• Published 11th Oct 2021
  • 1,196 Views, 38 Comments

Aliens vs. Predator: Equestria - Dracthul

When an unknown rabid alien species is let loose on Equestria, chaos takes hold. With all hope of defeating the creatures gone, the one thing that can save Equestria awakens from its slumber: the Predator.

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Part 1: Unleashed

Author's Note:

Writing a little short story (prolly 25k words at the most) about Aliens in Equestria. No one can save the ponies except the Predator!

Feedback is greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance for reading!



The sharp sound rang out through the tunnel, drawing everypony’s attention to the ringing sound. A brown earth pony stallion lifted his pickaxe, seeing the tip of it completely broken off by whatever he had hit. Looking back to where he was mining, he saw a weathered-looking slab of metal engraved with some form of old writing he could not read. It appeared ornate despite its worn look.

“What is it?” his foreman eagerly asked after shuffling over to him through the nearby rocks. He looked down at what his worker had hit, seeing the strange piece of metal that appeared to be pony-made.

“I don’t know, sir. I was minin’ away as normal when I broke my pick on this here,” the worker answered.

The foreman called over one of his helpers, his eyes still locked on the metal. He turned to the bulky mare, his mind running at incredible speeds.

“Tell our investor their patience has finally paid off, and arrange a meeting with the princess; we just struck gold.”

“But, sir, that’s not gold.”

“I know,” he calmly replied, “it’s so much better.” A large grin grew on his face.

Princess Cadance was attending her normal royal duties, such as meeting with diplomats and regulating legal proceedings, when a mare she had seen around before came up to her. The princess remembered her scurrying through the castle, begging banker after banker for more money to fund their expedition.

Her boss, the infamous brother of Filthy Rich, Richie Rich, had been trying to find support to launch an unorthodox search beneath the Crystal Empire. He believed that the crystalline caves had to have some form of old artifact buried within them, so he set out to find it. Unfortunately, the public thought his claims to be outlandish, so he found himself lacking in capital.

Eventually, the mare had found a single investor who was interested and viewed it as a new opportunity. If he lost some money, so be it, but if he found something, he would be famous. So, after acquiring some permits, Richie Rich took his group of miners to the Crystal Empire’s caves, starting their excavation.

That same mare who had been key in starting the operation stood before Princess Cadance now, a massive smile on her face.

“What can I do for you, my little pony?” Cadance kindly asked.

“Mr. Rich found something in the caves—something huge—and he wants to meet with you,” the mare rapped out.

Cadance put a hoof to her chin as she thought of when she would be available. “I should be free next week; is that good for him?”

“Sadly not. He should be arriving—” she trailed off, looking at her wristwatch, “—right now.”

At that moment, the lustrous doors to the chamber opened, three ponies decked in suits trotting through them. The one in the front was a grey-colored stallion with black hair, his dark suit accenting him. He pulled off his shades as he came up to the princess.

“Good day, Princess Cadance.” He grabbed a briefcase from one of his bodyguards. “A moment of your time, please?”

“Sure,” she hesitantly said, “let’s go to my office.”

“All right then.” Richie Rich followed the princess through the castle, his bodyguards and assistant going with him.

“Here we are. If you’ll take a seat, please,” Cadance told him, waving towards the entourage of chairs in her large office.

Richie Rich decided to take the chair directly in front of the princess, his assistant sitting to his right. His bodyguards stayed outside at the door, closing it for privacy.

“So,” she started, “what can I do for you? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you so… cheery.” She tried to flash a genuine smile.

“Well, all my determination and hard work—my workers' hard work, I mean—has paid off. Today while mining, we came across an archaeological artifact that I think you will find most interesting.” He put the silver briefcase on the crystal table, clicking it open and lifting the lid.

He pushed a button on the side, and a small projector rose out of the interior of the briefcase. Blue lights danced from the device, making a floating image in front of him.

Cadance leaned forward, taking in the image in front of her. Outlined with the blue rays, a small square pyramid floated in the air. It had one gaping entrance that led into the structure, but she could not see what was inside.

“What is it?” she asked.

