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Glass Nightmare

Inside a hotel, In Atlas, some rich woman with platinum blonde hair who looked to be in her late forties and her two daughters were standing over Sylvia at age nine as she scrubbed the floor. One of the daughters suddenly spilled her drink on the floor on purpose which made Sylvia angry enough to unlock her semblance by setting her scrub brush on fire and throwing it at the girl who spilled her drink and burned the flawless skin on her arm. The older woman pulled out her whip and after giving Sylvia thirty lashes locked her in the basement.

“ Don’t ever expect to leave that room you worthless brat because this is what happens to those who defy my orders,” The Woman said. Just when things were about to get worst Sylvia suddenly woke up scared.

“ That nightmare again, why does it keep haunting me?” Sylvia said which woke Turquoise up without her noticing. Sylvia felt restless and decided to go to the roof to think. While she was reflecting on the roof Turquoise came up behind her.

“ Can’t sleep huh?” Turquoise said which got Sylvia’s attention.

“ Turquoise? What are you doing here?” Sylvia asked.

“ I heard you scream and got worried,” Turquoise said.

“ Sorry for waking you,” Sylvia said.

“ Don’t sweat it,” Turquoise said. “ You know if something is bothering you, You can tell me about it, I’m not just your Team Leader I am also your friend.

“ You’re right its better to just get it off my chest rather than keep bottling it up. For the past eight years, I have been having these nightmares about important moments of my awful past,” Sylvia said.

“ What are these Nightmares about?” Turquoise asked.

“ Sometimes about the police chasing me and later catching me and sending back to that awful place. Other times it’s about how the other kids at the orphanage I was at bullied me to no end. But this one was about my stepmother and her two daughters putting me to work at the hotel we lived at and rubbing salt in my wounds. I unlocked my Semblance and ended up locked in the basement for it with the walls closing in,” Sylvia explained.

“ Yikes, Being from a rich family I could not begin to imagine how that felt,” Turquoise said.

“ Now you know,” Sylvia said before Rainbow and Sapphire suddenly arrived after hearing everything.

“ We never knew,” Sapphire said before she and Rainbow joined them.

“ How long were the two of you eavesdropping?” Sylvia asked.

“ At the part where you mentioned your nightmares,” Rainbow said.

“ I might as well fill you girls in on the rest of my past since we are all awake,” Sylvia said.

“ Please do. Let’s start with how you managed to survive while on the run for eight years?” Rainbow said.

“ Very well,” Sylvia said before flashbacking to her escape. “ I was certain I was going to rot in that basement until an explosion occurred that created a ray of light among the darkness.

Eight years ago in the basement of the Glass Unicorn Sylvia who was only nine years old at the time was sad and afraid until an explosion occurred that broke the wall and cast a silhouette of a strong figure. That figure revealed to be a man in his mid-thirties with tanned skin and brown hair and green eyes wearing golden armor sheathing his weapon which was Azure Flame.

“ I’m here to rescue you kid,” The man said.

“ Who are you?” Sylvia asked.

“ I will explain later right now we need to get out of here,” The man said before grabbing Sylvia’s hand and running off with her. The man threw Sylvia a spare helmet before having her ride behind him on his motorcycle. As they were riding through the streets the Atlassian military was hot on their trail. As soon as they entered an abandoned building in Mantle they ditched the bike and entered a van. The man then activated his semblance which allowed him to make things invisible. As soon as they were out of Atlas the man pulled over at a campsite he set up. “ We should be far enough from the authorities now.

“ So does that mean you will tell me what is going on now?” Sylvia asked.

“ Sure does. First, let me introduce myself. I’m Aster Scorch and as of this moment your new guardian,” Aster said.

“ New guardian?” Sylvia asked.

“ I saw what just happened and I believe you deserve a whole lot better than that,” Aster said while throwing Sylvia some bread to eat.

“ Why save me? I’m cursed,” Sylvia said while accidentally setting her bread on fire and scorching it.

“ That is your semblance and it is not a curse it’s a gift,” Aster explained.

“ Semblance?” Sylvia asked.

