• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

  • ...

CROSSOVER pt. Finale: What happens to those who live.

This is it. The end, no more crossover. I hate to see it go, but it's way long. Longer than I'd ever thought it would be... Damn my perverted mind! Anyways, another quote. Or a bunch.

"Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway."
-Elbert Hubbard

"The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing... not healing, not curing... that is a friend who cares."
-Henri Nouwen

"When friendship disappears then there is a space left open to that awful loneliness of the outside world which is like the cold space between the planets. It is an air in which men perish utterly."
-Hilaire Belloc

"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."
-William James

"Death is the last enemy: once we've got past that I think everything will be alright."
-Alice Thomas Ellis

"Nothing is worse than losing friends. Vows can mean nothing, or they can mean something. Keeping the vow is what really matters. Losing the person from death, maybe a little too early, is crushing no matter what you say to each other.
What do all these things have to do with each other? They all have to do with despairing. My quote today is this: Despairing gets you nowhere. Trying does. Things can always seem hopeless, or you can feel utterly alone, but trying can do miracles."
-Mobius of the Moon, writer, son, brother, friend, and dreamer

I dashed forward, seeing Mike turn and Hunter prepared to unleash a burst of energy. Mike could have melted the Moon if looks were deadly. Hunter just had burning triumph in his eyes. Mike would make easy prey for him.

I slammed into Hunter at the last moment (doesn't it always seem to go like that?), and time restarted. I heard Mike dash past the place where Hunter had just been, then skid to a stop.

Hunter squirmed around under me. I growled and headbutted him, then turned to the others. Mike stared with slight disbelief and rage at me.

"Why did you do that!?" He asked.

I glared at him, "I'm keeping you alive!" I spat.

He returned the glare. "I could have done it! He killed Dreamer!"

I shook my head wearily. "No. You wouldn't stand a-"

Mike barreled past me, into Hunter, who was just getting up. They tumbled around, and Hunter blasted Mike into a wall. I heard a loud snap and Mike slumped. The mares behind me gasped.

Gods dammit, if you're dead, Mike... I thought as I charged at the fallen blue pegasus. I checked him. he was breathing, but barely. I poked around until I reached Mike's ribcage. He screamed shrilly. I winced, then muttered, "Mike, you bastard. You're lucky I'm on your side."

I used a quick heal spell, which hurts even worse than the pain itself. Mike screamed again, and I said, "I know how it feels, buddy. Push through."

Finally, Mike lay panting, in pain, but alive. I teleported (why isn't that a word!?) Mike back to the mares and yelled, "STAY THERE!" I turned back to Hunter, who was grinning evilly.

"So you did come after all." He said, "Looks like that other 'friend' of yours got a little too unruly."

I sighed, "Really, Hunter? I don't have time for this."

Hunter ignored me, "All I did was enslave his best friend, whom he thought was dead. Then I gave him an opportunity to bring his friend back. Then I yanked it all away with one swipe, killing said best friend in front of him. He didn't have to be so... rude."

I shook my head, "Is there ever a moment where you're not a psychotic bastard?"

Hunter thought about this, tapping his chin. "Well... maybe. But I wouldn't get my hopes up." Black energy burst around his hooves. "Let's get started, shall we?"

My Seer Armor appeared, different on a cat body. You all remember how I said Lunars are the devil-angels of the Seers, right? Well, my armor looked like this, but on a cat. If you hadn't guessed, it's called Reaper mode.

Hunter cackled. "Oh, you really need to work on looking intimidating, Mobius." 'm not trying. I thought.

I tried flapping my wings, and I miraculously began to hover, considering they had become bones. A ribcage had expanded over my chest as a breastplate, and bones had spread over my limbs as armor. My tail was covered in bones that spiked at the tip, making it like a mace. My face, hidden within the cowl of the cloak, grinned. Seer's Word had appeared as Hel's Scythe, fitting to the armor scheme.

