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Episode 20 - You Will Always Be A Monster

Episode 20 - You Will Always Be A Monster

“That was… something else.” Peter was still in shock from the kiss Fluttershy had aimed for his cheek, the warmth of her lips still felt upon his skin. A smile had begun to form on his face, but disappeared just as quickly, guilt beginning to take over and consume his every thought. “Should I be feeling like this? So soon after… That Day…” His thoughts began to turn sour, never a moment to fully enjoy happiness. During his journey, Peter could spot Ponyville just up ahead. But the town was now quiet, as celebrations for Nightmare Night had since ended. The only sounds now were that of his own thoughts.

The walk through Ponyville was eerie. The stalls that only hours ago were lined with delicious foods and treats now sat empty, covered with tarps to protect them from the elements during the night. The attractions had their coveted prizes removed, stored away elsewhere. Any source of light had long been extinguished now that everyone was sleeping. All that lit up the streets now was the ever present glow of the moon, full in the sky. Though Peter had long since discovered that he couldn't transform in this world under the full moon, he had by habit avoided looking at it.

Tonight however, he had no reason to look at the sky, as his attention was being pulled elsewhere. While it wasn't his Spider-Sense going off, Peter always felt like he had some kind of hidden instinct. Even in cases when his best defense failed him, something always kept him on his toes in a fight. He wasn't in danger, but he definitely wasn't alone. “Hello Peter. Are you alright?”

Bathed in the moonlight was Princess Luna, standing just ahead of Peter's intended path. Almost as if she was blocking him. “I’m… ok, I guess. Why do you ask?”

“I could sense you earlier in distress. You fell into a dream-like state, brought on by a memory. A very traumatic one it seems. I saw what you saw. And I have seen it before.” This revelation caught Peter off guard. Never had he once said anything about the thing that kept him awake at night. Especially not to her. “How did you…”

“The night you were in the hospital. I was attempting to probe your mind to ascertain any information that might have saved your life. All I found were roadblocks. An Ape and a Spider, both massive in size, trying to stop me. The Ape was unsuccessful. But the Spider… It was powerful indeed. It forced me out by showing me that monster in your head. The one that so haunts you even to this day.”

Despite her good intentions, Peter couldn't help but feel so violated by Luna’s actions. As far as he was concerned, some secrets were better kept hidden.

“You should never have been in my head at all. The Ape and Spider are there for a reason, to stop any intruders reading my mind or taking control of me. A friend from back home helped me set them up. I guess they still work well. Just enough it seems.”

While she understood the young man's desire for secrecy, Luna never thought once to apologize for what she had done.

“I had to make a choice, Peter. You had seemingly self resurrected from a place no one should have. The doctor even told us it was pointless to try and save you. And yet here you are. Please understand, I HAD to know. And all I saw in your mind was death, in the shape of that creature. What was that thing? And why does it haunt you?”

The more she brought it up, the more it felt like an old wound was being torn open. Flashes of that horrific day started to pierce Peter's mind. And his anger began to build.

“That creature… that THING… was almost the death of me. I fought it. Months before I got here. And even though I got away, a friend of mine didn't make it out alive. It killed him. And he killed it.” Though she was a few feet away, Luna could feel the rage spewing out of Peter, almost like she was standing next to a furnace.

“I am… so sorry. To walk away from something like that, I cannot imagine how it feels. I… Did not mean to bring up such terrible memories.” The sincerity of her apology was not missed by Peter. Taking a deep breath, he began to calm down, the violent storm of rage subsiding, giving way back to the cool night air. But the rage only gave way to sadness.

“And do you know the worst part is? I didn't get to say goodbye. And I messed up SO badly before it all happened. And I never got the chance to apologize for it!”

For Luna, it was like hearing her own story told back to her, just with a few details changed here and there. But more or less the same. “Now that I can understand. I assume that by now you have heard tales of Nightmare Moon? I am sure Twilight has brought you up to speed with our history.”

Peter began to recall his time spent in Twilight's library over a month ago, his entire day spent reading book after book. “She did. From what I know, the books say you were possessed by some outside force and turned evil.”

“Ugh! I had always wondered what the historians were told to write. Oh Celestia, still protecting me from my own mistakes.” A confused Peter stared blankly at the Moon Princess, but a change in her demeanor quickly brought his attention back. “The history is half correct. What it does not say is that the dark forces that took over me grew from within. I CHOSE to become Nightmare Moon.”

