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Episode 18 - Tag! You're It!

Episode 18 - Tag! You’re It!

It was an exciting day for Ponyville. Its citizens had spent the majority of the day making preparations. The streets that were normally filled with the usual stalls for merchants now included carnival games and spooky-themed decorations. Not only for the annual Nightmare Night celebrations, but for some rather special visitors. While it was commonplace for the small town to regularly welcome royals such as Celestia and Luna, it was rare for it to host more far off guests. But these were guests of particular importance. Amongst all the excitement, no one was more jubilant than Twilight to welcome their visitors.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen Cadence and Shining Armour! I haven’t even had the chance to meet their new baby yet. Oh, this weekend will be perfect!” Seeing their friend so happy made the other girls feel relieved. Ever since the Tantabus incident, it had seemed that Twilight had been put into one stressful situation after the other, barely having a moment to slow down. And though a new threat hung above them, even that would not diminish her happiness.

The train station was incredibly packed, a mix of eager townsfolk, a rather sizable detachment of guards, and the Royal sisters themselves. Twilight quickly took her place alongside her peers, a sight to behold for those in attendance. The other girls and Spike stood just behind the three princesses, and just in time. The soldiers that stepped out of the station looked very different to those that accompanied Celestia and Luna. Not only did their armour and weapons have a different style, but the armour gleamed like the most well cut diamond. Even their skin shared this dazzling effect, catching the awe of the people of Ponyville. Behind them came a soldier with armour that appeared much like the ones the Equestrian soldiers wore. Twilight instantly recognised her older brother - Former captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard, Shining Armour.

Lastly came the guest everyone was waiting for, gleaming in a light pink dress, making the breath of many onlookers disappear. While not as tall as Celestia and Luna, her height still eclipsed even many of the male troops that now flanked her. In her arms was a small baby, wrapped up in a blue and pink blanket, sound asleep.

“Princess Cadence. It has been some time.” Celestia was the first to greet the visiting princess, with Luna beside her. Acknowledging her peers, Cadence dipped into a fluid curtsy, her movements graceful despite having to hold a fragile newborn in her arms. “Auntie Tia, Auntie Luna. It does feel like a year has passed. It is so good to see you both again. And Twilight, I’m happy to see you most of all, little sister!”

The desire to pull her sister-in-law into a tight hug burned through Twilight's body. The only thing stopping her was the copious amount of bystanders, and knowing that this was the time to act like a princess and not as a sibling. Much to her dismay. “It’s so good to see you again, Cadence. I’m sorry I never got the chance to see the baby. I’ve been so… distracted lately.”

A smile warm enough to melt ice radiated from Cadence, overjoyed to see her sister-in-law once again. “What matters is that you can see her now. Twilight, meet your niece, Flurry Heart.”

As if knowing she had an audience, the infant princess opened up her eyes, a piercing blue meeting with Twilight's soft lavender irises, immediately enthralling her to her new niece. “She’s incredible. Congratulations to you both!”

Celestia and Luna took the opportunity to glance a peek at the awoken baby, becoming just as enthralled by her as her new aunt was. As they continued to give their attention to the newborn, the princesses made sure to exchange pleasantries, as was custom to do so. However, while they may have given some care to Royal etiquette, Shining Armour had no intention of being so formal with his little sister, whom he pulled in for a rather affectionate hug.

“Twily! It's so good to see you again! I haven’t seen you in months! What happened to you visiting to see your new niece?” A slightly dishevelled Twilight returned the hug as best she could, filtering out the giggles from her friends. “I know. But a lot has happened in the past two months. It’s got real busy around here. The repairs after the storm took up a lot of time. And there were… other issues. A new friend of ours has made things interesting around here.”

Upon this vague mention, Celestia motioned for her guards to start making their way towards Twilight's castle, with the guards that accompanied Cadence and Shining following behind. “We will discuss more once we have reached the castle. Speaking of which, Twilight, I have noticed that all your friends have accompanied you, save for the one you just mentioned. Where by chance is Peter today?”


The upside of being left to work alone was that Peter could work at his own pace. Not that he was slacking off in any way, just that he could go about the day in his own way. And he made the most of it. It had been a pleasant day, a cooling breeze constantly passing through, allowing Peter to work consistently but with the time for some pauses.

“Good thing I passed on going into town today. I’ve barely had any time to myself these past few weeks. I love hanging out with the girls, but a man needs his space sometimes. Plus, I never was one for royal protocol. And if I get this new fence all set up, then maybe AJ will get off my ass for a few days.”

The only accompaniment Peter had during his solo work day was the ever present wolf pup Grace, who over the past two months started to look less like a cute wolf puppy and more like a full grown wolf. With her now much older, Grace now did her own hunting. Yet she was still partial to a cooked meal, especially if it was made by Peter or Fluttershy. Despite her more ferocious look, she was just as gentle as before. Unless she was hunting.

Throughout the day, Grace had acted as Peter's supervisor as he replaced some fencing around the farm. Or at least, that would be his defence. As was appropriate, he decided now was the perfect time for a little break. One of many he had throughout the day while he was being (officially) unsupervised. Another upside to having no one looking over his shoulder was the ability to make his ideal food. While the Apples made rather delicious food, they rarely deviated from what they made, which at a point could get boring. So Peter took it upon himself to figure out his own meals this time.

