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Chapter 3: Magic duel

It had been a month since what Vandline will forever describe as the 'Ticket incident.' There had been a couple of other interesting events to follow. A week into the month, while Vandline was out in the Everfree Forest hunting Timberwolves and looking for clues for a theory she has been having, she learned that Applejack had saved the town from a stampede of cows which earned her a trophy, but when she went to retrieve she was starting to get sleep deprived. That, in turn, leads to events spiraling out of control. That event ended with a lesson Applejack learned about the importance of asking for help.

Five days after that, Vandline learns that Rainbow had a griffon friend when she was younger and was attending flight school, and that same griffon, whose name was Gilda, came by for a visit only to leave just as suddenly when Rainbow told Gilda that if she couldn't accept her new friends, then they couldn't be friends anymore. Vandline comforted Rainbow by offering a sparring match to relieve some stress about the situation.

At the current moment, about a week since Gilda visited, Vandline was enjoying a little magic show being performed by Twilight. She was watching the latest magic spell to be performed by Twilight on Spike. When Twilight finished the spell, Spike was given a nice mustache where he proceeded to cheer. "Impressive work Ms. Sparkle most mages that I know can only perform so many spells before they need to take a break," Vandline said. "Twenty-five spells is no small accomplishment, Twilight."

"I think this is the best trick so far!" Spike said boastfully while admiring the mustache and fantasizing about Rarity

"As attractive and enticing as you look, it is only just for practice," Twilight said, giggling as she is dismissing the spell. "So Vandline, Spike and I were going to hang out with the girls. Do you want to join us?"

"Sure, I need to stretch my legs anyway, plus I need to gather some supplies for my next excursion into the Everfree," Vandline replied

As Twilight, Spike, and Vandline were heading outside and moving towards Twilights friends, they walked by other residents of Ponyville, including an old pony hauling a wagon full of hay, a mint-colored pony who stared in awe at Vandline. Spike and Twilight talked to themselves, and Vandline was deep in thought about what she needed for the trip.

Her train of thought was interrupted when two colts ran down the path, where they proceeded to run right into Spike. "Woah there! where are you two running off in such a hurry?" Vandline asked. The two colts, Snips, and Snails stopped to address the Death Knight. "Haven't you heard? there's a new unicorn in town!" Snails said, "Yeah! and they say that she's got magical powers than any other unicorn ever!" Snips said

"Really?" Vandline and Twilight both said though Vandline sounded more curious while Twilight sounded sad

"No way! that honor goes to Twilight here," Spike said to cheer up Twilight. "Where is this unicorn?" asked Twilight

"She's in the town square! Come on!" Snails said

"Well, this should be interesting. I've always wanted to test my abilities against a Unicorn. The less-lethal ones anyways," Vandline said. As Vandline, Twilight, and Spike followed the colts, they saw a crowd surrounding a Wagon where the group could hear a female unicorn's voice somewhere.

"Come and witness the amazing talents of the G-r-r-eat and Powerful! T-R-R-IXIE!" Trixie said as her wagon unfolded and a puff of smoke appeared. "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!"

"Ah, ok, I retract my statement of testing my non-lethal magic against her, for she is nothing more than a stage magician," Vandline said. "Though I am curious to see what she is capable of."

"Wait, you were going to do what?" Rarity asks bewildered

"So what the heck is our sparring matches suppose to be?" Rainbow asks, "I thought you were using your magic."

"If by 'magic' you mean my physical attacks, then no, our matches sate my hunger for bloodlust while at the same time giving me a workout," Vandline said, accidentally disgusting nearby ponies.

"There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?" asks Twilight nervously.

"Only when they are showing it off," Applejack said, giving a glare towards Trixie.

"Besides, you guys got me when I want to show off," Rainbow said, earning a glare from Applejack. "I mean...Magic Shmagic! boo!" Rainbow said while covering what she said about boasting.

"Well, it seems we got some Neighsayers in the group," Trixie said. "Do you not realize who you are in the presence of?!"

"Did she just neigh at us?" Vandline said, "I don't think I've ever heard you guys neigh before."

"Just who does she think she is?" Rarity said to Twilight

"Yeah! since we all know that Twilight here..." Spike began before he was interrupted by Twilight, who then dragged him away to talk to him privately. Vandline felt that she needed to talk to Twilight when Trixie's stage shot off fireworks and fanfare. Rainbow then flew up to the stage. "What makes you so great and powerful anyways?"

"Why only The Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish an URSA MAJOR!" Trixie said, which caught the attention of Vandline all of a sudden as she knew about an Ursa Major but dared not intrude on its home in the Everfree. Vandline then saw fireworks going off in the sky to see that the image was NOT an Ursa Major, but because she wanted to hear what the Unicorn has to say, she didn't say anything to the main six.

When all hope was lost, the Ponies of Puffington had no one to turn to," Trixie said. "But the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in to save them and drove the creature deep into the Everfree Forest." That bit of info caught Vandline attention as she knew when studying maps of Equestria that the Everfree wasn't near that area.

Snips and Snails started to praise Trixie for her 'accomplishments.' "It's all true my enthusiastic little admirers Trixie is indeed the best in Ponyville." Trixie said, "Don't believe me? Then I challenge all you Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better!"

"What about non-pony creatures such as myself?" Vandline said

"Sorry, but non-ponies aren't allowed as they can't use magic," Trixie said

Vandline then started to laugh menacingly, which startled Trixie. "Oh, you have NO idea what I am capable of!" She said, "For I have faced much more threatening enemies than an Ursa Major." Gasps were heard from the crowd, but to Trixie, she was not amused.