It was almost unbelievable for Peter to hear this. He had read the stories, and knew what Nightmare Moon had done. Now Luna was telling him she had done it all almost willingly. “You… became the villain? But why?”

For the second time, Luna dropped the visage of royalty in front of Peter, as her vulnerability and sadness was easy to see.
“I have discovered so much about you. It is best you share the story known only to a few. When my sister and I became the rulers of Equestria, we were very young. And while we took up the roles of Princesses to lead our people into harmony, we had grown too vain. We were loved, adored. Worshiped even.” Tears of sadness began to drop from Luna’s eyes as she continued her story.

“But it was no secret to any of us that Celestia was the recipient of most of that worship. She was the bringer of daylight, while I brought in the terrifying night. Overtime, I grew to resent her. And that resentment became something else. It continued to grow until it became a separate entity from myself - Nightmare Moon. And I, too weak and too spiteful to hold her at bay, let her take control. And for my sins, my own sister had to banish me from this world altogether. It must have torn her apart to do it.”

The more Peter heard, the more he regretted not being able to hear Luna out two months ago. In a manner of speaking, she was like him, their sins a mirror image. “I know how that feels…”



“Peter, please! Just take off the suit!” Pleaded a distressed Supergirl, having tracked down her boyfriend hours after he had almost killed the notorious crime boss Tombstone on live television. For weeks, Peter’s behavior had grown more aggressive, even towards those he called friends. And those he claimed to love. Even now he stood at odds against her, almost feeling the rage being aimed right at her. And the only thing that could be the source of this behavior was that new, living suit.
“I don’t think I will! You have no idea how good this feels. All this power!” Peter almost sounded jubilant at his new power, despite what he had almost done.

Kara was left horrified by how happy her boyfriend seemed to be with his actions. “But at what cost? You’ve become erratic and unpredictable.”

“And untethered by morals! No more worries or fears. I’ve never felt so free, Kara… And I won't let YOU take that away from me!”
It was clear that there was no convincing him with words. She would have to fight him to remove that suit from him. Even with his superhuman senses and speed, Peter barely got out of the way as Kara rushed him. A flurry of punches from the blonde powerhouse just missed him, though one or two managed to still connect, knocking the wind out of Peter’s body. The heaviness of the punches forced him to his knees, hopeless to fight back against Kara, despite her own hesitation. “I’m sorry, Peter, but I can’t go easy on you right now.”

Even with all the air knocked out of him, Peter was still able to muster up a small chuckle, though there was a second voice mixed into his laughter. “That’s the problem, Kara. You ALWAYS go easy on me. Both you and Clark! You never took me seriously! And that's gonna cost you!”

Suddenly, Kara began to feel nauseous, her infinite strength beginning to leave her as her legs gave way. A sickly green glow came into her vision, with a quick glance guiding her to the culprit - a pair of knuckle dusters, infused with Kryptonite. “Where… did you get that?!” Kara could barely comprehend what was going on before she felt a fist connect with her cheek, the searing pain biting into her skin amplified by the toxic radiation of the Kryptonite.

Another blow landed across her other cheek, followed by another and another. Each hit caused her extreme pain, sapping her strength every time until she could no longer stand. The fall was hard, cracking the concrete beneath her. Looking up from the ground, she saw the haunting figure of Peter, his dark suit blending into the night sky. Only his eyes were visible. “Batman always has some of this stuff kept away in the Batcave. He even fashioned some of it into handy weapons like this. Guess his security isn't as foolproof as he thought.”

Another barrage of punches lay into Kara’s body, the pain unbearable as the Kryptonite tore through every cell in her body. The taste of iron was in her mouth as she bled, her blonde hair matted in the deep red of blood. “Peter… please…”

“Oh, I don't think so, my dear Kara. Now no one can stop me. Not you. Or Superman. Now… I can do whatever I want. All the power… None of the responsibility!” Before another vicious blow could be brought down, something shoved Peter away with immense force. While it felt painful, the feeling was quick to subside. The new figure helping Kara to her feet was none other than her cousin, Superman. Not that Peter was surprised by his appearance.

