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Episode 8 - Nature's Toll

Episode 8 - Nature's Toll

The walk into town was anything but pleasant. The sun still hid behind thick clouds as the tail end of the storm passed by, leaving behind quite the trail of destruction. Peter and Applejack had spent most of the morning picking up the pieces back at Sweet Apple Acres, clearing debris and setting up the path for repairs for later on. After they had done all they could, the two made their way into Ponyville to view the carnage, if any existed. But the path ahead did not fill them with hope, as debris and fallen trees littered the way in front of them. Even the ground itself had been torn up.

Throughout the whole journey, Applejack had done little to hide her anxiety regarding the situation. “Ah just hope the town wasn't hit too hard. Most of us ain’t got nowhere else to go if we lose our home.”

From how she made it out, it sounded like the people of Ponyville were quite a close knit community. It must have been nice to live in such a small place and know everyone so well. All he ever knew was the hustle and bustle of the big city. Now that he thought about it, he felt quite detached.

All the same, he had to give her some comfort. “I’m sure they’ll be ok. I don’t know much about the townsfolk, but from what I remember, they seem to be made of stronger stuff.”

Given the last time Ponyville had to deal with a force of nature, Applejack felt a little more at ease. She knew her home could handle anything. However, it didn't ease her concern much, especially given the level of destruction. Her anxiety was further exacerbated as they crested the hill that overlooked the town, and what they saw horrified them.

Even from this distance, they could spot multiple buildings in ruins, uprooted from their foundations and thrown across town. Any homes still standing had pieces missing from them, roofs caved in and windows destroyed. It was total anarchy. The two raced down the hill as fast as they could, jumping over pieces of debris as they made their way into the centre of town. As they reached the Town Hall, they noticed a small medical camp had been set up outside. But this only made Applejack more concerned.

“Why treat the wounded here and not at the hospital? Let’s see if we can get some answers.”

As they approached the camp, Peter began to notice the amount of wounded that had been brought in. It was disturbing just how much one storm could tear down such a tight knit community. Then again, he should’ve probably already been used to being less fragile than everyone else. Dozens of people were laid out on makeshift beds, those with wings were missing heaps of feathers, possibly torn out by the high wings. Other injuries included cuts and bruising, still major despite not being life threatening.

Even with quite a few medical staff around, Applejack was unable to get their attention as they were completely focused on patients. Finally, she found one of the nurses taking notes on a clipboard.

“Nurse Redheart! What happened here? Why isn't everyone at the hospital?”

The dishevelled nurse turned her attention from her notes to respond. “I suppose you haven't heard. The hospital was severely damaged during the storm. It isn't safe to treat anyone there for now.”

It appeared that the damage was more significant than it seemed. The two left the tent to see what else had been destroyed, and who would need help. More panicked villagers passed them by, carrying what they had left from their homes. It was a disturbing sight to see. Off in the distance, Applejack could make out someone assisting with the wounded that she knew. And was very mad with.

“I’ll be right back Pete. I got a bone to pick with a friend of mine. And while I drag her through the muck, you should try and help around. Someone will need it. Hey Rainbow!”

Before a word could be said in protest, Applejack had already stomped off, leaving Peter bewildered and on his own. He had no idea where to begin, given so many had been hurt. It was his one failing as a superhero; he was rarely around for the clean up. Where should he even start?

His attention was drawn away by a voice. “Hello? Can anyone… I’m sorry, but can anyone… Help me?”

The voice was soft, but Peter’s keen ears could just make it out. Across the way, he could see a young woman trying to seek assistance from passers by. But no one seemed to pay her any heed. Then again, she was speaking rather quietly. For whatever reason, Peter found himself walking over to her. Perhaps his old hero instincts just couldn't say no to someone asking for help. As he approached, he got a better look at her. She was tinier than he had expected, and rather skinny. She seemed rather timid too.

“Hi there. You ok?”

She came off as quite startled by his request, recoiling slightly as he came closer. After a brief moment however she would find her footing again.

