• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

  • ...

Mobius pt. 4: Tea and an Enemy

How many times must I kill you before you go away forever!?
-Someone from a video game or book :trollestia:

A few days after the incident with the tickets, we all sat in my now "not-so-atrocious" house. Bright blue covered the once gray walls, and the carpet had been changed to a tan color. Some homy couches now littered the living room, looking like any you'd see in a human... pony... Dimensional Traveler... house. Nothing much else had been changed except the color of the walls and floor. I went through house once more, to make sure Rarity hadn't messed with anything while she spruced up the place. I sent my Vision through the hallway to my left and found the kitchen exactly as I had left it.

Blue-and-white tiles, wooden table and high-backed chairs, plain refrigerator... Everything you would find in a kitchen, arranged in a U the encircled half the rectangular room.

I then returned to the perfectly square (perfectly square) living room, and went to my right, up the stairs. The long hallway extended out, and I checked each room thoroughly. Nothing. Nothing at all out of place.


My mind snapped back to the living room, and I opened my eyes to the puzzled looks of the six mares I had befriended.

"What? Oh, uh... just thinking about what to do today?" I winced inwardly as I said the sentence as if I were asking it.

They stared at me a moment more, Applejack looking as unsure as ever, before Rarity spoke. "Well, I finished your suit yesterday. You can come and pick it up when we've finished with... what are we doing here again?"

I smiled at that. "Well, I promised you a few things, didn't I? Well, I think it's time to give them to you. Stay here."

I padded away up the stairs. When I reached my room, I opened it to the familiar purple glow of it. I went to the three arches that lined the left side of the large rectangular room. The windows let in soft sunlight, and a good view of the countryside near the Everfree. I went up to the Middle Alcove and said, "If there were enough Space to hold everything, there would be nothing at all."

The arch became enveloped with light. I stepped through, and then suddenly realized. I had no idea where exactly I wanted to go.

"Ummm..." I said the first thing that came to mind, just as I felt a weird sizzling in my feet, "London, England. Planet: Earth."

"Date?" Asked the Alcove's Voice, a sweet British accent to a female... voice. I really need to think this out more.

"Wait... I didn't go into the Alcove of Time, too, did I?" I asked, preparing a facepaw.

"..." the Alcove was silent for a moment, searching its systems. "Malfunction." It said at last. Yep. Facepaw.

"What?" I almost shouted. "You're not a machine! You're powered by the energies of TIME AND SPACE, for the Gods' sake! How is there a mal-" I stopped mid-sentence. "Ohhh... Maybe there is a reason I spontaneously said London."

Thinking quickly, I said, "2011 A.D."

Again the Alcove was silent. "Accepted." It said.

I felt a tingling sensation this time, not a sizzling one, and I found myself standing in the middle of a bustling city. I looked down quickly.

"Whew. Human." I said, sighing slightly. I looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of what... or Who, I was looking for.

I started on my way. I looked left and right, not moving my head, seeming to be another normal person walking through the city, trying to get to work.

I scan shop windows, passing cars, street corners. Then I noticed him. He was... walking into a department store. Shrugging to myself, I followed.

I caught up to him in the Kid's Department. He was wearing a name tag, and just to be sure, I used my Sight to get a closer look.

The Doctor
Here to help

Wait... I thought he was in Equestria!, I thought frantically, Maybe... maybe that's... oh, must be in his future... he did look different... then again, he was a pony.

I took a few steps forward. "Doctor... Who?" I said, and the man slowly turned. Our eyes met. He grinned. He was a "dapper" young man in a pink flannel shirt and blue pants. He had those straps for coveralls on, and was wearing a bow tie. His brown hair was all swept to one side, rising like a wave, looking slightly funky. Yep, definitely the Doctor.

I grinned back, then laughed. "So, what's the urgent matter now?"

The Doctor came forward and clasped my hand. "Well, there have been some strange things going on lately."

I nodded. "Obviously. You aren't in the Kid's Department of a mall for nothing."

The Doctor shrugged, "Well, the kids are interesting to talk to."

I chuckled, "I guess. So, what was with the weird signals you sent me?"

