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7. A Hero vs A Bully

With that, the fight began as Flash and Anon jumped toward each other. Flash threw a punch but Anon dodged the punch with ease. Anon then kicked Flash in the leg and it must have hurt because Flash fell to the ground. Flash quickly got back up and tackled Anon to the ground and proceeded to use a barrage of punches. Anon defended the punches and after a while, he kicked Flash off of him to get back up.

Adagio hadn't noticed it until now but nearly everyone was around them, watching the fight at hand. She even saw Sonata and Aria there in the crowd too, cheering for Anon hoping he would beat Flash. People began chanting for the two but Adagio could distinctly hear more people saying Anon's name rather than Flash's. Adagio looked back at the fight between Flash and Anon. Flash punched Anon in the face but Anon shook it off and countered by kicking Flash in the stomach, pushing him away. While Adagio was watching the fight all she could think about was one thing, where were the teachers? And how have they not noticed that almost every kid that goes to this school in a big crowd shouting the words fight over and over again?

The teachers that were watching the kids hadn't even noticed the fight up until now. They ran for their lives, heading to the huge crowd to stop the fight. But once they got there, however, it was going to be hard to even stop Anon and Flash. Kids were in their way and all of their shouting combined was silencing the teacher's voices. And none of the kids seemed like they were going to be moving anytime soon. Adagio looked at the fight in awe, she held her hands tight, silently hoping that Anon would win.

Flash and Anon were in a full-on fight of the ages. With the way they were fighting, it looked as though they were wanting to kill each other. Blood was coming out of Flash's nose after being blasted by Anon's fist and Anon's hand was bleeding after punching the mess out of Flash. Neither one of them was giving up, as they continued their showdown. Adagio noticed that sweat was dripping down their faces from the intensity of their battle.

Anon was giving this fight his all. He had to beat Flash, if he couldn't, no one could. Flash being known as the biggest bully would come to an end if he won. Anon had already seen the teachers heading toward the two but he didn't care. All he cared about was beating Flash for good. Flash got back up and tried to punch Anon but Anon dodged the punch and punched Flash in the face, and the bully once again fell back to the ground.

Flash's two friends who had been on down for the count finally got back up. They saw Anon and Flash and they decided to try and pull a sneak attack on Anon but Adagio saw what they were going to do and jumped in front of them and punched one of them. He falls to the ground and the other one looks surprised, he then tried to swing at Adagio but Adagio kicked the other one in his privates. He fell to the ground in pain, and to make sure he won't get up ever again, Adagio swiftly kicked him in the face, putting him to rest on the schoolyard ground. Flash's other friend got up and tried to punch Adagio but Adagio caught it without a problem. She kicked him right in the nose, and he fell back to the ground in pain.

Now that Flash's two friends were out of commission it was now back to just Flash and Anon. The teachers were still trying to get through to the kids but no one was letting them in, which surprised Adagio. Was this their way of showing that they were done with Flash's bullying? By rebelling against the teacher's order and stopping them from interfering with Flash and Anon's duel to the near death. Adagio knew that teachers never did anything about bullying but when there's a fight then they all of a sudden care and spring into action. The kids weren't going to let them in though as they wanted to see Flash get his butt kicked.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the principal had just gotten word about the fight. He got up from his desk and ran out of his office to the schoolyard. The principal saw the crowd of kids and headed in their direction. Teachers were still trying to get through but they couldn't as the kids wouldn't budge. The principal finally got there and started to barge through the kids with force, not caring that he was pushing his students. Adagio saw the principal, and she knew that things weren't going to end well if he got involved. The principal was tall and big and just like Flash, everyone was scared of him, and nobody ever dared tried to mess with him. Kids were now moving out of his way as he kept walking to Flash and Anon.

Flash and Anon's fight was still going on. Even though they kept on falling to the ground they still got up. They both didn't want to lose to the other but they knew that the fight was either going to end with the principal stopping them or someone ending the fight with a finishing move. The principal was getting closer and closer and Flash and Anon's fight didn't look like it was going to end any time soon.

Anon saw the principal getting closer; he knew he had to finish things and fast. Flash looked up and saw the principal as well, the two make eye contact, and Flash evilly smiles at Anon, and Anon smiles back just as evilly. They both must have been thinking the same thing because both Flash and Anon threw a punch as hard as they can toward each other. Time seemed to slow down for Adagio, both Flash and Anon's punches were in midair. And just as fast their punches made contact with the other's face. Anon falls back but stayed standing on his feet, but Flash, on the other hand, fell to the ground and it didn't seem like he would be getting up any time soon. Kids cheer out loud seeing that the biggest bully fall to the ground. Just then the principal and the teachers finally made it to where Flash and Anon's fight had taken place.

"Both of you two my office, NOW!" The principal yelled, scaring all of the kids.

Flash tried to get up from the ground but he couldn't keep his balance due to Anon's punch. A teacher had to go over to him and help him walk to the office. Anon on the other hand turned around and looked at Adagio. He smiled at Adagio, and Adagio smiled back. Anon had done it! He finally stood up to Flash, and won! Anon turned back to the principal and started to make his way to the office. Adagio wasn't the only one that was proud of Anon. As Anon walked away the crowd cheered for him, shouting Anon loudly and proudly.

