• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 3,059 Views, 315 Comments

The Real Nightmare Knights - Bigwig6666

If you are experiencing an issue involving spooks, spectres, eldritch horrors and/or things that go bump in the night, then give the Nightmare Knights a call at 1-800-NHT-KNHT. "We're ready to believe you!"

  • ...

The Eyes Of The Tyrant

A pair of sickly green eyes flashed in the darkness, forcing Tempest’s eyes to creak open as she arose from a dreamless and restless slumber.

She winced as she pushed herself up, her joints feeling stiff and worn down, and rapidly blinked and squinted as her eyes adjusted to her bright surroundings. The killer headache was currently nursing did her no wonders either.

“Ugh... Where-”

Before she could react or say anything more, a small pink blur suddenly darted towards her and thumped into her chest, knocking her back and practically pinning her down onto the pillows.

“What the-”

“Careful, Cozy,” Tirek’s familiar voice came from towards the foot of the bed in a scolding but not unkind manner. “It wouldn’t do to knock her out would it?”

Tempest raised her head again and blinked at him. He nodded and smiled back at her. “Glad to see you’re still with us, Commander,” he said and thumped a hand against his barrelled chest in a salute. “It was quite touch and go for a moment there.”

Beside him Chrysalis echoed his sentiment with a firm nod of her own. “Yes, I can’t imagine telling either Luna or Twilight that you died in your sleep would be very good or productive.” She flicked her mane out of her eyes and fluttered her shimmering wings as her cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. “But I am... glad to see you alive regardless.”

The commander smiled and sat back up, still with the pink limpet attached to her front. “Well don’t I just feel so loved?” she snickered, much to Chrysalis’s chagrin. She brought her hooves around and gently patted the limpet’s head. “Hey, Cozy? You good?”

The small creature stirred and pulled away, revealing herself to not be a filly with wide eyes and a trembling chin. Cozy sniffed and looked up at her with eyes wider than dinner plates. “Tempy! Oh geez we thought you were a goner!” she wailed.

Tempest, despite neither expecting nor knowing what to do with such sudden affection being thrust upon her, smiled. “I’m fine, Cozy,” she said, slightly touched by the concern shown for her and awkwardly patted her head again. “What, you think a little headache is enough to take me down?”

The filly pulled away and sheepishly rubbed her legs together before shrugging. “I guess not.” She looked around, noticing in particular Chrysalis’s mocking grin. “Hey, I can admit when I like someone. I’m not you,” she muttered, making Tirek snigger and Chrysalis’s smile drop in an instant. “Anyway, how are you feeling, Tempy?”

“Like I fought a rock and lost, but besides that I’m fine,” Tempest mumbled and stretched her legs. “Where are we? What happened?”

She looked around, and realised they were in what looked like a very fancy bedroom. A lavishly ornate wardrobe stretched the length of the room against one wall, and an equally as grandiose vanity table rested beside the bed. Even the bed itself looked like something out of a storybook. Its covers were spun from golden-red silk, and the very frame appeared to be made out of solid gold that stretched up the ceilings, in the middle of which a golden chandelier burned brightly, casting a warm orange glow over them all.

Embedded into the other wall and across from the bed was a magnificent golden archway of which some thin drapes across the gap led out onto a balcony. Gold capped domes and spires pointed straight upwards, reflecting the starry night above. She turned to Tirek with a concerned look in her eye, and repeated her question.

“Where are we? How long have I been here?”

“We’re in the guest quarters of the royal palace of Hisan Arabi, the capital of Saddle Arabia,” he told her as she moved, swinging her legs to the side and sitting upright in a rather un-ponylike fashion sure to cause some sort of spine-based dysphoria. “A few hours, Commander. Your duel with the... ahem... ‘djinn’, knocked the wind out of your sails, as they say.”

The room fell silent as Tempest rubbed her face and took a deep breath.

She exhaled slowly and pushed herself off of the bed, stumbling only slightly as her hooves touched the cold, hard floor. Suddenly the joyous attitude they had all shared upon her awakening vanished; replaced by a sombre, sober atmosphere that hung over their heads like a bad hangover.

She pulled herself together with Tirek’s assistance and stood up straight, holding her legs slightly apart. She assumed a commanding stance, one worthy of her rank, and in turn made the Knights glance at one another and shuffle awkwardly.

