• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 2,929 Views, 179 Comments

Mobius: Equestrian Adventure (Revamped! Old chapters included) - Mobius of the Moon

I've lived quite a while... Perhaps I should try and go back?

  • ...

Mobius: pt. 1

Please read this to the end, as I have left a note explaining the... horribleness, of this.
-Mobius of the Moon

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

A flash of light. That was it. Suddenly I found myself standing by some trees overlooking a farm. Clouds floated lazily overhead as birds chirped in the… apple trees? I looked back at the farm, noticing a sign with an apple on it. Good, maybe it will help me find my way around. Looking around again, I saw apple trees everywhere. Good God, how many apples could there be? I shook myself out of my thoughts and tried to compose myself. Then…

Taking a deep breath, I began to shout at the sky… or just to shout, I was angry. “Of all the stereotypical ways to arrive here, you chose a little flash of light!? How stupid is that? Come on, this place is apparently unexplored, you could at least add a few bangs, or maybe I could arrive just in the nick of time to save someone’s life!” As if to spite me, a few tiny fireworks exploded in front of my nose. They singed my fur… wait, fur? I looked down, and cried out when I saw paws. Black paws. Turning around, I saw a feline body covered with shaggy black and… blue fur? “Okay, now that is just too much of a coincidence.” I muttered. I had a medium thickness of fur on my tail, which was black and tipped with blue. My right hind leg was also blue, but other than that I was completely black.

Wait, what does my face look like? I panicked and ran around until I found a puddle. Peering into it, I saw a pointy cat face with blue tipped ears and quite the impressive mane of fur on my neck. Well, I look better than what I could be I guess. Then

I noticed something. One I was almost a solid blue, while the other was cloudy silver. I guess they chose to give me half-seer powers here.

Oh wait a minute, let me break the fourth wall for a moment. I haven’t explained the whole story to all you persons out there, have I? Well, then, it’s time for a story…

(By the way, this’ll take a while to explain, so grab a drink, a snack, and wait until I actually get to the ponies!)


You see, I come from a long line of seers, and for those who don’t know what a seer is; we’re certain people (or things) that have extraordinary powers derived from either the sun or moon (or in some rare cases, Dark). I myself have been derived from the Lunar Clan. The Lunar Clan is a group of seers, though powerful, that is strongly prone to dark power, specifically hatred and insanity (different forms of being, in a seer’s case). We love the night, and anything related to it. Cats, for instance.

We also are what you could call, half-beings; we are the angel-devils of the dimensions. Each and every one of us has a
good and bad side. Some of us have multiple forms of each side. Like me. I am one of the traveling seers, the ones that go to correct problems that the actual seers of the future see. We travel to different worlds, but each of us has a world we are tied to. That is where we go when we “die.” Our mental and bodily condition is restored every time we go to sleep in those “home worlds.”

I myself have three of these worlds. One is (get ready for nerd time) the cyber world of Megaman. The second is in Space Paranoids, from Kingdom Hearts (don’t ask, someone gave me that home). The last is actually my original birthplace. You see, not only do I travel to the other dimensions; I am also the leader of a prestigious army that continuously fights The Guild, users of “divine” light magic. But the battle has been dormant for years, so we hope it to stay like that.
But I digress. I tend to do that a lot, so the story might go in odd directions at times. On to what you actually want to know to understand the story. So right now, the clans of Sol (boktai!), Luna, and Dark have three travelling seers, one for each clan, chosen by the Gods (and Goddesses, sheesh!). Apparently the Guild is also trying to get their own seer ready for travel, but it is unknown whether this is true to us.

Lately there has been a lot of activity from this world, so the Gods (and Goddesses; don’t hit me!) opened a rift and sent me through. The problem is, it might have also given the Dark Seer, Hunter, a chance to get through. The Sol Seer is for the moment out of commission so we can’t expect any extra help from them. Ah, yes, the Sol Seer (derp, Soul Seer), beautiful Karen.

Again I digress. But wait, now that you know the backstory, I just realized; I haven’t told you my name. My name is Mobius, as in the never-ending, confusing Mobius strip. But that is my chosen name. Every person, animal, and thing has three different names. One, the one they’re born with that no one, not even the person themselves, knows (If someone were to learn that name, it would mean bad things a-comin’). Your second name is the one your parents give you. Mine was one I forgot long ago. Apparently everyone else knows but won’t tell me. Your third name is the one you choose for yourself. Instead, the Gods(and Goddesses) chose my name. Mobius.