Hunter grinned again, then took on a form similar to this, but on a pony. The energy around his hooves flared and flowed into the armor, causing it to hiss and steam.

(Now then, moving on... listen to this... yeah, I just like the song, if you're wondering)

Hunter pounced, and I flew off to one side, lashing out with Seer's Word. It clanged against his armor, and he used the momentary confusion to swing his sword, nicknamed Seer's Despair. Right now it looked like this, its Sword of Chaos form. It can be said I was at a disadvantage, because compared to the sword, a scythe can be unwieldy if not used right.

But I could use the Scythe easily.

I deflected Seer's Despair but then quickly realized that I wasn't exactly going to do too well as I was now. Hunter kept on turning the tables on me in some way or another, and maintaining this form drained me. But I carried on, dodging Despair and unsuccessfully getting in a blow or two that was ineffective.

The fight carried on for about ten minutes. Finally Hunter smacked me in the chest with a lucky blow, and my armor cracked. It sent a shudder throughout the entire system of bones, and the form collapsed on me. I fell to the ground, momentarily stunned. Hunter laughed and swung his sword back...

And then a hard buck sent it spinning away. Mike leaped in front of me, growling lowly and in a fighting stance. Hunter blinked once, then laughed again, "Oh, this is too cute," he said, "A hopeless attempt at heroism, and now you try to act like a fighter. It's just too cute."

Groaning, I lifted my head as my vision cleared, just in time to see Despair zoom towards Mike at an unimaginable speed. But I was faster.


That odd noise happened to be the sword going through my chest and grinding on my bones. Mike's head whipped to the side, and his eyes widened in horror as I fell to the ground.

"MOBIUS!" he looked at me in worry.

The other six mares began to walk forward, and I called out, "No! Don't!"

As if Mike wasn't shocked enough to see a sword in my chest, he was even more shocked when I could actually speak. I ripped Despair out of my chest and stood up slowly. Mike just stared.

I grinned and coughed. Red came up. "Can't die. Remember?"

Mike shook his head. "Then... earlier was...?"

I grinned weakly again. "Yup."

Hunter just stood there, a bored look on his face. "Okay, are you done?" his eyes flicked from me to Mike, "I have some killing to get to."

I glared at him. "Give me a second."

I cast another Quick Heal. A burning sensation worse than the wound filled my chest then spread to the rest of my body. I bit back a scream. When it was finished, Word appeared in front of me again, like this.

I faced Hunter, preparing for a blow. He picked up Despair with his magic and turned to me, hissing, "I can't wait for the final moments where you die in despair!"

He lunged, and I sideswiped. The blow glanced off his armor, but this time I heard a satisfying shriek of metal on metal that signified that it had been scratched. I slashed again, but Despair blocked me. Mike dashed in at this moment and gave the area I had scratched a hard buck. It dented slightly, but not much. Mike drew back just in time as Hunter turned his attention, and his blade, to him. Seeing a plan form, I dashed in again and swiped at the same spot again. Now two lines were crisscrossing the armor. Mike glanced at the spot with a knowing look and dashed in again. But Hunter had noticed also.

He lashed out with his front hooves, almost catching Mike's head. Those hooves, encased in the armor and powered by Hunter's energy, could have easily crushed his skull. I slashed again, and the blade struck his helmet. His head jerked to the side as the helmet wrenched off his head and spun through the air, clanking into a wall. He looked back to me, half his face shredded. His eyes blazed with a fury that he rarely showed.

I swung again and he dodged, taking to the air. Mike followed, actually making it off the ground on his first try. I followed them. Hunter discarded his armor and Despair in favor of his more favored way of fighting. Fists.

The energy swirled around his hooves yet again, and he dashed towards Mike. Mike, flying headlong towards him, didn't have time to turn. The blow came with an energy burst that probably didn't feel too good. Mike tumbled away yet again but regained his balance. I looked at Hunter with a little interest.