“Are we alone?” she quietly asked through gritted teeth after a few moments more. Her tone gave them the impression that she was like a dormant volcano, ready to blow at any minute.

Chrysalis cast a quick glance around the room towards the door. Her horn ignited in the bright green aura of her magic as she scanned the surrounding area, searching for any signs of life. Satisfied they were indeed alone, her horn deactivated and she gave the commander a quick nod of confirmation.


The tension seemed to ramp up as Tempest began to stalk back and forth like she always did when formulating a plan. She limped a few times as the feeling in her legs came back to her but she remained steady, her resolve quickly proving to be as strong as ever even in the face of their current predicament. Cozy winced and rubbed her forelegs together, looking around at all of the adults with a puzzled frown. She made a popping sound with her mouth and inhaled a sharp breath between her teeth before speaking quietly.

“Soooo are we gonna talk about Sombra?”

The Nightmare Knights bristled and scowled upon mention of the so-called ‘djinn’. Of all that they had seen and faced; ghosts, demons, eldritch monsters made of nightmare fuel and everything else in between Sombra was an anomaly to say the least, and perhaps the greatest threat to Equestria’s safety. For him to be alive and here in Saddle Arabia was unprecedented, and couldn’t possibly mean anything good.

“That was him, wasn’t it?” the filly persisted. “Or did we all go cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs on that ship?”

“It was,” Chrysalis said in a low growl. “I’d recognise that arrogant fool anywhere. As to why he is here, I could not say.” She tapped her chin and scowled. “And even then that would be grasping at straws. What about you, Tirek? Anything you’d like to share with the rest of us?” she asked the centaur of the group as he folded his arms and tapped his hoof.

Tirek shook his head and grimaced. “I have no idea why Sombra would be here. As far as I’m aware this isn’t even his territory--the Crystal Empire takes that honour.” He looked at Tempest pointedly as the unicorn flinched. The corner of her mouth twitched downwards into a sneer as her eyes took on a slightly glazed over look and she paused in her pacing. “Commander... you fought him--I saw your horns form a connection... Did he say anything to you at all? Offer any clue as to his emergence--or why he appears to have taken the role of a djinn?”

A few moments of silence passed before she answered him. “He asked me...” Tempest stared out the window over the city, remembering the Black Lord of the Dark Crystal’s piercing eyes stare deep into her very soul. As Tirek waved a hand in front of her she roused herself of her thoughts and looked the centaur in the eye. “He seemed confused when I said his name, and asked me who Sombra was.”

Tirek stroked his beard and frowned. “He did, did he? I see... Amnesia, perhaps?”

“That’s what first came to my mind,” she retorted, and quickly resumed in her pacing, trying to shake the image of his eyes out of her mind.

Cozy whistled and rubbed the back of her head. “Well that would make things easier, right? If he doesn’t know he’s... you know, Sombra?”

Tirek nodded. “In theory, yes. But there is also the possibility, and it is far more likely, that with no restraints such as memories he could pose an even more serious threat than we had originally anticipated.”

“So what do we do?”

Tempest poked around her teeth with her tongue and kept quiet as the Knights began to talk amongst themselves. She remembered her dream as she slept on board the Vizier’s airship, more distinctly how what should have been a memory twisted into a vision of Sombra laughing like a madpony. Sombra was supposed to be destroyed, banished back to the darkness by the Elements of Harmony--by Twilight and her friends. For him to so casually return like it was nothing unnerved her, very much so.

She cleared her throat and shook her head, both clearing the thoughts from her mind and drawing the attention in the room back to her. “It doesn’t matter.” She looked at the Knights one by one as she spoke. “We know he’s here, and if history’s taught us anything it’s that he can be beaten. For now, our top priority is finding out what we can about this... ‘djinn’. That’s the job, that’s why we’re here. And... while we’re at it, keep this information strictly between us four, got it?”

Tirek nodded and looked over her face, noting the apprehension lining her features. “I agree,” he concurred. “It would be prudent to act like this was nopony we know. I for one cannot imagine what kind of situation it would cause if it came out that an Equestrian was responsible for killing the sultan of Saddle Arabia.” He scowled and pressed his hands together.

“However, Sombra, in life, was never one to act randomly or without reason. This was the pony who had plans for his plans, schemes layered upon schemes, the pony who cursed an entire empire into obscurity for a thousand years with a mere few words and a wave of his horn. He is a tyrant and a dark wizard, but not an assassin.” He paused, and he and Tempest shared a grim look.