“Clark. Figured you’d show up at some point. Here to stop me?” The Man of Steel turned to face his friend, sadness in his expression. “I’m here to talk you down, Peter. Clearly you're not yourself.” A low but vicious growl could be heard building in Peter's throat, like an animal staring down stubborn prey.
“I’ve never felt more myself! All these years, all these repressed emotions. And now… Now I don't have to hold anything back anymore. Something you’ll never understand.”

“You’re right. I’ll never know that feeling. To let all that anger flow out without reserve. Something I can never do. And for good reason. Every action has a consequence, especially when it concerns us. We’ve had this talk before.” Despite having his own moral code called into question, Clark never once raised his voice, never returned the vitriol being aimed at him. Unfortunately, it did nothing to calm Peter’s own attitude.

“Yeah. About how you don’t have what it takes to really get the job done. How you pull every punch. How many times could you have put down men like Luthor for good?” While Peter's own attitude deteriorated, Clark remained calm and composed despite the ever increasing attack on his code.

“That is not what I do, Peter. And you know that. To kill Lex would be to go against everything I stand for, what I represent. What I hope for. And you know that.”

“And how many people has he hurt as a result? Every new scheme means more lives lost. Maybe the Man of Tomorrow needs to be replaced by someone who can do the job better. And look at that, we have the means to do just that” The punch Peter had thrown was solid. The same kind of punch that laid Kara out on the ground. Yet Clark wasn't phased. If it hurt him, it wasn't showing. Peter tried again with the same result, only to try again and again. Yet nothing happened. A wide strike across Superman's jaw resulted in a cracking noise, but not one that came from him. Instead, Peter recoiled in agony, the bones in his hand evidently fractured or broken. Though this only caused his fury to burn ever hotter.

“You immune to Kryptonite now? Just to be more of a perfect boy scout?!” The disdain was unmistakable, like venom spewing from Peter’s mouth.

“Not immune. Just more resilient. I’ve had my fair share of punches with some Kryptonite thrown at me. I’ve just gotten used to it.” While Superman had stood strong against the blows, he was trying his best to not let the pain of the Kryptonite get to him. Even after decades of exposure here and there, the radioactive mineral was still poisonous to him.

“You are not invincible! WE can beat you!” The much stronger use of the word “we” in Peter’s language caught Superman’s attention “We? It sounds like that suit is doing all the thinking for you. It's all starting to make sense. Dr. Richards was right.”

“And yet Reed couldn't comprehend the strength of our bond! WE think for each other! WE are one! And WE will end you if you do not get out of our way!” The Peter/symbiote combo got more and more defensive, yet more aggressive. Hunching over, he readied himself for an attack.

“Please don't make me hurt my friend…” Pleaded Clark as he prepared for what was to come, his stance changing to fight as his best friend devolved into a feral beast.

“You will never be able to harm us ever again once we have beaten you down, and you start begging at our feet!”

The being that was once Peter launched itself at Superman, fists raised as he readied an attempt to attack his friend. As the distance closed, Superman himself raised a single fist… which he moved at such immense speed it appeared to multiply in front of Peter's very eyes. The punches barely registered as they tore through the air, almost glowing at the speed they moved. Unlike with Kara, Peter could do nothing as each punch connected. The collective force sent him back into an abandoned factory, its rotten structure collapsing in around him.

“Did you have to be so hard?” Queried a concerned Kara. Despite the pain she had endured, her concern for the man she loved shone through. Her older cousin was however, quick to reassure her. “He’ll be ok. I’ve known Peter long enough to know his limits. And that suit will take the brunt of it. Which should be enough for him to get his bearings.”

After such a devastating attack, it took a few moments for Peter to collect his thoughts. They were his thoughts still, right? And why was he in such pain? “Where… Where am I?” Looking at his hands, Peter could see the Kryptonite weapons with their sickly green glow, as well as the blood that coated them. Glancing over, he saw the horrific image of Kara wiping blood from her face and mouth, and the pieces clicked together. “Oh no! What have I done?!”

“Peter? Are you in there?”

Frantically, Peter removed the Kryptonite from his hands, throwing them as far away from Superman and Supergirl as he could, the knuckle dusters clattering on the ground. “Clark? What happened? Did I… Hurt Kara?”

Despite the urge to smile knowing that his friend was back in control, Clark’s attitude remained somber, his gaze shifting to his cousin, still recovering. “You did. You lost control. But it’ll be ok. We’ll take you back to the Watchtower and get you some help. I promise, I’ll keep you safe.”

