• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,756 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

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Chapter 14: Cloudsdale, Pt. 3

When we finished our late lunch, Rainbow and I toured a bit more of Cloudsdale. I was excited to be shown more of the cloud city. As soon as we made it out to the streets, Rainbow took me to someplace she knew of in Cloudsdale.

And where was that, you might ask? Well, I’ll just see for myself.

“So, where are you taking me this time, Rainbow?” I asked her.

“Let me find it,” was the only thing she answered and looked around. “There.” She pointed with her hoof toward a building, which was something I kind of expected for her to find for some reason.

“And what’s that?” I questioned her.

At first, she rolled her eyes. “A building, smart pony. Most importantly, it’s our next stop on the list.”

Smart pony? I tilted my head in confusion at the words, but I knew this was Equestria, so that should be expected from them.

Rainbow and I trotted toward the building, which was a two floor building with white stone, and of course, some clouds around the rooftop. We went inside, a doorbell ringing the second we opened the door.

“Welcome,” said somepony with a red coat and crimson mane and tail. “And what may I serve you?”

“It’s me, Berry Comet,” Rainbow smiled. “I can’t believe you forgot me.”

“Rainbow!” the mare realized. “I didn’t realize, sorry, dear. And who is this fine stallion with you?”

“Hello, I am Dawn Darkness,” I said before Rainbow could introduce me. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Ms. Berry Comet.”

“A gentlecolt, I see,” Berry chuckled. “No need to be so formal, Dawn Darkness.”

I smiled at her. She seemed to be one nice mare, I’d say. When I looked at Rainbow with a curious expression, she whispered to me, “We were just seeing an old friend of mine.”

I blinked, as Berry Comet stepped out of the bar to greet us properly. “So you’ve been hanging out with your friends from Ponyville, Rainbow?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow nodded. “They’re really nice, friendly and kind. A group of best friends nopony could ever ask for.”

“That’s good to hear,” Berry smiled. “What have you two been up to recently?”

“I was just showing Dawn here around,” Rainbow replied. “He was curious about where we Pegasi came from.”

I raised a brow at that. She looked at me with her mouthed, ‘I know what you wanted, don’t worry’. I decided to not pay my mind on it too much, so I stayed silent.

When the mares were finished talking, Rainbow treated me with some treats that Berry Comet had made earlier during the day in case she expected visitors. I must say that those treats were delicious. Equestria surely knows its stuff when it comes to making stuff like this.

As we were done visiting Berry Comet, Rainbow and I continued the tour of Cloudsdale. Let’s see…we’ve been at the Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow’s old school, visited her parents’ house, visited Miss Berry Comet…what else now?

Apparently, there wasn’t anything more to be doing for the tour, so we decided to return to Rainbow’s house to join our families.

“We’re back!” Rainbow announced to them as soon as we entered the house again.

“And so have you, Rainbow,” her father, who I believe was called Thunder Dash, smiled. “How was the tour of Cloudsdale, Dawn? Anything you liked about the city?”

“It is a nice place,” I nodded. “I could totally see myself flying up here more frequently.”

“That’s good,” Platinum Dash was pleased.

“We were thinking about staying here for one day,” Grandma said.

“Oh?” I raised a brow. “How come?”

“We wanted to spend some time with our friends, because we have not talked much during the last couple of weeks,” Grandpa explained.

I smiled. “Okay. Rainbow and I were thinking of going back to Ponyville.”

“Yeah, since I believe Twilight’s slumber party has ended now,” Rainbow added.

Thunder Dash chuckled. “Have fun returning to Ponyville.”

After we had our things, I hugged my grandparents a short farewell until the next time we saw each other and joined Rainbow Dash on our return to Ponyville.

“Say Dawn,” Rainbow started as we flew in the sky. “When do you think you could teach me to play your card game, Yu-Gi-Oh!?”

“In due time, Rainbow,” was all I replied. Once I know of a way to get some of my decks here, that is.

As soon as we landed down on the streets of Ponyville, I trotted up to the Golden Oak Library, where Spike was waiting for something.

“Hey Spike,” I called.

“Oh, hey Dawn! Been enjoying your trip to Cloudsdale?” he asked.

“Yup,” I nodded. “It went well. So, are they done yet?”

“Yes,” Spike affirmed with a nod. “Rarity is just giving a friendship report.”

“Oh?” I gave a questioned look. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, so how was the cloud city?”

I smiled before I began explaining how it went with my visit to Cloudsdale. He listened instantly while I was telling him where Rainbow and I went when we managed to go from our families.

Author's Note:

This was the shortest part I've written so far, but, oh well. Each chapter shouldn't be at the exact same length, though, right?

Next up is Episode 9, Bridle Gossip! This should be interesting...