Today's lunch would consist of some meat that Fluttershy had given to him, a thank you for helping out with some habitation work. Plus a little spare for Grace, who had found a shady spot to acquire some extra sleep. Though she was quick to awaken and wander over to Peter’s side, the smell of the salted meat filling her nostrils.

“Figured you’d be wide awake for lunch. As soon as you get a whiff it's like Pooh Bear to a honey jar. Now remember, take it nice and slow.” A small sliver of meat was held out in Peter's hand, which Grace took softly, her razor-sharp teeth making short work of it. After a few more bites, her share of the meat was done, a gentle sound of content coming from the young wolf. With her meal out of the way, Peter could now focus on his own, which he had left simmering in the kitchen for a few hours beforehand.

Thanks to some added culinary tricks shown to him, Peter had made his portion of the meat into a stew, the chunks floating around the vegetable broth. A deep inhale confirmed that he had gotten the recipe correct, as the heavy aroma of the broth seeped into his nostrils. One bowl and a few uses of a ladle later, and Peter was ready to tuck in, a chunk of bread set aside to soak up any broth remaining. “Delicious and nutritious. Quite possibly the best food I’ve ever made! It might not be May Parker’s wheatcakes, but it's a start.”

It wasn’t long before the young man and wolf pup were filled and satisfied with their meals, both taking up a spot outside and closing their eyes to take a much deserved rest. For Peter, this was life. No supervillains to fight, no having to worry about the safety of the world. Perhaps his hero days were done. “No earth-shattering threats. No demons. No outer-space horrors. A man could get used to this”

It was also a perfect day to just rest and relax. Everyone else was gone all day. All there was to do was kick back and do nothing except sleep. As the two started to slip into slumber, a rustling noise came from the nearby tree line. Grace got to her feet immediately, her fangs bare as she growled at the intruder. Peter meanwhile tried to feel out the situation with his own senses. He of all people would know if it was trouble. “No Spider-Sense going off. Either it's nothing at all or a very big rat. If it IS a rat I still gotta deal with it. AJ draws the line at vermin.”

The movement continued, until a figure came out through the bushes near the trees. To the surprise of both Peter and Grace, the supposed danger was just a baby girl, trying her very best to waddle on her legs, only to fail and resort to crawling around. Curious as to where the baby came from, Peter walked over to her, his movements catching her attention. “Hey there little one. How did you get all the way out here?”

Peter had been so focused on the little one that he failed to notice what was on her back. It was only after she fluffed her wings out that he was caught a little off guard. What confused him the most was how big they were. “Are Pegasi wings supposed to be that big as a baby? I figured they would be a little more proportioned. No, that can’t be right. Pumpkin Cake is only a year old and her wings look about the right size. Must be a quick grower. Okay little one, what say we get you back into town and find your folks?” Peter reached down to pick the child up, only to be surprised as she disappeared from sight in a yellow burst of energy. Looking around, he couldn’t spot her anywhere in sight. It was the sound of Grace barking that caught his attention, and made him aware of her new location amongst the trees.

“Wings AND magic? I guess she’s like Twilight and the other princesses? But none of them have kids… That I know of. Wait, Twilight's sister-in-law! She mentioned something about her family visiting, and that they just had a baby! So little one, that makes Twilight your aunt, correct?” A joyful blabbering was all the baby could answer with as she nestled in the treetops, rocking back and forth in blissful glee, confirming his suspicion. Though every move she made increased Peter’s worries of her falling and getting hurt. And if that happened under his watch, he’d never hear the end of it.

“Okay kid, how about you come down from there and I’ll take you home? You know, before you end up with a concussion. Cause’ if you get a concussion, I get a concussion. A big one. From your aunt!” The sounds of laughter vanished, replaced with defiant moaning. It was clear that the child had no intention of being returned to her parents. But Peter refused to allow her stroppy attitude to stop him.

“Look, I’m not sure why you ran off, but I can’t in good conscience leave you out here. I’ve got work to do, and I’m sure I didn’t sign up for babysitting today. So I’m gonna climb up and get you, okay?” One leap was all it took for Peter to reach the infant, catching her off guard and forcing her to change position yet again. Now she appeared back down at the tree line she had shown up from, clapping her tiny hands in excitement.

“Are you… having fun doing this? I guess you ran off cause the castle was super boring, right? I get ya. Exactly why I skipped out today. But unlike me, you are an actual child who needs supervising all the time. While I am an adult with a child's brain, so I only need to be supervised by the local wildlife. Ain't that right, Grace?”

The wolf pup could only stare up at Peter in confusion before her attention went back to the giggling baby. Leaping from the tree, Peter rushed towards the baby princess, her wings expanding outwards as he got close. Before he could catch her, she took flight, her impressive wingspan giving her a tremendous boost of speed. In a matter of seconds, she was high above the treeline, leaving Peter stumped as to how to catch her.

“Oh I see how it is. Might have to get creative. Grace, keep an eye on her. Bark if she moves, ok?” Peter then ran off, leaving a still confused Grace to keep watch over the now airborne baby. Fortunately, it didn't take long for Peter to return, two metallic devices attached to his wrists. Though one looked very familiar. “Looks like this might be the perfect time to try out these refurbished web shooters I built. Grabbing her outright isn't an option. I’ll have to box her in somehow. Huh. Really going the extra mile to catch a magical flying baby, aren't I?”

