• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 1,368 Views, 14 Comments

Angelic Disposition - MyHobby

Angel Bunny is abrasive, rude, and selfish. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to help out.

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Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Part 1

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fan Fiction
Angelic Disposition: Part 3
Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Aloe and Lotus were making a killing.

The two earth ponies had set up their spa some years ago, but not until Twilight Sparkle moved into town did they really break out in popularity. Since that fateful day, when Nightmare Moon returned, small adventures had assailed the town on a near-weekly basis. Many of the residents of Ponyville were able to take it in stride, but others found the odd mystical monster attack to be… unsettling.

And so, the spa had become the go-to place of business to gain some well-earned rest and relaxation. Even ponies who would normally not be found dead in a spa found solace in its mineral baths and saunas. Two particularly stressed ponies now found themselves the object of much pamperment as one of them recovered from her serious emotional trauma. “Shine! Shine across Equestriiiiaaaa-huh-huh!!!”

Fluttershy spoke reassuring words to Rarity as a masseuse pounded out the white unicorn’s knots. “It’ll be alright, Rarity. The disaster wasn’t your fault.” She hesitated from using any specifics, in the fear that Rarity would withdraw further.

“It doesn’t matter!” The dramatic pony placed a pristine hoof on her forehead. “My name will forever be associated with that monstrosity of a food-fight! Everypony that had anything to do with it will forever have their good names tarnished!

The stallion attempting to loosen her muscles took a step back and rubbed at his sore hooves. “I’ll, uh, go get some more lotion.” He walked tenderly to the cabinet, hoping to give his hooves enough time to heal up.

“And one little mess-up can ruin a name forever!” Rarity bawled into her hooves. “My name is as good as Mud!”

“Hey!” The stallion spoke up, feeling quite insulted. “Mud is a good, clean name!”

“Oh, apologies, Clay,” Rarity turned to her masseuse. “That was a bit insensitive of me.”

Rarity sighed and rubbed at her temples. “I may as well just close up shop and sulk for the rest of my days.”

“Now, now,” Fluttershy interjected. “There’s always another way. Surely Fancy Pants will put a positive spin on it. He’s such a nice stallion.”

“That he is, the perfect gentlecolt,” Rarity smiled. “I wonder if… No, it’s not possible.”

Angel Bunny snuck his way into the room, nearly suffocated from the fragrant fumes and heavy sauna air. Thankfully, this seemed to be one of the more airy rooms in the spa, and he decided to take up residence until Fluttershy was done… spa-ing.

“What is it, Rarity?” Fluttershy’s interest was piqued, to say the least.

Rarity smiled bashfully. “Well, I was just wondering… That is, considering… Maybe…” She giggled with girlish glee. “Well, let’s just say that I wish it was proper for girls to ask stallions out on a date.”

Angel approached the massage tables, a look of surprised curiosity on his face. Wasn’t that one pink-maned lady who had been hanging on Fancy Pants his wife? Or maybe girlfriend? Then again, Fluttershy had all kinds of hangers-on when she was a model, maybe Fancy Pants was in the same boat? What had Fluttershy called them, stalkers?

The bunny supposed that Fleur De Lis was a stalker.

“Well, I’m sure things will work out,” The yellow pegasus smiled. “He does seem to like you.”

“I suppose,” Rarity sighed in relief as Clay Mud began to rub lotion into her tense back.

Noticing that her friend had calmed down some, Fluttershy decided to switch subjects. “On that note, I, um, I have a date for next Friday.”

“HUH?” Rarity stood up on the table, sending a surprised masseuse flying into a nearby mud bath. “You!?”

Fluttershy smiled and blushed, giving Rarity all the answer she needed.

“Oh, darling!” The unicorn squished her cheeks together in excitement. “I’m so proud of you! You simply must let me make you a dress to commend this special occasion!”

“Thank you, Rarity,” The timid pegasus replied.

Angel Bunny had been munching on a cucumber when he heard the news. He pounded his chest in an effort to dislodge a chunk that had snuck down the wrong pipe. Fluttershy was going on a date!? Fluttershy!?

He thought back to the art show; it was probably still being cleaned up. Fluttershy had been hounded by photographers (well, one photographer), bullied by her old teacher, approached by that reproachable stallion…

What had Angel done right!?

“Who is the lucky colt? You must tell me!” Rarity’s eyes were already alight with dress ideas; she needed only to find out what color-scheme would best tie the pegasus and her date together.