“Do you think someone’s controlling him?” she murmured in understanding.

“It is a possibility we cannot ignore, Commander, especially seen as how he may have amnesia,” Tirek continued with a nod and began to explain his train of thought. “On the Vizier’s airship I found a book about djinn--myths and legends for the most part, but they all shared one thing in common. The djinni are amongst the most dangerous of their kind, yet in those stories they were all ensnared and enslaved to the one who controls them, usually via some sort of magic lamp. Now we know that the ‘djinn’ is Sombra, it could be hypothesized that he was summoned here for a specific purpose as he was when Discord brought the three of us together... Although what that purpose would actually be escapes me...”

The commander nodded earnestly. “Right. Do we have any suspects?”

Tirek bitterly shook his head. “As of yet, no. We have no reason to be suspicious of anypony here. And I’m sorry to say but the book was damaged upon our attack.” He looked towards the horizon, through the thin veil and out over at the city and sighed. “There is the smell of dark magic in the air here, Commander. We should be careful, and proceed with-”

“I must apologise for interrupting this brainstorming session, Lord Tirek,” Chrysalis suddenly said with a sharp turn of her head. She jutted her chin towards the door and her upper lip twitched upwards. “But someone is coming.”

The Knights quickly fell silent and rearranged themselves and braced themselves. From beyond the door there came some muffled hoofsteps, and a rapid knocking on the door. “Nightmare Knights?” came the muffled voice of the Grand Vizier from the other side.

Tempest nodded to Chrysalis, signalling the changeling to open it. Indeed the Grand Vizier stood there looking in at them, looking as alive and healthy as he could look, dressed in fabulous purple and golden robes.

“Ah, my friends!” he cried happily, and quickly stepped forwards. He stopped in his tracks when he saw their grim faces. “Oh... I hope I am not interrupting anything?”

Tempest shook her head and smiled at him. “No, Vizier, we were just going over some plans, theories and stuff,” she said, and inclined her head towards him as he continued to approach. “I’m glad to see you’re okay.”

The Vizier bowed to her and chortled softly. “I am humbled by your concern, Commander. Truly, the Nightmare Knights’ abilities were not exaggerated, I see? Not only did you save the lives of everypony on my ship, but I was also told that you, Commander, faced the beast down alone and drove it back? And now you have made such a quick recovery!”

The commander felt her eyebrow twitch and her cheeks flush with what she saw as undeserved praise. “Really, Vizier, we haven’t even done anything yet,” she stated calmly with a forced smile. Behind her the Knights stood rigid, casting wary glances at one another. “You can dish out praise when the job is done. Speaking of which, we should get a move on and start investigating what we could.”

“Of course, of course, even so your accomplishments should be noted?” the Grand Vizier chuckled and nodded at each of them. “Although, I will say that after such a long journey, you must all be famished, and something to eat before heading into battle with the devil would be prudent, yes?”

Tempest opened her mouth, only for the sound of a low grumble of several hungry stomachs to fill the air and answer for her.

The Vizier tittered lightly and adjusted his robes. “Forgive me for being presumptuous, my friends, but as luck would have it, we have had a great feast prepared for your arrival.” He hesitated as Tempest glared at him and raised her eyebrows. “Would you do us the honour of attending and sampling some of our hospitality before you go into battle?”

“I don’t think that’s-”

Tempest felt a sharp tug on her tail and heard a noise that sounded somewhere between a hiss and a gasp. She quickly spun around and spotted Cozy clutching at her and staring up at her with large, pleading eyes.

“One moment, please, Grand Vizier,” she grunted, turning back to the masked pony and flashing him a quick smile.

He nodded back at her and took a step back, turning his head away as not to intrude.

“Cozy we don’t have time for this,” the commander whispered, fixing the filly with a stern glare as they all drew their heads together. “We’re on a tight schedule here as it is.”

Cozy pouted and stuck her lip out. “Aw c’mon, Tempy, I’m starving! It’s not like I’m a changeling, I can’t feed off of love like a certain somepony.”

Chrysalis scowled and let out a soft growl and a hiss. “If you’re referring to me, Cozy Glow, then I advise you to choose your next words very carefully.”

“What, you think you’re the only changeling I know?”


“Alright fine, yeah maybe you are. So what?”