The baby flew off into the trees, prompting Peter to give chase, Grace close behind him. The two kept a close eye on the renegade baby as she weaved through the treeline with unnatural ease. Peter on the other hand was constantly having to switch his attention back and forth between her and the incoming trees. It appeared his senses were a little rusty. “Jeez, who knew a baby could be so nimble? I gotta try a little harder to catch her and get her home. Grace, keep up with her down here!”

The faithful wolf barked a response, her pace picking up. With one leap, Peter was in the treetops along with the baby, using the thick branches to increase his velocity. The two weaved in and around the treetops, with Peter gaining ground every second. Yet every time he got closer, the child would teleport away just before she could be grabbed. And each time she reappeared, her giggles of joy reverberated throughout the woods. It was almost infectious in a way, as Peter found himself chuckling as the game continued. It was beginning to grow as fun for him as it was for her.

“Alright little one. It's been a blast. But I gotta wrap this up before something happens to ya!” Taking aim, he pressed the trigger at the centre of his palm, a powerful jet of webbing streaming out of the nozzle and attaching to the tree, much to Peter’s surprise. “Well that was a pretty successful test. Would've been very embarrassing if that didn't work…” The chase continued, with Peter gaining up to the baby faster each time. With all this added pressure, she began to slow down, becoming more and more tired with each teleportation. Her elevation also started to drop, as she soon fell back into the treeline. Just what Peter needed.

“Now for this spider to set a trap for this fly!” Diving down after his quarry, Peter was able to get in front of the baby for the first time, but still had to ensure she wouldn't get away so easily. Taking aim at the trees around him, he fired off several strands of webbing, moving to do the same at the trees. All the trees close by were soon interconnected by webbing, trapping the baby in the centre. When she tried to teleport away, she once again found herself encircled. Nowhere to go, and becoming more and more tired. Unable to keep herself aloft, she slowly began to descend to the ground. Fortunately, Peter was there to catch her.

Despite her exhaustion, the newborn princess still had the energy to giggle and clap her hands. She had gotten the excitement she wanted. “Looks like you had a lot of fun, kid. But I think it's time we got you back to your parents. I know it's boring and all, but they’ll be worried about you.” The look in her eyes showed that the child was very aware that she had caused her parents some stress. A small tear began to form under her eye, prompting Peter to wipe it away and console her. “Hey, it’ll be alright. I’m sure they’ll understand. All good parents do.”


For what seemed like the first time, Twilight's castle was filled to the brim. Soldiers representing the older princesses stood wall to wall as their monarchs walked on by. The procession soon came to the entrance of the map, with Celestia ushering Luna and Cadence inside. Twilight was next, followed close behind by her group of friends, though they were halted going any further by Celestia.

“I’m sorry Twilight, but these matters are to be discussed by the princesses. Your friends must remain outside for now. Would you all be so kind as to wait outside for a few moments? This should not take long.” Before the doors could be closed, an irritated Fluttershy marched forward, catching the guards by surprise.

“What about Peter? Will you finally let him free?”

The girls were rather shocked to see Fluttershy speak so boldly, especially towards Celestia of all people. The princess of the sun was startled most of all, but kept her calm demeanour all the same.“That remains to be seen, young Fluttershy. I must remind you all that Peter is still a powerful individual, despite his calm nature, we are all now well aware of what lies underneath. If I am convinced that Peter can control his more aggressive nature, then I can make an informed decision.”

Closing the doors to the map room, Celestia turned to face her peers, looking to a rather bashful Twilight, still reeling from the way in which her friend had spoken out. Celestia however, seemed impressed. “How odd. I recall you mentioning that out of all your friends, Fluttershy was the least confrontational. And she speaks with such heart against her princess. All for Peter’s sake too. Intriguing.”

Twilight couldn't help but agree with her mentor's deduction. “They have spent a lot of time together. His more… gruff attitude seems to be rubbing off on her. I think it's nice. She seems happier when he's around. More sure of herself.” Celestia had been sure to keep a solid memory of all her protege's friends. And out of all of them, Fluttershy had always been the most meek and reserved. And despite the steady push she had received to become more assertive, she was still slow to change. But with Peter around, things were different now.

“Is that so? Sounds like Peter has become a bigger positive than a negative for you and your friends. I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

The four princesses then convened at the map table, with Twilight taking up her usual seat. In front of her were several folders, each marked with the sigil of each of the princesses. Using her magic, she passed a set of folders to each of her fellow royals. Celestia stood from her seat, beginning the meeting.

“Our first order of business - The potential threat discovered by Princess Twilight. Her report speaks of powerful magic users taking up residence in the old castle, as well as evidence of weaponry being prepared. Unfortunately, the collection of different types of magic makes them hard to discern, though one of Princess Twilight’s associates, Mr. Peter Parker, described one of them as evil. How he was able to make this deduction is unclear.”

The description of their mystery foe had Cadence on edge. “Is it possible that the Changelings have infiltrated Equestria again? And to be this close to Ponyville?”

Noticing her fellow princess begin to panic, Luna was quick to put her mind at ease.
“Our scouts have not noted any major movements around the Changeling Hive. It would appear that after the wedding, they have kept largely to themselves.”

Pulling out a set of notes she had kept aside, Twilight scanned through her own ideas of the possible culprit. “I had hypothesised Tirek as a potential suspect, but as far as we know he’s still locked away inside Tartarus. But from the possible candidates, he's the only one who could stand out”.