“His name is Hour D’oeuvres,” Fluttershy smiled softly. “We met at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Oh,” Rarity sat down. “Isn’t that interesting?” He smile had been replaced by a noticeable frown.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong?”

The proper pony gave her the most reassuring smile that she could muster, but it wasn’t very reassuring at all. “I’ve just… heard things, is all.”

Fluttershy lidded her eyes. “Like what?”

Rarity lay back on the table, Clay having finished removing the mud from his body. He began to pound once more, though a bit more cautiously. “Well, he’s sort of, kind of… notorious among the upper crust of Canterlot.”

Fluttershy’s face became lined with worry. “He doesn’t do, um, bad things, does he?”

“Oh, no, no, dear!” Rarity was quick to reassure her friend. “He’s just, well, he has a nasty temper, you see.”

“So do I,” Fluttershy mumbled. She laid her head between her front hooves as Clay Mud switched from massaging Rarity to her.

“Well, there are times, yes.” Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin as Aloe painted her face with mud. “But those are exceptions, rather than the rule. And his language!” She shook her head, causing the spa pony to miss a spot. “I’ve never heard the like. And I’ve never seen you use profanities, my dear.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Do you remember, ’So who gives a flying feather what you think?’”

Rarity’s mouth fell open before she could realize what her friend was talking about. “Well, again, the exception rather than the rule.”

“I just… wanted to give him a chance. He seemed so sincere.”

Rarity pursed her lips as Aloe placed cucumber slices over her eyes. “I’ll give you a bit of advice that I wish I had followed myself.” She pointed at Fluttershy, presenting a comical figure with her muddied face and vegetable-covered eyes. “Don’t date anypony you wouldn’t want to marry.

“Every time you enter a relationship with someone, you give a piece of your heart to them,” Rarity continued. “Friendships, siblings, and coltfriends. So, if you find someone is not who you hoped they could be and break off the relationship, you lose a piece of your heart.” She sighed in resignation. “Luckily, the sooner you call it off, the smaller the piece.”

Fluttershy nodded in understanding, though Rarity couldn’t see it. “Blueblood’s still on your mind, huh?”

“Yes, but only in the same sense as an annoying Pop song that you can’t get out of your head.” The mud cracked as the purple-maned pony’s face contorted into a frown. “That stuck-up, no-good, lousy, pain in the… Ugh!”

Fluttershy gave a soft “Mm” as Clay Mud’s skilled hooves found a tense spot and eased it into relaxation. “Well, it’s a good thing that I have such great friends to help me.”

Angel’s ears stood straight up, and a mischievous smile spread across his face. Friends, indeed. Fluttershy was going to have the time of her life, even if it killed her date.

Angel watched Hour D’oeuvres trot up to the door to Fluttershy’s cottage, a taxi carriage waiting for him and his date. Hour took a moment to straighten his bowtie before knocking on the door. It soon opened and Hour came face-to-face with three smiling mares. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had all received the same message from a certain small rodent who shall remain anonymous.

Come to Fluttershy’s. Stop.
Going on a date. Stop.
Put the fear of The Smooze in him. Stop.

Twilight Sparkle spoke up first. “Well hello, Mr. D’oeuvres, how are you?”

Hour tried to sneak a peek into the cottage behind them, looking for Fluttershy. “I’m fine, thank you, Miss Sparkle… I’m looking for Fluttershy; am I in the right place?”

“Aw, don’t worry your pretty little head, Mr. Horse Doovers,” Applejack replied. “Fluttershy’s still gettin’ gussied up for your date!”

“Yeah! Just look at us as… the welcoming committee!” Rainbow Dash added. “And I guess the sending-off party, too.”

“Besides,” Twilight finished. “We just wanted to interrogaaaaa-I mean, get to know our friend’s new friend.”

All three mares gave the nervous stallion big smiles. Hour D’oeuvres stared back in apprehension.

Applejack spoke up first. “Well, hay, maybe we should introduce ourselves first!” She gave the purple unicorn next to her a sideways-hug. “You’ve already met Twilight Sparkle, did you know that she turned her parents into potted plants when she was little? On accident?”

Twilight chuckled, “Oh, Applejack, those days are far behind me.” A devious smile crossed her face. “I never turn ponies into plants by accident anymore; I’m much more specific nowadays.”

Hour gulped. He could already see where this was headed.

