• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

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CROSSOVER pt. 7: Sometimes I Wish for Better Things

I think we should all get back to normal quotes now.
"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine."
-Thomas Jefferson

CROSSOVER pt. 7: Wait, what!?

The moon set, and the sun rose, ever so slowly. The night had dragged on, not really eventful, but it had given me time to think. I pushed myself up from my chair and turned to the door. I walked on heavy feet to the living room. Well, sleepless night numero uno, check. I thought as I pushed the door open.

I stumbled along, getting a few stared but mostly ignoring them. I was too busy thinking still, Well, I know that this might not end well... No, it most likely WON'T end well. But... what's going on? I haven't felt like this in... Well, a long time. Maybe I should get help. From someone who knows what it's like.

And that pony was walking through town right at that moment. I quickly- well, I stumbled, more like, over to him. “Hey Mike,” I said tiredly. He snapped his head up and stared at me, his face going from one of slight success to worry.

“Mobius, you okay?” He stepped forward and looked me over. I hadn't realized, but I looked pretty bad. No sleep and worry had caused a little change to my appearance.

“I’m fine…just didn’t get any sleep. I spent the entire night thinking about…stuff.” I yawned. “How’d your night go with Fluttershy?” My attempt to troll was ruined by how tired I was.

“It was fine,” Mike shrugged. “Flutters was sick from all the cider she drank, so I stayed with her. She had some pretty bad nightmares from what she told me. She begged me to not leave her.” Huh, sounded interesting. And oddly familiar.

“Cool story bro…” I yawned again, giving Mike an excuse to change the subject.

“Okay, Mobius, you need sleep. I can understand only getting a couple hours of sleep, but no sleep whatsoever? That’s just not healthy. Besides, I can’t troll you when you’re tired without feeling guilty.” Mike grabbed me with a hoof, turned me around, and steered me back to his house. “Home. Bed. Sleep. Now.” Hmph. Pushy, pushy.

“You’re sounding like Twilight.” He was. I remembered... well, what was actually about a day ago.

“Get some sleep now or I’m telling Pinkie Pie that you need a party to celebrate your first date with Rainbow.” Oh, you sneaky bastard.

My eyes widened, and I turned to the pegasus. “What?! I haven’t even had a first date with her!”

“Pinkie doesn’t know that.”

No way out of this, it seems... “…Fine. I hate you, though.” I went on ahead of Mike.

“Feel the karma, Mobius. Sometimes it’s cool, other times it’s a dick.” I sighed softly. Ain't that the truth?

Mike shoved me into his house , put me to bed like a child, chuckling as he did so, then left me to sleep. I didn't want to, but last night had caught up with me and I found myself drifting off...

I wish I hadn't to this day.

It was dark, and the air was thick with something slippery and cool. I began to wander aimlessly, feeling as though I were searching for something, but I couldn't remember what. I felt my way around until I came to a brick/stone wall. Feeling around a little more, I found a direction to head in. Slowly I began to hear my footsteps, clacking on stone. I looked down. What was I wearing? I saw fancy boots, stained with blood. Farther up were pinstriped black and gray pants. Holes riddled the material. Next came a white shirt, covered with a black suit-tuxedo thing. Both were in the condition of the pants.

I scrabbled around in my head for a reason, and I found it. I felt my fingernails scratch against the stone walls of the corridor as I clenched my fist in rage, and the substance in the air dissipated. I heard a familiar cackling, followed by a scream, right ahead of me. Charging down the hallway, I entered to a sudden brightness. Blinded momentarily, I covered my eyes and waited for my vision to clear. What I saw stuck in my mind, never to leave.

This is why Hunter is my one, true enemy.

I sat bolt upright in the bed, panting heavily. That was... Chryst? I shook my head to clear it. No time to think about that. But... that dream... why now? Oh well, there's no reason to dwell in the past. At least, that's what I told myself. I just couldn't bear to think about that.