“I’m sorry. I’ve never seen you around before. Who are you?”

To try and ease her nerves, Peter extended his hand towards her. Nervously, she took it and returned the shake.

“Peter Parker. I overheard you needed a hand, miss…?

With some hesitation, she squeaked out a reply. “Fluttershy. I’m Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you, Mr Parker.”

If that was her name, then a few things were already making sense, such as her timid nature. She at least seemed more at ease now that Peter had introduced himself. But she still talked in a reduced tone.

“Would you, if it's all right by you, help me? My animal friends were affected by the storm.”

Not the most unusual request he had ever been given, but it sounded easy enough all the same.

"Sure. Seems my schedule got freed up anyway. Lead the way, Fluttershy. Oh, and call me Peter. Mr Parker is… Someone else."

Her eyes lit up, ecstatic that someone agreed to her request. "Oh, thank you so much! I was beginning to worry no one would stop to help me. Everyone else is so busy."


It had been some time since Peter had journeyed through nature. Living in a big city and being a full time superhero left little time for walks through the forest. In a way it was quite refreshing to be out here, even if it was to work. For their journey, the two had stocked up on supplies should the day end up longer than planned. Most of the trip involved Fluttershy talking about her animal friends and how concerned she was.

“Most of the smaller critters might need resettling because of the storm, especially any that live underground. They’ll be terrified, so be mindful when you approach them.”

For as much as Peter was listening, he wondered what the heck he was going to be able to do. He had little experience caring for animals that weren’t domesticated. How Fluttershy managed it was beyond him, but she clearly had more knowledge than he did. Though he was curious as to what the plan would be.

“So what's the strategy here, should things look dicey?”

As if a switch had been flicked, her entire attitude shifted. “The best we can do is move all the animals to a safer place until their habitat can be cleared out and rebuilt. We’ll also have to move any that are injured should that be the case. Our main goal is to do what we can.”

For someone so soft spoken, there was a determination that could be felt in her voice. Peter had never seen someone so timid yet so brave before. But that fire burned away rather quickly as they came out to a clearing to unparalleled carnage. For all the damage done to Ponyville, it appeared as if other areas had received Mother Nature's wrath more fiercely. The entire landscape had been devastated, tree’s torn from the roots, entire areas drowning in water and terrain torn up and thrown all over.

It looked as if acres of land had been annihilated, and even from a glance there were already dozens of animals wandering around in a daze as if they had nowhere to go. Which they didn’t, as their homes had likely been either torn from the ground or deep underwater. The sight of the damage brought Fluttershy close to tears.

“Oh my… It's worse than I thought. I… I don’t know what to do.”

Ever since he had arrived, Peter had done little in the way of being a hero. It was a calling he no longer cared for. But something in him sparked back to life upon seeing Fluttershy in such distress, like part of him could never truly say no to someone in need. With that in mind, he decided to take charge of the situation.

“We get to work. I’ll start getting everyone to higher ground, you see who’s in need of medical care. Once we have an idea of the extent of things, we get them all somewhere safe. Sound good?”

Wiping away her tears, Fluttershy’s expression began to change back into the look of determination she had a few moments ago, and a firm nod was given. With a plan set, the two made their way downhill to what was essentially a lake. Mid stride, Peter threw off his backpack and began to remove his shoes and socks and threw them to the side, getting them off just as he made it into the water. This caught the attention of the surrounding animals, making them turn defensively. So much for being mindful.

Fortunately, Fluttershy was quick to intervene. “It's ok everyone, we’re here to help. There’s no need to panic.”

It was almost like a switch had been flipped in the minds of every single creature in earshot, as all the animals seemed to calm down at Fluttershy’s request. While it was clear they were still nervous, they were not as defensive anymore. Clusters of them began to approach the two while still being wary of Peter, yet seemingly more trusting of Fluttershy. Perhaps this wasn't the first time she had been around them. More and more started to make their way over now that they had a guide amongst the carnage, but a nearby deer wouldn't budge from its spot and was instead making high pitched noises, leaving Peter confused.

