• Published 14th Sep 2012
  • 671 Views, 2 Comments

Forces of Nature - DrZed

A Dimension jumping team of heroes gets dumped in Equestria.

  • ...

A... bird? in the hand

Derpy is flying scared, the cockatrice's gaze couldn't quite line up with her offset eyes for the enchantment to work but it still has a wicked beak and nasty claws, and it's still hot on her tail.

The lunar pegasi dive towards her, shields raised, She screams again and dives out of the way, rolling and getting tangled in some bushes.

One of the pegasi catches the Cockatrice on the shield, bouncing him back and away. The cockatrice hisses and recovers, watching the two shields start to separate, unsure which to attack first.

Behind the Cockatrice, a pair of rock-hewn hands reach out of the ground and grab the cockatrice by the legs and tail, dragging it mostly into the ground, leaving only it's head sticking out. The creature squawks in surprise.

"Gotcha!" Taurence's head pops up out the ground, and he starts climbing out.

The cockatrice hisses and glares at Taurence, it's eyes glowing red. Taurence feels some form of magic pushing at him. He grins "Aww c'mon now, that's not nice! You cain't stone an Earth Elemental, Least like that, anyway."

Taurence digs in a pocket of his loose vest, emptying the contents of a small cloth bag into the pocket before bagging the creature's head. "Whew! It's ok to look now, yall."

The guards peeked cautiously around their shields to see Taurence scooping the bag-headed bird creature out of the dirt.

Taurence wraps an arm firmly around the Cockatrices wings, and holds it's feet together.

The cockatrice struggles, tail flailing against Taurence's back, but gives up shortly, the arm around it is unyielding.

"You hush now." Taurence smiles as he strokes the strange creature's neck.

The brush flails about as the walleyed mare comes out of her hiding place. "How did you do that?"

Taurence chuckles, "Long story...very long." He looks at her, "You have a friend?"

Derpy shoots up in the air. "Yes, Berry! Is she ok?"

Taurence closes his eyes a moment, "Yes and no. It's slowed, but not stopping."

Derpy makes a beeline back the way she came, "Berry!!!!"

Taurence nods and follows still carrying the offending Cockatrice.

The Lunar pegasi glance at each other, shrug and start following.