“This, princess, is an ancient tomb.”

“A tomb?” she asked in confusion.

“Yes. My experts believe it is thousands of years old. Inside of it is a single chamber that has giant statues of strange animals, but more importantly, we believe an artifact of our history is within the chamber.”

“I don’t understand,” the princess started, “who made this? The pony tribes were barely stable enough to manage the creation of small towns on their own.”

“I’m glad you asked that. Remember how I said it was built thousands of years ago?” he asked her.


“I believe it was built before the three pony tribes were unified as one. This may very well be the first structure made by all three tribes together.”

“That can’t be right. They hated each other, so why would they work together to make a tomb—of all things?” This story started to sound weirder and weirder to the princess, but she could not ignore something so important in understanding more of ponykind’s past.

“I don’t know, but I think the answer is in that chamber. And, the tomb is in a large open area, so we can easily get to it.” He closed the briefcase, handing it off to his assistant.

The mare cleared her throat. “Richie Rich Archeology is requesting a royally financed expedition into the newly discovered tomb beneath the Crystal Empire’s caves to explore said tomb in an effort to uncover archaeological artifacts.”

Cadance leaned back in her chair as she pondered what to do. While the whole thing seemed a little crazy, she had to admit she wanted to know more about this “tomb.”

“All right, Richie Rich,” she said while looking at him. “I’ll fund your expedition. I’ll even expedite the process so you can start the day after tomorrow.”

Richie Rich smiled, finally about to make history.

“On one condition.”

His face fell as he focused on the princess again. “Of course, your highness.”

“I will be at the front lines with you.”

He let out the large breath he was holding, his smile returning. “No problem. Thank you for your time and generosity.”

Richie Rich and his assistant stood up, swiftly exiting the door with one last thank you gesture.

It was time to make history.

“All right, everypony,” Richie Rich shouted out to his group of workers, “let’s make this quick and easy. Remember, Princess Cadance will be accompanying us on our expedition, so make sure she is taken care of.” He clapped his hooves together. “Blast away the last rock!”

With a thunderous clap, an explosion blew away the thin layer of stone between the miners and the chasm.

Cadance shielded her face with a wing, pebbles scattering around her. She moved it from her face and clapped her wings together, sending dust flying away from her and the group. The air cleared, light pouring into the area and revealing the glorious temple that was the tomb.

Everypony looked in awe, their jaws dropping, as they saw it. Giant slabs of once shiny metal created the pyramid, weird masks jutting from its corners. There was also a strange spike extending from the top of the structure. It looked similar to a spine in the way it had bony segments shaping it. At its end was a sharp tip.

Princess Cadance had never seen anything like it; its entire exterior was made of metal. While dulled, she started thinking of how much mining had gone into creating this place.

“Amazing!” Richie Rich shouted. “Let’s go in.”

The team gathered their equipment and started moving. The princess was at the center of the group, and they moved as one until they reached the mouth of the tomb.

They were about to head in when a stallion stopped them.

“Wait! There is some form of writing on the entrance.” He looked up at the large figures, trying to decipher them. “It’s older than any form of writing I’ve seen, but it has similarities to modern Equestrian.

“It says something along the lines of, ‘You may enter if you…’” he trailed off.

“What is it?” Cadance asked him.

“I-I don’t know. I’ve never seen it before. It might be some kind of warning or right of passage.”

“Well, I’m not too worried about a long-dead civilization’s messages,” Richie Rich announced.

They carried on, heading into the depths of the tomb. Cadance felt a little uneasy because of the ominous statues of bipedal creatures wearing the same masks as the ones on the tomb’s exterior. They held spears in their “paws.”

They eventually reached the single chamber, climbing down a set of stairs to reach it. There was a stone door with three handles on it, keeping them from the inside.

“The door has more writing on it,” the same stallion from before said. He went over to it, feeling the edges with his hooves.

“‘The prize lies here.’ That’s what it basically means.”

“Huzzah!” Richie Rich shouted. “The prize is inside this room. Now, who wants to open it with me?”