School had ended a while ago but Adagio had stayed behind. She was waiting for Anon to get out of the office and it was taking longer than expected because the principal was still talking to Anon and Flash about what they did. After a while, the doors to the office opened, and out came Anon, and he seemed to look happy about something. Anon walked out of the office and saw Adagio sitting on a bench.

"Hey Adagio, were you waiting for me?" Anon asked as he looked down at Adagio.

"Yeah." Adagio said as she stood up from the bench. "I wanted to know what happened. So what did happen? You look happy."

"Well I got in trouble which sucks. But... Flash got expelled." Anon said as he smiled brightly.

"So that means... we won't have to worry about Flash anymore?" Adagio asked looking at Anon shocked.

"Yup, no more bullying from Flash." Anon said still smiling. "It's over Adagio, we never have to worry about Flash and his antics ever again!"

"YOU'RE THE BEST ANON!!" Adagio yelled as she hugged Anon tightly.

Anon blushed from the sudden hug and hugged Adagio back. Flash was gone for good, and it was all thanks to Adagio's help. Now that Flash was gone, this could be Anon's chance to finally tell Adagio his feelings for her.

"Hey Adagio, can I show you something?" Anon asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Adagio asked looking at Anon confused.

"Just wait and see." Anon said as he grabbed Adagio's hand and started to take her with him.

Adagio blushed from the sudden contact. Anon continued to take Adagio somewhere, she didn't know where he was taking her but it didn't matter to her, as long as it was with him. Wait... now that Flash was gone and Anon got his confidence back, maybe now was Adagio's perfect chance to tell Anon her feelings for him.

Anon kept taking Adagio to where he wanted to take her. It had been a while now, and Adagio realized that they were getting close to his house. They got to his house but they passed it, now Adagio was confused, where was Anon taking her? Finally, Anon stopped walking and let go of Adagio's hand. They were in the middle of the woods, the same woods they had been in before. They hadn't been there since Adagio broke Flash's desk and Anon wanted to talk to her. Adagio looked at Anon with confusion, why did Anon take her here of all places?

"So what did you want Anon?" Adagio asked as she looked around the woods.

"I wanted to talk to you in private about something." Anon said as he took a sit on a large rock.

"What did you have to talk to me in private about?" Adagio asked as she took a sit next to him.

"Do you remember when Flash said 'I just want to see how you would react if something happened to your crush'?" Anon asked as he looked Adagio in the eyes.

Adagio thought back and now thinking about it, Anon was right before Flash had slapped her across her cheek, he had said that. She blushed, why did he have to bring that up? Was what Flash said all wrong and Adagio's hope was getting all high for nothing? Or was he actually telling the truth? Either way Adagio was sure her answer was going to be solved.

"Yes, I remember. What about it?" Adagio asked, kinda nervous about what Anon was about to say.

"H-how did you feel after he said that and then he hit you?" Anon asked as he looked away blushing.

"I was confused at first but then I started to think about it. And, I mean, Flash is a bully and bullies lie. So I didn't know if he was saying that to confuse me or not. I mean we've been friends for a long time and hearing that really threw me off, you know." Adagio said as he looked down at the ground.

Anon turned away from Adagio."Yeah, I understand." Adagio got up and walked over to Anon. She wanted to know, she had to know. Was it a lie or was it true?

Adagio grabbed Anon's hands. "Anon was what Flash said true? Or was it just another one of his lies?" Adagio asked in a gentle voice. "I won't be mad with either option but I just want to know. And please tell me the truth."

Anon looked at Adagio, she wouldn't be mad? But what if she didn't feel that way? It didn't matter though, Anon was going to tell Adagio whether she felt the same or not.

Anon took a deep breath and decided to just let it out. "Yeah, it's true. Ever since you helped me get my confidence back, it's made me a better person. I thank you for everything you've done, and that's why I love you. You're an amazing friend, to do all of this for me."

Adagio couldn't believe it. Anon, her hero, the person she had a crush on, liked her back. Adagio's heart was beating like a drum.

"Anon I... I love you too. It's thanks to you that Flash is gone. Now people at school won't have to worry about getting bullied. Teachers are now starting to do things about bullying thanks to you. It's all because of you, you're a hero to everyone and especially me. You're my hero, Anon." Adagio said as she smiled at Anon, her cheeks bright pink.

Anon was in complete shock. Adagio liked him back. Out of all the people, she liked Anon. Someone that had no confidence, that got bullied, but she still liked him.

Adagio and Anon both looked each other in the eyes. Then slowly start to lean in towards each other. Then it happened. Their lips intertwined with each other. The kiss was ecstatic for the both of them. The two ended the kiss after a while and looked at one another.

"No matter what the challenge, we'll face it together. Okay?" Adagio said as she looked at Anon with a smile.

"Yeah, together nothing can stop us." Anon said as she smiled at Adagio.

Adagio and Anon kissed again, no matter what life would throw at them they would be ready for it.