• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

  • ...

Mobius pt. 3 2/2: Hey, I just wanted some help with my house!

Alright, to recap, this episode takes place during "The Ticket Master."

"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
-Katharine Graham

I awoke to sunlight streaming in the high arched windows of my room. I groaned and pushed myself up. What had I gotten myself into? All that i could see was the blood running down the steps...

Then I realized it was all a dream. Nothing had happened. I sighed and rolled out of the bed again. Better to just leave it alone for now.

Of course, did any heroes ever ignore an ominous dream? I wondered to myself as I paced down the stairs. I mean, usually those dreams are warnings. But that was just a random dream... right?

I paced my living room, thinking furiously. Finally I walked into a wall. A gray wall. I really don't like this gray. I decided again. Maybe Rarity can help. I went outside, into unnaturally bright sunshine. I looked up. It seemed as if the sun were casting a baleful eye on me. I felt heat from it's rays even when I was under shade. Huh. odd... In my trademarked stupid way, I dismissed it and turned back to the task at hand. Making my house not dull.

I walked back to Ponyville and mulled over the events of the day. I felt a pestering thought in my mind. Finally it came to me as I reached Ponyville. Oh. Shit.

I raced back down the path, spreading my wings and taking to the air. Oh, crap. Gotta get back soon. Oooooh, crap. My panic caused me to smash through the front door and land in a heap on the couch, all the way across the room.

"You remembered, I see." said an angry, stiff voice.

I looked up to a light purple earth pony mare with a black mane and tail. Her eyes were green, and they flared with anger.

I gulped. "Uh... hi, Vye."

Vye was my... assistant, you could say. She handled all the technical stuff I was too lazy to, mostly paperwork and organization. She was also the only one I considered around the same skill with the sword as me.


And that's an example. Well, sort of. I rolled off the couch, tears springing into my eyes as Vye stood over me, a broom handle clenched in her mouth. My crotch burned as I rolled on the ground, gasping and squeaking. Vye just stood by, a furious look on her face, but now she was grinning also.

Soon she was rolling around with me, giggling and choking on her laughter. I slowly stood, and hobbled away, leaving her. She followed eventually, and stood by me, leaning on my shoulder and shaking.

"Okay, I'm done." she gasped out, and I couldn't help but smile. Vye was made immortal to be my... assistant, and so she was one of my closest friends. She was technically a ghost, but solid and alive (don't tell her I said that). Vye suddenly stopped chuckling and turned to me with a serious look.

"This is the new place?" she asked, looking around. "It's gray."

I sighed, and facepawed. "I know, Ms. Obvious. I'm going to get my friend to come help me... erm, decorate."

Vye looked slightly offended, "And you didn't think of me?" she said disbelievingly.

I nodded, and chuckled, "Well, you may be a good friend, and a good organizer, but this isn't really your thing."


I crumpled again, and Vye laughed, "So, do they know who you really are?"

I shook my head, and said weakly, "No, so they don't need to see you. No offense." I said quickly as the handle went into the air again. It lowered, and I sighed.

"Anyways, I'm going out. See you later!" I called over my shoulder as I hobbled towards the door. "There's food if you need any in the fridge."

As soon as I was outside, I took to the air. The wind helped ease the pain, and walking would have been bad in my condition anyway.

I flew low, making sure I could see the ground at all times. I flew over the city, and then saw a familiar group of six ponies.

I also heard the sounds of arguing. Five of my friends were arguing about something, but I was too far away to hear the argument. I was close enough, though, to hear Twilight shout, "QUIET!" at the top of her lungs. As everypony else went silent, Pinkie kept on trucking.

"And I said, Oatmeal? Are you craz-" she stopped, then stared around sheepishly. "Oh."

I chuckled and shook my head as I landed. They turned their attention to me and I smiled, "What's going on?"

"Twilight was just giving me a ticket to the Gala." Rainbow said immediately.

"No, it was to me!" Applejack protested.

"I'm sure it was for me, darling." Rarity said stiffly.

"Actually, I think Twilight was going to give it to me. I mean, if that's okay." Guess who that was.

Pinkie. Big surprise, huh?

Anyway, everypony started arguing at once again and this time I was the one to yell quiet. Well, it was more like a roar.

Once I was finished, I found myself staring at six terrified faces. "Heh, sorry. But really, give Twilight some space, okay?"