Celestia then took back control of the conversation. “Luna and I will investigate Tirek. Should someone else venture, he may syphon their magic and escape. In relation to the possibility of the Changelings, we will tighten security around you and your family, Cadence. While the Changeling army itself has made no major movements, that does not mean Chrysalis herself isn’t skulking around.”

Even the name brought some painful memories flooding back into Cadence's mind. Her happiest day was almost ruined by the shape-shifting insectoid queen. And she had hoped to never to cross paths with Chrysalis ever again after that fateful day. Though some wishes never come true it seems. All eyes turned back to Celestia as she continued, now onto a much more precarious topic.

“There is also the matter of Mr. Parker himself. As most of us are aware, he possesses capabilities beyond that of most Equestrians. While we are still unaware of his full strength, he has been able to overpower myself and Princess Luna when we attempted to restrain him. In Princess Twilight’s initial report, she noted that Mr. Parker's speed was comparative to that of Rainbow Dash, one of the most gifted fliers Equestria has seen in centuries. And while having no obvious magical abilities, has been able to deny Princess Luna access to his mind.”

Flicking through her notes, Twilight came to the information she had acquired about Peter over the past two months. Some with his consent, and some without. “There is also the situation regarding his origin. Peter is, for all intents and purposes… An alien. His birthplace is a far off world, unknown to us cosmologically. In our excursion to the mirror dimension, Peter exhibited increased aggression while under the influence of the Sirens, as well as the ability to transform into an Ape of immense size during a full moon, seemingly unaware of those around him, friend or foe. Though he took extreme measures to execute the Siren sisters.”

“Has this transformation occurred again since that day? There was a full moon this past month, and we heard nothing from you, Twilight.” Is it safe to assume that Peter remained normal at that period of time?” A fair question asked by Princess Luna, as she was curious about what had transpired since Peter's punishment. Fortunately, Twilight didn't even need to check her notes to answer.

“No. No change has occurred. I even had Peter stare at the moon for several minutes to verify the test. He felt nothing. It stands to reason other variables weren’t present this time around. And it is safe to assume that Peter can’t transform while in Equestria.”

The other princesses took some time to process this new information. Though Luna couldn't help but feel slightly smug about it all. “Then would you say that he is no longer a potential threat?” Twilight nodded sharply in agreement with Luna’s suggestion. “I would say so. I know the opinion of my friends stands very strongly for Peter to have his freedom. He’s been a major help in recovering from the storm, as well as lending his services where he can. Though he still feels… distant. Even today, he refused to join everyone to welcome Cadence and Shining Armor.”

A hearty chuckle could be heard coming from Cadence as she found the irony in Twilight's statement hard to ignore. “Everyone is allowed their private moments, Twilight. I’m sure you should be able to understand that. Even as a little girl, you would at times refuse to be around anyone except myself or your brother. And I know that even now you need your own time.”

Her hands clasped, Celestia fell silent for a few moments, her brow furrowed in thought. “Then it appears I have a decision to make. Mr. Parker's presence seems to have been more beneficial than detrimental to the people of Ponyville. And he has served his time honourably. Should he join us for Nightmare Night festivities, I shall inform him of this update. For now, we can convene. Today should not be filled with any worry.”

As the four princesses rose from their seats, a panicked knocking came at the door. Before anyone could respond, a guard burst through, terror in his eyes. “Your Highnesses! Princess Flurry Heart is missing!”


For almost twenty minutes, a search had been going around Ponyville to try and locate the baby princess. Tensions were already running high, and with the possibility of Flurry Heart missing or captured, the whole town was on red alert. Thoughts about Queen Chrysalis returning for revenge consumed Cadence, so sure of the Changeling leader being the culprit. The Princess of the Crystal Empire was not quick to anger or violence, but her motherly instincts said otherwise.

“If that mutated bug has taken my daughter…” A gloved hand fell on her shoulder, bringing her mind back to the here and now. And to the face of her husband, mostly shielded by his helmet. But his eyes were still visible, filled with determination.
“We don’t know that yet, dear. Any number of things could have happened. We have to keep a level head until we know what’s happened.” Cadence was almost shocked to see Shining so calm despite the situation.

“Aren’t you worried?! Our daughter is out there, possibly taken from us! Worse still, by the very woman who tried to take YOU away from me!”

It had been noted many times that Cadence and Shining were the definition of opposites attract. The former, the living embodiment of beauty and grace. The perfect woman almost. And the latter, who spent most of his high school years as an outcast before joining Celestia’s guard, and marrying a beautiful princess. Today was a fine example of how they both handled such situations. Shining, calm and collected, held his wife close. “I am worried. As a father, I’m absolutely terrified. But as a soldier, I have to keep a level head. If there’s one thing I’ve learned being in the military, it's that in moments of crisis, panic does nothing. We’ll find her, safe and sound. We just have to be strong.”

The two embraced, Shining attempting to calm his wifes shot nerves. They were soon ready to continue the search. Off in the distance, the two could make out a figure coming from the direction of the Apple family farm, a wolf at his side. And to their relief, a rather familiar baby in his arms.