I decided to find Mike. There was no doubting it now. I had a thing for Dash. How odd can it get? At least Mike can give me tips, he's actually in a relationship. Hmph, my own advice doesn't work when it's me in the spotlight.

I walked through Ponyville after cleaning up, wondering where I could find Mike. Maybe at Fluttershy's?

I took to the air and spotted her cottage. I turned towards it and flew off at a slow pace, deciding to enjoy myself. As I went, I saw a rainbow flash streaking towards me. Oh... crap... uh. My mind drew a blank as Rainbow sped up to me took a pace close to mine, staying next to me in the air. Finally she spoke up.

"H-hey, Mobius... How's it... uh... going?" she stuttered slightly. I almost stopped flapping my wings. Wait a minute...

I quickly tried to regain my composure, turning to her with a smile, "Oh nothing much. Just been sleeping the day away. I thought I'd go see Mike to ask him something."

Rainbow started slightly, "U-uh, um... What do you need to ask him?" she asked, stuttering again.

I smiled wider. "Oh, that's a secret. So, do you know where I can find him?"

She nodded, "I was just talking to him over at Sweet Apple Acres. I needed to-" Rainbow stopped talking suddenly.

I raised an eyebrow, "I think you might have gone to him to ask something too, didn't you?" I said. Hope flared in my chest, for some odd reason. I nodded to Rainbow, who was looking quite flustered at my last comment. "Got it. I'm off then!" I flew away quickly, sharply aware of her eyes on me.

I landed in the orchard, surprisingly close to where I had first arrived. Nostalgia swept over me as I looked around at the trees that had first greeted me to the best place I'd ever been in my eternal life.

I went to where I hoped the farm was, and found him and Big Mac working hard at bucking the apples. I still had to chuckle at that word.

I jogged up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. " Hey dude. What's going?"

He turned to me with a smile, "Oh, nothing much. Anything going on with you and Rainbow?" He made some suggestive motions and I fumed.

"No!" I snarled, then calmed slowly. "Although... you probably know why I'm here."

Mike rolled his eyes to the heavens. "Oh, not again!" He said over-dramatically.

I eyed him carefully. "And just what could you mean by that?"

He snapped back to attention. "Nothing! Nothing! Anyway, I do know what you're here for. Rainbow, right?"

I sighed, "Yes... I really don't need trolling right now though, I-" Mike interrupted me.

"OH NO! You trolled me too much, and now karma shall strike back!" I could see him preparing for a string of taunts when Applejack came over.

"Not you too, Mobius!" She said jokingly. "I need Mike to be buckin', not talkin'!" I snickered and got a glare.

Mike turned to Applejack, "Sorry." he turned back to me. Soon... the look said.

Soon turned out to be quite soon. Mike got let off early, because of his "love life" as Applejack put it. I found him when he came to Sugarcube Corner as I was eating a lunch muffin. He caught my eye and said something to Fluttershy, who had come with him, and she nodded. He trotted over to my table.

“Mike, in all seriousness, I need help and not taunting,” Protesting failed. I really hate karma.

“If you look at it logically, my trolling you is helpful. You trolled me constantly and the end result was me getting with Flutters. It might work the same for you and Rainbow.” Oh?

“Why do you keep calling her Flutters?”

“It’s a pet name. Like how you’ll probably be using ‘Dashie’ or something soon.” Shut it, singer boy.

“Stop it.”

“Why? This is fun. So what was it like being in a bush with her? Did you even spend any time watching me and Flutters, or did you make out the entire time?”

For the second time in quite a long while I blushed. Knock it off!”

“Hey, now that I remember, you looked right at Rainbow’s cutie mark right before suggesting I talk about marks with Flutters. Couldn’t keep your eyes off her flank, could you?” I can kill you, you know. And then bring you back to life, only to kill you again.

My blush got worse. Then I thought of something. I gestured at my food. “Look. Muffin.”

“…Yeah? So what? How about-” He paused, then facehoofed. “Dammit, lost my train of thought.”

“Success!” I said triumphantly, throwing the rest of my muffin in my mouth. “Now that you’re done, can you promise me you won’t tell anypony, especially Rainbow?”

