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Ice cold revenge

Ice cold revenge

Deep within the Templon dungeon Cujo heckles Don Grif'aun from a adjacent cell.

"Yep any minute now King Sombra will be breaking me and the boys out." Said Cujo

The pirate griffin rolled his eyes.

"What about you bird brain?" Cujo asked "You think your boss is going to break you out anytime soon?"

Grif'aun lifted up his claw mocking Cujo's talking.

Cujo counties. "Of course not why would anyone want to break out a loser like you. As for me I'll be getting out of here any..."


The wall behind Grif'aun's cell burst open reveling a blinding light sirens blared as Caballeron leap in to the cell.

"Don Grif'aun." Said Caballeron. "Charlatan requires you assistance immediately!"

The pirates leap with joy as the ran out the hole in the wall. Don Grif'aun place his hat on his head and smiled at Cujo.

"I'll be seeing you later dog." He then leap out the hole and join his crew.

As the sirens blared Cujo lied there less confident. "Yep any minute now we'll be free."

With in the castle library Twilight reads thought books and books.

"I don't understand it." Said the princess "What possible reason would Ahuizotl had for stealing those keys?"

"Well didn't Flash's parents said something about those keys opening that gates of traitorous or something?" Said Spike

"That's ridiculous." said Twilight "You can't open the gates with Sleipnir's brother Tikbalang guarding it."

All of a sudden the library door burst open reviling Flash Sentry with a smile on his face and saying in his head.

"Okay Flash this is the moment you are about to ask Twilight out. nothing is going to stop you!"

"Hey Twilight." He said out loud. "It's a beautiful day out side isn't?"

"Uh-huh." Twilight said while still looking at her book.

"So was thinking scenes the Gala was such a bust why don't we make up for it today just the two of us?" Flash said

"Ummm..." Twilight said while still looking at her book.

Flash began to put his hoof around her shoulder. "Yep I was thinking we can go on a picnic, go see a movie, or maybe..."

"Flash would please leave me alone I'm in a middle of something!" Twilight shouted

Flash frown and slowing sulk out of the library and said "Sorry to bother you Twilight."

As he left Twilight suddenly turn to Spike.

"What was he asking me about again?" Twilight said

"Nothing." Spike rolled his eyes "Nothing at all."

Out of the streets for Templon Flash is walking with his friends.

"Dude." Soarin said "Crash and burn!"

Thunderlane then gave Soarin a big wake on the back of the head.

"No his right." Flash said "My one chance to ask Twilight out and I blew it."

"Huh Twilight too good for you any Flash." Soarin said but only for Thunderlane to give him another smack over the head.

"Knock it off Soarin." Said Thunderlane "It's not like you had made any progress with Rainbow Dash."

Soarin said "Oh what about you and Fluttershy?"

Thunderlane then pulled Soarin in and said "What about me and Fluttershy?"

"Nothing never mind." Soarin squeaked

"Well I don't know about all of you." Said Trenderhoof "But I had lovely evening with Rarity the other night. We dance we sang, we..."

Troubleshoes then smack him over the head.

Then Cheese jumped in front of Flash and said "Ah cheer up buddy so blew your first chance, you'll always have another chance."

"His right you know." Said TrenderHoof "After all I had many chances with a wide variety mares."

"Ohhh." Said Soarin "I'm telling Rarity."

"Don't you dare." Said Trenderhoof.

Flash then turn to his friends "Thanks guy this really help short of and well things can't any worst."

All of a sudden a large net dropped on the Stallions from above.


"Why did I have to say that?" Flash said

Inside the ship the stallions suddenly wake up.

"Were are we?" said Soarin

"I don't know but it feels like we've been here before." Said Cheese

"WE have been here before." Said Trenderhoof "Some of us more then others."

"Well I hope you are comfortable gentle colts." said a voice

The stallions turn to see Don Grif'aun and his pirates standing from the other side of iron bars.

"Welcome back to the brig." Grif'aun said "We made some improvements scenes you last visit."

"Grif'aun!" Shouted Thunderlane "Your suppose to be locked up in Templon prison."

"He got out early for bad behaver." Another voice sounded

Caballeron appeared besides the pirate griffin.

"Caballeron!" Said Flash. "What are you doing here?"

"Let just say I was paid a lot of bits to deliver you stallions to a very influential client." Said Caballeron "And Grif'aun was the only one who can help me to pull it off."