Twilight butted in at that moment. "This is my decision and I'm going to make it all on my own. And I certainly can't think straight with all this arguing!" her stomach grumbled, "Not to mention hunger."

The others grumbled assent and walked away. "And don't worry, I'll figure this out!" Twilight called after them, then murmured, "somehow..."

I bumped her with a wing, "Come on, Twi! You'll think of something!" I smiled. She gave me a weak grin, then said, "I'm going to get lunch."

I nodded, "I'll meet you there. I have to do something."

I flew off and left her to find her food. I looked for a certain filly that had been stuck in my mind for quite some time. I found her, with her red and green striped mane and dazzling white coat. She was wrapping a present, which was what I usually found her doing. I flew down to greet her.

"Hey, Meg." I said, folding my wings in. "Who gets the present this time?"

She looked up at me and beamed. My spirits immediately lifted. "Someone down the street. They've always wanted a book, and I found it at the store."

I chuckled, "Where do you get the money to buy all this stuff?" I asked.

She smiled again, "My mom really likes how I want to help people, so she gives me money from time to time."

I grinned, "Okay. So, how have you been doing?"

She looked at me, "You ask me that all the time. It's like you're worried about me or something." My thoughts darkened, That's exactly it.

I must have been scowling, because Meg immediately tried to recover her blunder, "S-Sorry, Mobius! I-I didn't mean to make you mad."

I looked down at her. "Oh, it's nothing. I was actually thinking about something else. It had nothing to do with you." I ruffled her mane to emphasize the point.

She pushed my paws away and giggled. "Okay. Well, I've been giving gifts, of course, and I've been practicing like you told me." She brightened at the last bit. I had told her to practice her ability to "Just know" what ponies want, and so she had.

I indicated a pony walking by at that moment. "What's she thinking?"

Meg looked at the pony hard. "... She wants to know how she will divide up the tickets for her friends."

I nodded approvingly, "Very good." She beamed again. Then I did a double take. Wait... Tickets?

I turned and saw Twilight walking down the street, her head down. Spike was with her. I turned back to Meg and called, "I've got to go! See ya later!" Meg waved as I raced off after Twilight.

I caught up with her at a restaurant. She sat down forlornly and plopped her head onto the table.

"Oh Spike, all five of my friends have really good reasons to go." She began plucking off petals with her magic. "Applejack, or Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie, Futtershy, or Rarity; who should go with me?" At that moment her stomach grumbled and she licked up the petals.

A waiter came up and spoke in a sort of fake accent. "Have you made your decision?"

Twilight scowled, then raised her forehooves to the sky. "I CAN'T DECIDE!" she screamed. The entire group in the courtyard looked at us.

"Uh, Twilight, he just wants your order." Spike said, looking at his foster mother(weird how I just realized that fact.) oddly.

Twilight blinked. "Oh. I would like a daffodil and Daisie sandwich."

"Do you have any rubies?" Spike asked. The waiter looked down at him with slight scorn. "Alright, alright." he muttered. "I'll have the hay fries." He threw his menu behind him, much to the displeasure of the waiter.

The waiter turned to me. "And for you, sir?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing for me, thanks." He nodded and walked away.

Twilight looked at me. "Mobius? when did you get here?"

I sighed. "A few minutes ago."

Twilight blushed. "Oh." then her worried look returned. "Oh, what should I do?" I knew she was talking about the tickets again.

"Hey, you will think of something. How about if I stick around, see what I can do?"

Twilight looked up. "Really?"

I grinned, "Sure. I'll help you think about it."

She grinned, and nodded, but the grin faded quickly. "When I choose, will the other four be mad at me? If I give away my ticket and give away two, that will still leave three disappointed ponies. What if I-"

"Ah, your food." the waiter came back at that moment and placed the food on the table. Spike immediately began to stuff his face.

"Oh, this looks so good." Twilight said, "Everything will be much clearer when I eat." She began to lift the sandwich ti her mouth as I thought, I'm with you there, sister. Hunger is a bad thing.

Before Twilight could take a bite, though, ponies streamed past.

"Erm, madam, are you going to eat your food in the rain?" The waiter's accent was getting kind of annoying. Hey, I've been calling him "The waiter" this entire time. Hmmm, because of his accent, I now officially name him Frenchy!

Twilight looked around, "What? I's not raining."