“Excuse me? I seem to have acquired a baby. Not sure what to do with her really. She doesn’t make any of the 50 included phrases. The batteries were included at least.” Shouted the unknown man, catching the attention of most of the search party. A relieved Cadence dashed forward ahead of everyone else, Shining Armour barely keeping up with her. Seeing her parents approach, a tired Flurry Heart opened her wings and crossed the distance, landing in her mothers open arms.

“My little Flurry! I’m so glad you’re safe! You are in big trouble, little miss! We were so worried about you. Don’t you EVER make me that worried again!” While Cadence scolded her daughter, Twilight and the other girls had caught up, relieved to see not only Flurry Heart safe, but that it was Peter who found her. An overjoyed Cadence returned her attention to Peter. “Thank you so much sir. We had no idea where she had gotten to, or if she had been taken. Thank you for bringing her back. Though I can’t say I’ve met you before…”

“The name’s Peter Parker, Ma’am.”

It all suddenly clicked for Cadence. This was the man her peers were discussing as some kind of dangerous individual? “Oh. So you’re the Peter Parker I’ve been hearing about. I suppose it was good fortune that you came upon her.”

“Actually it’s the other way around. She found me. I was just going about my business until she showed up. Slippery little devil though. I had to get creative to catch her. Put myself and Grace here through our paces.”

A bewildered stare was aimed at him by Cadence and Shining, perplexed as to how Peter achieved such a task. “Wait… you mean you were able to catch her?”

“Yeah. It was easy. She had fun too.” If it weren’t for the joyous coos of Flurry Heart, Cadence and Shining may have questioned how Peter was able to achieve what they couldn’t. But for now, they were content with their daughter being happy and safe. Celestia and Luna finally caught up, overjoyed to see Flurry back with her parents, both breathing a sigh of relief. They quickly motioned the guards to return to their posts. Peter couldn't help but look on at the sight of a family reunited. A simple achievement, but one he could take pride in. A part of him couldn't help but feel alone seeing them all together, his own family far away.

“It would appear that your presence continues to be invaluable, Peter. Flurry is not just the future of the Crystal Empire, but of the Alicorns as a race. I am grateful.” It wasn't uncommon for Peter to receive such praise from someone of Celestia's position, but by now he had grown somewhat dismissive of such accolades.
“I just saw a baby girl on her own. Nothing else to it. I just did the right thing.” Hope of a reward, but only the smallest of thank you’s. That was all he wanted. As Celestia looked over to see Flurry safe, she turned back to Peter.

“There was a… discussion about you earlier today. Twilight briefed me on your actions in the past month. And it would seem that you have been most dutiful during your confinement. Given the circumstances and the evidence I have been given, I see no reason to confine you to Ponyville any longer. Your punishment is at an end, Peter Parker.”

It took a moment to comprehend her words. Relief flooded over Peter like a tidal wave. Part of him had been so sure that he would never be allowed to leave the town ever again. The rest of his days would be as a farmhand. But now, he was free to do whatever he wanted again. It was not a chance he would waste. “Thank you, Princess. I won’t let you down. I promise.”

A smile with the warmth of the sun radiated from Celestia. “I’m sure you will not. Your new friends seem confident of that.” Peter quickly found himself swarmed as his new friends caught him in the middle of a group hug to celebrate his freedom, catching him off guard. Several of them began making plans for what Peter should do next.

“You gotta come visit Cloudsdale sometime! I can show you around the weather factory, and even introduce you to the Wonderbolts! Blurted out a rather excited Rainbow Dash.

“We would be honoured to have you visit Canterlot once more, Peter. This time, as a free man.” Propositioned Princess Luna.

“Perhaps a trip to the Crystal Empire? We would love to have you, especially after what you’ve done for us.” A grateful Cadence proposed.

So many ideas all at once. It was all becoming too much for him. Gently as he could, Peter forced his way out of the group hug he had been confined inside, walking away at a very brisk pace. The only one who dared to follow was Grace, the ever faithful wolf.

“What gives? What did we do?” Inquired a perplexed Rainbow Dash, unsure as to why Peter brushed them off so casually. Though the reality of the situation was becoming clearer to the other girls, Princess Celestia beat them to it.

“He’ll be fine. But you all should have given him a moment to process things. I imagine that Peter is having a lot to think about right now. And you all overcrowded him. Physically and emotionally. It was for a good reason, but it was at a poor time.” A wave of guilt spread through the group, looking onwards to where Peter ran off. Several of them began to move off, only to be stopped by a stern look from Celestia. However, her expression quickly changed back to the comforting, warm smile she was known for. “Give him time to think. He’ll come back to us.”


The news hadn’t fully settled in for Peter yet. Even as he stared at the sky, Grace fast asleep on his lap, his mindset was still focused on a future in this small town. Now he could go anywhere, do anything he wanted. He could pack a bag right now, leave and never look back. But then he realised what he’d be leaving behind. The people who he came to call friends. A town filled with good people that needed protecting, especially now that a new danger hung overhead. His mind drifted towards his friends, thoughts dwelling on their safety.

“I can’t leave them now. Maybe one day, once I know everything will be ok. But not right now. Not after what I felt in the castle. That presence… The last person that felt like that… Was Darkseid…”

While lost in his own head, Peter hadn’t noticed the guards rushing past him. It was only after Grace was spurned from her own slumber that he took any notice. After all, it was hard not to hear the growling. Several more guards passed by, finally getting his attention. They all seemed to be heading towards the edge of town. “Let’s go see what that’s all about, eh girl?”

