• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,258 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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The New Weapons

Spike was sitting in his throne room, and decided against the idea of leaving for the human world. He was needed here, and couldn't just leave the nation. Spike had given his soldiers the knowledge of the human world, so they would be able to buy weapons. Spike, for some odd reason, knew what weapons the human world have. He doesn't know where he got the knowledge from, but he did. His soldiers had left just a few hours ago, and he wished them luck.

Vux was his second in command and had one question in her mind. What was the purpose for all of this? She understood the betrayal, but why have weapons stronger than anything, when there hadn't even been an invasion attempt? Vux had no idea what Spike was thinking, but she knew he must have very dark thoughts. She was sitting at a throne beside him, and was wary of him. He didn't move a single muscle, as he was lost in his thoughts.

Spike was thinking about all of the scenarios in his head when the confrontation would come. he knew it would come eventually, but he hoped for a slaughter to acure before then. He knew it would be a bloodbath, but he in all reality did not care nor should he. He did know that Vux was worried about him not showing a single emotion when he really should. Spike decided to humor her with his cold voice. "What is on your mind? Scared that i've finally lost it?" Spike asked, jokingly which made Vux blush.

"No no, i just. I've been worried about you, and you barely acknowledge anything. How are you thinking about this?" Vux said, turning the emotional gun on him. Spike grinned. He had hoped for this, and it was clear that Vux realized it to, because she huffed playfully. Spike then cleared his face. He then realized he had never take of his helmet since he bought the armor. Vux had started piecing together a small pattern, but she didn't go with it just yet.

"All in due time Vux." Spike said, making Vux confused. what did he mean wit; 'All in due time?' To her, it could mean anything. Might not even be related to what she was talking to him about.

All of a sudden, a letter came through the window through magic. Spike made no effort, and just took the letter with his hand. He started opening the letter and smiled. On the letter, it read;

Dear Spike

we don't know where you are, but we hope that you are safe. There are these scary walls around the end of the Everfree Forest. We don't know what is going on, but we sincerely hope that your safe. Pinkie and i have cut most of our ties with the other element bearers. Princess Celestia has tried to make me and Pinkie see reason. We won't, since we already know it isn't you.

Hello Spike!!! I know that you had something to do with those walls, and just to let you know, we support you. Me and Fluttershy has decided to try and find you. We will be loyal to you, and only you!!

Um Spike, we thought that we should ask you. Did you see Starlight Glimmer wherever you where? She had apparently disappeared during the night, and claimed to have seen a creature in a suit with some sort of demonic voice. I don't know what she meant but it sounded scary. Hope your safe.

- Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie

Spike smiled and put down the letter on his right knee. Vux looked interested and gave her the letter to read. When she finished reading the letter she smiled. "You have friends who believe in you like that." Vux said, making Spike nod in agreement. He did expect them to be loyal, but not this loyal.

"They are very loyal. Hopefully, they won't get caught. i will send out a message to the soldiers guarding the border to not harm them. If they do... they wont have their heads." Spike said, making Vux shiver by how cold the room just got. Spike had started to speak more in his demonic-like voice, but Spike either didn't notice or didn't mind.

Vux had something on her mind. Was Spike possessed? She had absolutely no idea. She would go back to the sales Griffin. Perhaps she could tell Vux about the armor.

In Equestria, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were discussing the best way to defect to the Crystal Empire or across the border to the badlands. Fluttershy was scared about leaving the land of Equestria for good while, Pinkie Pie was ecstatic to find Spike and see if she could help him.

They were in Fluttershy's cottage, and they had everything packed. Some ponies in Ponyville carried Spike Republican Youth flags. The Crystal Empire was still in a uproar about Spike being banished, and has done everything in their power to cut all ties with Equestria, but still be open for those who believe in Spike The Brave And Glorious.

Pinkie had packed all of her bags, and was helping Fluttershy with her packing. They hoped to find Spike and live with him. They didn't care if other ponies saw him as a criminal, as long as they know the truth then its all that matters. Spike hadn't sent them any letters, but they sure hoped it worked. They had gone to princess Luna and asked if she could possibly somehow send a letter to Spike. She could, and did so, but said that she couldn't place a tracking spell on it. They understood and didn't even ask.

Fluttershy had told all of her animal friends about her defecting from Equestria. They understood and told Fluttershy that they would always be loyal to her, Pinkie, and Spike and whoever were loyal to them. Fluttershy had smiled and hugged them all.

"Fluttershy, it is time. Spike is waiting for us." Pinkie said, making Fluttershy nod. They tog their saddle bags and extra bags with food, water, sleeping bags, and anything useful for their survival in the wild. Fluttershy peeked out of the front door, and saw nopony.

It was nighttime, so they technically didn't have to worry about ponies being there, but one can never be to careful. Fluttershy then opened the door fully and sneaked out together with Pinkie Pie who wasn't making a sound. Fluttershy closed the door and locked it. She hadn't left any letters or anything, so ponies most likely would be confused by the absence of her and Pinkie Pie. The Cake's knew though, and had promised about not telling anypony.