“If I may, Tempest,” Tirek said, quickly putting an end to another round of back-and-forthing before it could truly begin while pinching the bridge of his nose. “If Sombra is indeed targeting the Grand Vizier, would it not be best to keep a close watch on him?” He glanced over the dark mare’s shoulder at the masked pony. “Who knows, perhaps Sombra will try again soon, and wouldn’t it be better for all of us if we were there to prevent another attack?”

Tempest felt it dawn on her what he was suggesting. “That’s a good point. Alright, fine, we’ll go to this feast, but I want you all to keep a sharp lookout for anything suspicious, alright?”

Cozy let out a small ‘yes’ and a hoof pump. “Thanks Terry, I knew you could talk some sense into her!” She grinned, only to falter and snap a hoof to her head in salute when the commander glared at her. “Aha... just a joke, Tempy... Don’t worry about us, we’ll keep an eye out!”

The dark unicorn rolled her eyes and pulled away from the small huddle.

The Vizier as he saw her movement and drifted back over to her. “Well, my friends?” he asked hopefully. “What say you?”

Tempest took another deep breath and looked ahead at the doorframe before forcing another smile onto her lips and focusing on him. “We would be honoured, Grand Vizier. But we-”

“Wonderful!” he cried happily, cutting her off and swinging a hoof around the room towards the door, gesturing for them to follow him. “As Equestria’s own Bluish Carol would say, what a joyous and frabjous day this is indeed! Come, there are many who have come here today to see our saviours and deliverers from this terrible evil afflicting us.”

Before any of them could say anymore, he spun on the spot and started off, moving quickly and purposefully out of the room and into the corridor. The Knights glanced at one another for a moment before hurrying after him, only just managing to keep pace with his happy gait. Tempest wondered what kind of party the Arabians would throw if the Knights were successful in their duty and actually managed to beat Sombra.


She didn’t like that, and felt a lump form in her throat.

After a few minutes moving down the corridor and following the Vizier into the rest of the palace, Tirek began to appear suspicious and jumpy of something, and kept glancing over his shoulder as if they were being followed. Tempest noticed and hung back for a moment, catching his eye.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him as a group of servants scurried past, whispering among themselves and looking at Tirek in equal parts curiosity and fear.

“I have a bad feeling about this, Commander,” he replied quietly. “When you’re as old as I am you get a sense for when bad things are going to happen...”

Tempest narrowed her eyes as they walked side by side. “What do you mean?” She lowered her voice to a whisper so that only he could hear her. “Is it Sombra? Is he here already?”

“No it’s not that, it’s...” he whispered back and shook his head, taking a sniff of the air and looked particularly grim. “I’m not sure. There is... what I think is magic nearby, but it’s... wrong. Like it’s... sick, or tainted. We should be careful.”

At his troubling words Tempest simply nodded back at him and looked towards the Vizier. A small troop of guards on patrol marched passed them, their bronzed armour clinking and clanking as they moved, saluting at their leader and his guests.

“Although I am confident in our abilities, we have not fought a creature like Sombra before. This will be challenging, and dangerous...” Tirek murmured. “More so for some... than others.”

He rested his eyes on the small filly in front of him, who was currently deep in conversation with Chrysalis about some form of pancakes and the right amounts of toppings they can or should have. Strangely, Chrysalis herself seemed quite receptive to their conversation, even going so far as to offer her own thoughts on how much syrup and how many pancakes it took to make a syrup-pancake-sandwich. A pained expression crossed the centaur’s wizened features for a moment.

Tempest noticed her friend’s dour expression and gently nudged him with her shoulder. “Hey. She’ll be fine,” she whispered. “She’s got you looking out for her, right?”

“That’s what concerns me,” he stubbornly grunted. His slightly raised voice made the pair of Knights in front pause in their pancake based conversation to give him a frown and a strange look. He quickly looked away and adjusted the bracer on his left wrist, tracing over the cold steel with his free hand and a far off look in his eye. He grew quiet after that, not even continuing to glance over his shoulder anymore.

The commander’s face fell and she remained silent as they continued walking. The Vizier raised a hoof to signal their halt, and came to a sudden halt outside a set of heavy looking and ornately carved doors.

He said something to the guards on either side of it in a short, terse order. They hurried to obey him and pulled open the doors, allowing them all to pass. “Onwards, my friends,” he said, sounding like he was smiling, and strode forwards.


