another universe and hit the same world?"

The poor mare looked like her head was going to pop.

"Look," I went on, "Aperture Science was working on a machine that could go into alternate universes so that they could use test chambers from other versions of Earth. You said this planet's name was Earth, too. Now, suppose all this messing with the multiverse created a rift in space, and my portal beam went through that rift and hit another Earth on the other side?"

Daring's eyes widened a bit. "So you're saying this Earth is the same as your Earth, just in a parallel universe?"

I nodded. "I looked at a map of Equestria, and not only did many of your major cities have similar names to mine, but the placement of some of them matched locations in my world. Equestria alone nearly mirrors the layout of America."

"But wait," Daring asked, "Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because it occured to me that if the rift led to this world, then this place must have its own Aperture, or something close to it. And if it does, then maybe I could reach my own world again."

Daring tapped a hoof to her chin and hmmed. "Well, the most scientific place I know of is the Canterlot Institute of Everything."

I grinned. "Everything, huh?"

"Yeah," she said with a nod, "They cover all academic fields. Magic, science, history, you name it. In fact, they've asked me to retrieve a few artifacts in the past."

"So if we get a contract from them, I might get a chance to ask about Aperture." I nodded pensively. "Well, that takes a load off my mind. So then, where's our current one taking us?"

"The crystal mountains, way up north," said Daring, "It gets really cold there, so I think we should take the train." She pulled a map out of her pocket and set it down on a table, pointing out a route. "We'll take the train here to the northern town of Stalliongrad. We'll pick up the supplies we need there, and then we'll go on hoof up the mountains."

"Assuming the surface tolerance on my portal gun can handle it, I could save us quite a bit of walking up those mountains," I said, "I was able to use it on the plateaus back home, so I know it doesn't need perfectly flat surfaces."

"Sounds good," said Daring, then pointed to a rather jagged-looking mountain range, "The cave where the stone is hidden is said to be around here, in the Dragon's Spine. The weather there will likely be the most treacherous, so be careful, OK?"

I nodded. "Got it."

"Good." Daring rolled up the map with surprising dexterity, and stuffed it back into her shirt pocket. "I'm gonna go buy our train tickets. Do what you gotta do here, then meet me there in an hour."

With that, the pegasus turned and left the manor. I took the opportunity to give my portal gun and my long fall boots a quick clean up and inspected them for any possible damage; I needed my gear in top condition for this expedition.

Wow, a real expedition, with a real archaeologist, searching for a real, long sought relic. I trembled with excitement at the thought. If I ever got home, I'd have a heck of a story to tell everyone, and hopefully I'd still have my portal gun as proof.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned to see Alfredo behind me.

"So," he said, setting his jaw, "I guess you two will be setting off now?"

"Yeah," I said, "Will you be alright here by yourself?"

The unicorn chuckled dryly. "Oh, don't worry abouf me, Ash, I'll be quite alright." He turned sullen. "It's Daring I worry about. Every time she goes out on one of her excursions, I'm always afraid it'll be the last time I ever see her."

I half smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. I'll be there to watch her back."

Alf's expression rose a little. "I'm glad she'll have somepony looking after her. Just promise me you'll do your best for her. For me."

"I promise." How could I not? After all they'd been through together, I could tell he saw Daring as a daughter. How heartbroken he'd be if she never came back, I couldn't stand to let that happen.

"You're a good person, Ash," he said.

I think I blushed a little. "You can thank my dad for that. He always told me it was my responsibility to help anyone I can. So don't worry. I'll never abandon Daring."

"Thank you." If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I saw a tear welling up in Alf's eye.

"You're welcome." I slipped on my boots and locked them in place. "I'd better get going. Dare's probably waiting for me."

"Oh, that's right! I wanted to give you this." He levitated a backpack with lots of pockets up to me. "I figured Daring would decide to use you as a pack mule, so you'll be needing this."

His magic glow disappeared as I grabbed the bag, revealing it's color to be the same green as my jumpsuit, albeit a shade darker.

"Wow, thanks," I said, slipping it on. I found one of the straps worked well for holding my portal gun. "I'll take good care of it, and Daring."

"I'm sure you will," he said, smiling up at me, "Now you better run along. It's rude to keep a lady waiting."

"Got it," I replied, and headed for the door, "We'll be back as soon as we get that stone! Count on it!" I know it was corny, but I figured it would help reassure him. At least I didn't say "believe it."

I closed the door behind me, then took a deep breath of the salty ocean air. My adventure was just beginning.

Author's Note:

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