The Doctor gave me an incredulous look. "Signals? I didn't send any signals."

I stared back. "But... something was messing with my Alcoves... I thought maybe the TARDIS had something to do with it. Like, you know, distress signal without psychic paper."

The Doctor again said nothing. Then he gave me one of those looks. You know how when he gets serious, you absolutely know it? Well, there you go. "I didn't send anything to you. But, something did give you some screw-ups with your...?" He left it hanging.

I stared dumbly for a moment. "Oh!" I said. "Um... you can call it... the Alcoves."

He stared back at me. "The Alcoves? Who calls their dimensional transport an Alcove? That's where people hide. Are you suggesting you hide from trouble?"

I fumed. "Watch it, police-box man!"

He grinned. "Oh really, crazy man?"

I recoiled, "Hey! That wasn't me. It was that weird devil thing..." I trailed off. I never ever ever EVER wanted to remember that.

The Doctor smiled once more, "Just kidding. But anyway, whatever is wrong, you came here for a reason, and from someplace. So, where exactly did you come from this time?"

I stiffened. Wait... I was doing something before this... wasn't I?

"Oh." I said, and turned on my heel. I ran out of the building before the Doctor say, "Uh."

Which he did. After I'd left, of course.

"Okay, I'm back!" I said happily as I came back into the living room, the gifts floating behind me. The girls turned and looked at me, surprised at my sudden entrance.

I put on a fake smile and asked, "What's with the stares?"

Twilight gave me a concerned look, "You were gone for about an hour, Mobius. What were you doing?"

Oooooops. Looks like I timed it wrong. "Oh, just, uh... wrapping the presents! Yeah, that's it, wrapping the presents..." It made somewhat sense, considering in all my over six-thousand years of life, I had never mastered the art of wrapping gifts.

They all shared a look, then shrugged. I used their silence to my advantage. "Anyway, I have some things for all of you."

I pulled out a thick, leather-bound book titled The Long Life of- I frowned. That wasn't a never before seen biography of Starswirl the Bearded.

I shrugged. Oh, well, Dumbledore's god enough. He was an interesting man. I placed he book in front of Twilight, and said, "It's a biography on a famous wizard... unicorn... from a place... I once visited." Amazingly, Twilight grinned at me and immediately ripped open the present and began reading. I hoped she wouldn't read through the entire night.

Next, I pulled up some cloth, from... have any of you ever heard the Doctor ramble about some planet or another? Well, let's just say, this cloth was stolen (by me) from a planet I could never remember the name of. Anyway, I gave it to Rarity.

She scrutinized it closely for a moment, then gasped. she ran her hooves over it repeatedly, then babbled on about something having to do with it's texture, dexterity, and how it would be wonderful for her latest top-secret project. I chuckled, and Rarity gushed thanks, and asked, "But... where did you get this?"

"Ah," I said, "That is a little secret of mine. Maybe I'll tell you someday."

Next, I pulled out a ticket. I passed it to Dash.

Her eyes widened immediately, "A ticket to a Wonderbolts show!" she grinned.

"Ah, not just one." I said. I placed a paw on the ticket, and slid it sideways. Other tickets appeared, namely eight. EVeryone grinned at that. "Now we can all go."

Leaving Dash squealing like a fangirl (which she is), I turned to Fluttershy. "Now, here is something very special." Flutter's eyes widened slightly, then I produced a bag of animal feed. You heard me. Animal feed.

"Now, this feed has a special property that will keep all your animals healthy, so long as one pellet of this food is in their breakfast every day." (technically, I genetically modified them over the years to pay back an empire that I pissed, but oh well)

Shy's eyes widened even more, and she grinned slightly. She took the bag of feed, and said a quiet "thank you."

Now, I turned to Pinkie. "Pinkie," I said, "I have to plan a party of unimaginable... party... ness. Just give me time." She nodded vigorously, and I saw a wild light in her eyes. I turned to Applejack, and held out a letter, with Applejack's name on it.

