• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,755 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

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Chapter 20: A Canterlot Visit

It had been a few days since the Poison Joke incident, and with Zecora having moved to the Everfree Forest and being part of Ponyville. I must admit, I was sure glad that the girls finally forgave my zebra friend after the fiasco with Poison Joke and their problems.

I wonder what will happen now? Things sure are more interesting in Equestria than they are on Earth, I’ll admit that for certain.

Currently, I was in the Golden Oak Library with Twilight and Spike, helping make the place look comfortable by cleaning up. I must say this place is making me feel more at home every day, since Twilight was somepony who had also been to Earth where I was from. As for Spike, he was placing some books on their respective shelves, making sure that they were easy to find.

“So Dawn, what do you plan now?” Twilight asked. “Your momentos are gone, right?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, as I thought about my items in the saddle bag that went missing for several days now. “I miss having my items to remind me of my time on Earth.”

“Well…if you ask me,” Spike started, “then you could seek out the culprit who stole your items.”

“That wouldn’t be good, Spike,” I sighed. “What if I get into trouble with the Princess about that? Wouldn’t I be sent into some sort of prison for that?”

“Dawn, that’s a silly thought,” Twilight giggled. “Princess Celestia isn’t like that. She’s understandable and wise. You know that, and I know that.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I agreed.

Suddenly, Spike belched a letter out of his stomach. “Huh, a letter from the Princess.”

“Speaking of the devil,” I rolled my eyes. “What does it say?”

Spike unfolded the letter, clearing his throat and read it:

Dear Dawn Darkness,

It is with my great attention to let you come visit Canterlot today. If you decide to accept this request, then I will send a chariot down to Ponyville to get you to Canterlot.

Your princess,


“Huh, a direct request from the Princess,” I rubbed my chin with my hoof.

“I wonder why she wants you to come?” Twilight wondered.

“I have no idea, honestly,” I shrugged. “Spike, send a letter of my acceptance to let her know I would like to visit.”

Spike nodded. “You got it, Dawn!” Then he wrote a letter from my words, then sent it off with a green breath of fire.

Soon, another letter came from the Princess. Spike unfolded it and read it, before I soon smiled as I heard some pegasus guards outside.

I bid farewell to Twilight and Spike before getting on the chariot.


As soon as the chariot arrived at the station of Canterlot, I was met with somepony clad in golden armor. He had blue eyes.

“Welcome to Canterlot, Dawn Darkness,” he spoke in a friendly voice. “My name is Shining Armor, Captain of the Day Guard. Allow me to escort you to the Princess.”

“Sure thing, Captain Shining Armor,” I nodded.

He turned around and together, we trotted on the streets of Canterlot towards the castle. While most of the trip to the castle was silent, I was beginning to be bored of it.

“So…” I started speaking, trying for a conversation. “What kind of things are you doing as Captain?”

“I train trainees,” Shining replied. “I am managing the Day Guard so that everypony is ready for anything.”

“So basically like a trainer who trains young cadets,” I concluded.

“Indeed,” he nodded.

I guess he is not like anypony I’ve met before. Heck, he wasn’t even mentioned once by Twilight to me. I feel like he was shrouded in the shadows by her, or something like that.

“How’s my sister doing?” Shining asked me.

I looked at him. “Twilight’s your sister? I could’ve sworn you two weren’t.”

He chuckled. “I guess she hasn’t talked much about me, am I correct?”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“Understandable of her to do,” Shining said. “We’re here,” he announced as soon as we neared the castle.

I blinked and looked up. The castle’s majestic structure was indeed a sight to behold.

“Let’s go inside, the Princess is waiting,” Shining said to me.

“Then let us not let her wait for too long,” I agreed.

And we entered the castle, where two guards saluted to their captain and allowed us to pass through.

While we were inside the castle, I noticed several guards looking at me curiously. I leaned to Shining Armor, asked in a quiet voice, “Why are they staring at me?”

He looked at them, before replying, “You may remind them of somepony who used to be in the Day Guard.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, or otherwise, it’s just a coincidence,” Shining said with uncertainty in his voice. “I’ve never met somepony who looks identical to you before.”

I only stared at him. Why would the guards think I look identical to somepony who had used to be in the Day Guard? Who could it have been? While I was thinking about it, we soon arrived at the door that led to the throne room.

Shining stepped forth and opened it, allowing me inside.

I trotted into the room. There were a few pieces of glass on the walls in between the windows, most likely depicting the rulers of Equestria. I looked towards Princess Celestia, who was smiling down at me from her throne.

“Welcome, Dawn Darkness,” she spoke. “I see your trip here was pleasant enough?”

“Yes, Princess,” I nodded. “It was.”

“Good,” her smile widened.