Apparently Karen’s name is supposed to be a secret, and Hunter and the Dark Clan are so secretive you never know what goes on in their small group.

Anyways, this must be boring you greatly by now, I’ll move on to our story.


I looked up from my reflection in the pond, and wished for a better view of my surroundings. I had gotten myself lost in a panic… over my face. Come on, who cares about looks? But if I was where I think I was then I know someone here would definitely care about looks.

I charged through the apple trees, remembering with an urgency what my Master had said before I left, “The truth seers have seen (lots of -see-s, aren’t there?) a great trouble heading to this dimension (I didn’t even know where I was going yet; that’s one of the thrills of this job). Go and make sure you turn it right. You are now the protector of the heroes of this realm.” And then he sent me away. Well, I didn’t very much like to be left hanging, but you can’t argue with Gods (and goddes- oh, forget it!), can you?

Anyway, I charged straight out into the farm area, panting. I looked around and spotted just the orange pony I was looking for. She was unmistakable with her blondish hair, cowboy hat, and a three apple cutie mark.

“Hello! Applejack! HellllloooOOOoooo!” I called as I charged towards her. Applejack turned, took one look at me, and ran into the farmhouse. I skidded to a halt, dumbfounded, and then suddenly a huge red pony with sandy brown hair was in my face, speaking in a deep but soft tone, and a quite obvious southern accent, “I reckon I wouldn’t move if I were you.”

“Big Macintosh, it’s okay!” I pushed him away. I didn’t remember him sounding so dark as this.

Big Mac gave a start, staring for a moment. “I might want to know how you know my name.”

Now it was my turn to stare. Why was I such an idiot… well, all the time? These ponies don’t know me, and somehow I know them? Not to mention the fact that I’m a cat, of all things (not that that’s bad). Stupid Gods. This is a place populated by ponies. Maybe I can change form later. But then again, maybe not.

Applejack came back out of the house and said to her brother, “Big Macintosh, Are you sure it’s okay?” I’d never heard her sound like that. Was I really that scary?

I looked at her, and she even flinched, “Heya, Applejack! How’s the farm goin’?” Applejack then stared the same way Big
Mac had. She looked from Big Mac, to me, and back again.

Finally she said, to me, “Um, someone please tell me I’m hallucinatin’.” (keep in mind I can’t type southern accents, so bear with me)

I laughed and stuck out a paw, “The name’s Mobius. Sorry for the abrupt entrance. I just need a guide for my visit to Ponyville. Uh, also, I could explain how I know your names, but you might… not understand. You know, I might just slip away
now…” I tried to creep sideways out of the farm.

Applejack was suddenly in front of me. “Wait just one minute!” she said, “You just want a tour of Ponyville?”
I nodded. “Uh-huh. Just… to get familiar with everything. Um, though if I’m imposing…” I trailed off, not exactly wanting to continue.

“Oh just you wait a minute!” Applejack said, “I can take you around. You won’t find a better guide than good ol’ Applejack, right here. But you know the pegasi are brewin’ up a mighty big storm today. They’re sayin’ it might last until tomorrow.” I looked up, and sure enough, dark clouds were quickly covering the sky, placed there by pegasi.

My cat instincts kicked in, and I said, slightly fearfully, “Um, yeah, I’d like that. Could you maybe also include tea with a free room?” I had a specific love of sweet tea.

Applejack stared at me a moment longer before saying, “No, no. Just some apple juice (or cider?).”
“Okay.” I was fine with that. I also realized that this conversation had just gone from wanting to kill me (or something like it) to inviting me in the house. Maybe Applejack was just a little too friendly.

“Great! Come on in!” Big Mac had disappeared, and Applejack’s voice came from inside the house already. I still had yet to understand how that was possible, even though this was a… wait, this is no longer a TV show! This is real. As that dawned on me I started to do a happy dance. I was in the world of the most adorable creatures ever known to man! YES!

Suddenly a higher pitched Southern voice came from my right. “Hey. Applejack wants to know what you’re doing. So… what are you doing?”

I looked down to a red-maned, yellow small thing with a –dare I say it- Blank Flank. “Why, dear Applebloom, I am just glad to out of the rain.”