"You can read this whenever you want, but I warn you, reading it at the wrong time..." I left it hanging, unsure of what to say. Applejack got the message, and nodded. She looked down at the letter, and flipped it over. On the side without her name, in big letter, "The Truth" was written. She looked back up at me with slight surprise. I smiled thinly.

"Anyway!" I said, clapping my paws together. Granted, they didn't make a lot of sound, but they drew attention to myself. "Now that we have presents over with, how about a snack?"

Everyone agreed, and I went into the kitchen. Vye was standing there.

"Looks like you made some friends after all." she said, staring into the hall behind me.

"Yeah." I said, "So, why are you here?"

Vye's expression changed to a grave semi-glare. "You received a Calling. You haven't answered." She was talking about the letter that had come with the ticket from Luna.

I paused, my paw halfway to the fridge handle. In hindsight, I could have used magic. "Oh. That. Well, I need to collect myself. I mean, it's a goddess, you know?"

Vye now truly glared at me, "There was Am- mmph!" If you hadn't guessed, I'd shoved my paw over her mouth.

"Shh!" I hissed. "None of the other Gods or Goddesses ever knew about that. They don't need to learn it now!"

Vye's eyes widened, then narrowed. "Then get your ass up in Canterlot, or I'll personally announce it to all of them!"

I sighed. "Fine. I'll do it later today."

Vye nodded, then silently slipped away.

"Mobius dear! Is everything okay?" Rarity's voice came from the living room. I started, unsettling the toaster. It fell off the counter with a crash.

"Yes! Don't worry about me! Just being a klutz! I'll be there in a minute." I called back.

I quickly prepared a meal, with tea and apple juice (I'm starting to think cider is Equestria's alcohol). We chatted and laughed until everyone departed, eagerly thinking of the day ahead. I followed Rarity back, and asked on the way, "So, can I see my suit now?"

Rarity beamed. "Of course! Like I said, I finished, so you can have it now, if you want."

I smiled back, then came to a realization. Did I have any money?

"Rarity?" I ventured.

"Yes?" she replied.

"What's the currency, again?"

"Oh, you mean bits? Here." She produced several gold coins. What is this, Mario?

I nodded. "Ah. Well then, let me just go back and get some. I think I'm going to need it for my suit..." I turned and went over a small hill.

Then, when I was sure Rarity was out of earshot, I shouted upwards. "YOU NEGLECTED TO TELL ME ABOUT MONEY!"

And again, in irony, I heard a clinking noise. I turned around, and saw one gold coin roll out of a hole in a tree, and go all the way to my feet. Curious, I went forward to examine it. I stuck my eye close to the hole, and was rewarded with a sharp pain as a coin shot out and hit me... you guessed it, in the eye.

I pulled my face back with a cry, then rubbed it with a paw. Then, another coin shot out, and I ducked, just in time. Looking at the tree in slight fear, I backed up. Then, like in an old cartoon, coins(or rather bits) shot out of the tree at amazing speeds. I found myself buried quickly in a growing mass of gold. And still the bits came, like a slot machine that's been hacked... broken into... whatever.

After about five minutes, I felt the flow stop. I wriggled around, and found myself firmly stuck in the pile. Sighing, I lifted it all off with my magic. I poked my head cautiously up and looked around. Scattered across the road, glistening in the sunlight, were thousands upon thousands of bits.

I muttered a slight thanks, then sent all the bits away to my pocket dimension. Pushing myself to my paws, the pain set in.

"Oof!" I wheezed, collapsing. "Getting buried in money, no longer on my list."

I cast a quick insta-heal. (let me tell you though, that wasn't smart. Using an insta-heal is like draining a reservoir. You lose the energy/fuel you might need in a dangerous situation. So though it doesn't weaken you directly, it can later on. It takes a while to build up that magic. And there I go again, rambling) I felt a burning sensation where all my bruises were. Then, I felt a sharp crack in my ribcage. I gasped, the pain almost unbearable. Apparently, I had cracked a rib in that gold. So much for my fur cushioning me.

I stood once more, and went down the path. The rest is boring, so let me cut to Rarity's.

At Rarity's, I looked around a bit before hearing hoofsteps behind me.

"There you are, Mobius! I was beginning to think you weren't coming." She exclaimed.