“Princess, if I may ask, what is the reason for why I am here in Canterlot?” I wanted to know.

“Straight to the point, dear Dawn?” Celestia chuckled heartily. “Can’t a Princess see somepony who is a friend of her personal student?”

I smiled. “Of course, Princess Celestia. But if I may ask… why is it I’m here?”

She sighed, standing from her throne, and trotted down to me. “Dawn, I know you’re feeling distressed about something.”

I lowered my head. “So… you knew that I was missing some precious items?”

“Indeed,” she nodded. “However, before we go further into that, I want Captain Shining Armor to help you on your tour of the city.”

Shining stood, nodding to her. “Of course I will, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia looked pleased, then turned to me. “Dawn, we will get to the bottom of your items. For now, please enjoy Canterlot. That is the only thing I’d like you to do.”

I was a bit quiet, then nodded to her. “Right, Princess.”

“You may leave,” she told us.

Both Shining and I bowed respectfully to her, then turned and left the throne room. I was quiet while I was trotting alongside Shining Armor, who looked at me. “You know you don’t have to think about it,” he spoke.

“I know, but those items… they mean a lot to me,” I sighed.

“As Princess Celestia said, you should enjoy Canterlot while you’re here,” Shining reminded me.

“You’re right, maybe I am overthinking and getting stress.”

“Good,” Shining said.

“So…where should we go?” I asked.

“Anywhere you’d like to,” was all he replied. “I am only here to escort you around.”

“Like a bodyguard,” I concluded.

“More or less.”

I was beginning to like Shining Armor. He is that type of guy you’d hang out with for protection… he kinda reminds me of Merlin back on Earth.

As soon as Shining had said I could go anywhere I’d like, I went down to the main street of Canterlot, with Shining Armor right beside me.


“I never thought you were somepony who liked books,” Shining commented quietly as we were in the Library of Magic, with me looking for a particular book on magic.

“I guess it’s a trait your sister got on me,” I replied just as quiet, before I found a book that caught my interest. I pulled it out, its title reading; On Magic and Transformation.

“You’re interested in transformation?” Shining whispered, eyeing the book title.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “One of my friends is unique in these, you see.”

Shining knew I wouldn’t say more, so he shrugged when I finished my response. We came over to a table and sat down on the floor.

I enjoyed his company. While I was reading, I found a page that looked rather interesting:

When a user is using their magic to perform several spells, they are able to use it to transform their shapes. This is called the “Transformation Spell”.

Only used by certain individuals, they are able to take the shape of somepony to either help others, or defend themselves from threats by taking the form of their adversary.

The page ended there, with the next page beginning the next chapter of the book. I pondered over what I’ve read.

“Is there something the matter, Dawn?” Shining asked in a whisper, knowing the library were supposed to be a quiet place.

“Oh, nothing,” I shook my head in response. “I was just lost in my thoughts, that’s all.”

Shining nodded in understanding.


If I told you I loved books, would you believe me? Shining had to practically drag me out of the Library of Magic in order to get to move on with the tour by reminding me that I could go somewhere else, since reading books on magic seemed to be something that would bore him if it went on for many hours.

Maybe a trait Twilight had put on me, seeing as I now lived inside the Golden Oak Library with her and Spike, and even that place is full of books. I guess I must have been in book heaven for a long moment in the Library of Magic.

Anyway, currently, Shining and I were walking through the main streets of Canterlot, to our next destination: Shining and Twilight’s house. I’m pretty excited to meet their parents, and I’m getting more and more familiar with the capital of Equestria while I was touring with Shining Armor who, I should tell you, was feeling excited to get home after a day of work at the castle.

“Allow me to introduce you to my parents,” Shining told me, “if there’s somepony who could be interested in meeting a friend of my sister and I, it’s them, and they can get a little thrilled to know somepony.”

“Understood,” I nodded.

As we neared our destination, Shining opened the door to his parents’ tower with his light rose aura. Once I got inside, I was blinking at the sight before me.

Of course, as expected, the house had a few bookshelves on the walls. This was the first thing I noticed, since it was apparent they had studied magic in those books.

“Shining Armor, dear, is that you?”

I turned and… confusion washed over me as I tilted my head. The mare who spoke was like a differently colored Twilight Sparkle, with her coat being light gray in tone, and her mane purple and light gray. When I looked at her, she was definitely reminding me of her daughter.

“Yes, Mother,” Shining nodded, then turned to me, adding, “This is Dawn Darkness, a friend of mine and Twilight’s. He is visiting Canterlot, and I am showing him around.”

“Oh, I know what you’re thinking,” the mare giggled. “I look a lot like my daughter, don’t I? Don’t worry, I get that fairly a lot.”

I managed to get a hold on myself. “Yes, it’s just… unexpected to see you two resemble each other… very closely, I’d like to add.”