The Man of Steel offered a hand to help his friend from the ground. Peter knew he was telling the truth. Even after all the horrid things he had done, his best friend would always have his back. But not this time. Since regaining some sense of control, Peter had begun to remember what he had done. Every horrifying detail.

“No. I don’t deserve it. Look after Kara… I’ll deal with this… thing.” Before his friend could protest, Peter ran away as fast as he could. He knew that Clark would stay to look after Kara in her weakened state, and would be unable to pursue for the time being…


“To hurt someone you love so much is a curse only a few know. Did you ever mend your relationship with Kara?” Luna had spent the last few minutes trying to process Peter’s story. Even she with more lifetimes of experience over her young friend was still horrified by his story. But the look in his eyes told her that he was just as horrified by his actions.

“No. And now I never can. I have to live with it. And the disappointed look Clark gave me when I hurt his family. And after he had all but accepted me as his family too. I can never let myself get angry like that ever again.”

“You cannot repress your anger forever, Peter. Especially in the heat of battle. There will come a time when you must face true evil again, and give it no quarter. To bottle it all up inside will lead you to where you were before.”

While Luna had good intentions, Peter was unable to see the positives in her argument. In his mind, his rage was forbidden. “And what if I let it all go?! I’ll become exactly what hurt Kara; what almost killed Adagio and her sisters. What made Twilight horrified to look at me. If the others see that… They’ll think I’m a monster!”

“You forget, Starlight Glimmer has made her choice. There is no coming back from that. The only monster here is her.”

No matter how much she tried to convince him of it otherwise, Peter refused to back down. “You’re wrong. I still believe she can be saved. I could have been locked up after the stunt I pulled. Or worse. But someone gave me a chance. Whether I deserved it or not is for someone else to decide. My friend, Clark? He’d never kill her. He’d talk to her, and even try to convince her to change her ways. Violence would be his last option.” Luna could sense the determination the young man had in his voice, the same he had that morning. And while she still admired his resolve, she would be equally as unbending.

“You may try and convince her to stop, Peter. But if she continues to pose a threat to my friends and my people, then she will need to be terminated.” From the tone of her voice, Peter could tell that she was being very serious about the situation. It was a tone he had heard many times. And the people who used it were people of their word.

“One chance is all I need.” It was said less like a definite promise and more of a desperate plea, which was all he could muster up in the face of someone so sure of what they would do.

“Very well. For now, I must return to the castle. I have many dreams to patrol, and the dangers of the night are just as many. Goodnight Peter. May your dreams be pleasant tonight. Until we meet again.” The moon goddess, having given her goodbye for the night, extended her wings and took off towards the castle, leaving Peter in the cool night air to contemplate her words.

“Goodnight, Your Highness.”



Once he was home, Peter made sure to stealthily make his way back to his room, taking care to not wake anyone in the middle of the night. It was definitely handy to be light on your feet in these situations, and even better to be able to stick to the less creaky ceiling. Safely in his room, Peter carefully unwrapped the package Fluttershy gave him. If he pulled it apart like a child, Rarity would find out somehow. Beneath the lid of the box sat… an almost exact replica of his damaged Spider-Man suit.

It looked almost exactly the same as the one he had arrived in, with some liberty taken in its design. It was clearly a gesture meant to lift Peter’s spirits, but all he could feel was that sickening fear from hours ago, his hands beginning to shake. Without hesitation, he stuffed the suit back inside its box, every fiber of his being begging to tear it apart and never see it again. Instead, he took up a loose floorboard and, alongside his repaired web shooters, placed the box inside and slammed the board back down.

“No More…”

Dozens of guards now roamed the perimeter of the castle, making it almost impossible for any unwanted guests to get inside. It was also clear to Chrysalis that the area had been coated in magic that would prevent her from shape-shifting, as she attempted to mimic the form of the guards nearby. “Oh Cadence, my dear. Did crashing your wedding leave you feeling a little stung? I can’t imagine why. But no matter. I’ll get inside one way or another. My new friends have seen to that.”

From her pouch, she procured a small vial of liquid and downed it all at once. In a flash of green, the form of the Queen began to shift, her dark green gown transforming into the sharp, metallic white of the Royal Guard. Her shapely body shifted into the more sharp, broad form of a male guardsman. “Ugh, I never did enjoy shifting into a male. Too many extra parts.” Despite her own aversion to changing her form to another gender, Chrysalis was aware that many of her Changelings enjoyed the experience, some even permanently stayed in the opposite gender.

