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A long, cold fog was all that could be seen along the streets of Ponyville, Equestria, that very night. An eagle owl sits on the street sign for this sleepy neighborhood, gazing down the long, empty street. Eventually the owl flies off the sign, soars into the mist, and is soon gone. However, something else walks through the fog walking down the street... or rather, “someone”.

An adult woman, with very long green, light blue and pink hair, was walking slowly down the road. She wore a dark wine red robe.

As she walks, she came across a small black cat sitting next to her sidewalk looking at her.

Once the woman reached the center of the street, she reached into a pocket inside her robe and pulled out a rather small device. She flicked a small lever and pointed directly at the street lamps.

One by one, the lights seemed to come out of the streetlight lamps and fly directly into this strange device. After the last light went out, leaving the street in total darkness, the woman closed the small device and replaced it on her robe.

Then the cat's meow attracted her attention, looking silently at the little creature.

"I should have imagined you would be here... Professor Luna".

A moment passed as silence filled the air. Then, as he slowly advanced a few steps, something very strange happened: the cat seemed to undergo a transformation before the woman's eyes, and in its place was another woman with a dark blue robe, long hair of the same color, and a witch's hat.

"Good evening, Professor Celestia" Luna greests.

Luna rushed to stand next to Celestia, as both women walked down the rather dark path.

"Are the rumors true, sister?" Luna asked, concerned.

"I'm afraid so" Celestia confirmed "The good and the bad".

"And the girl?"

"Spike will bring her".

"Do you really think it's sensible to entrust Spike with as important as this?" Luna asked skeptically.

"Ah, Luna. I would trust Spike until my life" Celestia answered, sincerely.

It was then that they could hear a faint sound coming from high in the sky.

Celestia and Luna turn to look in the direction the sound is coming from, only to see a bright white light grow bigger and wider. As it got closer, they could make out the outline of what resembles a man descending into the air on some kind of motorcycle.

The motorcycle finally touched the ground, screeching slightly as it came to a stop in front of both women. The man took off his glasses and looked at them intently.

"Professor Celestia! Professor Luna!" the man greeted.

He slowly walked away from the vehicle, adjusting a small bundle that he was carrying.

"No problem, Spike?" Dumbledore asked.

“No ma'am” Spike replied “The little girl fell asleep while we were flying over Manehattan. She tried not to wake her up".

Spike hands the small bundle to the women, as they proceed to turn the other direction and walk down the road again.

Inside the bundle was a little girl, no older than a year, sleeping peacefully. The only details that stood out were her blue hair, with two strands of pink and purple, and a small scar in the shape of a six-pointed star on the palm of her right hand.

"Sister! Do you think she will be safe, leaving her with these people? " Luna said “I've watched them all day. They are the worst muggles you can imagine. A disaster!"

"The only family she has left…" Celestia finished.

The three people finally reached the door of a brick row house, where the only source of light was from the porch.

"This girl will be famous..." Luna said "There will be no one in our world who does not know her name".

"Exactly! It's much better for her to grow up outside of all that..." Celestia replied "Until she's ready".

With that, Celestia leans forward and carefully sets the baby on the threshold of the townhouse.

It was at this moment that both women heard whining behind them. They both turned to see Spike, tears streaming down his face, knowing that he had become quite attached to the girl.

"Easy, Spike..." Celestia assures him "It's not goodbye forever after all".

Spike took one last inhale, nodding with a half smile.

The women turned to look once more at the baby, who lay motionless by the doorway. The last thing Celestia did, while she bent over the sleeping girl, was place a letter addressed to the owners of this house.

"Good luck... Twilight Sparkle".


Author's Note:

The legend has begun...