"No, no! I'm really glad about this suit, and I wouldn't want to trouble you with it." I replied.

Rarity smiled, then her horn started glowing. "Well, considering I've never designed clothes for a... cat before, I don't know how well I did."

The suit, to say the least, was amazing. Down to the finest detail, it was a deep jet-black, with golden buttons. the shirt was a great contrast, a brilliant white that looked like the sun. The tie was a normal black one, but i didn't mind. Other odds and ends were on it, making it look more like a uniform for a general than a suit.

I realized I had been staring at it quite a while, and I quickly composed myself. "Raity, this is... this fantastic! I've never seen anything in so much detail! (I explain what I just explained to you, except more... fashion-like)"

Rarity gushed back about how she had loved making it, because it was something new and fabulous. She then gave it to me and directed me to a changing room (why ponies would need one, I have no idea. They're technically naked... bad images! AHHH! Block them!).

I began fussing with the suit, somehow not able to put it on. "Damn my cat limitations." I muttered. Finally, just as I had got the shirt and tie on, I heard the front door jingle, signifying a customer. Immediately I heard Rarity rush up to them. She gave her normal greeting, then of course asked if he wanted anything.

"Well, I would just like to... browse for today." said a deep, suave voice. It had a... high-class accent, as if the voice's owner looked down on those not like them.

Wait... that voice... oh crap.

"But of course! Just let me check on another customer of mine, please." I heard hoofsteps coming to the door.

NO, Rarity! Don't... don't you dare...

"Mobius? Everything okay?"

Oh well.

"Excuse me, did you say... Mobius?" the voice came again.

"Why yes! He's a good friend of mine." Rarity replied.

"How... intriguing." the unnamed pony said, his voice dropping a little at 'interesting.'

I sighed, then took of the clothes. "Yes, Rarity. I just finished, as a mater of fact."

I straightened out the suit, then cast a quick glance at the pony. He was a black pegasus with a purple mane and tail. His eyes glowed an evil red color.

"Hunter." I growled quietly, so quiet that only Hunter could perceive it. He grinned, and stepped forward.

"Hello. I am Hunter N. Shade. I don't believe we've met." he stuck out his hoof, grinning warmly.

Tentatively I shook, looking into his eyes. They said an entirely different story. You know, Mobius, I was hoping you'd stay in that hole you call a home a little longer this time.

I glared frostily back, my blue eyes countering his. Looking nice, Hunter. Maybe you need another personal makeover, from me.

Finally, Rarity intervened. "Mobius? Is something wrong?"

I blinked, then looked back to Rarity. "Oh. Sorry. How much is this?"

Rarity smiled. "For you, I say about one-hundred bits."

I was slightly startled. Not by how high the price was, but by how low. Surely it should cost more than that?

I accepted, payed, and left, feeling Hunter's eyes burn into my back the entire way.

As soon as I got out, I knew where I was going to go.

With my suit back home, I began to make my way to Canterlot. Having discovered the obvious, I now knew that my bigger wingspan could carry me farther. I was making good time, already halfway there in about ten minutes. (Okay, maybe I cheated a little bit).

About halfway, I felt a tingling sensation before I was enveloped in a flash of light. I kept on flying, and because of the flash, I did not see it when I crashed into it. I hate walls.

Groaning and rubbing my head, I slowly regained focus and took in my surroundings. I was in a room, colored like nigh, a deep midnight blue. Stars lined the walls, but the most prominent feature was the Moon. It dominated a wall, and looked as if it were shining right then and there. A bed looking fit for a... Princess...

I turned, and found myself staring into light blue eyes.

I jumped back, and did a slight bow. Luna, or who I assumed to be Luna, said, "There is no need for that, Mobius. We are all friends here."

I lifted my head, and took a better look at the Lunar Princess. She was, from my knowledge of the ponies, an Alicorn. She was the same Midnight color as the walls, and her cutie mark was a Crescent Moon in a black splotch. Her mane and tail were flowing, and a dark blue with lights, I assumed stars, twinkling in them. Her wings rested at her side, and her horn was long and rounded.