“Ugh, fine.”

“Pinkie Pie promise.” I saw a blur of pink for a second, then I dismissed as superstition getting the better of me.

Mike sighed and deadpanned. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” The motions seemed strained, as if he had done it too many times that day. “Look, here’s my advice. Same as yours. Just go for it, don’t panic, stay calm, and keep away from apple cider.” He restated it as if it were the simplest thing ever.

“Is that all? I just do what you and Fluttershy did?”

“…Not really. You and Rainbow Dash don’t seem like the types who would enjoy a romantic dinner or anything." Ain't that the truth. "Find something you both enjoy and ask her to do it with you. I can’t offer any suggestions because I don’t know what Arial Leo Saturns like…or whatever the hell you are.” Nimrod. You're probably just trolling, but you're still a nimrod.

“Just say cat.” That works, I guess.

“I know what cats like, though. Hello? Dating Fluttershy, friend to all animals?” So... what, you want to not be able to help me?

“Alright, alright. Anyway, thanks. I’ll go think this over or something. See you later.” I flew out the doors, catching a flash of cyan just as I went to the skies.

I sighed and found a cloud. I let myself lay down on it like a pegasus as I tried to gather my thoughts. What was I supposed to do? I didn't need something like this, I had Hunter to worry about. Not only that, the way Mike had said that he knew I was there about dash made it seem so... right. I felt extremely... odd. One: I was a cat-thingy that was actually a human. Two: I was maybe a little older than Dash.

Well, that just means that it would go perfectly swell, don'tcha say, Blue Moon?


I jumped, "Holy shit, who's there!?" I screamed. I ran in tight circles around my cloud (which was very hard, as the cloud was quite small).

A little tense, are we?

I recognized the voice, and immediately froze in place. "Uhhhh... Hi, Master.

Blue Moon laughed, deep and full of mirth. Sometimes I don't know what to do with you, he said between chuckles.

I grinned, "Yeah... a little... bogged down in stuff, you could say."

I know what you mean. Do you need someone to help you for a while? The question was asked slightly tentatively. All the Gods and Goddesses knew I didn't except help unless I really felt it necessary.

I thought about it, and then sighed. "You know... I think I do."

I sensed a nod from him. Right. I'll ask Luna.

I made a mock salute, "Yessir. Over and out."

He chuckled. Right, right. Farewell.

His voice faded. I sighed, thinking that at least tonight would not be sleepless.

Then a hoof tapped m shoulder. "Uh, Mobius?"

I spun around, my Seer's Word appearing out of thin air, in the form of Hel's Scythe. It swung silently, and when I saw who was flying there I stopped it just in time. Seer's Word stopped right next to Mike's neck, and it took him a moment to realize it was there. Screaming, he jumped backwards (while still flying) and plummeted. I flew after him, gaining speed. Just as I reached him, a rainbow blur crashed into both of us.

Reeling, I clutched Mike's arm, flapping and trying to glide. Then I saw something about as horrifying as going splat on the ground. Rainbow wasn't regaining control any time soon. Mike saw too, because he yelled something and pointed in her general direction.

"I know! I know!" I shouted. I angled towards her, but Mike was keeping me back. I yelled back down at him. "You're on your own!" I dropped him and prayed to the Goddesses that he lived.

Now able to fly alright, I sped off towards the falling cyan pegasus. Her eyes were wide with fright as she too realized that she probably wasn't going to regain stability. Our eyes met as I dove downwards, and then I brought my wings in.

I dropped like a super-aerodynamic stone. I gained quicker than I should have, then I spread my wings just as I went past her. She hit my back, hard, and I grunted at the sudden force. Now I was the one having trouble keeping control as Rainbow wrapped her forelegs around my neck.

Then my wings stopped beating altogether, as I felt a sudden force output. My heart stopped when I felt his presence, and I heard his voice...

Sssssssoon... Hunter hissed. All that will be left of either of you is mush.