"What was that, Twilight?" I asked. "I couldn't hear you through the rain."

Twilight gaped openly at the rain, everywhere but in her spot. "What's going on?" she asked, looking up.

"Hi there best friend forever I've ever ever had!" Rainbow called from a break in the clouds. "Enjoying the sunny weather?" There was a lilt to her voice that suggested bribery.

"Hey, mind moving that hole over this way a little bit?" I called up. Rainbow glared at me, and Twilight realized what was going on.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?" she asked. I could here the strain in her voice.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked innocently. "I just saw the smartest, most generous pony about to get rained on,so I thought I'd kick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace. That's all."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors, are you?"

Rainbow again played innocent. "Me? Nononono, of course not!" Strangely, angelic music played along with that sentence.

"Uh-huh." Twilight huffed.

"No, seriously. I'd do it for anypony!" Rainbow still had that smile plastered in her face.

We looked around at the ponies scrambling for ways to get out of the rain.

Rainbow audibly gulped and giggled nervously. "Hehe... he."

Twilight turned a glare up at the rainbow-maned pegasus. "Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors! So I'd appreciate it if you'd close up that cloud right now!"

Rainbow gawked for a moment before huffing, "Ugh. Fine." the cloud closed with the sound of a zipper.

I facepawed. "Bad idea, Twilight."

She paid me no mind, "That's better." she said. She brought her food up to her mouth...

And the rain reached her too. The food plopped onto the plate, drenched, and Twilight's mane was plastered to her face. he groaned and Spike and I tried to hold in laughter.

"Twilight, it's raining!" came Rarities voice. She was standing a few feet away under a purple saddle-umbrella... thing.

"No. Really?" Twilight said sarcastically.

"Come with me before you catch a cold!" rarity dragged Twilight off, leaving Spike and me behind.

"Hey! Wait for us!" I called. Spike unceremoniously jumped onto my back and I raced after them. I would have to get back at Spike later...

We arrived in time to see Twilight shake herself off, therefore getting Rarity wet in the process.

"Oops. Sorry, Rarity." Twilight blushed again.

I swear Rarity's eye twitched before she replied, "Oh no! It's quite alright! After all, we are..." she got close, "The BEST of friends, are we not?" ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT! My mind screamed when I saw Rarity bump Twilight with her head.

Rarity grabbed Twilight's hooves. "And you know what the best of friends do...?"

Twilight looked slightly uncomfortable, "Uhhh..."

"MAKEOVER!" Rarity jumped in the air and twitched slightly. She summoned a little curtain thing, finally noticing me. She then called. "I'll be back in a moment dear! Just let me deal with something else!"

She glared in my direction, and Spike slid off and crept away.

Rarity guided me into the back room. "You are not getting that ticket!" she hissed.

I stared at her. "What!? I'm just trying to help her decide what to do!"

Rarity glared harder. "Yes, and you'll help her decide to give the ticket to you!"

I sighed. "No Rarity, I'm just trying to-" Rarity cut me off as she unceremoniously dumped a laundry basket on me, then gagged and tied me up with said laundry.

She left the room and I began to hear various noises coming form the room with Twilight in it. I struggled with my bonds and spat out the... uh, that was in my mouth? Ewwwwwwwwww!

I heard Rarity shout, "Oh, you look simply darling!" and I broke out of my bonds.

"And you!" I walked in the room just in time to see Rarity turn to Spike. "I have just the dandy little outfit for the dashing gent."

The curtain came up again, and I saw Spike struggling, trying to get away from the fashionista and her devices.

I walked up to Twilight, who was in a saddle adorned with jewels a plenty. Cat instincts... Damn you. "Um... you look... nice?"

Twilight looked at me. "Uh, Mobius..." she indicated my hind legs. I looked back and saw... okay, now that is just freaky.

I kicked the article of clothing away and turned back to see Spike in a blue princely outfit and a blond wig. I have to say, he looked pretty hilarious.

"Oh Spike." Twilight laughed as she saw his displeasure at being dressed this way.

"And now you just need a hat!" Rarity plopped a hat on his head. It looked a little like... a sombrero? No, but it didn't look like a normal hat.

Rarity stole a glance at me, then Spike spoke up. "Hey, I don't want any part of this girly gala gunk! See ya back at the library!" He disappeared in a poof of smoke shaped like him.