To put it short yet again, I was in awe. The grace the Lunar Princess held herself with was hard to come by. But, there was an underlying sense of shame, or embarrassment. This is what I opened with.

"You seem troubled, Princess." I almost whispered.

Luna gazed at me sadly. "Yes. We are troubled." Oh no. Not that way of speaking. For some reason, I felt that something was missing. Luna's voice seemed muffled. "We recently went through an ordeal that has brought us much shame."

And so I was told the dark... well, didn't seem too bad.... well, it probably was...

.... I was told the dark tale of Nightmare Moon, and how she had... possessed Luna, in a sense. I felt rage boil inside me, as if knowing a goddess of my Clan had been attacked... as if knowing that brought out some sort of protectiveness in me. In all honesty, right now, Luna looked like a scared child.

I stretched out a wing once the story was done and laid it across Luna's shoulders. She looked up at me, and I smiled. After a moment, she smiled back. That was all we needed. It said enough.

"Now." Luna said, snapping back into business. "If our intelligence right now is correct, Hunter could possibly be-"

"One-hundred-percent in Equestria." I finished. Luna gaped at me in open shock.

"Wh-wh-what!?" She exclaimed. "But that's-"

"I don't know how, but I guess it's obvious he'd already be here." I stated flatly. "But now that we know, we need to crack down. With him here, things have changed. This is no longer scouting. This is defending."

I turned away to the soul window of the room, and stared at the setting sun. "We may actually have to request Karen's help, if necessary."

Luna audibly gulped. But then I turned around, a huge goofy grin on my face.

"I'm kidding! Don't worry, Princess, I can keep everything in check. Besides, Hunter waits a while before ever striking. Just leave it all to me." I saluted with my paw.

Luna waited a moment, then nodded, smiling slightly. "I'll tell 'Tia. No need to include the Solars. You may go."

I nodded, then walked into the wall.

... where I had planted a dimensional door. I found myself back at home, with the sun finally setting on the horizon.

I stared out at the beautiful night, thinking of this place that had so quickly become a home for me. If Hunter messed this place up in any way...

I shook my head roughly. No time to be thinking like that. I padded into my house, and found a wrapped present. I went up to the table, and peered at it. Perfectly wrapped, probably by Pinkie. But on the name tag, there were the signatures of all my friends, and "For Mobius."

Confused, I picked up the present and shook it a few times with my magic. I heard a clunking noise, but nothing dead giveaway. So I slowly peeled off the wrapping paper, and found a picture that had been taken about a week ago. There the eight of us were, smiling and laughing. I smiled back at the picture, thinking of the denizens of Equestria. This place, untouched by violence, and its people, so accepting.

As I hung the picture above my mantle, surely not the only one to ever go up there, I thought of what I had told Luna. Don't worry, Princess, I can keep everything in check. Besides, Hunter waits a while before ever striking. Just leave it all to me. My thoughts darkened with exactly what I had said. I had promised to protect the ponies from an unimaginable force of power, on my own. But then they brightened again. I don't need to tell myself to not worry. Because, arrogant as it may seem, I have unimaginable power too.

Don't worry, Princess, I can keep everything in check. Besides, Hunter waits a while before ever striking. Just leave it all to me.

I fell on the couch, deciding to keep watch for a while. Nothing happened that night.

Don't worry, Princess, I can keep everything in check. Besides, Hunter waits a while before ever striking. Just leave it all to me.

Little did I know how wrong I was.

Next chapter preview:

Maybe I could put you away for a while... keep you restrained. Maybe then we'll see how it is in this pathetic universe.

And I'd come back, vengeful as ever, ready to rip you a new one again and again.

Poor, poor, Mobius. Thinks he's sooo powerful. We'll see how powerful he is when he knows what's at stake.



I'll kill you!

Helllllo, everypony! I am very very very veryveryveryveryveryveryvery sorry this chapter is so frickin' late. Lot of stuff happening, but hey, I'm now here. I hope to have part five out by the end of next week, but that is probably wishful thinking. I have a lot of stuff going on now.
Anyway, hope this chapter was enjoyable! See ya sometime!