Rather than reply, Grace charged on ahead, forcing Peter to give chase. Though it had appeared the guards weren’t the only ones making haste. A crowd had gathered near the riverbank that bordered Ponyville, making it difficult for Peter to spot whatever was going on. Slowly he made his way through, not wanting to overuse his strength just to move someone out of the way. Eventually he could make out the towering figures of Celestia, Luna and Cadence. A few moments later, he finally popped out from the crowd, being greeted by a voice he hadn’t heard in some time.

“Ah, just the man we wanted to see. Hello again, Peter. It’s been a while.” It had been the sultry voice of Adagio that had greeted him. Of all the people to appear in his life again, Peter didn’t expect the Sirens to show up. He was sure he had seen the last of them a month ago, with Celestia forbidding them from coming anywhere near Equestria ever again.
Speaking of, the sun princess was less than amused with this flagrant violation of her order. “Adagio. I had been sure that my warning was final. There would be consequences should you ever return.”

“We remember, Your Highness. We had no intention of coming back here. But we agreed you should all be made aware of what’s coming, given it could threaten the entire world.” Combined with what had been discussed earlier, any pretence of the Sirens’ punishment left Celestia’s mind. There was clearly a bigger game afoot.

“Is this to do with whoever was staying at the old castle?” Inquired Peter, now fully invested into the Sirens sudden appearance.
Unfortunately, Adagio gave little information from the beginning.
“It was never mentioned where they were camping out, but I can only assume it's the very same beings. One of them approached us to ask for our aid. We politely declined. Though she didn’t take it well.”

“We’ll take you three to the castle so you can fill us in.”

“Absolutely not. We set one fin inside that castle, and we’ll never leave again.”

“No harm will come to any of you, I swear.”

This declaration caught Adagio off guard. In the back of her mind she could still recall what Peter had tried to do to them a month ago. Now here he was, promising to protect them from all harm. The eldest Siren found it rather chivalrous, even if she wouldn't admit it. “Is that so? Well then, I suppose you can carry us, Mr. Parker. After all, it's not like we can walk there. And we’re all aware how strong you are.”

In his head, Peter tried to figure out the best way to carry all three Sirens at once. It wasn’t like he had extra arms to do it with. A quiet murmur had also begun to spread throughout the crowd, the residents curious as to why these legendary creatures had such an interest in their newest arrival. Having previously dealt with the Sirens, Twilight attempted to interject. “I can levitate you there with magic. No sense in making things awkward for Peter.”

“On the contrary, Princess Twilight, if Peter is taking responsibility for us, then by right he should be caring for us. It’s not too difficult to figure out. He can carry Aria and Sonata on his shoulders, and I’ll hold tight on his back.” The other Siren sisters had no clue as to the nature of the game Adagio was playing. Peter didn't have to agree to this task, nor could they manipulate him into it. Much to their surprise, he agreed. “If it makes you feel more comfortable, then fine.”

Sonata and Aria were first, swiftly lifted out of the water and atop Peter’s shoulders with no signs of struggling. He might as well have been carrying feathers. While not exactly the heaviest things Peter had ever carried, something about this felt rather demeaning. Especially once Adagio’s turn came around, feeling the tightness of her tail around his torso. And while Peter squirmed on the inside, she seemed to be getting more enjoyment out of it than he was. “My my, Mr. Parker, what robust abs you have. And these biceps…”

Peter's anxiety only continued to grow. It was bad enough having to carry The Sirens, but to have almost the entirety of Ponyville bear witness to him being so violated. Fortunately the remaining Siren sisters were not so vulgar about the situation, with Sonata trying to dissuade her older sister. “Quit it, Dagi. He’s being nice enough to carry us. Don’t make him uncomfortable.” Her protests did little to dissuade Adagio from having her fun with Peter. “Oh come now, Sonata. When have we ever seen a man like this? He’s practically chiselled from stone.

Adagio's wandering hands were making Peter feel more anxious by the second, his friends looking on wondering how exactly they put a stop to this act of molestation. Even the princesses were unsure of how to handle this. But after watching long enough, Celestia decided to make a move. Though she was beaten to it by the most unlikely person. “He’s not a piece of meat for you to admire! You can either behave or have Twilight levitate you to the castle. What’s it gonna be?” A rather enraged Fluttershy was the one to call out Adagio for her behaviour, much to the surprise of literally everyone around. Though the Siren was less than amused, taking the demand nowhere near seriously.

“Aren’t you supposed to be the shy one? Go tend to some animals.” Before she could continue her invasive assault on Peter's body, a hand came down on Adagio’s tail with significant force, causing it to uncurl from his body. A closer look showed that the scales were marked by the hit, angering Adagio greatly. She was about to shout something back, but was stopped by the rather intimidating stare from Fluttershy. “I will NOT say it again! Now keep your hands and your fins to yourself!”

While she had a thousand different retorts for the situation, Adagio made the decision to keep silent. No matter to her, as she had gotten her fun anyway. It also didn’t help that there was a snarling wolf within biting distance. “Very well. Let’s get on with it then. We have much to discuss. Come on Mr. Parker. We can’t get there without you.”

Even without his body being felt up, Peter was still incredibly self conscious about the situation, sheepishly turning to head towards Twilight's castle, the eyes of the townsfolk still felt upon him. “You ok, Flutters? I’ve never seen you snap like that. Ever.” Asked a rather perplexed Rainbow Dash, having never seen her oldest friend act in such a manner.