But now came the part harder than having to deal with the male anatomy - flawlessly slipping into the existing guard patrols, all the while hoping that the potion made for her would hold out until the time was right. Even with her disguise, Chrysalis struggled to keep her composure around the Equestrian guards. “Surrounded by the enemy. How foolish of me to agree to such a plan. Though I suppose if someone had to do it, it should be the one most qualified for espionage. However… I STILL hate it.”

Fortunately for Chrysalis, things around the castle seemed to be in a state of reshuffling, as guards of both the Royal Sisters and the Crystal Princess discussed rotations and where to be posted. “Perfect! There will be little time to check who's who, while the brass figures everything out.” Her way to the castle was clear. She was in. However, while her confidence became more inflated, Chrysalis was still very much aware that she could be caught at any moment. Guards still lined the halls of the castle, and she was sure she felt a strong magic emitting from one of the rooms.

“No doubt the Princesses are in a meeting before the day is out. I have to act fast before their attention falls elsewhere. I don’t trust this potion to be able to cloud their gaze should their eyes fall upon me. And should I be discovered? Well, it’ll be a quick death at least.”

“You there!” Chrysalis knew that it was her being called out. But how? She was so sure that her disguise would work. Or at least that's what she had been told. Unless this was some kind of elaborate scheme to get her killed. Fortunately, Chrysalis had grown rather familiar with the guard attire, and had identified the rank of the man addressing her. “Yes, Captain?” She responded in a deep, masculine voice.

“Now isn't the time to be daydreaming, Private! I need some of you maggots to do a sweep of the upper levels once the previous shift returns. Once you finish your sweep, report back for further orders. Is that understood?!”

She wasn't sure how, but Chrysalis snapped a sharp salute once receiving her orders. “Sir, yes Sir!” It was possible that the potion created to amplify her shape-changing abilities also forced her to act more in character as to not arouse suspicion. Something that had been her folly once before.

Complying with her orders, Chrysalis began to make her way towards the staircase that would lead to the upper levels. How fortunate that she had been permitted to look for her objective by the enemy. The guards from the previous shift passed her by, completely unaware of her true identity or intent. It was almost too easy. “Best to stow away those thoughts for now. First I have to locate the royal baby. Now, which room would be hers?”

In the middle of the hallway, Chrysalis noticed that one of the rooms had two guards stationed at the door. And with all the princesses downstairs in a meeting, the process of elimination had to make this the baby princesses' room. The only matter now was how to investigate without a warning being given. Her only concern was getting into that room. She could leave right after she had her prize.

The two guards before her took notice as she approached, but never laxed at the sight of a comrade. If she was going to deal with them, it would have to be precise. If either one of them got away she would be in trouble. “From what Starlight said, this potion would also inhibit much of my magic to keep me hidden from the Princesses, but it also leaves me just as weak as these soldiers. If I make even one wrong move, they can kill me just as easily.”

As she was about to pass right by, Chrysalis brought her right arm up, bashing the guard on her right with her shield. The strike caught the guard unaware, breaking his nose and disorientating him. The second guard attempted to respond and draw his sword. Unfortunately Chrysalis was quicker, a small dagger drawn from her belt finding its mark in his throat. The blade left the dying guard unable to call for help. It was swiftly withdrawn, finding the throat of his partner. The movement of the dagger slashed right through his skin, leaving him just as powerless to shout for help.

In a matter of seconds, both soldiers slumped to the floor, their wounds leaking blood. Before they fully expired and left a mess, Chrysalis quickly dragged their bodies into the room they once guarded. Dropping the two and closing the door behind her, she noticed the soft noise coming from the other side of the room. In her crib, fast asleep, was Princess Flurry Heart.

“At last… now I have you!”


Cadence had never felt so tired before. Though her infant daughter choosing to run off didn't exactly help with her stamina. Or her mood. A fact she was going to let said daughter know all about in the morning. “I swear, if Twilight's new friend hadn't been around, who knows where Flurry might have ended up. She won’t be leaving my sight for a while, that's for sure.”

Thankfully, there was a suitable room for the newborn princess that was close to her parents. Not that it remotely helped to keep her in check. Once she got close to the room, Cadence noticed that the door had been left ajar, which was curious given that Flurry was asleep and should have been left alone. Not only that, but the two guards stationed there were missing. Suddenly the paranoia of the day came flooding back. She was already aware there was a threat waiting in the wings, and was already prepared for it.

