• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

  • ...

Mobius pt. 6: Who am I?

All concerns of men go wrong when they wish to cure evil with evil.

SOPHOCLES, The Sons of Aleus

Evil is a point of view.

Isn't it?

Or is it real? Something that grabs hold of us, and shakes us to our roots? Something that can control us, destroy us, use us?

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. What I do know, is that evil... is always there. It's always there, in every crack, every crevice. In every hiding spot you could find.

It's in me.

And it's got a hold of me and shaken me to my roots. It's controlling me, destroying me, and using me to its own ends. It was always there, in the cracks and crevices, in all the hiding spots.

And it found me, before I found it.

No sunlight.

No moonlight, which is what I really wanted.

No artificial light.

You've probably guessed it by now. There was no light at all. Sometimes, drawing things out just doesn't cut it.

Well, there was a little light, shining off into the distance. A straight line, pointing to the North, which was to my right. Always there, inviting me. Or leading me. To good or bad, I didn't know. I probably wouldn't know, ever. Fear kept me rooted to the spot.

How long had I been here again? Days? Hours? Weeks? I didn't know. I hadn't moved since... since... I had come out as the evil. The evil that was Hunter. Was that truly me?

For the billionth time that nagging fear came back, the one always haunting me. I have always had a dark side. Everyone does. It's just that... mine... is a little worse than most. It was true. Over the years, I had gained and lost countless "Dark Forms" that swept up in large waves, consumed me, and I lost control. But there were those more prominent than others. Those that I controlled for a time, then I became obsessed with the power that darkness gave me. Then I would lapse out of control again, and eventually the form would sink away into the Abyss, where I would banish it with slight difficulty.

But that story is for later. Much later, in fact. For now, I was lost in the depths of my own soul. Even though this may sound like just a way to make this situation sound more spiritual, it's actually true. In my opinion, if you were to look into someone's very soul, at the very bottom, in a place they try to hide, you'd find the evil in them. That's where I assumed I was. Trapped in my own mind.

I looked around. I guess this is where I'm meant to be. I thought solemnly, Lost. Sounds normal. I chuckled grimly. Lost. One word, with so many different meanings.

But my jerked up at a slight sound. It was the broken up voices I had heard before, now I suppose which were in the "real" world. "-bius! Mobius! What's happening? You were turning a little... dark earlier. Now you just said, 'Lost.' What do you mean?" Good Gods, would they leave me alone? I wanted to scream, to shout at them to stop, to tell them that I didn't care. But something was holding me back.

"He won't be coming, I'm afraid." Well, that was Hunter. The "real" Hunter. "He won't be coming, at least, not in this Form."

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow was shouting. "He's a normal pony... whatever Twilight called him!"

"Oh, but you see, he isn't quite that. He's like me, a- what is this? You've managed quite the telepathic spell. But I don't think Mobius should be hearing this. Say goodbye." The girls' protests died with the mental link.

I stood up. Hunter couldn't reveal who I was to the girls. He could do anything to make them believe that I'm not who I am... which is what he probably was doing.

For the first time since I'd "arrived" here, I looked at the hallway of light clearly. I saw the light spreading out, out... and then it was gone. I couldn't tell how far it went, but usually light gives you the way out, because it's good. Right?


"Well, one way better than no way." I quoted. First time you've actually spoken in a while. Good job, Mobius.

I began walking. And walking, And walking. After a while I began whistling. The tune came back to me, and I was slowly remembering where it was coming from. Then the area around me lit with a bright light. Who are you? a voice asked suddenly, resonating and booming. Light covered my vision.

"Hey! Hey Mobius!" a voice called, seemingly from a distance. "Mobius, we need you in the field now!"

"W-what?" I opened my eyes groggily. Looking around, I saw none other than Sentinel Lyons, one of the higher-ups in the Brotherhood of Steel. "What's going on?" I asked blearily.

"Don't you remember? You had to fix the radio station for Three Dog again. You left our outpost at oh-seven-hundred. When you got to the Washington Monument, our guards were dead. You radioed back to us and requested backup, after that we didn't hear from you."

My eyes widened. "When I got here... when I got here there wasn't anything wrong... that I could see. But the minute I touched the broken Virgo Dish..." I closed my eyes. "Something just... exploded."

Lyons nodded. "It seems that the Super Mutants found a way to rig the satellite for that. The whole other side of the Memorial's top is gone. I don't see how you survived."

"Yeah." I chuckled, "Neither do I. But I am at least alive, eh?"