The cool and refreshing night air hit the Knights in the face as they entered into a huge, open spaced courtyard. The floor was marble tiled and painted with a great spiral swirl, and a few shrubs and trees planted neatly around made the whole area look rather pleasant.

The skies were thankfully clear as well, allowing the moon to shine bright in the night sky--a peaceful far cry form the airship journey in, thought the Knights as they looked around. Aside from the silver moonlight shining down upon them, several dozen lit braziers provided for each and every creature there to be seen, despite the dancing shadows cast up onto the palace walls.

Towards the back of the courtyard sat a large throne, elevated on a slightly raised platform. As she looked, Tempest noticed that the braziers around the throne itself were unlit, and a large sheet covered the whole platform, no doubt as a gesture of respect for the fallen sultan. It was nice, in a way, she thought, and made her wonder how long Equestria would mourn if any one of the princesses were to pass away in such a violent manner. She swallowed and shook her head, wishing not to dwell on such bad thoughts and instead enjoy a moment of reprieve with her team while she could. As she looked at the empty throne she was bitterly reminded why they were there, and made sure to keep a suspicious eye out for anypony in particular that may have warranted their attention.

Although such a thing was far easier said than done.

The sound of raucous laughter and joyous celebration, coupled with the intoxicating scent of Arabian wine filled the air as goblets and chalices were filled up and passed around, with each recipient happily and cheerfully sharing their drink and pouring another cup with his or her neighbour.

In the centre of the courtyard, a troop of mares dressed in silk, see-through garments were performing a dance routine for the amusement of those sober enough to watch while some stallions nearby played instruments and gave them musical accompaniment.

One of the guards standing by the gate saw the arrival of the Grand Vizier and his guests and picked up his heavy looking mallet, crashing it into the gong at his side to signify their presence.

An eerie silence fell as everypony stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads. The dancers quickly sank to the ground in respectful bows as the Vizier passed them, remaining perfectly still. He stamped his hoof twice in quick succession and inclined his head to nopony in particular, signalling for them all to carry on as they were.

And then as if nothing had happened, life sprung back into the room. The dancers leapt up and resumed their routine without skipping a beat, and the musicians playing for them continued just as quickly, picking up right where they had stopped.

In front of the throne, and apparently the Vizier’s destination, lay a table containing a spread of food the likes of which none of the Knights had ever seen. From simple and easily recognisable apples and oranges like those in Equestria, to elaborate constructions of delicious looking cakes and pies, to bowls upon bowls of greenery and a smattering of other treats, each one looking as delectable as the last, it looked too good to be real, like some sort of dream. Tempest’s mouth watered as they approached it, and the Vizier gestured to the seats.

“Please, make yourselves comfortable, my friends,” he said with a twinkle in his eye as he moved around to take his place. He paused for a moment to look up at the throne, and bowed his head slightly and murmured a quiet prayer in Arabic. He turned around and gestured to the table, and the abundance of food. “Please. I insist you take whatever food and drink you want. You are our honoured guests here after all.”

Tempest nodded politely and sat down to one side of him. The ravenous hunger that had taken hold of her stomach upon seeing the food threatened to overwhelm her. “Thank you, Grand Vizier,” she said respectfully as she eyed up a particularly juicy and shiny looking red apple. “You are very kind.”

Beside her Chrysalis also sat down, and across from them on the other side of the Vizier Tirek and Cozy took their places at the table.

The filly was not so restrained as the commander was, and promptly began to stuff her face full of sugary pastries and every other thing she could get her mitts on.

“Heck yeah he is!” she cried as she finished quickly devouring a round of cookies, much to the amusement of some nearby servants. “Thanks, G.V.!”

G.V.?” the Vizier cried in absolute delight as he too settled down. “You know I quite I like that? I shall have to remember to put that on my luggage.” He tittered lightly and stroked the chin of his mask as a servant approached and placed placing a straw in the goblet in front of him, no doubt so that he didn’t have to remove his mask. “G.V., how amusing...”

Chrysalis looked down at the food in front of her with varying levels of thinly veiled contempt before her eyes settled on a strange looking, deformed oval shaped piece of fruit with a reddish-orange hue to its skin.

Tempest watched out the corner of her eye as the queen’s expression softened, and used her magic to pick up the fruit and hold it close to her mouth. The changeling closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, letting her eyelids flutter and a small breath escape her lips as she whispered a single word at just barely above an audible level.