"So this is how you want the fight to go?" I asked. Usually he liked drawing battles out with a duel, slowly saying things that would break his enemy down, eventually driving them to despair.

He grinned, "Of course, Mobius. It's much faster."

Light purple energy burst around my paws, and I growled, "Then let's get this over with."

Hunter leaped at me and punched. I rolled and lashed out with my hind legs. I felt a satisfying thump but then was sent flying forwards with a buck. Turning, I flew at him and swiped at his face. He flew around in a circle so he was behind me again. I felt his hooves repeatedly smash into the back of my head but he held me in place so I couldn't turn. My wings flashed backwards, though, and I felt his weight lift away. I turned, ready to jump in again, when Mike flew in just at that moment and gave him another hard buck, sending him flying.

I flew over to him. "Well, I guess you can do something." I remarked.

Mike looked behind and his yes widened. "Uh, Mobius..."

"What?" I turned my head and saw where Hunter had landed. He was right in front of the girls, and was getting up. Turning to throw a triumphant look at us, he stood in front of the six mares. He spread his wings, and I saw what was coming.

I sped forward as Hunter brought his wings together. I used the transportation spell on the six mares and they were on the other side of the room. Hunter stalled his attack, long enough to glance in my direction. He disappeared and was right next to them again. Dammit! I thought. I won't risk using my full power, for it could hurt the others. But Hunter doesn't give a shit about what the aftermath of a battle is. I couldn't attack with my full strength for fear of hurting my friends.

Hunter knew this, and now as he turned to the mares, he looked over them for a specific one. He found her.

I looked to Mike and saw his eyes bulge with rage. Hunter stood back on the spot where Nightmare Moon had once stood, ad he had Fluttershy with him. He held Despair up to her neck, the threat obvious.

"You know what I want. Don't move another step." He said in his now suave voice. "You know I'll do it."

All hope of saving Fluttershy drained from mike's eyes, and he dropped his fighting stance. Hunter grinned and then nodded behind us. I turned my head and saw a Turned coming towards Mike.

The Turned are what happens to those not sanctified after they are killed by the Darks. Their bodies change, and their wills are enslaved by the Darks. This one looked like a pony, but a pony who had been starved, unwashed, and left in a ditch. It had a gray coat and red mane. Its ribs were more prominent than I would have thought possible. It's mane and coat were covered in grit, dirt, and were unkempt messes.

Its eyes glared hungrily at Mike. Turned, in that cliche way of theirs, took the souls of those they killed, therefore making another Turned. Turned hoped to regain their past selves by taking others souls and using it for themselves. But of course it never worked. The Darks told the Turned that though, so that was how they enslaved them. Desire to live again is a Turned's only drive.

This one was no different. As it got nearer to Mike I finally snapped out of my trance. I pounced at the Turned, yelling at Mike as I did so, "Go, Mike! GO!"

Mike looked behind him, saw me quickly dispatch the turned, and dashed forward. Word was in front of me, in Cross-Sword Forme. I simply drove it into the Turned and It's body was immediately sanctified. It disappeared in a flash of light. At least that one was a weak one. I thought as I turned around.

I should have known. In the few seconds it had taken me to dispatch the Turned, Mike was on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Fluttershy was still alive, but Hunter's eyes were flashing. He'd done it again. He'd implanted a false event in Mike's head. From the condition Mike was in, I assumed that he was seeing Fluttershy dead right now.

I used Medic Sight on him and turned back to Hunter. "I'll never get over that."

Hunter smiled slowly, "You mean like this?" His eyes flashed once more, and I realized I had foolishly dropped my mental barriers.

I was immediately plunged into my worst memories, mainly Chryst's death. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I was shaken out of my stupor by Mike.

"Mobius!" He shouted in my face, "Get up!"

I stood up slowly and glared at Hunter. Fluttershy had tears in her eyes, and I felt my anger flare again. Mike must have felt the same way, because once I was up he turned his attention to Hunter also.