Fluttershy and Pinkie looked at the Everfree Forest with determination, but in reality, Fluttershy was terrified. She still wanted to help her good dragon friend Spike. Pinkie could feel fear, but not the same type of fear as Fluttershy or the others for that matter. Spike was their top priority, and wouldn't fail him.

They strolled through the thick forest, that was covered with dirt, grass, and other things. The trees were tall and had dark wood. It looked pretty intimidating for trees, but then again, they were in one of the most dangerous forests in history. The trees seemed to shift from time to time, but only Fluttershy seemed to notice it. Pinkie Pie was to busy about throwing Spike a huge party. She knew that he most likely was the reason behind the walls that now covered the borders between the Everfree Forest and the badlands. She didn't know how exactly, but her Pinkie sense were telling her something. They strolled through the Everfree Forest and had their guard up. They encountered some royal guards, but the guards didn't see them.

They moved closer and closer towards the border, and they could only smile. They were close to their lost friend, and they could practically feel his happiness when he sees them. They wondered how much he has changed. Then again, the badlands can change anypony into something very very bad. They just hoped he hadn't done anything to bad.

Pinkie and Fluttershy reached the border and were stopped by a Griffin soldiers who came out of nowhere and scared them half to death. The soldier looked unfazed and just looked at them. He then spoke; "Are you Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? His majesties has informed me of your defection, and told me to let you in." The Griffin said. They knew he was a Griffin because the armor gave the impression, but he was completely covered in metal.

Pinkie was the first to recover and answered; "Yes, we are his friends. And what do you mean by 'His Majesties?'" Pinkie asked, making the Griffin look at her with interest. He thought that every single creature knew about their glorious nation.

"My leader, Spike Dorcha, is Badlands leader and ruler. He made me into a soldier. Although, he is a very angry ruler. Well, that is more of an assumption, I don't know if he is angry." The Griffin said, making Fluttershy and Pinkie stare at him in shock. That was something they didn't expect.

"Come on, we'll have to fly across the border." The Griffin said, taking Pinkie Pie and flying upwards together with Fluttershy. The walls were both made out of stone and metal. It looked like it kept the whole wall in place, and it also looked quite menacing. The guards patrolling the border with super heavy armor, and well trained with their weapons. Fluttershy though that they wouldn't be able to fly over the border, but was apparently wrong. No creature stopped them. The Griffin led them over the border with ease, and dropped them of when he landed. Fluttershy landed in front of Pinkie Pie and the Griffin soldier. He bowed to them.

"This is where we part ways. Death Valley is only a two hour walk. Don't worry, the soldiers are expecting your arrival. Look for a huge black castle named; Dorcha castle." The Griffin said, making them nod in understanding. The Griffin flew away, leaving Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to look around them. They were surrounded by sand, but in the distance they could see a city. They started walking towards it, hoping to find their lost friend.

In Badlands capital, Death Valley, in the Dorcha castle. Spike was seeing his soldiers return. They showed metal made weapons called 'assault rifles.' Spike looked amazed, but the soldiers sadly couldn't see it because Spike had his helmet on him. They had also brought back TV's, radios, metal wagons called a car, and other things.

Spike nodded in approval to his soldiers. They bowed in respect, and left the throne room. His marefriend or Changelingfriend to be specific had gone out from the castle to look for the origins of Spike's armor. Spike didn't mind, he was quite curious himself.

Spike walked up from his throne and walked to the several packages, and looked at them closely. He could use his magic to enchant it, only to work and run on magic. Spike raised his claw, and a red and black mist started forming almost like a tiny storm in his claw. Spike made it larger and shot the enchanting magic at the packages. Spike took the largest TV and went to the throne, and used magic to conjure a table with weals. He placed the TV on there, and turned it on with magic. Spike then saw the TV become black an white screen. Spike used his magic and saw that it was himself on the screen.

"Hello, this is Spike Dorcha. Testing, testing." Spike said, and smiled when he heard his voice on the TV. It worked. He was gonna give everything to his beloved civilians. He also knew that two old friends of his were coming. "This will be interesting."

In another part of Death Valley, Vux was looking for the store that Spike got his armor from. She found the store and walked inside. The bell rang, and Vux waited patiently. A Griffin, a few seconds later came out. When she saw Vux she bowed in respect.

"What can i do for you commander Vux?" The female Griffin asked, with respect.

Hello, i was wondering what you could tell me about the armor that you gave his majesties?" Vux asked, making the female Griffin sigh in understanding.

"It was created by Grogar. It is one of the strongest armors there is in Equestria, maybe even the world. You see, later it was possessed by something that you might know and fear." The Griffin said, making Vux look at her in surprise.

"And what is it possessed by?" Vux asked, dreading to hear the answer.

The Griffin looked at Vux and sighed. "It is possessed by..." She couldn't bring herself to say it. She had to, his majesty is in grave danger. "The Pony Of Shadows."

Author's Note:

Hello guys"

Did you like the cliffhanger? XD For those who guessed that he was possessed by something in the armor. CORRECT!! Thanks for reading!