• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 3,335 Views, 122 Comments

To Observe is Science! - Crimson Star

An offshoot of GeodesicDragon's story, set after To Love is Human.

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Settling in

“Alright, Tiny. Help me get this beam in place, and we’re done for today.” I said, stealing a glance at the setting sun. Tiny gave a beep in reply, before pushing the metal beam up into place. Tiny was a humongous machine that looked like a cross between a tank and a truckbed. He was about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, and had a battering ram affixed to the top of his frame. Once he had the beam up, one of the prehensile arms inside his bed came out, and began welding the top part of the beam to the superstructure. I had my own welding torch, and started on the bottom part of the beam. We were just putting the finishing touches on the refinery, which was just a short distance away from my lab. The structures we made were only the bare essentials I needed to continue my research into my rather various fields.

It’s been a while since I first came here. Since I’ve been here, I’ve seen some pretty incredible things, and to be honest, I can’t wait to study some of it in greater detail. But I need a place to sleep and work, and the materials I came here with are rapidly being consumed. I’ll have just enough left over to build a Mine-bot that I have in the drawing board, which means I’ll have plenty of free time to study the world around me for a couple of days.

Oh, before I forget, I’d better give you some background. My name is Dr. Ace Sorou. I have P.H.Ds in Robotics, Astrophysics, Mechanics, and Computer Programming. I guess I’m a bit of a prodigy overall, but in a mere six years, this man has become a household name all over the planet, known for being the Da Vinci of our time.

…Or I would have, had I not taken an interest in this place.

This place I speak of is another universe, an Earth that runs parallel to ours, where different laws of nature and physics apply. The locals call it Equestria. And the longer I stay here, the more I want to call it Home. The air is fresh, there are no wars, and everypony is friendly and kind.

Yes, dear reader. I said everypony. This universe is inhabited by ponies, who talk and work and do everything we do. Some ponies can fly, some are super strong, and some can even use magic. Magic. Imagine, a man of science like myself, believing in something like magic. Yet, I think I can define it as an ambient energy that saturates this universe. Unicorns are somehow able to tap into this energy, and use it to bend the laws of physics. I intend to study this phenomenon once I get everything up and running.

As I finished the welds on the bottom of the beam, connecting it to the rest of the structure, Tiny gives out a beep, letting me know he’s finished, too. “Alright.” I say, removing my welding torch, and tossing it into his bed. I gave him a small pat on his ram. “Tomorrow, you can start on the plating, and I’ll start moving the refining equipment in, and hooking it up. Until then, you go ahead and shut down for the night, okay, boy?” He gave a series of beeps in acknowledgement. “Good boy.” I tell him, scratching his treads. “You’re a good, reliable robot, aren’t you? Yes you are, ya big lug.” He let out a few noises that sound like purrs, before I give him a big ol’ hug around the ram. “Alright, get going.” I let go, and he began to move off, back into the garage attached to my lab.

As I gather up the equipment, I see a pony bouncing over to me from Ponyville. Upon closer inspection, I see a distinctive curly pink mane bouncing with every jump. I recognize the owner as Pinkie Pie, a pony that I’ve made good acquaintance with during my short time in Equestria, and always enjoy the company of. I’m normally an excitable guy, honestly, and when I’m with other ponies, I restrain myself, especially when John or Geo are around. I feel these impulses to hug everything in sight when I’m happy, and the others would probably frown upon such behavior for my age. But Pinkie sees a kindred spirit in me, and we’ve always gotten along. In her presence, I’m always comfortable being myself, and as she bounces up to me, I extend my arms out to catch her. She lands in them, and we share one of the aforementioned hugs, and a small laugh between us, before I put her down.

“What’s up, Doc?” She greets me.

“Hey, Pinks.” I say. “What brings you to the lab?”

“Oh, I just wanted to give you your invitation.” It’s then that I notice that she’s wearing her saddle bags. She opened one up, and took out an envelope. “I’m hosting an after-party for Twilight and Geo’s wedding. Some of the ponies got upset that they couldn’t make it to the actual wedding, so I thought, ‘Hey! Who says the celebration has to be over after one day?’ So I threw something together at Sweet Apple Acres! I got AJ’s permission and everything! It starts tomorrow, right before noon! You game?”

“You bet I am, Pinks!” I said with a grin. “As long as Tiny can come.” This wasn’t the first party I went to that Pinkie Pie threw. Hell, it wasn’t even the second. The first was a ‘Welcome Back, Geo’ party, for when we first arrived, and then there was a ‘Welcome to Ponyville John’ party and a ‘Welcome to Ponyville Ace’ party thrown the day after that, both held at the same time. My party was inside, since my theme was staying in my lab, working, and John’s was outside, since he was more about sports. After that, Pinkie went ahead and organized Twilight and Geo’s wedding a scant two days ago! To be honest, I think Pinkie Pie is amazing. Such a feat as four parties in one week must’ve been a logistical nightmare, and would have the average caterer ripping their hair out in frustration. But Pinkie’s still going strong, smiling every day away, and adding a fifth party to the week! That HAS to be some sort of record!

“Of course Tiny can come!” She said with a smile. “He’s like a mobile mix station! In fact, Vinyl Scratch was thinking of renting him for a bit! She said she’d love to bring the party with her, and she thought Tiny was the perfect guy for the job!”

As Pinkie spoke about Vinyl’s plans to rent Tiny, my hand went to my bit pouch in my pocket. Before she left to go back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, gave John and I fifty bits each to cover our food expenses until we got a source of income. John had taken to working on Sweet Apple Acres to earn his keep, and said he enjoyed such an active job. Myself? Well, my bits were running out, and part of the reason I was always going to Pinkie’s parties was for the free food so I could pinch some pennies. Renting out my machines probably wouldn’t be a bad idea, but right now, all I had were a few BIRDs, and Tiny. Still, something is better than nothing. “Well, send her my way, and we’ll talk business at some point.” I replied, before letting out a yawn. “Thanks for stopping by, Pinks. I’m tired, though. I’m gonna get some shut-eye.”

“Alright, Acey!” She replied, almost singing her pet-name for me, and giving a wide smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow! Remember, be there before noon!”

“I will!” I said, moving back to my lab. “G’night, and thanks again!” She watched me enter the lab, and I saw her heading back to Ponyville as the metal door slid shut. I went down to my room, and threw myself on the bed. I managed to kick off my shoes, as various thoughts of how I can improve my financial situation came to me. In this world, I wasn’t doing very well, but where I came from, I was very wealthy. All I needed to do was duplicate what I did in my world to get wealthy, and I’d be back in the business of doing whatever I wanted. That thought entered my mind, as I fell asleep.