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The Legend Begins

Twenty years ago in the land of Remnant, a great battle between the forces of good and evil took place. The Evil witch Salem and her forces tried to conquer all of Remnant but four brave girls and their friends defeated her. Even with Salem gone, there were still Grimm. Now a new legend is about to be born.

A group of men wearing vests with ripped sleeves that showed off their muscles was walking through the shopping area of Atlas intimidating everyone who crossed their path. Their leader, who was a man wearing a black suit with a matching fedora and a cane walked ahead of them and entered a Dust Shop with them. The shopkeeper looked scared before he reached the counter.

“ Grab the Dust boys and take all the crystals you can carry,” The Leader said which prompted his goons to start robbing the place. One of those goons noticed a girl with red hair with a matching wolf tail wearing a long studded leather coat looking at Dust crystals.

“ All right Faunus put your hands in the air,” The goon said before grabbing the girl and causing her to turn around and stare back with her piercing red eyes.

“ Are you robbing me?” The girl asked.

“ No, I just wanted to see your red eyes. Yes, I'm robbing you,” The goon said sarcastically before shouting out the second part.

“ Oh,” The girl said before kicking the goon into the wall which brought in the other goons to point their weapons at the girl while shouting freeze. The girl tackled another goon through the window of the shop thus breaking it and then flipped through the air while drawing her swords and landing on her feet in a fighting stance.

“ What do I pay you guys for? Get that girl,” The Leader shouted which caused the rest of the goons to attack the girl. The Girl generated a black circle beneath her before spinning around at high speed creating a tornado of fire that repelled all the goons. “ All of you were worth every cent truly you were,” The Leader said before stabbing his cane into the ground and drawing a sword out of it. “ Well, Wolf I must say it's been an eventful afternoon, and as much as I would love to stay and chat I’m afraid this is where we must say good-bye. The Leader lunged at the girl ready to stab her deeply with his blade. The Girl leaped back while combining her two swords into a bow and fired an arrow at him. As soon as he tried to block the arrow it zapped him as soon as it made contact with his blade. A group of Atlas Soldiers along with a woman with white hair wearing a military uniform approached the scene of the fight after it was all over.

“ They’re all yours Aunt Winter,” The girl said before the woman gave her a disapproving look as the soldiers arrested the leader and his men. Later The girl and Winter were now in an interrogation room.

“ Turquoise Katt Schnee, how many times have I told you not to interfere with Atlassian Military Business?” Winter said in an angry tone.

“ In my defense, these crooks were the ones who attacked me first,” Turquoise said.

“ It doesn't matter who attacked first you had no right to engage Flameo and his men. If I had my way you would be rotting in the hole for insubordination but your mom wants to speak with you,” Winter said before leaving and a woman with white hair styled into a braided side tail wearing a woman’s business suit walked in and took her seat across from Turquoise.

“ I suppose you're here to chew me out as well?” Turquoise asked.

“ I’m not here to yell at you but I am here to give you a piece of my mind,” The woman said.

“ Like I told Aunt Winter I did not pick a fight. Those thugs attacked me while I was minding my own business looking at dust crystals,” Turquoise said.

“ Listen I know you're eager to engage in real combat instead of just skating around a track knocking others over but you're still in combat school and you're only a year away from being ready to go to Beacon,” The Woman said.

“ But I’m ready. I have my Bloody fang, I have my Glyphs, I even reached peak physical condition. What more do I need?” Turquoise asked.

“ You may have your weapon and your semblance but have you mastered both of them?” The woman asked.

“ No but I am good enough,” Turquoise said.

“ Ok tell you what. If you are that desperate to prove yourself then Let's make a bet you will be fighting one of my teammates if you win I will pull some strings to get you into Beacon early but if you lose I’m taking your Bloody Fang away until you graduate from Mantle Academy,” The Woman said.

“ Deal,” Turquoise said.

“ Now let's get out of here before your Aunt returns,” The woman said before she and Turquoise left.

Sometime later Turquoise was standing on the sparring ground behind the Schnee Manor doing some stretches while waiting for her opponent. Sometime later the woman arrived with another woman with black hair and silver eyes wearing a red hood with a red dress.

“ Are you sure you want me to do this Weiss?” The other woman asked.

“ Yes Ruby I need you to challenge Turquoise to an all-out match so she can learn how far away she is from being a real huntress,” Weiss said. As soon as Ruby got into position Weiss turned the screen on then sync it up with both Turquoise and Ruby’s scrolls to bring up their aura gauges. “ You remember my Team Leader Ruby Rose right Turquoise?

“ I do and I’m ready for anything she can throw at me,” Turquoise said.

“ We shall see about that,” Ruby said. As soon as Weiss gave the all-clear to begin Ruby pulled out her scythe and spun it around. Turquoise being the Faunus that she was instinctively dodged her attack and then drew her bloody Fang. Turquoise thought Crescent Rose being stuck in the ground would give her the advantage only to be proven wrong by Ruby shooting at her. While dodging the bullets Turquoise united the hilts of her swords and spun them creating a barrier made of Arklight Dust.