“I'm sorry, I can't understand you.”

As if on queue, Fluttershy appeared at Peter's side. “I can! She says her mate is under the water. We have to help him!”

She pointed him towards the flooded plains. Looks like he would have to do some swimming. Taking a deep breath, he dove into the lake. It was a mess underneath the surface, with debris swirling around with the current. It wasn't the only thing, as bodies of unfortunate animals could be seen dotted around. The storm had taken its toll here. A small tingle could be felt in Peter’s head, letting him know that it still wasn't completely safe here, and that he should leave as soon as he could. Looking around, he spotted the other deer just below, pinned underneath some rubble.

“That doesn't look good! I can’t even sense any life from it either…”

Back on land, Fluttershy and the distressed deer were waiting at the edge of the water, until the surface parted and out came Peter, taking in a deep breath while he dragged something out behind him. It was the other deer. And it wasn't breathing. Its mate came alongside and tried to wake it up by licking. But nothing happened.

It was gone.

What should have been a quick trip to check on some animals turned into a day-long rescue mission. It wasn't the ideal way Peter wanted to spend his time, but it was a necessary one. After hours on end doing whatever they could for the local wildlife, any survivors had been shepherded away to a safer location, while any casualties were lined up to be taken elsewhere and humanely disposed of. Peter had several times tried to use his webbing as temporary dressing, only to remember his shooters were useless. For Fluttershy however, this had been the toughest task of the day. Each time Peter looked over at her, he could see her struggle just to cover the animals that didn't make it.

“I’m sorry. We’ve done all we can.”

She knew the reality, but her heart was still broken. “I know. I… I still feel like I let them down. Couldn't I have done more?”

A question Peter had asked himself many times. With everything he could do, why couldn't he save more lives? But even he knew the answer all too well.

“There was nothing you could have done. It’s hard to hear, but it’s true. Things will always happen that we can’t control. What we can do is pick up the pieces after. And after that, we carry on. It’s the best we can do.”

Tough words to accept, but she heard them. Wiping away her tears, Fluttershy got to her feet and continued on with her task, grabbing more sheets to cover the dead. Even with her renewed determination, it was clear she was still carrying a lot on her mind. Despite what Peter had thought of her before, she was clearly stronger than she looked.

“First impression might not have been… Impressive, but she’s got heart. She loves these critters. Now she has to bury them.”

It wasn't the only tough job needing done. If the animals were going to come back here, then the entire area needed to be cleared. A job that could take several days for anyone else that cared, plus the entire town was still in need of a fixer upper as well. There was no one that could help. And even if there was, a full team was required for this sort of task. Either that, or one person.

“With everyone in Ponyville occupied, I can freely come out here and get to work. It should only take a couple days if no one sees me. Good thing Clark taught me a few things about irrigation. This is a farmer's job.”

After a few more hours of work, the sun had begun to dip below the horizon. It was time to go. Gently as he could, Peter loaded up the bodies of the animals and lifted them onto the cart, watched along by those that had survived, out of respect for those they lost. It was a grim sight, but it had to be done. Fluttershy kept her back turned while they were loaded, the day finally taking its toll on her.

“Fluttershy? We’re good to go.”

She didn't reply for a few moments, instead gazing upon the horizon as the sky glowed orange.

“I’ll catch up. Please, make sure everyone is settled elsewhere. Would you be ok to… take care of them? I just… Don’t want to see.”

“Sure. I can do that. Is there somewhere I should take them?”

Walking over to the cart, but making sure to keep her eyes away from the back, Fluttershy took a piece of paper from her backpack, unfurling it out into a map of Ponyville.

Pointing to a spot directly west of them, she marked where Peter would need to go. “It’ll be a long walk to the other side of town, but there’s a pet cemetery out that way. I know its a lot of trouble, but-”

“I’ll get it done. You’ve done more than enough. Head home, get some rest. You earned it. Let me do the rest.”