Twilight turned to the blue pegasus hovering overhead. “What about Rainbow Dash, you may have heard of her!” Twilight waved her hoof in an arc over her head. “The only pegasus alive who can do the Sonic Rainboom, that means that she’s very fast.” She looked back at the blue stallion with uneven eyes. “Maybe the fastest pegasus alive, there’s nopony who can run faster than her. Nope, no running from this one…”

Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry. “Pft, that’s nothing, Applejack here can applebuck an entire field in a single day.” She floated on her back as she explained. “Pounding her hooves against tree after tree, apples falling everywhere, building up muscles… And her brother’s even stronger!”

Angel snickered at the pale green color that Hour’s face was turning. This was one colt who was gonna know who not to mess with.

“Le’ me put it this way sugarcube,” Applejack’s smile was as sweet as her apples. “You do anything, an’ I mean anything to hurt Fluttershy, well”--Her smile turned dastardly--“Ah’m sure Celestia’s got a nice, open space in her statue garden.”

“Duh… Duly noted, ma’am.” Hour loosened his collar slightly, giving his constricted throat some much-needed air.

“Oh, is he here already? I should go and meet him!” Fluttershy trotted out of the cottage wearing a silky reddish dress, the phoenix feather in her hair having been used as a base for the color scheme. “I see you’ve all gotten acquainted, how nice.”

Rarity followed her friend out of the house, waving in farewell. “Good-bye! Do have a good time!”

Angel hopped over to the taxi, sneaking into the small trunk. He had called in a few favors, and was expecting to pick up several friends along the way. With their help, he was sure to make this Fluttershy’s best date ever. Or at least her first date ever.

The trip to Ponyville was a quiet one, Fluttershy was naturally shy, and Hour D’oeuvres was still recovering from his close-shave with The Elements of Harming Me. Angel trailed a small flag outside of the trunk, emblazoned with blue butterflies. Before long, he noticed that the taxi was being followed by a large bird. He waved the flag twice, and the bird kept his distance.

Owloysius had joined the party.

A cloud floated overhead, partially dimming the setting sun. The inhabitants of the cab didn’t notice the very out-of-place green spot on the floating cumulus. Shortly after they passed, the green spot materialized into a tortoise, and the whirring of a propeller followed them down the road.

Tank had joined the party.

The taxi drove through the high-class portion of town, heading towards the restaurant Hour had selected for the evening. Fluttershy smiled at a particular fashion boutique, its “sorry, we’re closed” sign hanging prominently on the door. A quiet purr emanated from the cat door as its owner left the establishment, moving stealthily along the path into the town.

Opalescence had reluctantly joined the party.

“We’re here,” the cabbie said. Fluttershy and Hour D’oeuvres disembarked and trotted up to the swanky restaurant, The Silver Spoon.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy was amazed; The Silver Spoon was the place for everypony who was anypony to eat. “Are… are you sure this isn’t too much?”

“I want tonight to be special,” Hour replied. He stepped up to the greeter and spoke, “Reservation for ‘D’oeuvres.’”

“Ah, yez,” the maître d’ replied. “I weel show you to your table, zurr.”

The two ponies were led to a table on the terrace, open to the cool evening air and surrounded with greenery. “Your waiter weel be weeth you shortly.”

Fluttershy and Hour took their seats across from each other. In an effort to break the ice, the stallion tried to spark a conversation. “So, what have you been up to since the… eh… art show?”

“Taking care of animals.”

Hour waited for her to continue. He ended up waiting for a long time. The blue earth pony licked his lips and looked at the menu sitting before him. “They have some very good food here, what’s your favorite thing to eat?”

“I like salad.”

Hour paused again, waiting for Fluttershy to expand. He soon gave up. “Do you have a favorite kind of salad?”

“Not really.”

This time Mr. D’oeuvres was ready. “How about salad dressing?”


“Apples or oranges?”


“Paper or plastic?”


“Libra or Taurus?”


“Would yoo like something to drink?”

“Yes, please.”

Fluttershy continued to read her menu for a moment before she noticed that that last question had come from a new voice. She looked up with a bashful blush to address their waiter. “Um, just water with le-”

Her eyes widened in recognition. “Snowflake! How are you?”

An enormously-muscular white pegasus was doing his best to look posh in a full tuxedo. “I hev been fine, Flouter Shy! Thank yoo for de reference! It vas very helpful in getting de job!”

Hour stuck a hoof in his ear to clear it out; the server’s volume could stand a little more control. “So, you two know each other?”

