• Published 7th Aug 2022
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Monument - Equimorto

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Extract from Twilight Sparkle's diary; Entry dated 11/09/994

There is an inconsistency between the inner and outer measurements given for the Spire. It's a pretty subtle one, I'll give them that, it took me a while to notice. And it's hard to find any concrete data on it as well, I imagine anypony who ran into this would brush it off as either faulty measurements or communication errors or wrong guesses made by whoever wrote whatever they're reading. Most ponies don't bother looking at the exact measurements for a building, and most ponies don't go looking through multiple sources for it.

I went to the park myself and measured the outside by hoof. At a distance, I can't just walk up to the Spire and pull measuring tape across it, but I'm confident in my results. And my results say the official numbers are a lie. It took me a while to get to the bottom of things, but there's no doubt about it. There are doors on the inside of the Spire, supposedly connecting different rooms together, that only show up in some of the maps. Their presence and position pretty much confirm what's going on, and I found pictures that show they're really there.

The core of the Spire is hollow. The available maps of the inside make it look like the whole space is accounted for, but things don't line up properly, and the only way for them to is if there's an added empty space in the middle of the building. I hypothesise it's a square space about a couple of units wide, but it could easily be a circular space.

I still have not found an explanation for the space being absent from every map I've seen so far. I am considering requesting access to the Archives for further research, but I need to find a good excuse for that. For now I'll continue to dig through the library.

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