"Hunter, this is it!” Mike yelled at Hunter, his anger rising again. “Keep it up, and all you’ll do is just make your death all the more enjoyable for me! I’ve fought ponies twice my age for nine years! I’ve taken down an Ursa Major! And now I’m going to squash you like a parasprite! Bring it on, Hunter! YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD!”

Hunter didn't laugh, just merely smiled, "Oh, I can do much worse. Would you like to see?"

Before he could do anything, though, I was on him. I smashed him into the wall and stepped to the side as Mike sped past in a rage. He screamed in fury and began to repeatedly smash Hunter into the wall, the ground, buck him, anything. His fury blinded him to the girls' cries for him to stop. I merely stood by, knowing what he was feeling. It would take a strong will to stop him now.

Mike finally bucked Hunter once more, and he flew through the wall, falling outside. Mike was about to follow when I laid my tail across his shoulders.

"No." I said, looking him in the eye.

Slowly, Mike calmed down. He stared at me, then the hole in the wall, then looked around for Hunter. When he came to the realization of what had happened, he stared at me in slight horror.

I smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, "I said, "Here, go over to the others. I have to make sure... you know."

He nodded, and walked slowly over to the others. Fluttershy immediately began to calm him down, saying that it wasn't his fault.

I flew outside, and landed next to the winded, bleeding Hunter. He glared up at me with one eye; his other was missing. His wings were snapped and feathers missing. One leg was in an awkward position, another hoof was crushed.

He spat at me and said, "You know, I really hate him."

I smiled. "I know."

He took a ragged breath, then screamed in pain. I assumed his lungs had been punctured. He said slowly. "You know... I'll... be back... to kill... you all."

I chuckled dangerously. "Don't be so cliche, Hunter."

And with that, I picked him up with my magic, and muted his voice. I could see his mouth moving, reading his lips. "I'm going to fucking kill you, Mobius! You and those bitch friends of yours!"

I chuckled at his threats. "And I'll always be here to make sure that exact thing doesn't happen."

We had come to the bridge. I floated him over the edge, and gave him back his voice. I grinned slowly, and released him. His curses immediately transferred to a long, drawn-out scream which dwindled into the distance. He would have wasted his energy during the battle. No way he could have survived.

I flew back to the castle, and landed next to the group of seven. "Well, we won." I tried to make light of the mood.

Mike said nothing, but stared at the ground.

“Mike?” Fluttershy asked, but Mike paid her no heed. He walked over to his dead best friend, tears forming in his eyes. Dreamer looked, for all the worlds, as if he had merely fallen asleep. Just like Will. My thoughts wandered.

I snapped back to attention as Mike began sobbing uncontrollably. He lay next to his friends body and wept, not caring about what was going on around him. We all stood there, holding back our own tears, before moving forward. The mares surrounded Mike in a hug, which I refrained from. I stood there, and wrapped my wings around the circle of friends. I prayed over and over that Dreamer find some sort of sanction in death... or rebirth. If only Meg could have had the same luck.

A few days later, the funeral happened. I decided to be the priest, because I needed to finish something. The six mares that had become Mike's-as well as my own- family stood at the front of the group, their tears now flowing freely.

Only a few had come, and those that came only came for Mike. But imagine everyone's surprise when Mike never arrived.

We all stood there, confused, but I knew where Mike was. Dreamer's guitar was still in that cave. I waited for a few minutes, and when Mike didn't arrive, I began anyway.

"We are gathered here today to remember a brave pony. A pony named Dreamer. Dreamer was, in all senses of the word, a brother to Hovermic as well as his best friend. Dreamer was always there in times of trouble. He stayed by Mike's side, always ready to give him a smile, to comfort him when things were going the wrong way.

"In his travels with Mike he was the only one Mike trusted, loved, and considered a friend. Friends are special things; they cannot be replaced. They can be lost, whether by death or other reasons, friends can be gone before you know it. But one thing I have learned throughout my life-" I looked over at the mares that I considered family, smiling warmly, "-is that you fill the empty places left behind by those friends with others. There is never time to despair.