“I couldn’t let her humiliate Peter like that.” declared Fluttershy, her hands still shaking. Never had she lashed out in such rage at anyone. She was expecting her friends to chastise her for acting in such a way, but all she found were smiles.

“To be honest, we never thought ya had it in ya, sugarcube. You do tend to be the shy one. Not today, ah guess.” Applejack in a way congratulated Fluttershy on her newfound bravery.

As the girls, followed by Cadence, Flurry and Shining, took off, Celestia lingered for a moment. “Luna? Have you ever seen young Fluttershy be as defiant as she has been as of late? It seems rather… Irregular for her.” Luna pondered her older siblings' question for a few moments. “No, sister. She is usually the one to abhor violence. Never have I seen her wield it. Wait… Are you suggesting…?”

A knowing smile found its way to Celestia's lips. “I am. We shall have to wait and see what becomes of it. But first, let's see what the Sirens have to say.”


The walk to the castle had definitely been one of the most awkward moments of Peter's life. Though it had been made much easier as Adagio had kept her hands to herself for the entirety of the trip. It did little however to fix Peter's already soured mood. “I would apologise for my sister's actions, but I think it would be best to come from her, right Adagio?” Doing her best to resolve the tension, Sonata bluntly suggested that her sister make some form of apology. Adagio however was not relenting easily. “Oh fine. I’m sorry for getting a handful of your perfectly sculpted body. Is that better, Sonata?” The youngest Siren couldn’t help but roll her eyes in embarrassment at Adagio's half-assed attempt at an apology, though she was determined to keep the tension low. “Thank you for helping us, Peter. We greatly appreciate it. Even those of us with little understanding of boundaries!”

“Oh come off it, Sonata! Like you weren’t looking!” As much as she wanted to deny it, the youngest Siren found the words caught in her throat. Adagio was right. Even she couldn't deny just how impeccable Peter looked. She just did a better job at hiding it. It probably helped that Grace was in close proximity the whole time, keeping vigilant should Adagio try anything again. Much to the Sirens dismay. “Does that furball have to be so close?”

“Sure. Just in case she gets a hankering for a fish supper.” Peter had been waiting for some opportunity to get back at the eldest Siren. While Sonata and Aria found the joke humorous, Adagio was less than thrilled, especially when she saw the wolf lick its lips at her. “Just let Celestia execute us. At least I won’t get rabies.”

Much to Peter’s relief, the journey was soon to be over as the group approached the doors to the map room, where he was finally able to set down the three Siren sisters, his duty now over “Now then, where did this all start?”

Adagio began her story. “Well, we had found ourselves a spot to hunker down for a few weeks until we could move on, just on the outskirts of Equestria. That’s where she found us. She never gave us her name, but she seems to have a pretty big axe to grind with all of you. Especially you, Princess Twilight.”

Only one person came to Twilight's mind. And the very possibility that it could be who she thought it was made the young princess begin to feel nauseous. “Starlight Glimmer. But it couldn’t possibly be her. What did she look like, Adagio?”

“Purple and teal hair, lavender eyes. Well, eye. Singular. One of them had been cut out from the look of things. And to top it all off, she possesses the Alicorn Amulet.” This revelation from Adagio caught the entire group off guard with the exception of Peter. They were all aware of just what the Alicorn Amulet was.

Shocked by the news, Celestia began pacing back and forth, contemplating the situation that was growing before her eyes. “That is impossible. The Alicorn Amulet is under guard deep in the Everfree Forest. Even if this Starlight had found its hiding place, she would not find it so easy to take. Zecora is more than capable of keeping it secure.”

The whole group slowly became overcome with panic. Everyone looked at each other wondering what to say next. The only one thinking of questions was Peter. “Adagio, did this Starlight chick mention anyone else? It couldn’t have just been her in that castle.”

Adagio could only shrug her shoulders. “She never specified who she had teamed up with, but in her own words she had brought the “most terrifying beings Equestria has ever known” to aid in her revenge. Which can range from Sombra, to the Night Princesses’ darker half. How she could have them by her side is a mystery to me. But with the Alicorn Amulet, anything might be possible.”

Panic only continued to increase. Cadence especially grew ever more concerned after hearing the name of the dark king of the Crystal Empire, who had not long ago risen from the beyond to conquer her kingdom. Despite the mood falling into uncertainty, Luna kept her composure, thoughts of the situation running through her mind. “How could she have come across another Amulet? No member of the Unicorn Clan would be so willing to forfeit their lives like that. Any thoughts, sister?”

Luna received no response as Celestia was deep in thought. “The most terrifying beings Equestria has ever known? No… She couldn't possibly have… It would seem that our security has some blind spots. A mistake I will correct later today. Adagio, can you be certain it is the Alicorn Amulet?”

For the first time, the eldest Siren’s demeanour turned serious. As if she was now being open about the gravity of the situation. “Oh it most certainly is. Even without my magic I could feel the dark energy that thing gives off. Makes my skin crawl. Still, I’m curious how she even got it in the first place. Seems you have a few ideas on that front, sun princess.”

“I’m afraid that I do. I cannot be certain, but there is a possibility that Starlight Glimmer has acquired something from the Canterlot Archives. As to what she has taken, I can’t be sure for now.” An increasingly concerned Celestia continued her pacing around the room, her mind fogged down by questions she had no answers to.

