• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,925 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

  • ...

Another really random thing I had to do for school.

What is your opinion on luck/destiny? Do you think it decides who dies, who wins, and who is getting a promotion. Do you think that people just aren't in the right place when a thing falls on them, or that winning a game is based on skill. I believe that luck has nothing to do with death, or games(unless it's a game of chance), or that promotions are luck. I believe that people choose their own ways, they don't have a path planned out for them by some higher force. People have choices, and feelings, and personalities, and all of these can be used to choose what you want to do. But some people do not have these choices.

A good example of this is North Korea. There they are told what to do, how to live, and that their leader is the cause of everything good. They are oppressed and kept from living their own lives, but they truly don't know any better.

People can make their own paths, they aren't told to go this way, or that way. They especially aren't guided by some other force that has their paths made for them. People who think that they are only going to do this need to learn that they can do what they want. They need to learn what they are able to do, without any help.

I hate seeing people who say, "My path is chosen by the God(s)." (no offense against religion here) I don't see how you can have your entire life planned out from your birth. What if you get a disability? Did your God(s) choose that? Did he/she/it/they randomly decide, "Hey, I think I want this person to get hit by a car, so they won't be able to follow their dream."? No. Just... no. Nobody decides when you get hurt, unless it is intentional.

And that brings me to another point. Some people actually think they are guided by their God(s) into hurting others. An example of this is 9/11. The terrorists claimed, "God told us to cleanse the world." Or something like that. They are disillusioned by their own ambitions.

Usually in situations like that there is a ringleader. This ringleader claims to have been told by the God(s) that this should happen, when really they are using religion to manipulate and harm.

In conclusion, I say again that luck has nothing to do with what happens in your life. You decide what you do, and others decide what happens to them. There is that time when someone tries to hurt you, and that is their decision. No one told them to do it other than themselves. That is what leads to conflict and suffering. I repeat, we decide what our lives become, whether it be good or bad.

Author's note: Well, I mean no offense to anyone with this, because my opinion has changed since when I wrote this. I now think that some things are truly unexplainable. Like in the episode "Feeling Pinkie Keen." Anyone, next chapter will be up within four days. Promise.