"I don't know what you rouges think your up to." Thunderlane proclaim "But you are all considered yourselves under arrest."

The pirates all burst out laughing.

Then Soarin said sarcastically to Thunderlane "Oh yeah that them."

"I don't think you comprehend your situation." Said Grif'aun "You are the prisoners you are the ones under arrest and once we reach our destination you'll meet your judge jury and executioner."

"Oh we're going to court?" Said Cheese "Great I'll have a hey fries and a daffodil sandwich with a midden size soda."

"OOOHH and I'll take a shake!" said one of the pirates. Ow!"

The pirate captain clucked him on the head with the but of his sward.

"Anyway make yourselves comfortable." He then turn to two pirates two goblins pirates "Because this time we have taken your weapon! Right?" He glared at the two goblins who nodded their heads nervously."

Back in Templon Twilight sits with her friends in the library.

"Okay girls this what I know so far about those keys." Said Twilight

"Should any of us explain it to her?" Rainbow whispered to Applejack.

"From what I can tell." Twilight continued "There are seven keys each of them scarred across Equestria..."

"Give her a minute." Spike whispers to the ponies. "Let her finish this up first."

"From what I can under stand they were crafted by Gorger right before the titans were defeated..." Twilight said

"Now?" whispers Applejack

"Not yet." Said Spike

"Unfortunately Gorger life a thousand years a go and no other records of..." Twilight then said

"Princess Twilight Sparkle Flash was trying to ask you out on a date earlier!" Pinkie interrupted

"What?" Said Twilight confused

The other ponies and Spike began to fidget feverously.

Rarity spoke up. "Spike told us earlier about your conversation with Flash and it seems to all of us that Flash was attempting top ask you on a soiree if you will."

"A what now?" Said Twilight

"You know." Said Applejack "A hoedown, A hootenanny."

"What?" Said Twilight still confused

Rainbow Dash face hoof her self and said "A date Twilight, he wanted to ask you out on a date!"

Twilight stared at her friends for a moment and then lough.

"Ah that's ridiculous, If Flash wanted to ask me out on a date he would have said something." Twilight said

"Um Twilight..." Said Spike matter-of-factly

Twilight gasp "He was trying to say something! But I too busy looking thought my books to listen! Spike why didn't you tell me!"

Spike just rolled his eyes not commenting.

"It's alright." Fluttershy said "All we have to do is find flash and apologize."

"Yeah." Said Rainbow Dash "I mean how fare can he possible gotten?"

"Princess Twilight!" two royal guards burst in to the library. "Don Grif'aun has escaped from prison and we believe he captured the knight of harmony!"

"Well that answers that question." said Rainbow "My bad."

The ship with the stallions were still trap in the brig.

"Well." Said Soarin looking annoyed "Any ideas?"

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking." Said Flash

ThunderLane looked over to TrenderHoof. "Trender you've had the most experience with Grif'aun. Any idea on how to escape?"

TrenderHoof desperately file at the bares with a hoof file. "I'm working on it, I'm working on it."

ThunderLane looked unamused. "Everypony else have another idea? Any pony at all?"

TroubleShoes then spoke up and said to Trender "Hey Trender remember the first time we meet how you pulled the blind pony bluff?"

"Yes." Said Trender "But I don't see how...oooh."

Trender then leap to the floor and began to groan. "Oh the pain oh the agony!"

"Hey keep it down!" Said tall skinny goblin

"Yeah creatures are seeping down here!" Said the fat short goblin

"Oh it's the end for me! Get me a lawyer! Get me a last will in testimony!" Said Trender

"Yeah Bud is that guy okay?" Said Lou

"How should I know?" Said Lue "I'm not a doctor."

"Oh you have to help me!" Said TrenderHoof crawling to the bares. "My Colon it burns with a red hot intensity of a thousands suns!"

"It does?" Said Cheese only flor Troubleshoes to smack him over the head. "I mean it does!" He quakily catch on.

"Well what do you want us to do about it?" Said Lue

"Come in here and save him!" Said Troubleshoes "If he dies before you get to your destination your captain will make you walk the plank!"

The two goblins looked at each other in fear.

"Oh please." Said Soarin rolling his eyes and whispers "Do you really think their that stupid to fall for that?"

"Come on Bud let's help him out!" Said Lue

"All right Bud I'll open the the cage." Said Bud

Soarin just face hoof himself in disbelieve.

The two pirates rush over to TrenderHoof.