Princess Cadance and the worker who discovered the pyramid came forward, gripping the handles and getting ready to pull. Together they turned them, forcing the handles around and causing the door to slowly rise up and into the ceiling.

They all went inside, looking around at the circular chamber. There was a hole at the center of the ceiling that went all the way to the top of the pyramid, illuminating the room a little. The floors had writing engraved over them entirely, the walls and ceiling covered as well.

Richie Rich shot ahead of the group, looking down the hole in the center. He gasped as he saw a small golden box hanging by a chain that branched into four points. He pulled a small pick from his side, yanking the box up.

With a clang, he easily broke the withered chain, holding the pure gold box in front of his face. He saw a hole at the top where he put his pick, wiggling it around to pry off the lid.

“We’ve almost got the prize!”

The translator had been looking around the room, piecing the story of the tomb together. The more he read, the more he worried about what the place actually was.

“Sir,” he said, “I don’t think this is a tomb.”

“What are you talking about?” Richie Rich ignorantly said.

“There is no body or sarcophagus, and the writing on the walls call this something like a prison.”

Richie Rich started to get the lid off, the corners starting to pop off.

“The ‘prize’ isn’t a treasure as we thought. According to this, it’s a…”

Richie Rich grinned as he felt the last corner of the box come unlatched. He reached to pull the lid off completely.

“Stop! It’s a trap!” the translator yelled. It was no use because the lid popped off with a final pull.

Thick foggy mist spewed out from the golden container, falling onto the ground. The room shook, dust falling from the ceiling. The translator rushed to the door as it started to slide down. He was not nearly fast enough because the door slammed onto the ground, sealing them in.

The shaking had distracted everypony from the box Richie Rich still held in his hooves. The fog had cleared from it, and a fleshy egg that rested inside started to split at the top.

He turned back to the box, seeing the grotesque egg.

“What the hell?”

Cadance came over, looking down at the egg, its top completely opened. Inside was a fleshy-looking mass.

“What is that?” she asked in disgust and shock.

“I don’t know, but it almost looks like it’s ali—” Richie Rich tried to say, seeing the tiniest of shifts in the mass, when suddenly it unrolled itself and leaped towards him. It had eight legs like a spider, but two sacs and a tail hung from its body as it shot towards his face.

He tried to move out the way, but it wrapped onto his face, gripping tightly at his neck and jaw. He felt his mouth get forced open, and then something large and living was put down his throat.

Cadance saw the horror unfold, and she charged her horn to try and blast the creature off of him. After a moment of precise aim, she burned it with a bolt of energy. It fell from his body, shriveling up as it turned to ash.

“Is everypony okay?” she said aloud.

Everypony looked over themselves, making sure they were in one piece and nodded to her. Richie Rich fell over, slamming onto the stone floor. She came over to him, checking to make sure he was okay. He was still breathing, so he had just passed out.

It seemed she was now in charge.

“Okay. We need to find a way out of here. At least we should be getting air from the opening in the ceiling.”

“The only way out is the door we came in,” the worker who had found this place said. He was now the Chief Miner. “But we do have the picks we brought with us. If we all start chipping away the stone, we can get it thin enough for you to blast a way through.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They started right away, unaware of what was going on inside of Richie Rich. The creature forced into him was already devouring his insides and growing larger by the minute.

After about half an hour of chipping away at the door, everypony stopped when they heard Richie Rich take in a large gasp. He quickly tried to stand, falling back over as he did. The Chief Miner went over to him.

“Are you all right, sir?”

“Yeah, just give me a min—” Richie Rich responded before erupting into a scream. He felt his ribs crack as something pushed against him. The Chief Miner saw his boss’s chest moving as his skin stretched, making the worker recoil.

With one last push, Richie Rich’s chest exploded open, his blood and guts flying everywhere in a brutal spray. To everypony’s horror, a snake-like creature emerged from the hole, screeching loudly. It propelled itself from his breast, flying towards the Chief Miner.

The creature latched onto his stomach, chomping down on his flesh as it burrowed inside. Bloody screams echoed through the room as he thrashed around, desperately trying to throw the thing off.