Just as he finished, Peter was surprised by a rather tight hug, one he was hesitant to return. Eventually he did, sensing she needed the comfort after a long and stressful day. Now that he thought about it, this was the first time anyone had hugged him since he got here. It felt… Warm. Good.

Eventually, he broke the hug, although with some reluctance. “Alright, I better get going. As should you. I’ll take care of things.”

Easing out of the hug, Fluttershy went to join with the surviving animals to take them to safety, while Peter grabbed the cart filled with the dead, ready for the long walk.


The journey back to the farm had been quiet, save for the chirps of nearby insects. A long day indeed. While Peter didn't feel any physical fatigue, he was definitely exhausted mentally. Then again, burying animals wasn't exactly his idea of fun. The sooner he got to bed, the better. As he approached the house, he noticed that only one light was on, meaning someone was still awake. Walking into the kitchen, he spotted Applejack at the sink, washing muck and what looked like blood from her hands. As the grime came off, Peter began to notice something.

Cuts littered Applejack’s fingers, palms and the back of her hand. Each time she passed her hands under the sink, she flinched slightly. It looked as if her attention was purely on cleaning her wounds, so much so that she didn't notice Peter until the door closed.

“Hey Pete. Sorry I didn't see you come in. Where’d you end up?”

Taking a seat, Peter relaxed before he began to explain his day. “I helped out someone. The storm impacted the local wildfire just as much as it did the town, and a girl called Fluttershy asked me for help.”

The name instantly caught Applejack's attention. “I’m glad you two met. She’s actually one of my closest friends, so thank you for helping her when no one else could. I know she’ll appreciate it. Was it bad out there?”

“Yeah. Dozens of animals were found dead, and the entire area was in ruins. I’ll have my work cut out for me. I could use a hand if you can spare the time.”

“Sorry Pete. Ah wish we had the time, but we need all hands on deck to start repairs. If you wanna keep helping Fluttershy, please do. Keep in mind, it’ll be a few days before anyone can lend ya a hand. Heck, I’ll help ya maself once everythings settled.”

For anyone else, this would be a disheartening revelation. But for Peter, this was a good thing.

“Then there’s no one around to watch me go all out.”


“Alright! Time to get to work. Might be the first time I use my powers to fix something.”

While the clouds from the storm hadn’t fully passed, the sun was starting to break through during the day, allowing a gentle breeze to pass through. Perfect for the day Peter had planned. He had left early, making sure no one spotted him head out, back to where most of the damage had occurred. In direct sunlight, it looked even worse. But it didn't put him off his task. Peter knew exactly what he wanted to do. Setting down the bag he had packed with supplies for the day, he set his sights across his task.

“First step will be to trench out all the water, let the land breathe again. All the ripped out trees would do for wood back in the town. They’re gonna need it. Gotta do something about the soil too. Might have to dig it up and resettle it, let the water flow back out and reach the sun. And with no one to watch me, I can go all out!”

Taking to the skies, Peter got a better view of the area. Just overhead, he saw exactly what he needed for part of his mission to work - a nearby river. While the banks were too high for both bodies of water to connect, that was easy to change. Coming back down to the ground, Peter slammed both fists with calculated force, causing the soil to shatter and break away. As the ground broke away, the water that had flooded the area passed through and went downstream with the river. As the majority of the water emptied out, Peter shoved a mass of soil back into place to block off the river again, otherwise there was the risk of flooding again. But, stage one was now complete, and the water was out of the way.

Now he could get a better view of the situation, Peter was shocked to see just how much destruction had been covered up. From what he could gather, this entire area was covered with trees, now all of which had been torn up from the roots. And as a result, the ground where they once stood was shredded and looked unusable to live on and around.

“Now, time to shift some trees!”