"Oh you poor sweet innocent pony." Said Lue "Is there any thing we can do?"

"As a matter of fact there is." Said TrenderHoof "You two can go for a nap."

"A nape?" Said Bud. "But we're not..."

Only for TroubleShoes to knock them both out by grapping their heads and slamming them together.

"Hey Bud look at the pretty little stars." Said Lue

"Yeah and there cute little birdies too." Said Bud

The two goblins feel to the ground unconscious.

The stallions quickly rush out of the cell with Soarin locking the cage behind them.

"Their boss is going to be mad when they wake up." Said Soarin

"He already is!" Growled a voice behind them. They turn to see Grif'aun and Caballeron along with furious pirates behind them.

Then TrenderHoof said, "Shall we run for our life?"

"Oh let's," Said Flash.

The stallions then ran to the top deck the pirates fallowing close behind.

"Quick!" Said TrenderHoof, "To the life boats!"

"There's no time for life boats!" Said Flash flying up wards flying off in to the air.

Soarin and Thunderlane did the same with TroubleShoes and Cheese. They flew off the ship and floated down tows the dark of the night below.

"Cures you TrenderHoooooooooffffff!" Grif'aun shouted in anger. He then turn to Caballeron and said "Call Charlatan."

Down at the city below the three pegasi landed their friends to the ground.

"Thanks Flash," Said Trender

"No problem," Said Flash "Now how do we get back to Tambelon."

"Well..."Said ThunderLane "The first is figuring out where we are."

"More importantly who's behind this!" Said Soarin, "Because I'd like to get my hoofs on the creep!"

Then they heard a loud radio sound over the city, with a voice that's all too familiar.

"Good evening Manehatten.. Charlatan here!"

"Manehatten!?" the stallions all sounded at once.

"Charlatan!?" Trenderhoof cried in a panic.

"It's the witching hour," the radio broadcast continued, "All the good little ponies are fast asleep in their beds. And so my fellow creatures of the night, the time has come for fun and games. There are six stallions hiding somewhere in my city.. To the creature, or creatures, who find them I will be awarding one million bits per head.. That's six million bits all together."

"Well least he doesn't know our name," Soarin said with a shrug.

"There names are Flash Sentry, Soarin, Thunderlane, Troubleshoes, Cheese Sandwich, and of course our dear old friend Trenderhoof."

The stallions glared at Soarin, "Well at least they don't know what we look like."

"I've photographs of all of them to every thief and nere-do-well in this city.. So you should have no trouble finding them whatsoever."

"Seriously!" said Soarin, "What did we ever to this guy?!"

"Oh, and if a certain group of Stallions are listening.. I have a question for you.. Do you like compost? Because I don't!"

"Oh, right," said Soarin blushing.

"Happy Hunting!" the radio cut off abruptly.

The stallions all turned to Trenderhoof, "Well what are the chances anypony even heard that?"

A ;oud buzzing sound came from above. Suddenly several black bug like creatures leap down from above.

"Hello TrenderHoof." Said a large black changeling with sharp fangs.

"Hey Arachnas." Said TrenderHoof nervously "It's been a while has it? I haven't seen since..."

"Since help Thorax escaped from us!" The changeling said "Allowing him the chance to over throw our queen and ruin our Kingdome!"

"I my my defense you were trying to feed off his love." Said Trender

"Well I guess we'll just have to settle for you and your friends then!" Arachnas growled

Arachnas leap tows them only for Cheese to pie in his face. "This way guys!" The stallions race away the changings close behind them.

"Guys I got an Idea!" Flash said "Let see if these bugs can see the light."

They lead the Changings into the city streets and Trender used his magic to make the street laps light up blinding the bug like creatures.

"Now let's get out of here!" Flash said

The six stallions duck into a near by ally and exited into another street.

"Well at least we got away." Cheese said

"Yeah and things can't get any..." Soarin said

But soon was interrupted by sound of claws snapping.

"Oh no," Groan TrenderHoof as the sound grew louder, "It's them."

Out of the shadows three hippogriffs appeared in leather jackets and sliced back manes.

"I've have got to stop tempting fate," Said Soarin, "I didn't even finish that sentence."

"Well well," Said one of the hippogriffs still snapping. "If it isn't our old buddy TrenderHoof."

"Hey Riff-Raff," Trenderhoof said rolling his eyes.