Rarity turned to me, a gleam in her eye. Wait... she knows Spike doesn't like this stuff... that could only mean... Oh, no. As the realization hit me Rarity tackled me, pinning me down as fabric began coming from all directions. I struggled and twisted, but Rarity held firm.

Soon I was adorned in a suit similar to Spike's, yet it seemed slightly more... fitting, when seen on me. I growled and Rarity smiled, anything but kindly.

"Now then, is there something you'd like to say?" Rarity asked, somewhat sweetly.

I sighed inwardly. Rarity had gotten Spike to leave by making him be afraid of being used as a dress-up doll. She had tried the same thing with me. But I wouldn't fall for it.

"Thanks, Rarity." I grumbled. Rarity looked surprised for a minute before shaking her head and turning back to Twilight. "Now then, we need to talk privately."

Next thing I knew, I was out in the rain again. I turned back to the door, to find it firmly locked. I sighed and waited for Twilight.

The rain cleared after a few minutes (I'm never getting used to the weather here) and then I heard the Boutique door open, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've been trying all day JUST TO GET MY LUNCH!" Twilight irritated voice came from the open doorway. I shook myself and walked towards it, but another pony beat me to it.

"Did somepony say lunch?" Applejack's voice rang sweetly through the air. I came around just in time to see Applejack naming off various apple pastries.

"So what'll it be, best friend?" I resisted the urge to facepaw at the obvious attempt at ticket begging.

Twilight's stomach growled. "I'll take that as a yes?" Applejack leaned in, the question lingering.

Twilight's stomach growled. "Is... that a yes?" Applejack asked.

Twilight got this very irritated look in her eyes, "No. No! I don't know who I'm giving the ticket to, and all these 'favors' aren't making it any easier to decide! In fact, I'm less sure now than I was this morning. RRrrrrgghhh!" She ran off.

"So... that's a maybe?" Applejack asked quietly.

I walked up. "You really should lay off her, Applejack. If she can't decide, she can't decide."

Applejack turned a small glare my way, "Yer not gettin' the ticket either." She walked off with her food.

I sighed and decided to follow Twilight.

I didn't make it. I found Meg scrutinizing a stallion close ahead.

I stopped short next to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey. What's he thinking?"

Meg gave a small start, then turned to me. "Oh... oh, it's you, Mobius!" She smiled, "He's just a little sad about a big blue box he had. It was important to him, but it got broken."

I looked up. A big blue box? Was this...?

I saw Doctor Whooves sitting down on the side of the road. Okay, odd for him. I motioned for Meg to follow me and walked up to him.

"Hey, Whooves." I said. "What's wrong?"

He looked up at me, and then immediately regarded me with squinted eyes. "Yes?"

"Don't answer a question with a question. You know what I mean." TARDIS. I mouthed. Realization popped into his eyes.

The Doctor jumped to his feet. "Oh. Yes, yes! Don;t hesitate! Come with me!... but, um..." He looked behind me at Meg.

"She's fine." I assured him, and he looked from me to her. He finally nodded and walked away, with us following.

He led us over a river, and through the... no, not the woods. Just a small field on the outskirts of Ponyville.

The Doctor sighed, "I got stuck here."

I raised an eyebrow. "You? Stuck? No way."

He shot me a glance. "What? It's not my fault the TARDIS decided to crash."

Meg suddenly came to a realization. "Oh, so that's what the big blue box was!... Uh, what's a TARDIS?"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow, and eyed me quizzically.

So is she one of your little group? he asked in my head.

Yeah. Trying to train her, so she isn't completely dumbfounded when... you know. I replied.

Ah. That explains the attention you seem to give her. he said.

"Um, hello?" Meg poked me in the face. I stumbled back and she giggled. The Doctor shook himself and turned away. "Well, I should be getting back to my shop now." He galloped away.

I watched him go, then turned to Meg. "So... you need a ride?"

Her face brightened. "Yes!"

I bent down and felt Meg scramble up onto my back. Her forehooves wrapped around my neck and she practically squealed, "Ready!"

I smiled, spread my wings and took off. Meg squealed in delight and I felt her hooves tighten around my neck. I flapped faster, making the wind whip around us. Then when I felt ready, I rolled.

Meg screamed, not in terror, but in joy as I flipped and turned and somersaulted through the air. When I finally straightened, Ponyville was in sight. Under us the fields looked small, patches of green under a brilliant sun.

