• Published 7th Dec 2012
  • 3,834 Views, 63 Comments

Pinkamena Diane Pie: Consultant Detective - Time Pony Victorious

Pinkie uses her amazing deductive abilities to solve crimes, leaving everypony stumped.

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How I Figured Out The Trick

I looked at Pinkie for the umpteenth time today. She gave me a strange look, and I turned away, snickering all the while. I couldn't help but feel particularly ecstatic. Recall the triumphant moments you, my fine readers, go through every day. Like acing a particularly difficult test, or culling a nasty individual that plagued your life for quite some time. Imagine that feeling times one hundred and you might be able to replicate my feelings at that moment.

My regular readers would note my friend, Pinkie Pie's, remarkable deductive powers and how she utilizes such powers in her detective work to solve even the most complex of cases. Her skills were so great she could see through you in an instant and figure out your entire life story from a single glance. I have always wondered how Pinkie acquired such skills, but, my ponderings on those were for a later occasion, as I have perfectly emulated Pinkie's abilities myself!

In the last published case, concerning the disappearance of a former gypsy Bellamena Pie, I was placed in a precarious situation and was forced to use my wit in order to escape with my life. No matter how hard I try to recall, I cannot remember what my mind was going through at that moment. Everything was a blur, but I do remember when I essentially channeled Pinkie's skills and acted as a detective for brief moments.

Now then, my dear readers and the ponies at the Strand Magazine, I have discovered the secrets behind Pinkie's little trick!

I took another sparse glance at the famed detective before breaking out in a huge smile. Pinkie raised an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," I off-hoofedly answered. "I was just, you know, reviewing my notes of our escapades these past few weeks."

"Oh?" She returned with a slight bemused tone, "And what are your findings?"

"That you're right."


"Anypony can do what you do, all it takes is a focused mind is all." I spoke so leisurely and casually in a deliberate manner, just to emphasize how significant my words were. An outside observer would claim I was being arrogant. I respectfully disagree.

"Really?" Pinkie smiled coyly, "Go on then, regal me with your newfound skills Twi."

I looked at her once more and quickly confirmed my findings before fully turning to her with a coy smile of my own. "You were distressed this morning when you came over here."

"Really? Pinkie gasped, "How did you arrive at that?"

"Everypony may be quick to call you unkempt, but your hygiene is exceptional! You would never allow yourself to slip into such a slovenly state," I answered, referring to Pinkie's disheveled mane and dirty coat.

"Clever!" she praised, "Your eyes are keen Twi, go on."

"The reason behind it is elementary. Your dental appointment with Colgate had been moved to an earlier time. The papers you carry are addressed from her."


"Inky has asked you to investigate something, the mare is smart, yes, but she is horribly lazy and would rather you do the legwork instead of her. The books you are currently studying are concerning domestic animals and their movement patterns. Other than that, I can't see anything else," I concluded proudly.

"As always, nothing escapes you Twi," Pinkie complimented with a warm smile, "You're infinitely clever and perceptive. But, as always, you over-analysis everything."

I stepped back, staggered as if by a physical blow. "What?"

"You see but don't observe," she chided, "You're clever for noticing those details, but your deductions were off. The reason I was so disheveled was because I was at Fluttershy's cottage earlier, digging through the burrows her pets make looking for a pet of Colgate's. In the papers addressed from her were details about the pet, and your books were used as reference."

Suddenly humbled, I frowned as my face heated up and tapped the floor tentatively. Pinkie chuckled as she cupped my cheek and lifted my head up slightly so that she could look at me. Her eyes were the brightest of blue and shined innocently yet held so much wisdom behind it.

"You're smart Twilight, it doesn't take somepony like me to figure that out."

"If I can't make a few simply deductions, what right do I have to be called smart?" I countered curtly.

Pinkie then glared at me, an act so uncharacteristic that I nearly winced at the sight. "Don't you say that Twi. You're the smartest pony I know, smarter than me definitely! The knowledge you have is amazing! You just can't focus on the tinier details, which is my specialty, you can focus on the bigger picture and go from there. Something that is of great value to me, not only as a friend but as a partner as well."

I reddened instantly from her words until I realized she meant work partner.

"You constantly underrate yourself Twi, but you shouldn't sell yourself short. You may not have the detective chops, although you are sharper than others in that regard, you are, for me, the conductor of light that I need by my side." She hugged me tightly. "And besides, you were correct in one aspect, Twi."

"What was that?" I asked, dizzy from her hug and compliments.

"I was a bit distressed this morning, obviously, that's why I came to see you!"

Needless to say, I hadn't advanced much in the detective area, but would give any lovesick filly a run for her money when I giggled senselessly just there.

The Great Detective has a way with words, after all.