The Hippogriff wagged a claw, "You think that you can insult the SkySharks, an' get away with it?"

"What did you do to these guys!?" ThunderLane growled at TrenderHoof.

"I'll tell what he did!" Said the Riff-Raff "He said we couldn't dance."

"Wait!" Said Flash "That's it!?"

"That's it!" Said another Hippogriff "Let's just show how good of dancers we are!"

The third Hippogriff pulled out a boombox and music began to play.

"When you're a Shark,"

"You're a Shark all the way,"

"From the first time you fly"

"To your last flyin' day."

"Let's get out of here," whispered Trenderhoof to the other Stallions.

"But, I want to hear the rest of this song," said Cheese.

Thunderlane grabbed Cheese by the back of the neck and pulled him away.

"When you're a Shark,"

"If the bird hits the glass,"

"You got brothers around,"

"And you're family's a gas."

"Should we be worried they'll follow us?" said Flash tiptoeing down another alleyway.

"Don't worry," said Trenderhoof, "They'll be like this for a while."

"You're never alone,"

"You're never disconnected."

You're home with your own-"

"You're company's expected,"

You're well protected!"

"Big Finish!" Riff-Raff proclaimed.

"Then you are set"

"With a capital S,"

"Which you'll never forget"

"Till the day you confess."

"When you're a Shark,"

"You stay"

"A Shark!"

The Hippogriffs leapt onto each others shoulders and formed a pyramid, with the final fanare.

"Where'd they go," said Riff-Raff suddenly aware of the Stallions absence. "Okay that was rude they could have stayed for the finally." He fumed

The stallions were running down the streets of Manehatten they stop to catch their berths

"You say they couldn't dance?" Said Cheese

"Did you see their performance?" Said Trender

"AAHHH!" Shouted Soarin "This is ridiculous! Let give him TrenderHoof his the one they want!"

"Oh thank for the support." Said TrenderHoof sarcastically "I feel such a warm feeling in my heart."

"That's enough!" Flash commanded "No one is giving up anyone!"

"Why not!" Yelled Soarin "His the one they all want! You see any creature in this city coming after the rest of us!"

All of sudden a loud humming sound filled the air like a motor three pegasi flew down the streets and began circling around the stallions.

"Oh now what!?" Shouted Soarin

All of a sudden they landed reveling themselves as Shadowbolts.

Then one of them pulled off her mask reveling a light green mare with a blond mohawked mane.

"Hey Soarin." She growled "Long time no see."

"Lightning Dust!?" Soarin said in disbelief "I haven seen you since..."

"Since left me in Klugetown to rot in a cell!" She interrupted

"You were in klugetown?" Flash asked "Where were we when this happen?"

"I don't tell you guys everything!" Soarin said

"Gotta say." Said Lightning dust "When I heard Charlatan was looking for you I was surprise. Still this is the perfect opportunity to get some pay back!"

The Shadowbolts began circling around the stallions again trapping them in a vortex.

"What was that comment about every creature in this city after me!?" Trender shouted to Soarin

"I didn't know she be here okay!" Said Soarin

"Anypony have any idea how to get out of this one?" Asked TroubleShoes

"I got one!" Said ThunderLane "Flash, Soarin your with me!"

The three pegasi then began to fly in the opposite direction faster and faster they when until finally the Shadowbolts were flung to the streets in different directions.

"Let's get moving guys!" Said Flash

"This way quakily!" Shouted TrenderHoof.

A hideous beak spoke into a microphone from a pitch black room.

"Well boys and girls, it seems that the hunt is still on. The Shadowbolts are on currently our ponies tails.. The Changeling prowl the city from above.. And the Sky Sharks have teamed up with Dragon Town Locos.. It's still any creatures game, so have fun and be merry!"

The beak smiled, "Oh and to my favorite Stallions, hooves being ground into glue? I do.."

"Seriously doesn't that guy ever shut up," Soarin shouted, as the stallions ran down the streets.

"When I get my hooves on him he will," Thunderlane growled.

"Easy there boys," TroubleShoes screeched the others to a halt, "You don't wanna messin' with Charlatan.. He's the worst one of them all.."

"What the big deal?" Said Flash "We already beat him once did we?"

"WE got lucky that time." Said TroubleShoes "You don't want to go fighting that varmint at full force especially with out our weapons."

"That's right," Said TrenderHoof panicking "We don't even have our weapons this time! We're doomed!" He said flinging himself to the ground. "DOOM!"