“ A semblance is a projection of one’s aura which is the manifestation of a person’s soul and is something all living things have,” Aster explained.

“ But why is mine fire?” Sylvia explained.

“ Tell me kid what were you doing when your semblance activated?” Aster asked.

“ I was scrubbing the floors in the lobby when my step Sister Autumn spilled her drink on the floor just to ridicule me. I felt so angry I just wanted to make her suffer and that is when my brush was on fire and I threw it at her and burned her flawless skin,” Sylvia explained.

“ That’s why. Your semblance awakened from your built-up feelings to have your step sister feel your pain,” Aster said.

“ So this is a power that is unique to only me?” Sylvia asked.

“ Not quite. You see there was one other person who had the same semblance as you. Her name was Cinder Fall and it was hers first,” Aster said.

“ If it was hers then. Why do I have it now?” Sylvia asked.

“ I don’t have an answer for that yet but I do have a theory. There are some cases of people inheriting their semblance from their parents. The Schnees have a history of inheriting the same semblance throughout their history,” Aster said.

“ So do you think this Cinder Fall woman is my real mom?” Sylvia asked.

“ It’s too early to say but maybe we will find out together someday,” Aster said. “ Now it’s your turn to tell me your name.

“ I’m Sylvia Quartz,” Sylvia said.

“ Well Sylvia stick with me and I will take good care of you,” Aster said. And so for the next four years, Aster has been teaching Sylvia all she needed to survive in the world including combat. Sylvia was working on controlling her Scorching Caress to no avail. “ You need to calm your mind. Letting your anger take hold will cloud your emotions and cause you to lose control. Sylvia calmed her mind and suddenly her flames shrunk to a more manageable size which made her happy.

“ I did it, I can now control it,” Sylvia said with joy.

“ Well done. You're now one step closer to being a real huntress,” Aster said.

“ Do you really think I can do it?” Sylvia asked.

“ I know you can,” Aster said. As they were wrapping up their moment the sound of sirens was heard.

“ Aster Scorch! By the order of the Vacuo Police Force, you are under arrest,” An officer shouted through a bullhorn.

“ Crap someone must have ratted me out. Time to go, Sylvia,” Aster said before he told Sylvia to create a glass dome around the police before making their escape. Despite being on the run Sylvia felt happy around Aster since he treated her like she was his own flesh and blood. “ It’s time you knew what I really do for a living. I’m a part of a guild of Huntsmen and Huntresses dedicated to bringing freedom to all of Remnant by any means. We are called the Dark Eagles. The world may view us as criminals but we believe that we are doing a much better job than the police or even the Atlassian military who won’t even take action when needed.

“ So are you one of the good guys or the bad guys?” Sylvia asked.

“ We like to think we are the good guys who take action when it is needed. While the authorities just sit in their cozy offices and wait for permission we actually try to help people without asking for a thing in return,” Aster said.

“ Then why do the police want to arrest you if you’re doing so much good?” Sylvia asked.

“ Because our actions don’t exactly line up with the laws of Remnant. In fact when I liberated you it was considered an act of kidnapping,” Aster said.

“ But you didn’t kidnap me. You saved me,” Sylvia said.

“ Listen I want you to remember one thing when you’re a huntress. Don’t be afraid to do the right thing even if it is illegal,” Aster said.

“ I will remember,” Sylvia said. Three years later Sylvia just turned sixteen and was the happiest she has been in years. After blowing her candles out Aster asked what Sylvia wished for.

“ Nothing I already have everything I could ever want. A father who rescued me from the darkness and gave me the strength to keep living my life,” Sylvia said while hugging Aster.

“ I’m glad to be there for you,” Aster said. Sometime later Aster and Sylvia were on a cliff overlooking the city of Vale from about ten miles away from the city itself. “ Are you excited to go to Beacon next year?

“ More than anything,” Sylvia said.

“ Good because I think you’re now ready for a real weapon of your own,” Aster said. Before he could ask what kind of weapon she wanted to make their moment was interrupted by a man dressed as a cowboy pointing a rifle at him.