"I wish this could last forever." Meg murmured, slightly woefully.

I glanced back at her. "What's gotten into you?"

She shook her head after a moment of silence. "Nothing. I just feel weird, is all."

I frowned slightly. What could be affecting her. The height? I slowly drifted down to the ground, right outside Meg's house.

"You go get some rest, okay?" I said, slightly forcefully.

"Alright." Meg said, slurring slightly. She made her way to the door and disappeared inside.

I sighed. Well, let's hope it was nothing. I realized sudden;y that I had forgotten Twilight.

Oops... I raced off to the library, hoping to see her there. Slowly, though, I started to here the Benny Hill theme song from ahead of me. What the hell? I rose over a small hill and looked down on the scene before me.

Twilight raced past, Spike bouncing up and down on her back. A crowd of ponies was coming on like a freight train. I quickly turned and raced after Twilight.

"What's going on?" I shouted to her when I caught up.

"Pinkie told the... other ponies... about... the ticket!" Twilight gasped out.

"WHAT!? They're all here for the tickets!?" Twilight nodded. Oh, come on! One day of rest. Please?

The Benny Hill theme played relentlessly, and the routine went oddly familiar. Wherever we hid, ponies popped in at random places, catching up to us at every turn. Finally we ended up in Twilight's library again.

"Quick! Spike! Lock the doors!" Spike did just that without hesitation, turning off the lights for good measure.

All was silent, except for...

Except for the click of the light switch being turned back on.

There stood the five other Elements of Harmony, grinning innocently. Twilight, unable to hold it anymore, screamed.

We all stood there as she began to rant, the hardships of the day catching up with her.

When she finished, the others stood there, shocked into silence. I sudden;y felt a surge of protectiveness for the unicorn mare.

"Really? Look what you've done!" Their eyes turned to me, and I glared. "You all are the best of friends from what I gathered. And here you are, arguing over TICKETS, of all things! What's wrong with you?" They flinched, but I wasn't done yet. "Who cares who goes? Shouldn't you all be happy with the friendship you all share!?" my rant done, I settled down. Their eyes looked to the floor, but then I heard the clopping of hooves as Applejack walked over to Twilight.

"Twilight, sugar, I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you. And if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad. I promise." Her eyes looked a little sad and ashamed, but she was being sincere.

Fluttershy came up next. "Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful."

"And me too!" Pinkie added. "It's no fun upsetting your friends!"

"Twilight, it was unfair of me to force you as I did." rarity said in her elegant voice.

"YES!" Rainbow shouted, flying into the air. "That means the ticket is mine!" She started to do a little jig, before she saw all our deadpanned glares. "You know, I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. i don;t need the ticket."

After a little more yadda yadda, we're sorry stuff, Twilight wrote back to the Princess, saying that she wouldn't go if her friends couldn't. The Princess replied saying that, "Why didn't you say that in the first place!" and gave everyone tickets. There was a small celebration, and then we walked outside... into the night. When the heck did it become night? I wondered.

"I didn't get a ticket..." I heard Spike's forlorn voice mumble. I turned to him just as he burped up a green flame that materialized as two tickets and a scroll. Spike gave me the scroll, saying it was for me, and then ran off, smiling goofilly until he saw Applejack smirking at him. When he thought she couldn't see him, he got all hyper again.

I read the letter.

Hello Mobius. I am Luna, the Princess of the Moon here. As you probably can guess, I'm your assigned Goddess here. Please report to me within a week. I have grave news.
Princess Luna

I closed the scroll, then set off after my friends

The next day, Rarity and I stood in my living room, an expression of shock on the white unicorn's face.

"Uh, Rarity?" I asked. I had asked her for help with decorating my house, and she had agreed.

Rarity looked around at the gray walls. "We... we have a lot of work to do." she sighed.

A/N: Hellllllo, everypony! Sorry for the late update. I've already got the next chapter planned, and It will be out quicker than this one was. So to keep you from dying of wait, here's a preview.

Preview of Mobius: part 4

"Hello, I would like to buy a suit."

Wait... that voice... Oh, no.

"Oh, wonderful! Let me just get my current customer's order done.
No. Don't rarity... Don't... Mobius!"


"Excuse me, did you say... Mobius?"

"Why yes, he's a good friend of mine!"

Bad idea, Rarity. Bad idea.