"What's with him?" Said Cheese

"This isn't the first time Charlatan got us." Said TroubleShoes

"Everyone come we been though worst then this!" Flash said

"Huh not really." Said Soarin Flash then shot a glare at him. "Shutting up now."

"The point is," Flash continued "We fought Sombra, We save Equestria and we done all with an Alicorn Princess with us together we can handle any thing!"
All of sudden a large figure leap down from the roof top above cracking the pavement as he landed.

A large minotaur with a scare over his left eye rose from the ground a glared at the stallions.

"Hello lieutenant." Said the minotaur

"Minos." Said ThunderLane "I thought you where still in Templon prison."

"I just got out." The minotaur said cracking his knuckles "And I haven't forgotten the pony who put me there."

"I'll be more then happy to put you back." Said Thunderlane

"Huh...Guys," Said Soarin "I hate to point this out but we don't have our weapons and his a minotaur."

"And his not alone." Said Cheese as severely other minitours appeared.

Flash stood confidently "You tell that over stuff flightless pigeon that we are not afraid of him or the goons that he sends after us."

"We are how ever," TrenderHoof interrupted "Smart enough to run." Trenderhoof gapped on Flash and TroubleShoes gapped on to ThunderLane.

They then proceeded to run down the streets with the braver Stallions in hoof.

"Is there any one in this city who isn't out to get us!?" Soarin proclaimed

TroubleShoes looked at TrenderHoof and then the con unicorn said "I know someone if his here."

Twilight and the rest of the girls flew on a blimp high up in the air.

"According to the location spell," Twilight said "The boys should be in Manehatten."

"Oh a fabulous city!" Said Rarity "I have always wanted to go there!"

"But why would the boys be there?" Asked Applejack

"Who knows," Said Twilight "But If they really are in trouble it's up to us to save them."

Back on the streets of manehattens the stallions six hide in a ally as severely Changelings and Shadowbolts race down the streets.

"Okay boys," Said TrenderHoof "Here's the deal I haven't seen this guy in a while and he might not be happy to see me."

"You don't think he still be angry?" Ask TroubleShoes

"No of course not." Said TrenderHoof nervously that was a long time ago."

The other stallions looked at each other nervously.

TrenderHoof and Troubleshoes lead them down an ally to an old woodened door.

TrenderHoof knocked on it and it open standing in the door way stood a tall brown cat in a red jacket.

"Capper long time no see." Said Trender

Capper just stared at him with a frown "You got a nerve showing up here."

There was a long pause the other stallions began to glare at Trender who was beginning to sweat buckets.

"Just kidding!" Said the brown Cat a smile crossing his face. "Trender old buddy!"

Capper hugged the stallion tightly "Why haven't you come to me sooner? Every gang in the city is out to get you."

"We're well aware." Said TrenderHoof. "Capper we need a place to lie low until the sun rises."

"Say no more," Said Capper gesturing the stallions inside. "Come on in."

"Welcome to my home away from home." He said

The Stallions entered into a run down apartment furniture was worn and cobwebs were hanging from the ceilings.

"You live here?" Said ThunderLane suspiciously

"Only when I'm in Manehattens," Said Capper "Now set down and relax." Leading the stallions to the couch.

"Don't mine if I do!" Said Cheese as he leap to the couch.

The couch the fell to pieces as he landed.

ThunderLane gave TrenderHoof a serous glare.

"Oh come on his one of my oldest and dearest friends." Said Trender

"That's what worries me." Said ThunderLane

"Look," said TrenderHoof "I won't deny that he has a history we all do. But if anyone in this city that I would ever trust with my life is this guy here."

Later that night when the stallions were asleep. A dark figure kept out of the door way and out on to the streets as he step out into the streets the street laps reveling to be Capper.

"Do what you have to." The feline singed "Just don't tell them I was involved."

Then a figure in the shadows smiled a toothy grin.

Back at the apartment Cheese Sandwich woke up and headed tows the bathroom as he turn on the sink he suddenly notices that the water stopped flowing. Confused he started to jiggle the handle to no avail.

He then took a small peak down at the faucet all of a sudden a large vicious claw popped out of the drain as he backed away another claw burst out of the mirror soon claws were bursting out of planks of the walls.

Cheese then rushed out of the bathroom.

"Yeah guys!" He shouted "I think we have a problem!"

"What it Cheese?" Growled Soarin as he picked himself up from the remans of the couch.

