• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

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This I Believe: Just something small.

Don't know why I'm doing this, but it's something I had to do for school. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and so I thought I'd share it here. Please read the entire thing.

About a month back I read something that changed my view of the world. Then, a few days ago, I read something else that strengthened that feeling. And finally, I am mixing this lesson I learned with what I heard at chapel the other day.. The glass is either half empty, or half full.

To begin, I will talk about the quote-thing I’d read. It went like this: “Nothing last forever.” That stuck in my head more than anything could, for what reason I don’t know why. But I thought about it, and here I am, talking to you about it today. It’s true; nothing can last forever. Our family, our friends, our pets; it can, and probably will, go away at some pint. I don’t mean to sound depressing, but what I’m truly trying to say comes next.

Moving on, I shall talk about our half-empty/ half-full glass. I shall basically restate what Father Kirk said. We can see things as the half empty, or we can see them as the half full. Though at times things may seem like the half empty glass, we should always try to see it as half full. There is almost always a better side to things.

Now I shall say what I really mean to with this paper. What I’m trying to say is this: Because nothing lasts forever, we should cherish what we have, when we have it. If we don’t, we may never get the chance to see it again. I will use my great-great-Aunt in this example. When I first went to her house, all I thought was this: Who is this old lady? This place smells weird.

Unfortunately for me, I voiced these thoughts out loud. As you can probably guess, I was in actually quite serious trouble. But as the years went by, and I saw her more, I began to cherish my great-great-aunt Wilma for being the last of her generation of my family. It was always fun to listen to her stories, to talk to her about (whatever), and to just sit in peace and quiet. It always made me smile to see her face light up when we came to visit.

Now she is dead, and though it is still sad to me, I think back at all the good times I did have when I saw her. I remember all the good things that came from knowing and loving someone like her.

Now I reiterate what I am trying to say, which is actually two things. Cherish what you have, and when you have it. And even when it seems impossible, always try to look at the glass as half full. I try to do this, even when it seems like nothing is going right.
I now cherish what I have, and live by this belief, for it is true in every sense.

There are many people in this world who look at their lives like this: Get up, go to work/school, go home, do whatever you do, sleep, repeat. They don’t see the more colorful parts of life, they just see it as gray and dull.
I used to be one of those people, and this has pulled the veil out from over my eyes. And I want you also to live by this, and see what can happen, what probably will happen, when you think like this.
This I Believe.