• ...

In the beginning

It was shaping up to be a nice day. It was Morty's birthday and he was getting ready to head home for the day.

(Note he is only 7 years old)

"Oh boy I cant wait to see what my mom and dad have been busy doing", Morty exclaimed.

Just then he saw a fire truck race past while he was walking home.

"Huh that's weird. Why did it look like it was going to my house? Oh well", Morty said.

However when he got to his house he saw a terrible sight. His house was burnt and firemen were putting out the remains.

"W-what happened?" Morty said starting to cry.

Just then one of the firemen noticed him and said "I'm sorry son but I have some grave news. Your house caught on fire and your parents...well...are dead."

Morty had started to cry in earnest by this point.

Just then the fireman said "But I have some good news."

"W-what is it?" Morty managed to choke out.

"Your grandpa has offered to take you in."

Oh well at least I wont be alone. Morty thought.

7 years later.

It was Morty's first day of school and he was still sleeping.

"Wake the f#ck up Morty", Rick, his paternal grandfather said.

Rick was constantly getting drunk due to his daughter's (Morty's mother) death. What was worse for Morty at least is that Rick didn't seem to care at all for him.

In fact, sometimes Morty thought that Rick hated him.

Morty simply grumbled in his sleep.

"OK that's it" Rick said and walked away.

A few seconds later Morty got a huge dose of water over him. "Ok I'm up already", he exclaimed.

"Good", Rick said. "Now hurry the f#ck up or youre gonna be late. Not that I care." He mumbled under his breath the last part.

Eventually Morty was ready. "Alright I'm heading out", Morty yelled to Rick.

"Yeah yeah whatever", Rick said uncaring.

Later at school.

"Oh boy is that the new kid?"

"He looks pretty scrawny for a kid his age."

"Never mind that have you heard the rumors?"

"I heard he lives with a mad scientist."

"Well I heard he's just a juvenile delinquent."

Those were some of the whispers that followed Morty around.

Hmm let's see my first class is home room. Morty thought.

The teacher was named Ms Cheerelee. "Ok class let's get started on role call. When I call your name can you please stand up and introduce yourselves? Of course this is for the freshmen to get to know you better."

"Yes Ms Cheerelee", the class said.

"Sunset Shimmer."

"Hello I am Sunset Shimmer. I hope we all can be great friends." The girl known as Sunset had a purple skirt on, a pair of boots and fire red hair. She also had blue eyes.

Eventually it was Morty's turn to stand up. "I'm Morty. I just came here and...yeah..."

Soon homeroom passed and then it was time for his first period of the day.

Let's see here. My first period is art. Hmm sounds simple enough. Morty was looking at his schedule so he didn't see the person in front of him.

"Oof! Sorry about that...um..." Morty trailed off. In front of him was the principal of the school.

"It's quite alright. Though do try to pay attention next time. Oh where are my manners? I am principal celestia. Pleased to meet you..?"

"Um...I'm Morty ma'am. Um... I should probably be going or else I'm going to be late."

And with that he hurried to his next class.

"Hello everyone. I shall now do role call. When I call your name please say here. Fluttershy.


Morty glanced at the girl next to him. She was quite pretty with her cream colored skin and pink hair. But what really caught Morty's attention were her eyes. They were turquoise and full of kindness.

For the rest of that period he tried to focus on the art teacher but for whatever reason it was hard because of Fluttershy.

Eventually the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch.

Oh boy. Should I or shouldn't I? That was the question Morty found himself thinking. You know what? I'm gonna do it.

Unfortunately he passed some jocks. And they didn't look nice.

Ok. Just keep your head down. Morty found himself repeating that in his mind.

"Hey you." One of the jocks was calling out to him.

But Morty thought it'd be smarter to avoid and ignore. The jocks that was calling out to him nodded to his cronies.

Right when Morty was passing them one of the jocks grabbed his backpack. "Hey let's see what this guy has in his pack",one of the jocks said.

"Hey! Give that back! Please..." Morty said.

"Or what? What's grandpa gonna do?" The jocks started teasing him while one of them was looking through his bag.

"Hey guys look! I think he's gonna cry!" One of them said.

And it's true. But these weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of anger.

"Give it back or I'll...I'll..." Morty couldn't even speak with how angry he was.

Then one of them said something that made him snap. "Why don't you just cry me a river and drown in it?"

Everything after that was a blur. Next thing Morty knew he was being escorted to the vice principal's office.

The vice principal was a slightly shorter woman than the principal. She had midnight blue hair.

"So what gives you the right to beat up some students?", she asked.

"You don't understand they were--"

"Please im not done talking yet." She waited then continued. "I will let you off with a warning this time but in the future remember that violence is NOT tolerated here at canterlot high. Understood?

Morty nodded then she said "You may go now. Lunch is about over anyway."

"Thanks ma'am." Morty mumbled under his breath.

I just have to survive. Morty found himself thinking later.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Bluekid here. I just wanted to say if this gets good ratings I'll continue this.
If not oh well back to the drawing board. Please be nice to me this is my very first fanfic