“ I’m afraid she won’t be getting one. Aster Scorch I’m taking you in,” The man said menacingly.

“ I’m not going anywhere,” Aster said.

“ Yeah you jerk he is my father and we are staying right here,” Sylvia said.

“ Well after I turn your father into the police I’m taking you back to the Glass Unicorn Sylvia Quartz,” The man said before shooting only for Aster to draw his sword which was a different one than Azure Flame, and block the bullets.

“ Do you honestly think that Peashooter can beat me?” Aster said.

“ Maybe that won’t but this will,” The man said before switching his rifle into a katana and managed to pierce right through Aster’s armor and stab him but not before Aster Threw something wrapped in a cloth to Sylvia and grabbed a burn crystal. Before Aster decided to end things he spoke his final words to Sylvia. Sylvia unwrapped the cloth and saw that Aster tossed her his Azure Flame

“ My story may be over but yours has yet to begin. Take my Azure Flame and keep honing your skills for the Huntsmen Exams,” Aster shouted.

“ I’m not leaving you,” Sylvia said.

“ You must. I don’t have much time left,” Aster said before wrapping some wire around both himself and the bounty hunter so they die together.

“ I can heal you please don’t leave me,” Sylvia pleaded while crying.

“ Take care my beloved Sylvia. Please know that I will always be watching you from above,” Aster said while smiling before he jumped off the cliff with the bounty hunter and igniting the burn crystal by slamming it into the katana which consumed them both in a ball of fire that incinerated their bodies. Sylvia was crying her eyes out while clutching Azure Flame. Suddenly the Vale Police Force were on their way after seeing the ball of fire. Sylvia ran as fast as she could to evade capture. Sylvia managed to find the Dark Eagles Guild from the address stitched into the cloth Azure Flame was wrapped in. After using the secret knock Aster taught her the door opened revealing a woman wearing a blue warrior outfit with fur in certain places.

“ Come on in Sylvia we've been waiting for you, “The woman said before Sylvia came in. As soon as she came in the woman and the other guild members took their hats off in respect for Aster’s sacrifice.

“ Aster knew Deadeye Bonz was coming for him so in the event of his death he wanted us to give you this,” The woman said before giving Sylvia a picture of an old house. “ Aster was looking into who your real family was and so far all he found was this old house that had your name carved into one of the support beams on the porch.

“ Why would he look into something like that?” Sylvia asked.

“ Because he wanted to find out about where your semblance came from?” A man dressed in armor said.

“ Let’s not dwell on that now. We must honor Aster’s final wish which is to help Sylvia get ready for the Huntsman Exams,” The woman said. And so for the next year, The Dark Eagles have been training Sylvia for her Exams and as soon as the time came she left for Beacon.

“ And so my mission as a huntress is to find out who my real parents were and honor the memories of them and the man who saved me,” Sylvia said.

“ Wow that is quite tragic,” Sapphire said. Suddenly the sun began to rise over the horizon which prompted the girl to return to their room before Glenda and the admins found out they were on the roof. They made it back in time to return to their beds and pretend to still be asleep. Sometime later in History Class Sylvia despite not getting a full eight hours of sleep managed to remain focused until an announcement played.

“ Will Sylvia Quartz please report to Professor Oscar’s office,” Glenda said over the PA system. Sylvia was worried that her actions last night must have been revealed until she realized that could not have been the case since it was just her and not the others. As soon as Sylvia arrived she saw someone she hoped to never see again.

“ I finally found you my dear Sylvia,” The woman from Sylvia's nightmare said.

“ What are you doing here?” Sylvia demanded.

“ Your mother is here to withdraw you from Beacon Ms.Quartz,” Oscar said.

“ That’s right, Now drop the huntress act and just come home,” The woman demanded.

“ Never you are not my mother,” Sylvia said.

“ I am according to this document I signed when I adopted you all those years ago,” The woman said while presenting the document in question.

“ I’m not going back, you can’t make me,” Sylvia said.