“How could she have possibly gotten inside? The archives were supposed to be impenetrable. How did she do it without us knowing?” This hole in their security angered Princess Luna significantly, her cosmic-imbued hair beginning to float as her magic swelled. A light touch from her older sister was enough to calm her down. Though Celestia herself wasn't exactly happy with the situation either. “If the Alicorn Amulet in this time is still safe with the shaman Zecora, then Starlight has committed a grave error.”

“A bigger error than creating a duplicate of an incredibly dangerous artefact?” Peter rightly brought up. In his mind, what could be worse than what had already transpired? Holding out her hand, Celestia manifested a small sliver of her magical essence. Its glow could be felt through the entire room, like a miniature sun now residing with them, warming their bodies and their souls. Being in its presence reminded Peter of an old friend. Celestia held the sliver close as it expanded into a ball. “Every creature in Equestria is born with magic. While it may manifest differently for you all, magic is a part of you. And every day you use it consciously or not. And this magic is life itself. The Alicorn Amulet is an unnatural creation of magic, born of death and hatred. Its only purpose is to kill Alicorns. Its very existence is a mockery of the life given to make it. I dread to think of what it has done to Starlight Glimmer. Its very essence contains the souls of the damned that brought it into being. With two of them here…”

“Two of the same object residing in the same space, made by unnatural means? Almost sounds like a paradox.” Pondered Peter, his brow furrowing as he took in this information. For all his intellect, Peter never did grasp the fundamentals of magic. It was always a mystery to him. Fortunately, Twilight was more inclined with the subject. “Peter has a point. Something tells me Starlight didn’t fully consider her plans before doing what she did. If she uses it for much longer it may start killing her.”

“Oh trust me, it's killing her. She’s halfway to becoming a walking corpse already. And that’s without using the full extent of her new powers. And like I said before, now that she has it, she can do whatever she wants. Including trying to kill you all.” Chimed in Adagio, her voice filled with concern for the first time during the whole conversation. Though the supposed threat on their lives was more than enough to stir Princess Luna into action. “Then we have little time. It is possible that her attack will come in the immediate future. Sister, the forces we have must stay in Ponyville. Cadence, I ask that your own troops hold here as well. When this Starlight arrives, she shall be dealt with accordingly for her crimes.”

The choice in language was more than enough to catch Peter's attention. And cause him concern “Sounds like you mean to kill her.” The stern eyes of Princess Luna fell upon him, her teal irises locking with the hazel brown of Peter’s. “That is exactly what I intend to do, Peter. The safety of too many is at risk. The life of one woman is not worth those of innocents.”

“So you mean to just execute her? No attempt to talk her down, get her to relinquish the Amulet? Isn't there some other way? We have to try something at least, right?” A look of disgust fell across Luna’s features as she heard Peter’s plea for a peaceful end to the threat, perplexed at his supposed aversion to violence. “May I remind you that just a month ago, you sought to kill our three guests without hesitation or care? You saw a threat and were ready to deal with it. Look around you - these are the people she intends to do harm to. You should have the same anger in your heart that you did for the Sirens. A warrior like you should never hesitate! You had more backbone against the Tantabus.”

“That’s not who I am! I don’t kill, especially when a life can be saved instead! And I never wanted to kill the Sirens. That was never me… I’m no warrior. I fought the Tantabus because people needed help. Not to kill anyone. And I will NOT kill Starlight! There has to be another way.” It was a rare sight for anyone to be so adamant against one of the ruling princesses. Several sets of eyes flickered between Peter and Luna, breaths held in anticipation for what would happen next.

The flustered Princess closed the space between herself and Peter, her Amazon-like stature towering above him. Yet the young man never moved an inch, despite the ferocious presence now in front of him. “If she has fallen to the Alicorn Amulet, then she is not worth saving. I admire your determination, Peter, but I simply cannot risk the lives of my family and subjects for one fallen woman. If the moment should come, Starlight Glimmer dies. Along with any who follow her.”

Before she could become more frustrated, Luna turned sharply towards the doors of the throne room, leaving the entire group stunned. The three Siren sisters looked at each other nervously, unsure of their fate. The girls stared off blankly towards the open doors, having never seen Luna so venomous. Even Cadence and Shining took stock of the situation, their attention on Flurry as she started to sob, the argument having upset her. The only one not shocked was a defeated Celestia.

“I’m afraid I must agree with her. Starlight has broken many of our laws already, possibly more than we know. And now she seeks to unleash a deadly force upon our home. A threat I cannot ignore for the sake of her life. She has chosen her path. Believe me, I would choose not to kill her, but I have no choice. Like Luna, I admire your desire to protect life, Peter. It is a valuable goal to have. But not this time. I am sorry.”

Celestia turned to follow her sister, a sombre expression easy to see. Peter was stunned, having all this time believed that the two Alicorn rulers were the height of empathy and understanding. Now they were ready to end the life of someone who may not be in full control of their actions. Twilight did her best to smooth over the situation and defend her teachers. “It’s what they have to do, Peter. It’s what they believe is right.”

Her words did little to convince Peter. “Well it’s not what I believe.”

Author's Note:

At last, some new characters for Peter to meet, as well as the unexpected return of some old faces!

See you all next episode!