From under her fine pink dress, she procured a knife that had been hidden at her ankle; a more recent addition to her wardrobe after being briefed that morning. As she peered into the room, she noticed that it was a guard that was inside, Flurry still asleep in his arms. On the floor, much to her horror, she saw the lifeless bodies of the two guards, their throats cut open and leaking blood. Knowing there was now a threat, Cadence made herself known to this mystery guard, the knife held out in front of her. “I demand to know who you are, intruder! Explain yourself!”

The guard remained silent, leaving the only sound in the room that of the faint coos coming from Flurry Heart. “Hello again, Princess Cadence. It’s been quite some time since we last saw each other.”

The guard sounded as if he had two voices, one male and one female. And there was only one other time Cadence had heard this sort of voice. Her knife at arms length, she demanded answers.

“Who are you? And what do you want with my daughter?!” A green flash encompassed the room, almost blinding Cadence in the process. The sight of it began to terrify her, memories of her wedding day coming back to haunt her. As it faded, Cadence was horrified to see the last person in Equestria she wanted near her child - Queen Chrysalis, the very woman that almost stole her husband.

“I was not expecting to see you tonight, Princess. I had hoped to be in and out with your precious daughter. But I suppose this way allows me the satisfaction. Now you know it was me.”

“Release her… NOW!” The venomous anger that now consumed Cadence radiated through her magic, the runes on her arms glowing a fierce pink. With one hand she kept the knife leveled and ready, and with the other she readied a powerful spell.

“Now, now, Cadence. Not with your dear daughter so close to me. Look at her, so innocent in all this. It would be a shame if you accidentally harmed her in your rage.”

She had a point, and it was the only reason why Cadence had not yet attempted to slice the Changeling queen's throat. Yet the ruler of the Crystal Empire stood her ground, ensuring the doorway was blocked. “What do you want with her?!”

“Oh, I could tell you everything that's coming. But why spoil the surprise? Just know that very soon… The balance of power in Equestria will change, with me and my new allies being the ones left to rule. And this little one will have a role to play.”

New allies? Could they have been whoever had been holed up at the Castle of the Two Sisters? Whoever they were, Cadence refused to let them have Flurry. “I will NOT allow you to leave with my child!”

“You have no choice in the matter. Either she comes with me now, or she gets caught in the crossfire. And I would hate for such an adorable little girl to come to harm. I would strongly suggest you do not try to stop me.” Every instinct in Cadence's body told her to cut down the enemy where she stood. Every maternal thought cried out at her to rescue her child. And yet, raw fear gripped her like a vice.

Her eyes drifted to Chrysalis' hands, the long, dangling fingernails of the Changeling Queen ever so close to the soft flesh of Flurry Heart’s neck. Even the smallest flick of her finger could… Slowly, her fear won out, the blade in her hand falling to her side as the magic faded from her body. “Please… Give her back to me.”

“Ah, the pain of a mother. I know it well. I’ve had many children myself over the centuries. Many of them lost. To war. To famine. So many I’ve lost count. I can’t even remember my first. To look into the eyes of your child and feel something… I haven't felt that in centuries. Perhaps this little one will make me feel something again.”

The very idea that her daughter could be taken from her put Cadence back on the offensive, her dagger once again in position in front of her, ready to make a move. Which didn't go unnoticed. Chrysalis’ free hand found its way to Flurry’s cheek, her nails lightly stroking the puffy skin.

“Believe me, Cadence. She’ll be better off on our side. With what's to come, I guarantee there will be a new power in Equestria. Don’t worry, she’ll still be the Princess of the Crystal Empire. Just without you or her daddy around. She’ll have a new mother.”

From the pouch around her waist, Chrysalis procured a small crystal. With a spark of magic, the crystal burst open, creating a portal behind the changeling queen which slowly began to consume her and Flurry.

“See you soon, my dear Cadence! Next time we meet, the world will be different.” The Changeling Queen disappeared through the portal, taking the infant princess alongside her. Summoning every ounce of strength she could, Cadence dashed across the room, hoping to pass through in pursuit. To her horror, the portal slammed shut before she could make it. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she collapsed to the floor, desperately crying out for her child.