“ Arklight Dust? But I thought that was only used for big-scale stuff like mechs?” Ruby said shocked to see it used by twin blades.

“ I adapted the technology into my twin swords since being a long-range fighter leaves me defenseless. This way if the enemy finds my location I can reduce the damage at least,” Turquoise said. She then used her glyphs to create a platform for her to snipe from and prepared to fire her arrows at her. As soon as Ruby managed to pull Crescent Rose out of the ground she switched it to rifle mode. A barrage of Arrows and Bullets followed with both sides taking hits.

Ruby Rose: 20
Turquoise Schnee: 45

Turquoise was about ready to finish things until Weiss declared the match over.

“ The match is over, you win Turquoise,” Weiss said.

“ So does that mean?” Turquoise asked.

“ You’re ready for Beacon, however, you must promise to keep working on your skills because there are things you still haven’t mastered yet,” Weiss said.

The next day Turquoise was packing her bags to set off for Beacon Academy. Before she left Weiss made sure Turquoise had everything.

“ Did you pack enough Dust?” Weiss asked.

“ Yeah Mom,” Turquoise said.

“ And your Bloody Fang?” Weiss asked.

“ Yep,” Turquoise said before opening the case on her back that contained both her blades and her quiver of arrows and then closing it again.

“ And your clothes?” Weiss asked which slightly irritated Turquoise.

“ Mom I am a hundred percent sure I have everything,” Turquoise said.

“ Just making sure and before you go I have one piece of advice,” Weiss said.

“ Strive for perfection?” Turquoise said remembering the standards her aunt always held her to.

“ Not that. Make sure you find some good Teammates because you will be stuck with them for the next four years,” Weiss said.

“ I will,” Turquoise said before boarding the hoverjet with all her luggage.

Less than an hour later Turquoise was now standing in front of Beacon Academy. As she entered she accidentally bumped into a girl with white skin and black hair who looked pissed at her and knocked over the suitcase with all her dust which popped open and sent all her bottles of dust rolling everywhere. The girl began to look at Turquoise with an evil grin.

“ What's the matter you Wolf Freak can't you keep a tighter grip on your belongings,” The girl said while collecting the bottles and keeping them away from Turquoise.

“ Those are mine, now give them back,” Turquoise demanded before the girl noticed the emblem on the bottles.

“ Why don’t you try asking politely princess,'' the girl said tauntingly. As this went on a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes wearing a pink version of one of Weiss’s old outfits noticed one of the administrators coming.

“ Help! one of the students is being mugged,” The blonde girl shouted, which prompted the bully to run off and drop the bottles of dust. Turquoise frantically grabbed all her bottles of Dust until she noticed one was missing. “ I believe you dropped this. The blonde girl returned the bottle of Fire Dust to Turquoise who was relieved to have it back.

“ Thank you,” Turquoise said.

“ No problem. By any chance are you related to the Schnee family?” The girl asked.

“ I am. How did you know?” Turquoise asked.

“ That emblem on your bottles is the brand of the Schnee Dust Company,” The girl said.

“ My mom is the current CEO of the company. I’m Turquoise by the way,” Turquoise said introducing herself.

“ Nice to meet you. I’m Sapphire,” Sapphire said before noticing Turquosie’s weapon. “ Cool swords did you make those yourself?”

“ Sure did. This is my Bloody Fang and they are not just a pair of swords they can combine into a high-impact magnetic bow or put it simply they are also a bow,” Turquoise said.

“ Neat I have a pair of fans. I prefer to be elegant during combat,” Sapphire said.

“ What can they do?” Turquoise asked. Before Sapphire could give her an answer an announcement played.

“ Will all new students please report to the Ampha Theatre for orientation,” The announcement said which prompted Turquoise and Sapphire to grab their belongings and hurry over to the Theatre. As soon as they arrived along with everyone else A man with tanned skin and brown hair wearing a long coat with a cane walked up to the podium to speak.

“ Allow me to first say welcome to Beacon Academy. I’m Professor Oscar the headmaster of this academy. I’m sure some of you are eager to start learning but first, we must divide all of you into teams. My assistant and I will explain things once we get to the cliffs,” Oscar said before a lady with blonde hair and glasses guided all the new students to the exit.

An hour later the students were standing on what looked like metal plates. As soon as all of the first years were gathered Oscar began to explain what was going on.

“ Allow me to explain what is going on. We hid some relics in the Emerald Forest and it's your job to find them and bring them back. We will be launching you off this cliff and into the forest. How you land is up to you. Whoever you meet upon entering the forest will be your partner for the next four years so choose wisely,” Oscar said before everyone was launched through the air. Turquoise switched her Bloody Fang into bow mode and then tied a wire to one of her arrows before shooting it at the tree she was flying towards. After making contact with the tree she jumped down.