Without much effort, Peter took one of the larger trees and hoisted it onto his shoulder, his fingers cracking the bark as he gripped them. He then took it away from the others and placed it nearby, tearing off any other branches and piling them up with each one he gathered. This was one job that couldn't be rushed, as he didnt want to bring back shards of useless wood for the town to use. His strength made it much quicker however, as he could do both parts with either hand. But it would take hours to do so.

As morning turned to afternoon, the clean up was going smoothly. No one had journeyed out to find Peter this far out, and if they did he would sense them long before they arrived. But for now, it was time for a break. The Apples had designated rations so that food was never overeaten, but some extra had to be taken. Peter knew how hungry he could get when he exerted himself, and the more energy he had the better. Some fruit and salted meat was all he needed to keep his strength up, though he felt guilty for taking more than he should have. He would have to make it up to them somehow, and explain himself.

“I might get my ass beat. God knows, Applejack is tough enough to do it.”

While enjoying his lunch, a small bark could be heard not too far away. Looking behind him, Peter spotted a small wolf pup not too far away. Despite the carnage, it looked completely unharmed. He reckoned it must have been lucky and was hidden away from the storm. Though a lone pup wasn't a good sign.

“Hey little guy. Are you ok? You’re folks around?”

The pup slinked over by Peter’s side, sending out a low pitched whine as it sat next to him. It sounded like the cry of someone that lost something. And Peter knew it all too well.

“Why do I get the feeling you’ve been left on your own? Don’t worry. Stick with me, and you’ll be alright. Here, you should eat.”

Taking a piece of salted meat, Peter placed it in front of the pup, which it took and began to chew on happily. Content that his new friend had a meal to enjoy, Peter finished up his own food and got back to his task, grabbing a nearby tree. Interesting enough, his finger didn't break through the bark like it did the others. In fact, it was resisting his grip more than the others.

He began to wonder if this one was worth throwing away. “I think I might have some use for this later down the line. Not sure what, but I’ll figure it out.”

He decided he would find a spot to stash it once he finished up for the day. There was still much to do…


It had been a long day for Fluttershy. Keeping up with the displaced animals had taken a lot out of her, and she would have to continue until Peter had finished with cleaning up their habitat. But that would still be days away. How was she going to keep up with everything? Even if she wanted to try and ask a few others to help Peter out, they were all too busy to do so. She would just have to wait and-

Knock Knock

“Who could that be at this time of night?”

Weary of having a visitor so late, Fluttershy slowly made her way to the door, looking out of the peephole. Her mood calmed as she saw Peter on the other side, quickly undoing all the locks.

“Hi there Peter. Would you like to come in?”

“I’m afraid I can’t stay long. I just wanted to let you know that things are going smoothly. You should be able to start moving animals back there starting tomorrow. Oh, and I made a friend.”

As if on queue, a small bark could be heard. Looking down, Fluttershy saw the wolf pup and her eyes lit up. “Oh my gosh, she’s adorable! Where did you find her?”

Taking the pup in her arms, Fluttershy began to cradle it like a baby. The pup seemed to enjoy it, as its eyes began to close over, and a little snoring could be heard. Peter was amazed however, as he had no inclination as to the gender of the pup. It was clear that Fluttershy knew her animals quite well.

With a smile on his face, Peter looked on as his newfound friend fell soundly asleep, knowing she was safe. “She found me. I think she might be on her own. I know it's a lot to ask, but would you be able to look after her for me, at least for a while?”

“Given all you’ve done for me, I think I can do that. For as long as you need. I’ll start moving the critters back as soon as I can. I… I can’t thank you enough Peter. You’re my hero.”

As the door closed, a thought crossed Peter’s mind - He was named a hero for the first time in weeks, but it wasn't because he stopped a mugger, or took down a dangerous supervillain, but because he just stopped to give someone a hand who needed it. He wondered…

“Uncle Ben… Have I been doing this all wrong?”

Author's Note:

Hi there everyone! Welcome to February, and Episode 8!

I hope you all enjoy the episode, introducing our favourite shy, animal loving Pegusi.

Fluttershy Commission - https://twitter.com/keydi_draws