"True enough, but now the Muties have returned. And they have some friends. They look... like humans, but not. I can't explain it." Lyons said, a touch of apprehension in her voice. I looked at her, then began to chuckle.

"What are you laughing for? This is no time for that!" Lyons was angry. Oh boy. I then began laughing in honest.

"Oh, Lyons, you're up against something much worse than Super Mutants, raiders, and Ghouls combined. Just leave me to it." I pulled up a funny looking communicator; to put it shortly, it was one of those Scouter thingies from that you see in the Dragonball Z realm, except it looked a lot cooler. I put it on my head, and a small screen went over my right eye. Immediately I could see heat signatures down below.

"Hey Boss! What's up?" a voice called from the other end of the communicator.

"We've got a battle on our hands, Raj. Get your group over here, pronto." I said, a smile growing on my face.

"Oh, boy. How big?" Excitement was growing in Raj's voice. He could never turn down a fight.

"I don't know yet, but bring some artillery." I was grinning sadistically now, unable to contain my glee.

"You got it." Raj confirmed, then his voice winked out.

I looked up to see Lyon's shocked face. "What?" I asked.

"You... you enjoy this?" she asked. "You enjoy this killing?"

I shrugged. "I get bored." I replied.

Light enveloped my vision.

"What was that?" I asked, a slight anger burning in my throat.

"That was your past? That was -and still is- you." the voice replied.

I cocked my head to the, my face remaining placid. Don't get mad. That's what... whoever this is... wants. Don't get mad. "Oh really? Memories can be modified so easily. And besides, that one's as old as the cheese in my pantry. Speaking of which, I probably should get rid of some stuff in there. I think that moldy goo I found the other day was supposed to be cake batter I never baked. And then-"

"Oh, shut up already." the voice was no longer all around me. It was behind. And very familiar.

I whirled around. There was me from earlier, but different. His face placid like mine, but his eyes still held that crazy gleam.

"Oh, don't look so surprised." He waved his hand dismissively. "We are one and the same."

"No, we're not." I hissed through clenched teeth. "You're just another part of me that I never got control of."

"You could put it that way." He said. "Or you could say I am what you wish to be."

"Wh-what." I choked out. "What do you mean?"

"Good guys have rules." Now His voice was low, hissed. "Those of us who can call ourselves 'the bad guys' have no rules to follow."

"To quote the Doctor: 'Maybe today isn't a day to find out why I have so many rules.'" I stared back at my face, the "other me," and I was reminded of The Flesh that had gone... too long a story. I'll save it for later.

"Maybe so, or Maybe not." He grinned. "Oh, but you are on the side of the angels, aren't you. Angels are like good guys, too many rules. Oh, where are my manners, we haven't been formally introduced. You can call me Chaos." He grinned manically.

I raised an eyebrow, "Alright then, Chaos. Let the games be fair?" I stuck out a hand.

"Let the games be fair." Chaos grinned, then reached to shake my hand. "Oh, but what is the definition of 'fair' when there are no rules?"

I was knocked back by a solid boot cracking into the side of my face. I landed, rolled, and sprang back up immediately. "Ow." I muttered. "Enemies who make acquaintances with my shoes are very unlucky."

"Ah, it feels good to be wearing our 'proper' clothes, doesn't it?" Chaos asked. "You know what you were wearing in your dream, right? It was what We wore when we were young. I programmed the dream to have you wearing that in the hopes that you would have some sort of reaction from it all."

"I've learned to not dwell on the past." I growled as I stood up. "And yes, It is wonderful to be wearing the 'proper' clothes again." I looked down at the black trench coat, black dress shirt, black cargo pants and black hiking boots. Yep. Usual, evil-looking 'ole me, only contrasted by my blond hair and strikingly blue eyes. "Anyway, how are we going to do this fight then? You know, I don't exactly have all day."

"Oh, but I've had all the years of your life to plan this." Chaos declared with glee. "And do you know how this will play out? Well, I'll tell you: First I defeat you in here. Second, I take over your very soul. Third, I erase you from existence, just like a Reaper."

"That's it?" I asked.

Chaos was slightly shocked. "Y-yes. Is there any problem with that?"

I shook my head. "Only that you didn't think about what could go wrong. You only thought about what you want to happen, and that's it. To have had over six-thousand years to make this plan, it sure is a crappy one."

Chaos flared angrily. "Oh? Then tell me, Oh Great One, what is your great plan?"

I smiled. "Let me get back to you on that."

I charged forward, Seer's Word in my hand in the form of a blindingly white katana. I gave a good old, action-hero-style "RRRAAGGH!" and swung.