“My name is Twilight Velvet,” she introduced herself. “But you can just call me Velvet. It would confuse a colt like you if me and my daughter were in the same room.”

“Indeed,” I agreed.

“Dawn is just here visiting Canterlot,” Shining explained, while Velvet looked expectedly at him.

“Ah,” Velvet smiled. “Here for sightseeings, Dawn?”

“Yes,” I said. “And I like the city and what it has to offer so far.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Why don’t the two of you stay here for a bit?” asked a stallion with dark blue mane and tail, and his coat was a grayish azure. “I’m sure we can talk about how things are going in Ponyville for our daughter and you, Dawn.”

I looked at Shining, who smiled. I glanced back at the stallion. “Sure thing. We’re in no rush, right?”

Shining shook his head. “No, we’ve got plenty of time.”

“Great!” Velvet said with a joyous smile. “Then allow me to prepare lunch.”

I blinked. It was already noon? Wow, how time flies by in Equestria.

Thus, Shining and I joined his parents for lunch.


After joining Shining’s parents for lunch, he and I were making our way through the streets of Canterlot, heading off to our next destination of the tour.

I really enjoy Canterlot. It seems like a nice city, although a bit too… ‘fancy’ for me to live in. There are a lot of unicorns who preferred high-class like them. But I prefer to live in Ponyville for obvious reasons.

While I was thinking about where to go next, Shining had already a plan for us. He decided to have me go with him to somepony’s shop.


We were at Joe’s donut shop. And let me tell you when I said I didn’t expect this from Shining, I truly didn’t. He basically wanted to see this stallion they called Joe.

And it certainly surprised me.

“I never thought we’d be here,” I told Shining while we were waiting for our order.

“Well, this is a shop that’s a favorite in Canterlot,” Shining replied. “Besides… I was surprised to see you even liked donuts.”

“Are you kidding?” I smiled. “Donuts are amongst my favorite snacks.”

“Good to know,” Shining chuckled.

“Excuse me for the wait, gentlecolts,” said Joe as he arrived with our order. “Here’s your order.”

“Thank you,” Shining thanked him, while Joe placed the donuts on our table.


When we were finished eating our donuts at Joe’s shop, we continued on with the tour. As I previously stated, it’s too fancy for me to live in Canterlot. Although it was a good home for Twilight, I’m glad she decided to live in Golden Oak Library in Ponyville, because, well… how would I have met her if she didn’t? There were still much to do on this tour around Canterlot, and I was itching to get around and explore the city.

Shining shared my inner statement. He, too, wanted to get on with the tour while we continued through the streets of Canterlot.

I must admit, these ponies are looking like they shared some similarities with the higher people of Earth, who seemed to regard themselves above others who were not politics and such. I’ll be honest when I say I am glad that my parents originated from here than Earth, ‘cause then I couldn’t be more fitting in with the ponies.

Anyway, back onto track. Shining was taking me to his tower, which did confuse me at first. “I thought we were supposed to be touring the city?”

“We are,” Shining answered. “I’m showing you my tower. And while we’re at it, you’ll be able to see where I live while not at my parents’ place.”

I guess he must have meant that he moved away from home, because he looks old enough to be do that. He was around the age where somepony was capable of living alone.

As soon as we neared his tower, he opened the door with his magic aura. We made it inside, and I must say that it does look comfy for somepony like him to have living quarters like this one.

There were a few items which was royal guard regalia, and a coat of arms and some suit of armor, which I assume was where he have his armor close by in case he was having work at the castle.

“So, what do you think?” Shining asked, turning to me.

“Looks nice,” I replied. “Your house do seem to be fitting for a royal captain such as yourself.” And I was honest with that, of course.

“Thank you,” he said gratefully.

While I was having myself a tour of his house, Shining trotted over to a sofa and sat down while looking at me (probably to make sure I don’t break anything).

As I looked at his stuff, I began to think about my own parents. What would they be doing now, now that I was in Equestria? They must’ve been afraid that I was not alive, since Merlin practically sent me here without much of a warning to them. Although it was understandable, considering that the Danish military had tried to take me and my parents “back”, maybe I wasn’t much for Earth anymore. Possibly due to the fact I was in reality a pegasus and not a human.

While true, I was having some sort of mental thoughts about them. Though I was sure glad to have met Twilight, Spike and the girls. They helped soothing my thoughts about that day when the military had attacked Bloodonia.

If it weren’t for these girls, I wouldn’t have made it very far as I did if I only had my grandparents to look after me. Whenever I think about my parents, I couldn’t have helped but question myself: did they survive the attack? Were they captured, or worse… dead? However, I knew that with Merlin, his parents and guards would protect them, I shouldn’t be pondering over it.