"Oh please! something far worse than an Ursa Major? As if" Trixie said, "But I suppose you would be a good opening act for MY amusement."

Vandline proceeded to walk up to the stage to issue her challenge. "Since you haven't met me before, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vandline, and although I don't show it, I do know magic that is far outside of your understanding."

"Well, you odd hairless ape, I hope you can outlast me and my magic," Trixie said, which made Vandline slightly angry for the ape insult.

"My challenge to you is to five minutes against me!" Vandline issued the challenge, "And fair warning. Do not Insult my people!" Vandline then cast death grip on the unsuspecting unicorn, which she then screams before being surrounded by Chains that looked to be made of ice. Trixie then shoots a beam of magic energy at Vandline but was shocked when a bubble appeared around Vandline, and the shot lost most of its power before striking the shoulder pads.

"Come on, Trixie! is that the best you can do?! I've seen more threatening spellcasters where I came from!" Vandline taunted, which angered Trixie. Vandline proceeds to unsheath one of her swords.

"Wait, you said magic! why are you pulling out a sword?" Asked a very frightened Trixie.

"Take a closer look at the blade," Vandline said to which then Trixie realized that the sword was enchanted with magic. She wanted to call off the duel when Vandline then used another death grip and, while being very careful, Vandline gave a minor wound on one of Trixie's legs.

"And with that, I think you survived long enough of my attacks," Vandline said to Trixie. "This duel is over, and Trixie is the winner." Vandline then said to the crowd.

"Wait, what?!" Trixie said

"I did say you have to survive, and you survived for five minutes," Vandline said. "Just know that if you ever call me an ape again you will regret ever facing me again." she said softly to Trixie, which sent a chill down her spine.

"I think that's all the time I have" Trixie said to Vandline, which then made the crowd of ponies disperse from the stage.

"Did you have to be so rough on the poor dear?" Asked Rarity earning nods from everyone else.

"She will live, and the small wound I gave her will heal in time," Vandline said. "Hopefully, this lesson in humiliation will be enough to end her boasting. If you need me, I'll be in the Everfree clearing out the surrounding area" Having said that, Vandline then walks to the Everfree. Six hours pass and night have fallen, making Vandline return to Ponyville. She reached the outskirts of town when Vandline heard screams from where Trixie made her camp.

"What's going on?" Vandline asked when she saw the giant blue Ursa. "Oh, you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" she then yells. Vandline saw that the Ursa was chasing Snips, Snails, and Trixie. Running at a full sprint, Vandline barely makes it in time to save the Trio from being squashed by the Ursa blocking the paw with her swords. "RUN RIGHT NOW!" She yells at the group. Vandline knew that she was outmatched by the Ursa when she saw Spike bringing in Twilight. "ANY TIME NOW, TWILIGHT!" Vandline said to Twilight, who was casting what looked like multiple spells at once.

Vandline was starting to lose her grip when the Ursa lost some of its strength behind its attack. Having the strength to get away from the creature, she pushed against the paw and rolled to the left towards Twilight. "You have a plan, yes?" Asked Vandline, her answer came when musical notes sounded through the air and rocked the Ursa to sleep.

She then saw a water tower container being lifted, heading towards the barn where the cows resided, and was placed in the mouth of the Ursa, almost like a baby bottle. "Keep going, Twilight." Encouraged Vandline where Twilight then lifted the blue bear and was returned to a cave in the Everfree Forest. Cheers then rang out towards the pair as Twilight and Vandline saw the others coming in for a group hug.

"That was amazing, Twilight," Applejack congratulated

"I'm sorry! please don't hate me," Twilight said

"Hate you? why whatever for darling?" Rarity asked

"I know how much you all hated Trixie showing off her magic tricks, and I just thought..." Twilight said but was interrupted by Vandline

"Ms. Sparkle, what you did wasn't showing off! You saved the town and me from that Ursa."

"Saved? what do you mean, partner?" asked Applejack

"I was already exhausted when I was done being in the Everfree when I heard the commotion. I would have been a little squashed myself had Twilight not used her spells fast enough," Vandline said. "By the way, Twilight, that was some excellent thinking using music and milk to quell a beast as that Ursa."

"Well, since it was just a baby, I.."Twilight began when she was interrupted a second time by Trixie.

"Wait, that was just a baby?!"

"Indeed it was Trixie," Twilight said, "and it was cranky when somepony decided to wake it up." Everyone looked towards Vandline at first but was corrected when Spike brought Snips and Snails forward. "Well, if that was an Ursa Minor, what does an Ursa Major look like?" Spike asked

"Trust me when I say you don't want to know Spike," Vandline said. "Now, Twilight, I believe you have a little punishing to do towards the young colts while I have a little chat with Trixie," she said, looking menacingly towards Trixie.

"Wait, why do you need to talk to me for?!" Trixie asked frightened

"Nothing too major, just a little friendly advice." Vandline said after gaining a little distance from the crowd, she turned towards Trixie and said, "Take my advice when I say tone down the boasting I should know since I've lost many good brothers and sisters in arms to foes because of their boasting."

"That's it? You're not going to threaten me again?" Trixie asked

"So long as you don't get on my bad side, then you have nothing to worry about. Now I believe you should be on your way to your next gig, I assume?" Vandline asked

"Yes..." Trixie said, thinking about something. "Yes, I should be on my way."

"Then until next we meet Al diel Shala."

Author's Note:

Another chapter is done and a little humiliation for Trixie. Nothing new to add so leave a comment if you want to see improvements to the previous chapters or just have general questions and I'll see you all in the next chapter of "A Death Knights journey"