And met resistance. I looked up in shock to see that Chaos had merely held up one finger and stopped it where it was. "Oh, come on, Mobius. You invented this attack. Being the same person, I should know how to block it." Then he grinned sadistically. "And how to counter it."

I leaped back as another katana, made of black metal instead of white like mine, swung through the air I had just been standing in. Chaos laughed shrilly, then disappeared into the blackness.

"Oh, how I love a game of Cat and Mouse." his voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once... I knew what was coming...

There! The tell-tale swish of a blade. I turned and stopped the black blade with my white one, inches from my side. I sighed in relief. How much more Gary Stu could that be? I thought with a glint of humor.

I leaped away and felt the air move behind me. I twisted and swung again, finding my blade blocked by Chaos'. Again he disappeared and his voice came from everywhere, yet nowhere.

"Just remember, Mobius." Chaos said. "Remember all those times, where you could have up and done whatever the hell you wanted... but you were held back." Again the blade flashed out of nowhere and I stopped it. It disappeared again. "Rules are chains put on the wrists of the good guys. Good guys are held back by the angels that they side with." The same pattern with the sword happened again. "They live unfulfilled lives, weak because they can't go all-out. You know what I'm talking about." I stopped the blade again, and this time Chaos appeared with it. He leaned close, his leering face centimeters from mine. "You delved into that untapped power when she died, remember?"

I growled and jumped back again. "That's the past, and there are consequences for those actions. People that shouldn't have died, did die. People that weren't even involved. And I suffered, as I should have, for their deaths."

Chaos grinned, and both his hands rested at his sides again. "But what if you had enough power still to forgo those rules, to pave your own path, to live free of worry, free of Hunter's destruction..." His voice lowered to a whisper. "To save those you wouldn't be able to. To bring those you couldn't save back to life." He grinned. "I have that power. Join with me. We could make the worlds free of evil, if that is what you wish. We can make our own worlds, rule them with firm hands yet kindness as well. Come one. You know this is what you fight for." He held out his hand.

I began to walk forward, my hand rising slowly. "It's true... I fight for peace most of the time... when I have to... but if there was always peace... I wouldn't need to fight."

"Yes." Chaos began to grin again. "Worlds at peace. No need to fight anymore. I just need you to hand over control to me."

I stopped as my hand was a few inches above his. "There is no fairness without rules, right?"

Chaos' eyes widened, but not before he had my katana through his abdomen. "Listen you." I said, containing my anger. "Evil is bred within humans. We don't stop evil by getting rid of all the one that aren't good guys. You never get rid of evil. And I should know..." I shook my head. "But one thing I do know is this. I don't fight for peace. I don't fight for glory, I fight for my friends, and for hope." I grinned. "And I've stuck to that philosophy for two-thousand years now, ever since I heard it for the first time."

I stepped away from his body, which was beginning to twitch. "Now then... the way out, please?"

I was surrounded by a light again, yet this was a warm light, a kind light. I closed my eyes.

"-and so you see, he isn't all he will say he is." Hunter's voice floated in from a wash of background noise.

Groggily I opened my eyes. Blurred shapes came into focus. There were the six mares, and Hunter... was in human form, just standing there, telling an intricate lie.

I pushed up with my paws and made it to a standing position... somehow. To me, it felt like I would collapse right then and there... my body wobbled slightly to prove this point.

I looked down at myself. I was still in ALS form, yet something was different. There... there was a gold necklace around my neck, and seven black beads that were quite large were embedded in it. There were some empty spaces as well.

What...? I thought. Chaos... I heard in my head.

I sighed. "So goes my luck..."

Hunter stopped talking. "Oh, hello there, Mobius. How are we feeling?"

"A little like shit, but otherwise fine," I grinned. I looked to the girls. "He hasn't...?"

Twilight stepped forward. "He's told us things..."

I sighed. "No matter what he's told you, I need you to believe me this one time, and then I'll explain everything. Deal?"

They all exchanged glances, then nodded. Rainbow Dash, though, was a little reluctant. "It better be a good explanation then." She practically growled.

I chuckled. "I promise."

Hunter decided to interrupt at this moment. "It seems that you plan to fight me, along with these ponies, Mobius. Care to share what your plan of action is?"

I grinned, and laughed full-heartedly, "Let me get back to you on that."

Dear GODS, I AM SO SO SO SO SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOO sorry this is late. I never intended to take this long, I made promises, I broke promises, I was busy, I was lazy...
Just... sorry. Hope you enjoy the chapter!