"So I say to you all today, remember Dreamer as the pony Mike knew him as. As the brother, the one who was always there, and try to be like him in your endeavors. Be like him in the way that he never saw the glass as half-empty. He always saw it as half-full. I thank you all for coming." I finished my short speech and turned to the grave. The ponies dispersed except for the six mares.

I turned to them, "Go. He'll come, but he probably won't want to see you. Don't ask, he just won't."

The mares nodded and left as well. As if to mock us, it began to rain. Dark gray clouds dumped buckets on Ponyville. I looked at Dreamer's grave.

Dreamer, friend and son. Was all it said. I sighed softly, then engraved these runes on it: laguz, isa, fehu, ehwaz. Water, Ice, Wealth, and Horse. Put into the English alphabet, it spelled LIFE. Then, for good measure, I put in ansuz and wunjo. God and Joy.

Satisfied, I stepped back into the shadows of some trees and waited.

Mike came about half an hour later. He had Dreamer's guitar, if a little scratched up, on his back.

He walked up to the grave and stood there for a few moments, then began to sing this.

How I needed you
How I grieve now you're gone
In my dreams I see you
I awake so alone

I know you didn't want to leave
Your heart yearned to stay
But the strength I always loved in you
Finally gave way

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never, never stay
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
And I grieve...

Tears truly entered my eyes. I knew this song. I walked to him and joined my voice with his once more.

In my dreams I can see you
I can tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can hold you
And it feels so real

I still feel the pain
I still feel your love
I still feel the pain
I still feel your love

And somehow I knew you could never, never stay
And somehow I knew you would leave me
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
I wished, I wished you could have stayed.

We finished singing, and Mike placed the guitar next to the grave. Then, crying silently, he turned and walked home, with me following.

“…So you’re leaving?”

“I have to.” I looked at the small group in front of me. the mares had gathered when I had said I had news, and now they all looked sad in various stages. Rainbow had flown off, sobbing, when I'd told them. At the front of the group, Mike looked particularly down. I understood. We had been through something mighty crazy together, and now must feel like another friend dying.

“I…” Mike sniffed. “I don’t want you to go."

“I know you don’t,” I said. “I don’t really want to go either, but I have to.” It was true. But I couldn't live in this reality, I had my own. Of course, it was in a time-slow-down at the moment, but still...

“…I understand…”

I tried to smile, "Chin up, Mike. At least you found out the truth, right?”

“Fat lot of good the truth does me now,” Mike snapped. I flinched slightly at the outburst. Mike instantly looked guilty. “Mobius…I’m sorry. I…”

“It’s okay.” I put on another smile. “I understand. Well…goodbye, all of you. And Rarity, I still want that suit, whenever you finish it.” Rarity smiled weakly.

I waved a paw at them as they each cried out their own goodbyes. Pinkie began to bawl just as I disappeared from sight.

I closed my eyes, letting darkness take me.

I awoke to moonlight blasting me in the face, if you think that's possible. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Luna in front of me.

I immediately went to one knee. "Rise, Mobius. At ease." Luna said softly. I rose and looked to her, my eyes going blurred.

She smiled and wrapped her hooves around me. Luna always did seem a little more... comforting than the other Gods and Goddesses, "It's okay, Mobius."

I nodded, "I know. It's just that... I don't know, I feel... empty."

She nodded back, "You've learned what friendship is again. And you know how it feels to have it ripped away again."

I sniffed, surprising myself. It's been a long time since I had even been close to crying. "Yeah... I don't know what to feel at the moment."

Luna smiled softly, "Maybe if you could see you're friends again?"

I knew she was talking about my reality. "That's probably it."

She stepped aside, and I was tackled by pink.

"Mobi!" A familiar, happy voice squealed in my ear.

"Hey, Pinks!" I said, ruffling her mane. It's always good to see her.

