• Published 14th Sep 2012
  • 671 Views, 2 Comments

Forces of Nature - DrZed

A Dimension jumping team of heroes gets dumped in Equestria.

  • ...

Cries in the night

As they leave the ruins of the castle, crossing the rickety bridge headed For Ponyville, they hear a scream in the distance.

Dawn looks into the forest as the magic containment ring disappears into her forehead.

"Fifi! Locate!" Fifi lifts off from her perch atop Dawn's head, wrapping her claws around Dawns horn.

Dawn braces her legs and a deep hum builds around her, with a flash of light the Phoenix launches into the air leaving a trail of pink flames and ionized air.

Dawn relaxes a moment then a bubble screen appears around her head, displaying the visual feedback of the Phoenix drone.

Another, slightly different scream cuts through the air and the bird spots a Grey pegasus mare flying away from a scaly... chicken?

Slaytor points at the Lunar Sergeant, "Hey Guard number 1, What the buck is that?"

"That's a cockatrice! If you look in it's eyes you turn to stone!" the Sergeant gestures with a hoof and 2 pegasi with shields launch into the air toward the scream. "And that's Sergeant Ocher to you!"

"Stone? that's my department!" Taurance leaps into the air and dissappears into the ground as smooth as diving into water, the hoofcuffs that used to be on his wrists laying on the ground.

The lunar stallion folowing Taurence backs up like his front hooves were on hot coals, his jaw hanging agape.

Dawn tilts her head, "Fifi follow the path back" The display switches to thermal as Fifi follows a heat trial back to another pony, half turned to stone.

The bubble screen pops as She turns to Zed, her Aqua eyes wide and shimmerring, "She needs us."

"Yes." He looks at Slaytor, "Bring them to us."

Slaytor nods, "Got it."

Dawn's horn shoots out a shimmering silver cloud which attacks Zed's horn ring, removing it.

Zed steps up next to Dawn and his horn glows, turning translucent crystalline blue, and with a pop of collapsing air the two are gone, leaving their hoofcuffs behind.

The lunar guards pause for a beat, realizing they've just lost 3/4 of their captives and a half circle of spearpoints are leveled at Slaytor. "Freeze!"

Slaytor gives a grim smile, "So it's like that?"

"Don't bucking move!"

He sighs, "Whatever. Not like I'm getting anywhere fast with these." he clanks his foreankle cuffs together.

"They went this way." He turns and starts walking slowly in the same direction.

"*growl* Stop!"

Slaytor shakes his head, still hobbling forward. "You wanna stick me, then stick me. I'm going to help. You can either stallion up and join me, or sit there and look pretty."

The guard gestures to the others, "Keep him surrounded!" , steam rising from the furious guard's nostrils "You're gonna see dungeon time for this!"

"Of course I am!" Slaytor says with a dry chuckle, He looks over his shoulder, "We'd get there faster if you'd let me outta these things..."