“Snowflake and I have been friends since flight camp,” Fluttershy explained. “He didn’t know many ponies when he moved in from Hosstria.”

Hour smiled and leaned on his crossed hooves. “The land down under, huh?”

Snowflake slammed down on the table with a hefty fore-hoof. “It eez Hosstria! Not Hosstrailia! Vhy does everypony get dem meexed ahp!?”

Hour shrunk into his seat. “Sorry.”

Fluttershy touched Snowflake’s shoulder to get his attention away from her date. “How is Featherweight doing?”

Snowflake’s grin could have curdled cheese. “My son eez getting top marks een heez class! All thanks to Cheerilee and yoo, for mentioning dat study book.”

He wrote down Fluttershy’s drink order as he continued. “Ak-too-all-ee, he eez here tonight! When I vork here he studeez weeth heez friend, Seelver Spoon!”

Angel and company crept into the kitchens, several supplies in hand. Owloysius carried Twilight’s best silverware, Tank had several small instruments, and Opalescence had snuck in some of Rarity’s finest silk handkerchiefs. Angel wore a large chef’s hat and hefted a ladle. He watched the restaurant’s chef from a dark corner, waiting for the proper moment to strike.

The bunny signaled Owloysius, and the owl gave a loud “Who!”

The cook turned at the odd sound. “Huh? Who’s there?”


“You know who!” The chef walked over to the window, the sound was coming from there. “Employees only! You don’t have authorization to-”

The chef fell silent as a large pot hit his head with a “clang!” Opal waved from her perch at the top of a rack, claws shining in the light. Owloysius and Tank quickly dragged the unconscious pony away, and Angel got started with one of Fluttershy’s favorite meals.

They were well underway when the door to the kitchen opened, and two foals walked in. “But you said that we could play when we were done studying!”

A thin, white pegasus colt walked alongside a grey earth pony filly. The colt had a small camera strapped to his neck, which bobbed up and down as he trotted along.

The filly had her nose in the air, but the smile on her face was genuine. “And we can play, but I have, like, important things to do first!”

Angel scowled as the filly’s face connected with a name in his mind: Silver Spoon. One of the two richest, spoiled little girls in Ponyville. Half of the bully duumvirate. The Scourge of the CMC.

Silver reached the back-door to the kitchens without noticing the pets, all of whom were attempting to look as nonchalant as possible. She opened the door and waited outside, sitting beside the pegasus colt. “We’ve got a new playmate tonight, Featherweight.”

“Who is it?” The pegasus queried. He fell silent as a carriage rolled up to the back door, and a pink filly jumped out.

“Hi, Diamond Tiara!” Silver trotted up to greet her friend, while Featherweight stayed where he was, trying to make his lanky form look inconspicuous.

“Bump, Bump, Sugarlump Rump!” The two fillies completed their ritual, before Diamond Tiara opened the door to the carriage. A small brown mammal climbed out of the cab, looking very much like it was tired with life. Shoulders slumped, eyes downcast, and tail curled up between its legs, it was a sad sight.

“We’re only gonna be gone a few days, but don’t forget to wash him,” Diamond Tiara explained. “Thanks for taking care of him while we’re on our trip.”

“Well, what are friends, like, for, anyhow?” Silver Spoon smiled.

Diamond climbed back into the vehicle, and it slowly pulled away. Featherweight looked at the small creature sitting dejectedly at his feet. “So, what’s his name?”

“Diamond named him Dollar Dillo,” Silver Spoon rubbed behind the armadillo’s ears. “He gets to hang out with us tonight.” The armored pet tried to smile, but his face fell very quickly.

Silver Spoon sighed. “Maybe he’ll perk up if we feed him. What do armadillos eat, anyway?”

Featherweight scrunched up his face. “Don’t they eat bugs?”

“Oh, eeeeew!” The filly stuck her tongue out, and the two foals shared a laugh.

Angel stirred his savory brew. He was cackling maniacally, as bunnies are oft to do while plotting. Soon the meal would be complete, and Fluttershy’s date could be one step closer to perfect. He sipped from a ladle to test for flavor, before sprinkling a small paw-full of salt into the soup. He leapt down to the floor to instruct Opalescence to ready the serving tray.

He found himself face-to-face with his nemesis, that brown, roly-poly terror, Dollar Dillo.

All the gates of Tartarus broke loose.

Author's Note:

I'm switching to shorter chapters from now on. Each chapter will be part of a whole episode-length story.

Besides, shorter chapters are better for comedy.