“ That was too close. Now to find someone I know I can work with,” Turquoise said before walking. As she was walking she felt a slight breeze form and soon saw Sapphire fighting a Beo Wolf with her fans which were creating tornadoes made of dust. As soon as the fight was over Sapphire noticed Turquoise.

“ Glad to see you made it down safely,” Sapphire said while closing her fans.

“ Glad to run into you. Looks like we are partners,” Turquoise said before they continued onward.

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest a girl with rainbow-colored hair, Bluewings, and magenta eyes wearing a bomber jacket along with a black top and skirt was fighting off some Grimm and after she beat them she kept going towards the ruins.

“ These Grimm have nothing on me,” The girl said before running into another girl with black hair and green eyes wearing a pink dress with a grey jacket.

“ I’m guessing you're my partner for the next four years?” The other girl asked.

“ Looks like it. I’m Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow said.

“ Nice to meet you I’m Sylvia,” Sylvia said. The two continued towards the ruins. Other pairs were formed as the students all proceeded towards the ruins. Back with Turquoise and Sapphire, they arrived at the ruins without too much trouble. As soon as they got there they noticed twelve pedestals each with a chess piece on them.

“ Which ones should we grab?” Sapphire asked. After looking at them Turquoise grabbed the white knight piece. Sapphire also grabbed a white knight piece. Before they could celebrate a girl with puffy pink hair and blue eyes riding an Ursa came in laughing with joy along with a girl with purple hair and deep blue eyes wearing a light blue combat skirt with a fur coat and a horn sticking out of her forehead. The girl zapped the Ursa before it collapsed.

“ Aw, I broke it,” The pink-haired girl said before mimicking an airplane.

“ Pinky, please don't ever do that again,” The other girl said while catching her breath. A few seconds later she noticed Pinky was missing while envisioning her outline. Pinky was eyeing one of the white rook pieces before picking it up and placing it on her head.

“ I’m Queen of the castle. I’m Queen of the castle,” Pinky repeated before she was interrupted.

“ PINKY,” The other girl shouted.

“ Coming Rarity,” Pinky said.

“ Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?” Turquoise asked, trying to grasp what just happened.

“ I think so,” Sapphire said. Suddenly Rainbow and Sylvia arrived while being chased by a condor. Suddenly the condor fired its dagger-like feathers at the group.

“ How did you manage to piss off a condor?” Turquoise asked.

“ This condor was blocking our path so I punched it to get it out of the way,” Rainbow said.

“ Really, whatever let’s just focus on beating it,” Turquoise said.

“ Any ideas,” Sapphire asked. Turquoise began thinking and noticed that Rainbow had wings then had an idea.

“ Pegasus girl how high do you think you can carry me?” Turquoise asked Rainbow.

“ Pretty high and my name is Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow said.

“ Fight now Introductions later. Can you two keep that condor distracted long enough for Rainbow to get me into position?” Turquoise asked Sapphire and Sylvia.

“ We will try but what are you going to do?” Sylvia asked.

“ Just watch it’s going to be something awesome,” Turquoise said.

“ I will be the judge of that,” Rainbow said before latching her arms beneath Turquoise’s shoulders and taking off at high speed leaving a rainbow trail behind. As soon as they were at the precise altitude Turquoise needed she had her bow ready and loaded with shock arrows. After telling Rainbow to let her go Turquoise fired her arrows at the condor who was busy fighting everyone on the ground. After being shocked Turquoise switch back to twin sword mode and crossed her arms while her swords burned. She unleashed her attack which not only decapitated the condor but also burned it.

“ What do you call that technique?” Sylvia asked.

“ It is called Flaming Onigiri normally it’s done with three swords but two is much easier to do,” Turquoise said. As soon as the fight was over everyone else claimed their chess pieces.

Sometime later the students were all back in the Ampha Theatre where Oscar was announce the teams.

“ Now that we are all here time to announce the teams. First up. Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Nori Pearl. You four took the white bishop pieces so from this day forth you will be known as Team S.N.S.T lead by Sunset Shimmer,” Oscar said before calling the next four people up. “ Pinkamena Diane Pie, Rarity Belle, Clair Hana, Amber Dusk you four took the white rook pieces so from this day forth you will be known as Team C.A.P.R lead by Clair Hana. Oscar moved on to the final four. “ And finally Turquoise Schnee, Sapphire Diamond, Rainbow Dash, Sylvia Quartz you four took the white knight pieces so from this day forth you will be known as Team T.R.Q.S lead by Turquoise Schnee. After the teams were assigned the students were all given their room assignments.

Author's Note:

S.N.S.T = Sunset
C.A.P.R = Campfire
T.R.Q.S = Turquoise

Sapphire belongs to https://www.deviantart.com/azureakasapphire