Applebloom looked at me in that cute, head tilted, confused face look, then shrugged and walked inside. I followed, still staring in fear at the clouds.

When I got inside, I saw an old mare with gray hair and green skin (or is it their pelt?). She had an apple pie cutie mark. I
walked up to her and held out my paw again, realizing that Applejack ad never shook mine. “Hello there, Granny Smith. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

She stared (why does everyone do that?), then said in a typical old lady voice (of course with a slight Southern accent),

“You too, youngster. I can’t see straight. I need my glasses, ‘cause I’m seeing a talking dog right now.”

Applejack started to speak, but I cut in, a little angry at being called a dog, “I am sorry, Granny Smith, but I am a cat, thank you very much. As it were, you are my hosts, so I will do my best to be polite.” (Here I went into a long explanation of the differences between dogs and cats, until Applejack cut me off)

“Whoah there, nelly.” She said, a little startled. “Why don’t we just calm ourselves down for a minute.”

I realized my outburst, cleared my throat, and said, “No, I’m sorry. It’s just that I get a little touchy when I get called a dog. Or anything other than a cat.” Crap, am I this bad at lying? I thought. I didn’t like lying but, well, I’d had some experiences where I had to. “Anyway, I sort of got lost in the woods today anyway.”

Applejack stared incredulously at me, “Couldn’t you just, you know, fly?”

“Fly?” I asked, and Applebloom came up and pointed at my back. I twisted my head and gasped. Two wings, longer and thinner than a pegasus’, protruded from my back. They had a blue line streaking across them, connecting at my back and disappearing into the black. I unfolded them, and they turned out to be wider than the room!

Applejack whistled and said, “I have never seen a thing like that before. Whoo, nelly, those are some impressive things you got there. And you’re sure you didn’t know about them before now?”

“Not at all,” I said, “Maybe a (credit to Nathan Traveler; I added this after reading his fic to be funny) case of amnesia is the problem?”

Applejack scratched her head, “That seems mighty fermiliar(again, credit to Nathan Traveler, I’m breaking the fourth wall again!).” she said.

I laughed, “I’m kidding! Anyway…” I looked out the window and was surprised to find that it had started raining as we talked.
“Oh, yes! I’ll set yer room fer ya.”Applejack dashed out, followed by Applebloom. (see, I can’t write Southern accents in!)
I looked over at Granny Smith. She was asleep in her rocking chair. Oh, I never really described the room I was in! It was a brown and green wood room, with a table and some chairs around it, including Granny’s rocker. I also realized with a jolt that the show never mentioned anything on the inside of Rainbow Dash’s or Applejack’s house. I looked back at the table and saw a bottle there, with a note.

Here’s the cider Applejack promised you.

Big Macintosh

When did Big Mac put this in here? Oh well, it was a drink. Traveling through rifts is exhausting stuff, you know. Having your particles split and then transferred is not too fun. I chugged the drink, somehow holding it with my paws and then tossing it into a convenient recycling bin (that’s right fools, I recycle!).
I then waited for Applejack to return.


Applebloom handed the sheets to Applejack, asking as she did so, “What do you think of Mobius, Applejack?”
Applejack righted the sheets and looked at her sister as they headed out of the room, “I don’t know. Never seen anything like him before. I’ll take him to everyone’s places tomorrow and we’ll see if they know. Especially Twilight.”

Applebloom was satisfied with this answer and they proceeded the rest of the way to the room in silence.


I actually heard that last bit of the conversation. Cat ears, I guess. I got a slight thrill at the prospect of meeting everyone so soon. To shorten the rest of this chapter, I’ll say this. I was taken to my room, and I said my thank-you’s. As the door shut, I went into search mode, using my Seer’s sight to keep a watchful eye on my surroundings (that’s right, I see through walls!). I waited half the night for any sign of Hunter or the disturbance mentioned by the Truth Seers. Finally I pulled the covers up (like a human, no less) and fell into darkness.

Okay, so some notes on how the next chapters will be going on. I won’t be describing what the ponies look like unless they are new or just plain strangers. I won’t describe their voices either! You should know what the mane six look and sound like if you’re on this website!
Also, I shall describe in the next chapter more about a Seer’s powers, mostly traveling Seers at that.
Happy reading!

Author's Note:

Oh Gods I look back on this chapter and realize... I need to remake this. Sorry guys. Give me a few minutes... or hours.