“ Don’t fight it Ms.Quartz your mom already signed the paperwork so you’re no longer a student here,” Oscar said before The woman dragged Sylvia out by her arm. Sylvia tried to resist but no matter how hard she tried she could not break free. As soon as they reached the courtyard Sylvia tried screaming for help only to end up being gagged by her stepmother.

“ Quiet you brat. You already have a list of chores that is five miles long and just for your little rebellion act I’m doubling it,” The Stepmother said before one of Turquoise’s blades flew by and stabbed itself right in front of her.

“ Our friend is not going anywhere, especially not with an abusive monster like you,” Turquoise said before pulling her sword back with the wire she attached to it.

“ We won’t let you hurt her anymore,” Sapphire said while drawing one of her pistols.

“ Now give her back before we start to get violent,” Rainbow said as she extended the claws on her gauntlets.

“ Do you three have any idea who I am?” The stepmother asked.

“ Yes, we do. You're the abusive stepmother who tortured Sylvia and other than that we don’t give a damn about who you are,” Rainbow said.

“ I’m Madam Drizell the owner of the Glass Unicorn and I suggest you put your weapon’s down before I get the police involved,” Drizell said vindictively.

“ You don’t scare us, you effing old hag,” Rainbow said as she was about to cut Drizell down.

“ Don’t even try because if you attack me I will use Sylvia as a shield,” Drizell said while holding Sylvia in front of her leaving both sides at a stalemate. As the situation escalated Turquoise crossed her fingers hoping her mom would come through for her. Enough of this I’m taking Sylvia back with me and there is nothing you three can do about it.

“ I beg to differ,” A familiar voice revealed to be, Wiess said.

“ Weiss Schnee? what are you doing here?” Drizell asked in shock.

“ I’m here to inform you the Glass Unicorn is no more and so is your custody of Sylvia,” Weiss said.

“ What did you do?” Drizell asked.

“ After Turquoise told me about your abuse towards Sylvia I had my friends Sun and Neptune do a little investigating and what they discovered really got the Atlesian military interested,” Weiss said.

“ You're bluffing you don’t have anything on me,” Drizell said.

“ Wanna bet, your guilty of breaking child labor laws and tax evasion so the way I see it my sister has everything she needs to lock you up,” Weiss said before Winter along with two of her subordinates arrested Drizell and ripped apart the document that bound Sylvia to Drizell.

“ Thanks for the tip-off Turquoise,” Winter said.

“ What did you do?” Sapphire asked.

“ I just made one little call to my mom that's all,” Turquoise said.

“ After Turquoise mentioned the abuse I felt like I had to do something since I know what it was like to be abused,” Weiss said.

“ So what happens to the Glass Unicorn?” Sylvia asked.

“ Well, kid. Since Madame Drizell never bothered to pay her taxes on it The Glass Unicorn now belongs to the bank and she along with her two daughters will be spending the next fifty years in the Atlas Maximum Security Prison,” Winter said.

“ Drizell I get but why her daughters too?” Rainbow asked.

“ Because they played a part in Drizell’s crimes so by association they are just as guilty,” Winter said before hauling Drizell off. Sylvia looked happy now that the woman that plagued her life was now behind bars.

“ Say, Sylvia, how would you like to move in with us? We have plenty of room at the Schnee Manor and my husband and I will treat you with all the kindness you could want,” Weiss asked.

“ Sounds good to me,” Sylvia said.

“ Then I will get started on the paperwork as soon as I return to Atlas,” Weiss said before leaving. With the nightmare now over there was one last thing Sylvia had to do.

“ Say girls do you want to come with me to Mistral?” Sylvia asked.

“ You know we do,” Rainbow said.

“ We are a team so of course,” turquoise said.

“ What’s in Mistral?” Sapphire asked.

“ Hopefully the answers I seek,” Sylvia said.

“ Then let's set off tomorrow since there are no classes tomorrow,” Turquoise said. And so with the nightmare now over, Sylvia was able to sleep peacefully again.

Author's Note:

In case you all were wondering Drizell is short for Drizella which is the evil stepsister Sylvia's stepmother is based on since not only was she the only one who remained loyal to Lady Tremaine but her name sounds like drizzle as in rain.