All of a sudden severely claws burst from the wall besides him.

Soon claws were popping out from ever nook and carney from the room.

"What are these thing?!" Said Flash as he tried to kick the claws away.

"Oh no." Said TrenderHoof "It's ma Grundle!"

Outside of the apartment a wicked old hag of a creature smile wickedly. "Go get them Boys!"

Suddenly creatures popped out from the walls and began approaching the ponies.

"Grundles hunger! Gundles get ponies!"

"Well my friends," Charlatan spoke into the microphone. "Look like dear mother Hydia and her wonderful children will be getting the prize tonight. It's been a wonderful evening but there can only be one winner."

Back at the apartment then Grundles were swarming over the ponies.

"This is all Capper's doing isn't it?" Shouted Soarin trying to fight off the creatures

"That's Ridiculous!" Said TrenderHoof. "Capper would never stab me in the back!"

"Well what ever happen," Said Flash "If we don't find away out of here! We're all going to be Grundle food!"

"Or worst if Charlatan get's to us first!" TroubleShoes

"Well I'm out of ideas!" Said Soarin "Anypony else got one?"

"We can prey from a miracle." Said Cheese

"Oh yeah," Said Soarin "Somepony is just going to swoop in a save at the last minute!"

All of a sudden a brilliant light burst out and then showed to be the mane six inside the apartment.

"Did we miss the flank whopping?" Said Rainbow Dash

"Nope!" Said flash your just in time."

The Stallions and Mares been working in tandem fighting off the Grundles.

Twilight and Rarity began blasting magic.

TroubleShoes and Applejack bucks them away.

Pinkie larch Cheese out of the party cannon.

Soarin and Rainbow Dash fought back to back.

ThunderLane and TrenderHoof pouch away the creatures.

While Fluttershy call raccoon from a local trash can to help the fight.

As for Flash he began to buck down the door. "Come on everypony let's get out of here."

The ponies ran out of the door into the ally.

"Not so fast!" A voice crowed

Standing in front of the ponies was Charlatan behind him stood an army of changelings Shadowbolts Gundles and every other gang creatures in Manehatten.

"Well this has been fun," Smiled Charlatan "But all good things must come to an end."

The big crime boss held out his fibber a prepare his signal his attack.

"Not tonight!" Said Flash as he saw a brilliant light shine down from above blinding the villains.

"Here you go guys!" shouted Spike as he threw down a latter.

The earth ponies and unicorns claimed the latter while the alicorn and pegasi flew up to the blimp.

"NO! Someone stop them!" Shouted the crime boss

The Shadowbolts Changelings, Sky Sharks, and Dragons began to fly up wards but it was too late.

The blimp has all ready risen high above the city and into the clouds.

The ponies smile as the watch the sun rise over the city below.

"So," Said Flash "How did you knew we where in trouble?"

"Oh, we have our ways," Twilight said with a smile.

Flash took a deep breath and then spoke, "Twilight, before anything else happens.. There's something important I've been meaning to ask you!"

Twilight Sparkle put a hoof to Flash's mouth before he could finish, "I already know Flash.. And yes, I'd love to go on a date with you! And I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sooner."

The two ponies hugged each other tightly.

"Yeah, yeah! Hugs and kisses all around," said Soaring getting between the two ponies. "Need I remind everypony that we still need to get our weapons back!?"

"No you don't," said Rainbow Dash with a smile.

"We had a little run in with some friends of ya'lls on the way here," Apple Jack said.

She pointed to a pile of the Stallions weapons. Sitting at the center of it were two familiar looking goblins.

"I told you they weren't with Charlatan," said the smaller goblin.

"Eh, shut up Lou," the taller goblin grumbled.

Back in Charlatan's office Caballeron and Don Grif'aun watched nervously, as their employer stared into a large fireplace.

"I feel like we should say something," Don Grif'aun whispered.

"Well don't look at me," whispered Caballeron, "I'm not saying anything."

"Eh boss," Don Grif'aun spoke up with a nervous smile, "I am sorry things did not turn out the way you wanted them to tonight, but.."

"Button your beak Grif'aun.." Charlatan spoke up without even turning around. "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

The Penguin Boss pulled out a satchel of dust from his pocket, and threw a small handful into the fireplace. Suddenly the flames turned bright green, and a shadowy figure appeared within them.

"Sombra," Charlatan spoke up, "Let's talk business.."