The other five stepped forward and smiled. I looked around in confusion. "How long has it been?" I asked.

"About three months." Luna said.

My eyes bulged, "Three months! But what about the time-stall?"

Luna shook her head sadly, "Something went wrong. Time went faster here, instead of slower."

I looked at the seven ponies around me. "We thought th'worst, Mobius." Applejack said softly.

I looked at them, and chuckled. "Well, I'm here now. That's all that matters."

The others agreed, and I was suddenly wrapped in a familiar group hug. I spread my wings and encircled us, cherishing my friends.

I felt that happiness again. That warm happiness that came from when I had my friends with me. But what about Mike? He had to feel lost, and alone.

I looked up from our circle at Luna. She nodded, reading my thoughts, and whispered in my ear. "Come here tomorrow every day at noon. Time will stop here whenever you leave, then come back."

I nodded, and then my friends released me.

I smiled, and the sun began to rise, chasing the night away. I turned to the girls. "So, who wants tea?"

That noon Luna returned, and met me at the designated spot. I had told the girls I would be wondering around today, so they didn't come looking for me.

"Are you sure?" I asked Luna.

"Yes," she nodded, "Nothing will go wrong this time. It's been about three days since you left, though."

"Did you do that?"

Luna shook her head. "No, but we can change the time difference if you like."

"I would," I nodded and stepped forward, feeling the buzzing sensation of dimensional travel.

And opened my eyes to see the ground far below me.

Wonderful. I thought as I fell. I spread my wings and began to glide, realizing that I had just barely avoided death. Lately things seem to have NOT been going my way...

I landed low on a cloud. I looked down and saw Rainbow's house. Then I saw the mare herself, but something was wrong. She sat by one of the rainbow pools, crying. It had that much of an effect on her? I thought. I felt a slight pang, too, but nothing crushing.

I slowly floated the cloud away, making it look as natural as possible.

I went to Mike's house, and saw Fluttershy knocking on the door. I floated the cloud down a little more to hear.

"Mike!" Her usually soft voice seemed shrill, "It's been three days! Come out! What's the matter?"

Confused, I floated down to a window, and saw Mike in his bedroom, trying to sleep. He looked horrible. Bags under his eyes, unkempt and dirty mane, looking as if he had been killed repeatedly by his best friends. I'd seen this before. Mike had gone into depression. He couldn't handle it all, and it was only doubled by me leaving. Looking at him, I felt a crushing guilt on my shoulders. My insides squirmed and I didn't know what to do. I floated away silently.

Three Days Later

I was back at Mike's house. My friends in my reality had been surprised to see me looking so sad when I returned, and nothing they did helped. They had worried and fussed over me, trying to cheer me up. Finally I had smiled and said I needed some time to myself. They had left, and that was that.

Now I was back here, watching Princess Celestia and the mares talk to Mike about his change to hermit-living... okay, now's not a time to joke.

Princess Celestia was trying to reassure Mike that he would be okay, and that she could help him. Mike wouldn't have any of it. He especially surprised me when he said this:

“Princess, allow me to tell you what I learned about friendship over the past while. I learned that it doesn’t last. No matter how hard you try, you’ll end up alone in the end anyway. They’ll leave you, or die, or have a fight with you. And then you’re all alone. So I’m beating them to it so I don’t have to deal with it. Rather than wait for them to ditch me, I’m hiding. If I’m alone, I can’t have any friends leave, can I?” He slammed his door, locked it, and that was all.

The Princess looked worriedly at Twilight. "It is serious... but I can't help."

"WHAT!?" The mares exclaimed all at once.

"He needs help for this, not medicine. Help from friends. And who might his friends be?" She looked meaningfully at the six mares, and then I thought I saw her glance upward, but I dismissed it as a trick of my eyes.

The seven dispersed and an idea popped into my head.

Unknown Amount of Time Later

Everything was in place. I had left notes on each of the six mares' doorsteps describing the plan, but not signing it. Now they were gathered in front of Mike's house and were preparing to sing.

