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1. My Hero

It was a bright and sunny day and a little girl was running around playing at a nearby park. The girl's name was Adagio Dazzle and she was having the time of her life. Her mother had allowed her to go outside and play and thankfully the park wasn't too far away from Adagio's house. She, however, was alone because her two younger sisters, Aria and Sonata, had gotten into some trouble so only she was allowed to have fun at the park. Adagio smiled at the thought of remembering what had happened earlier that day. At the time Adagio was only six years old, and by being six she was the oldest one of the three, she felt the strongest and she had the authority over her two younger siblings. What Adagio didn't know was that today she wouldn't be feeling so strong.

Adagio was happily minding her own business in the sand pit. She was trying to make a sand castle, but as she was putting on the finishing touches someone smashed it, destroying all the hard work she had done. Adagio was furious; she looked up and saw a kid that looked around the same age as her, or unless he was just very small. The boy had blue hair and blonde skin, he smirked at what he had done as his two friends laughed. Adagio had never seen this kid before, but one thing was for sure, he certainly didn't make a good first impression on her.

"Hey!" Adagio yelled pointing at the blue-haired boy. "Who do you think you are smashing my sand castle?!"

The boy looked at her and smirked. "Because I can. And besides, I'm doing you a favor, that thing you call a castle was terrible anyways." The boy then stood proud and pointed at himself. "And my name's Flash, Flash Sentry."

Adagio frowned as she looked at her ruined sand castle but then glared at the boy now named Flash. "Well, Flash. That wasn't very nice of you to do."

Flash's smirk got bigger as he took a step forward into Adagio's face. "What are you going to do about it? Cry?"

Adagio was getting more upset by the second. But she wasn't going to let her emotions get the better of her and cry, especially not in front of a bully. Instead of crying she did something... something that surprised even herself. She took a step forward and walked right up to Flash and gave him a hard slap across his face. Flash recoiled from the slap, holding his cheek in pain as a big red hand mark appeared on his cheek. Flash glared as he looked back up at Adagio with hatred in his eyes. He waves his hand to his two other friends who were nearby. The other boys walk over, Adagio looked at them with a bit of nervousness, 'they must be his colleagues'.

One of the boys had green skin and brown hair, he was shorter and a bit on the chubby side. The other one had blue skin and yellow hair and he was the same height as Adagio but clearly he was stronger. Flash smirked as he looked at his two friends, "Wally, Brad, this girl here just slapped me in the face. What do you think we should do to her?"

The green-skinned boy smiled. "We should beat her up, boss. Just like what we did to that kid who thought he could mess with you."

Flash looked at his friend and then back at Adagio with an evil smile. "You're right, Wally."

The three boys were walking towards Adagio. Adagio took a step back, she was scared, she couldn't beat three boys at once. She could maybe beat one of them, but not all three at one time. She took another step back in terror, if she was lucky she might be able to outrun them and get back to her house. Adagio then started to kick into gear as she started running back to her house, her house wasn't that far away so if she was fast enough her plan could work. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't fast enough as the boys were soon able to catch up to her. Flash tackled her from behind and onto the ground. Adagio guarded her face but she never felt any punches come her way. She looked up to see Flash just holding her down as he stared at her menacingly.

Flash smiled and then stood back up. He started walking over to where Wally and Brad were standing. "Oh, boys I was wrong, we can't beat her up."

The two boys looked at Flash in shock. "What!? Why not? She made fun of you, she slapped you! Nobody gets away with slapping our boss, and you're just going to allow her to get away with doing that to you?!"

"No it's ok guys, I mean, look at her." Flash said, pointing at Adagio. "She's ugly, if we beat her up she'll be even uglier than she is already."

Flash, Brad, and Wally all laughed at Flash's comment. Adagio who was still on the ground looked down, she wasn't ugly, was she? Her mom said she was pretty, and so did her father and her friends.

"And look at her hair. It looks like one huge sponge. How could anyone ever like someone like you." Flash mocked.

Try as she might Adagio couldn't help but stop the tears from pouring out of her eyes. Adagio tried to keep the tears in but she couldn't help it. It hurt too much, were her friends and family lying to her about everything? Flash and his friends kept laughing and making fun of Adagio. She hated it, but she couldn't do anything at that moment, she was powerless.

"HEY! STOP THAT!!" Someone yelled.

Adagio looked up, running up to her was another boy around her same age. He stood in front of Adagio as if he was guarding her against Flash and his friends. Flash looks at the kid and creepily smiled at him.

"Anon, what are you doing here?" Flash said, although his tone of voice sounded almost as if he wasn't so happy to see this kid who was named Anon. "My dear friend." The way Flash said friend was off, Adagio was starting to question if the two of them were really friends or not.

Ano frowned at Flash. "Stop making fun of her Flash, you're making her cry."

Flash put his hand on his chin as if he was thinking but he soon stopped and laughed. "How about... no. She started it by slapping me. All I'm doing is saying what's true. She's ugly, and her hair... ugh, don't even get me started."

Anon shook his head. "It doesn't matter, you shouldn't make fun of someone that's not right."

Flash growled, he was starting to get fed up with Anon. "How about I beat the crap out of you, to make you shut up?"

Adagio was watching the events that were taking place. This Anon kid was standing up for her. Flash walked up to Anon, she noticed that Anon took a step back, he was shaking. Before either she could Anon could react, Flash and his friends charged at Anon and proceed to gang up and beat him up. All the while Adagio could just watch in fear and be stiff as a board. She couldn't move, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't move to help Anon.

After a while Flash and his friends stopped beating Anon up. When the three boys were done with Anon they smiled at what they did and decided to call it a day as they left the park to who knows where. Finally, Adagio was able to move and walked over to Anon. Anon was on the ground in pain, he was also bleeding a bit out of his nose. Adagio also noticed that the boys had given him a black eye, she hated to say it but Anon looked like a mess.

"A-are you okay?" Adagio asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's not the first time this has happened to me." Anon said, his voice evident that he was in pain and suffering.

"What do you mean? And who is this Flash guy?" Adagio said, tilting her head in confusion.

"Flash and I have known each other for a few months now. Flash is kinda like the bully here, he always has been. He thinks he's better than everyone. That's how he is, and probably always will be. The two of us have gotten into many fights over the past few months ever since I moved here. I sadly haven't won a single fight against him." Anon said, looking down with sadness.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I couldn't move, he's really scary."

"It's fine, nothing I can't handle. Are you okay, he didn't hit you did he?" Anon asked as he started to stand up.

'Even after everything he's still worried about me. He's such a nice and caring guy.'

"I'm fine, but I should be asking you that."

"Oh, this?" Anon asked touching his bleeding nose. "I'm fine. I'm kinda used to this already."

"Oh, ok, well thanks for helping me."

Anon smiled. "You're welcome, it's just me being me. I want to help people."

Adagio looked at Anon in shock. "Wow, is that your dream?"

"Well kinda, my one true dream is to be able to stand up to Flash." Anon said with a smile. "What about you?"

"I'm not really sure. My mom says that I don't have to think about that until later. But I don't know when later is."

"Adagio, honey, it's time to come inside." Adagio's mom yelled.

"Okay, mom!" Adagio then looked back at Anon. "I have to go, see you later, Anon."

"Okay, bye Adagio." Anon said as he waved goodbye. Adagio looked back and waved goodbye to Anon.

As she walked back to her house Adagio started to think back about Anon and Flash. Flash was rude and disrespectful while Anon was kind and helpful, they were two completely different people. Adagio blushed at the thought of Anon. She shakes it off, as she finally arrived at the front of her house. All she did know was that Anon...

Was her hero.