• Published 14th Sep 2012
  • 671 Views, 2 Comments

Forces of Nature - DrZed

A Dimension jumping team of heroes gets dumped in Equestria.

  • ...

Leap of faith

She loved her job.

What exactly was her job?

To know: everything. To be anywhere, and everywhere at the same time.

How does she do it?

Nanites, knit into a cohesive network, communicating by subspace in tightly encrypted bursts. The billions of nano machines that make up her body stored unimaginable amounts of data in tiny crystal cores. Each of her nanites can join with others and move independently of each other giving her much flexibility, infiltration was child's play.

This is Dawn, or her 'superhero' name, Platinum.

She was above it all and right in the middle of it,

Her collective mind calmly watched the map as segments of the base wet red, indicating they were offline... most likely flooded with water or already broken off and tumbling into the trench.

"Labs 3a through 2d are offline, flooded." she communicated to her teammates, in a zen state even as her body returned fire at the mercenary team that had them pinned down at the control console for the portal device.

While she was highly effective on her own she had created four drones from her nanomaterial, giving them pet names and giving them animal forms that they can morph into, along with rudimentary personality programming.

Her pets were doing well:

Sarge, a defense drone, had covered the space with a heavy energy shield, and was assisting her with hacking the console.

Spot and Rover are mobile turrets, providing cover fire from their micro-gun (Spot) and plasma rifle (Rover). White tracers and arcs of plasma were lighting up the computer consoles on both sides of the merc team, keeping them pinned down.

Fifi, a stealth tracking and surveillance unit had been monitoring the comm channels and movements of their opponents, keeping her up to date of where everything was.

"Zed! The boys are almost here!" She called to him.

Zed, the grey draft horse, was sitting crosslegged before the portal itself, facing a wall of glowing rippling energy, scribing multicolored runes of light in the air before him, seeming blissfully unaware of the fight.

A grenade bounced across the ground, landing near him, then it blinked out of existence for a quarter second.

A horrified scream emerged from from the thower's throat before the flashbang he just threw went off in his hand, taking him and his team out of the fight temporarily.

Taurence, a minotaur apparently made of rough brown stone, came running up the corridor, followed by Slaytor.

Taurence bowled over the remaining security team, charging through them like a linebacker.

Slaytor, pulling three short handled rods from his hip holsters, flipping one over his shoulder and catching it with his tail. Each
extended and unfolded metallic tines which crackled to life with electricity, dived into the stunned guards, a whirlwind of showering sparks and blunt head trauma.

"Oh shit!" Slaytor yelled as the entire lab began to slowly lean to one side, "How the hell are we gonna get outta here?"

Dawn whistled and her four pets came into formation around her, lifting and attaching to her armor.

Zed smiled broadly, and stood up. "Through this."

Taurence finished stuffing the last of the ko'd guards into a escape pod connected to the lab through another airlock. "Wait a minute, You want us to go through the portal that insane bastard planned to summon an eldritch abomination to conquer the planet with?"

Dawn giggled softly as the armored faceplate and helmet ratcheted away, revealing a short silvery white muzzle, rounded ears and a long blonde head of hair, so pale as to be almost white. "His math was wrong."

"Indeed." Zed smiled, "I have a good feeling about this."

Taurence pushed the escape pod eject button with a wide finger then joined the rest, just as the lab shifted again, "Let's git goin then!"

Zed nodded to Dawn, who activated the console, the rippling field became a rapidly descending vortex, swirling with both light and dark energies.

"Ahh I hate this part!" Slaytor charges forward diving into the portal.

Taurence follows shortly after.

Zed beckons Dawn as loose furniture starts sliding toward the portal wall, She runs up and dives through.

Zed rapidly inscribed a rune onto the floor before stepping through.

The portal flickers and closes but not before a leather clad executive desk chair and a loaded tool cart come tumbling through.

The base's pillars collapse, plunging the entire facility into the trench, numerous small implosions vent air as the base tumbles, finally breaking in half with a massive explosion.