If this doesn't work... I shook the thought away. This would work, I have to believe that.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known…

They began to sing. I sensed Mike stirring (I had placed a sentry in his room, to make sure he didn't die).

Now it’s just too late, and we can’t go back
I’m sorry I can’t be perfect…

Mike grumbled and pushed up his head.

I’m just a kid, and life is a nightmare
I’m just a kid, I know that it’s not fair…

Mike was now truly interested. He got out of bed.

Welcome fillies and gentlecolts, no reason to scream
Your favourite princess is back, she’s walking up on the scene…

Mike now headed downstairs, his interest peaking.

In the Rainbow Factory, where fears and horrors come true
In the Rainbow Factory, where not a single soul gets through…

Mike footsteps reached the first floor.

No you don’t know what it’s like
Welcome to my life…

Mike reached the door.

I tried so hard, and got so far
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter…

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never, never stay…

The door was thrown open, and there stood Mike, looking slightly angry.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“We’re proving to you that we won’t leave,” Twilight smiled. “We remember everything you’ve done since you got here, and we’re not going to forget it. So until you finally come out of there, we’re not giving up.”

“No…” Mike shook his head. “This doesn’t make sense…”

“It doesn’t have to.” Fluttershy gave Mike a nuzzle, and that spark of love flared for a moment in his eyes.


“Because we care, Mike. We wanted to show that. We’ll never leave you.”

Mike looked in bewilderment at the mares around him, but I could see he was breaking.

“But…everypony leaves me…” You don't really believe that, do you? I thought.

“Not us.” Fluttershy wrapped him in a hug, and the others slowly joined in.

Mike's face lit up, and he smiled.

I smiled, and felt a single tear leak from my eye. "Guess he might want this now..." I said quietly to myself.

I pulled out a package that I had brought with me. On it was a note. I read over it to make sure it was what I wanted.

You've been another example of what friendship is to me. You've been a great friend. And I know you think the same. So to keep you from worrying about me, here's some gifts for you and the others.

I opened the package. In it was a dress idea I had thought up, tickets to a Wonderbolts show, a cupcake, a book I knew (this)Twilight didn't have, bird eggs (carefully wrapped, mind you!), a piece of paper with the words "The Truth" on it(it was a note saying everything about who I was), and some CD's and a radio/disc player.

I grinned, then sent the box a few days into the future. Mike would get it soon enough.

Back at home, I first went to Rainbow's house. Now's good as ever. I thought.

I knocked on her door. Rainbow opened, then gave me an inquiring look. "Yes?"

I grinned sheepishly, then brought a bouquet of flowers (along with more Wonderbolts tickets)from behind my back. She stared at them, then at me, then surprised me by tackling me with a hug. I grinned, then thought, Everything's alright now...

Two Days Later

I walked through town, aiming for Sugarcube Corner, when a familiar voice entered my head. "That hurt."

I sighed, "Shut it, Hunter. Give me peace of mind for a while, 'K?"

"But that's why I like doing this!" Hunter protested.

"Just go away. Usually I can deal with you, but right now I don't want to."

"I just came to tell you something."

I stopped, "Well?"

"Just a little update on how Mike's doing."

I growled, "If you've-"

Hunter laughed, "Don't worry, I haven't done anything... yet. Let's just say that things will get a little nasty for our dear friend Hovermic in the... distant future... or is it near?"

His voice disappeared. I sighed. Well, that settles it. I have to go back. And thanks to Luna, that was possible, without negatively effecting this reality.

I walked into Sugarcube Corner and was met with smiles. My friends immediately brightened when I entered. They were glad to see me happy again.

I sat down at their table. "So... what's new?"


Well, crossover's over, but there will be stuff in the future. Such as a certain crossover I have planned that might interest a lot of you...
Anyway, happy days yet again! I'll get back to where I left off at part three and the story will resume as normal. Remember, this is only two months into Mobius' future, but now it's technically five.