It continued to chew, now entering his stomach fully. Making a push through him, it came out the other side of his back, jumping onto the ground. The worker’s lifeless body fell over while his eyes rolled back.

The serpent was bigger now, its tail starting to form while its body had turned black. From pony to pony it jumped, devouring everything it came in contact with as it continued to grow.

Now equipped with claws, it dragged a pony to the center of the room, jumping down into the space and crunching on the poor stallion. It threw his body up, covering the hole that lit up the room.

Cadance heard scuttering as the room went dark for a second. She looked left and right all around the room when the light returned, seeing nothing. She felt something drip on her nose, then another drip after that. She slowly looked up, hearing a hissing sound.

“Dear Celestia,” she whispered in fear as she saw the fully formed Xenomorph above her. Its wicked teeth and slicked bony form looked alien in every way.

It jumped down, opening its jaws as it prepared to bite. The translator jumped in the way of the princess, sending the creature hurdling back as he rammed into it.

“Get out of here! Warn Equestria so they can kill this thing!” he shouted to her. With a tear falling from her eye, she turned towards the door and blasted it open with her horn.

She opened her wings and took flight, fleeing the prison.

The Xenomorph stood back up, growling at the ten ponies left in the room. They gripped their picks, ready to fight off the alien.

It charged, thrashing its tail over the ground wildly. It jumped, whipping its tail through one pony’s chest before shooting its second mouth through the head of another. A pick cut through part of its side, causing it to screech in pain.

Its tail whipped the attacker away, but another stabbed it in the back. Now weakened, it could not hold off the assault. The ponies stabbed and stabbed at the creature, eventually killing it.

They looked down at their weapons, seeing them wither apart from the creature’s acidic blood.

They looked all around the room as parts of the wall pushed outward as they became mantles. On each of the dozen parts, an egg like the one in the golden box started to open up.

Ever since the expedition into the ancient tomb, the aliens had multiplied a thousandfold. Like rats, they spread, taking over the entire Crystal Empire. Princess Cadance did not have enough time to mount a defense against them, so her empire was overwhelmed. The citizens had to relocate to Equestria’s other major cities for the time being.

So far, the infestation had been contained to just the empire, but they were starting to spread further. The four alicorn princesses had gathered an army to fight off the swarm while they tried to find a solution, but the aliens were merciless creatures that were breaking through due to their suicidal assaults.

All eyes fell on the new princess, Twilight Sparkle, and her castle that had just recently formed in Ponyville. Everypony hoped it was not just a coincidence her castle appeared days before the invasion.

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, and her five friends were gathered in the room of the castle with the Friendship Map. So far, it had done nothing but sit idly, but everypony in Equestria hoped the map held a secret to their survival against the aliens.

“I still can’t believe this is happening to us,” Twilight said in dismay.

“Yes,” Celestia answered coldly, “it is still a shock. One day we were all enjoying ourselves, and then they awoke.”

“I cannot feel but that I am to blame for all this,” Cadance said. “I am the one who helped release them after all.”

“Thou cannot blame thyself for mistakes that thou were not responsible for,” Luna told her. “It will only make you more bitter, and that is a dark path to go down.”

With silence hanging in the air, they contemplated. Their thoughts were broken as a purple pulse came from the Friendship Map, the sound going through the room. They all looked at it immediately, seeing six figures appearing on the map.

They were the symbols of the Elements, and they danced over the map as they started to single in on a location. Everypony cocked their head when they saw where they had stopped. The Elements hung in the ground below Canterlot castle.

“That can’t be right, can it?” Applejack asked.

“I doubt it was a mistake,” Twilight answered. “Whatever it is, it may be the secret to our survival.”

“It’s settled then,” Luna started, “thou and thy friends shall go beneath Canterlot in search of our last hope to vanquish our foe.”

“We won’t let you down princesses,” Twilight proudly said.

“I trust you won’t. Best of luck, my little ponies,” Celestia finished, wishing them all good luck.

They set out immediately to Canterlot in search of whatever the map wanted them to find. Little did they know, the aliens were headed to the same place in search of the same thing…