“Dawn, you’re crying,” Shining spoke up.

“Huh?” I blinked, then wiped the tears from my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Shining asked.

“Oh, nothing,” I lied.

“Clearly it’s more than ‘nothing’,” Shining stated. “I may not be the Element of Honesty, like your friend Applejack is, so tell me what’s wrong.”

I sighed. “I miss my parents.”

“The two royal guards who went missing?” Shining asked.

“How’d you know?” I asked, rather harshly.

“Their mission wasn’t unnoticed by most of the guard,” Shining explained. “Although it was private, which is understandable, Princess Celestia had something to do with it, didn’t she?”

I was staring at him. “I have no idea what you are talkin’ about, Shining Armor.” And I was being honest. What mission? Had my parents gone on some sort of exploration if they ended up on Earth without a way back? Thinking about that, I realized what my friend Merlin talked about before I walked through his gate to Equestria.

“It’s understandable that you knew nothing about the mission,” Shining sighed. “Let’s just say that we only know they needed to explore some sort of distant planet, and they never returned to Equestria since.”

“I thought it was supposed to be private?” I said.

“It was, but she only told it to somepony who is important of the guard,” he replied.

“Like you,” I concluded.

“Like me,” he agreed.

“So…” I started, “is there anything else we could do while we’re in Canterlot?”

He smiled, as if he knew I was going to ask that.


I was finally back in Ponyville, having enjoyed a great tour of Canterlot with Shining Armor. Whilst I was trotting along, I was met with Pinkie Pie, who was happy as usual.

“Heya Dawn!” she said. “Did you enjoy Canterlot?! Huh, did you?!”

I chuckled at her happiness. “Yes, Pinkie. I did enjoy the city.”

“Good to know!” Pinkie smiled. “Oh, I was meant to tell you that Twilight is expecting you at the library.”

“Thanks,” I thanked her before I trotted towards the Golden Oak Library. The door was closed, but I opened it as soon as I neared. What I was met, was Spike stacking up some books on the shelves.

“Oh, hey, Dawn!” he noticed me. “How was Canterlot?”

“It was great,” I replied. “I must admit, though; Ponyville is more where I would live than with those higher rank ponies.”

“Good to hear, and I agree,” Spike nodded. “Ponyville is quieter, and it sure is a better place without much less of criticism from the higher ranks.”

“So, I was told Twilight was expecting me?”

“She’s in there,” Spike pointed to my room.

I raised a brow. Why would she be in my room? Hopefully she didn’t do something that I would dislike… then again, my saddle bag was in fact stolen from me a few days ago.

I trotted towards my room, stepping through and indeed, I saw Twilight turning to face me.

“Oh, Dawn,” she realized. “I didn’t expect you to be back so quick.”

“Well, the tour of Canterlot was over, so I thought I’d return home,” I said.

“I see,” was all Twilight said.

“Is there anything you’d like to speak to me about, given that you’re in my room?” I asked with a slightly raised brow.

“Actually, yes,” Twilight nodded. “There is something.”

And so she began telling me about what she had been doing while I was in Canterlot. Apparently, she was looking for my saddle bag, knowing I would feel happy if she had found a clue to where it disappeared to. Although it was sad I’d lose my momentos from Earth, Twilight had thought all day since I was at Canterlot she would find it for me.

“That’s sweet of you, Twilight,” I said finally after she finished. “Indeed I would be happy to have my stuff back.”

“Then how are you not sad for the time being?” she asked curiously.

“Truth is…” I started, “Princess Celestia is also on the case regarding my saddle bag.”


“Yup,” I nodded.

“If that’s the case, then maybe we shouldn’t worry as much,” Twilight sighed. “So… did you meet my brother?”

“Yes,” I said. “He is a nice guy. It’s somepony who I’d like to talk with some more often.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Twilight smiled.

“I also met your parents,” I told her. “Some great folks. Reminding me of how my parents were sometimes back on Earth whenever they were together.”

Twilight giggled. “I see you’ve met a lot of ponies, Dawn.”

“No kidding,” I grinned.

“Well… I’ll be outside, then,” Twilight said, trotting over to the door.

“What happened here while I was gone?” I asked her.

“Nothing much,” was her answer. “There wasn’t going anything on in Ponyville while you were in Canterlot.”

“Good to know.”

I then looked at the window, seeing the sun was about to settle down for the evening. “Say, anything for dinner, maybe?”

Twilight stopped by the doorway, then smiled at me. “I could get Spike to cook it for us.”

“Sure thing!” was the dragon’s response to Twilight, who was blinking. “I was done stacking up the books, anyway.”

“What would you like, Dawn?” Twilight asked.

“What’s on the menu?” I grinned, joining them in the main lobby of the library.