Swearing profusely, I screamed madly into thin air, "HUNTER! YOU WON'T BE VICTORIOUS TODAY!"

And with that, I used a spell I had learned a while back from Twilight. Rainbow transported away, and then we... wait, just Rainbow?

I looked down to see the ground rush up, and all I saw was red, blue, and yellow. What a Seer sees when they die.

I was back in that horrid room. I was in those torn fancy clothes again.

I was reliving a memory that I never wanted to see again.

Hunter stood there, cackling, while Chryst, my fiance, was literally being hung up on a cross. Mockery of her name.

I felt a burning rage inside me, but I couldn't do anything. Hunter turned to me, his eyes glinting with the red of his Seer powers. He laughed, low and dangerous, then said, "Sssssso Glad you could join us..." His voice slithered out and stung my ears. This was one of his tactics. One of his ways he messed with your head.

I barely managed five words, "I... will... fucking... kill you..." It was exhausting just to speak.

Hunter laughed again. "Oh, I'm so scared. Come on, then." He spread his arms wide, as if to say I'm wiiiide open. I tried my hardest and managed to lift an arm and point an accusing finger at him. He raised his eyebrows.

"Is that it?" He chuckled wickedly. "I guess you don't really want her to live."

He turned back to Chryst, and she looked at me in more terror than I thought was fathomable. Shock spread across my features, and her eyes told me that she saw. I silently cursed myself. What was I doing? No matter how much I tried, the only movement I could get was twitches.

Hunter now stood next to Chryst, and then he turned to face her. I saw his eyes flashed, and Chryst screamed in more agony than you can even imagine. My mouth stretched in a cry that never came, and tears began to streak down my face.

It continued for twenty minutes. I just stood there when he finished, and Chryst sagged. It was amazing that she had even survived. When I tried to move, I made progress, but at a snail's pace. Hunter saw me and waved a dismissive hand. My limbs locked up again. By now I realized what was going on. Hunter, with his mind games, had planted that root of fear in me that eventually immobilized you. He cackled, said some choice words that I won't deign to repeat, then pulled out a small thin knife.

Turning back to Chryst, he began to carve her body, and her head snapped back up as she silently cried in pain. The torture dragged on for an eternity, then Hunter turned back to me and said, "The End."

He drove the knife into Chryst's chest. She gasped, looked up at me, and smiled weakly. In her last moments, we stared into each others' eyes, trying to find the spark that we both had when we were together.

I put on a weak smile, and then her eyes finally drooped. Hunter waved his hand again, and the room, the cross, and he all disappeared at once. I could move again. But of course I was too late.

I cradled Chryst's blood-soaked body in my arms, crying and blubbering apologies. It began to rain, s if mocking me, but Chryst's face was smiling, even though she had been through what she had, she stayed alive through it all. And for what? For me. ME. The one person who could have saved her, but didn't.

Then I went into a blind rage, mostly out of hatred for Hunter and hatred at my failure. My vision darkened, and I saw the crazy red and black energy of insanity and hatred billowing around me.

Over a hundred people died that night; friends, citizens, soldiers. I killed them all. the retribution had been death, but since I couldn't die, I was sent into Two- Hundred- Year Exile. I lived lonely, and cold, hunting for Hunter the whole time. I didn't find him.

This all occurred around three thousand years ago, just about one thousand years after Hunter had become a Traveling Seer. This was why I felt that I couldn't have a relationship. This was why I refused my feelings, EVERY TIME. This was why I hated Hunter, for now and forever.

"I hear a heartbeat!" A distant voice called. "Mobius!"

Mobius? Was that... my name?

I was in the throes of death, where one becomes detached from their mind and body and soul. Where they become unknowing of who they once were, hopefully to regain life with good judgement from the Gods of Rebirth.

"Mobius!" The voice called again. I slowly regained awareness, and suddenly I felt like I was being shaken.


Yay, my first death in Equestria! Bet you all were all like WTF when it said I died. But if you remember, I can't die.(insert Trollestia)