“Sorry, what was that?” Cozy asked her in between hooffuls of food. “Did you say something, Chryssy?”

The changeling froze and opened her eyes to fix the pegasus with a glare that could strip paint off the walls. She ran her tongue over one of her fangs in a wordless display before she bit into the weird fruit, savagely tearing a chunk of it away and letting its juice drip down her chin. The message in her eyes was clear: ever mention or bring up whatever that was again, and her suffering would go down in legend.

Cozy swallowed what she was eating and shrugged. “Alright, I only asked if you said anything. It ain’t my fault you can’t talk about your feelings,” she added as quietly as she dared.

Tempest rolled her eyes and chuckled set down what was left of her apple core, having quickly and silently devoured her prey within a few moments of eyeing it up. She pursed her lips and burped slightly, quickly apologising and covering up her mouth.

The Vizier chortled quietly and sipped his drink, watching them and the rest of the congregation enjoy the feast and festivities. Except Tirek, who sat with his fingers pressed together, looking deep in thought and like he was concentrating on something.

After a while of noticing him not even touch the food, the Vizier turned to address him. “My Lord Tirek, is everything not to your liking?” he asked, sounding disheartened.

The centaur remained silent. His eyes flicked backwards and forwards, and his mouth moved slowly and silently.

Cozy waved a hoof at the Vizier. “Oh he does this sometimes when he’s thinking,” she cheerfully explained as she slurped at a small mug of apple juice set out specifically for her. It went unsaid, but even in a foreign land none of the Knights--not even Chrysalis--was about to let a filly as young as her taste wine regardless of the situation. “He’ll snap out of it when he’s finished. Or when something interesting happens.”

The Grand Vizier nodded. “Ah, I see. Perhaps some entertainment is in order, then? As luck would have it I may have such a presentation that would browse your interests, if you so wish.”

Tempest’s eyes drifted over to the group of mares dancing nearby and the end of her nose twitched slightly. One of the mares batted her long eyelashes at her, making her cheeks turn a darker shade for a moment. “Oh? What sort of presentation?”

The Grand Vizier clapped his hooves together and raised his voice.

“Summon the magician!” he called out. Some guards quickly saluted him and hurried to obey him, leaving the hall and closing the heavy doors with a loud thunk.

The Knights turned to look at the Vizier with quizzical expressions. Even Tirek seemed to rouse himself out of his self imposed stupor and frowned. “Magician?” he murmured, voicing all of the Knights immediate thoughts and inadvertently proving Cozy’s previous statement to be true. “What magician?”

Chrysalis scoffed and waved a dismissive hoof as her magic lifted up another of her weird fruits. her tongue lashed out towards it. “I would imagine just another unicorn fond of a few fancy parlour tricks,” she said with a mouthful of food, as cold and unapologetic as ever.

“Chrysalis,” Tempest sternly snapped, shooting her a look as if to say ‘be nice’.

The former queen shrugged and ate her fruit, falling into silence while they waited.

Cozy swallowed the small cake she was eating and grinned. “Say... Weren’t you beaten by a unicorn magician, Chryssy?” she crooned. “One who loved using those same ‘cheap parlour tricks’?”

The former queen frowned at her small comrade. “Unless you’re referring to Twilight Sparkle or that hag Starlight Glimmer, both of which I would--reluctantly and begrudgingly--consider more than mere magicians, then no.”

The filly nodded earnestly, her smile fading as she watched her plan for teasing Chrysalis fall apart before her very eyes. “Yeah she went with Starlight, Discord and Thor--uhh...” She faltered as Chrysalis leaned across the table and bared her fangs in a short hiss. “Thhhhat changeling you made us promise never to talk about to do that thing you made us promise never to talk about. What was her name? Troopsie? Trapsie?” She tapped the side of her head and knitted her brow in concentration.

“Trixie,” interjected Tirek absentmindedly and half-heartedly, watching for any sign of the so-called magician approaching. “Big hat. Blue cloak.”

“Yeah that’s it!” Cozy happily cried, snapping her hooves together. “She’s one of the teachers at Twilight’s school now isn’t she?”

“You tell us, you were the one who went there,” Tempest answered as she lifted her drink to her mouth and took a small sip. She realised she had never tried Arabian wine, being more of an Equestrian cider fan herself, and was pleasantly surprised to find it was delicious. She took another sip before setting it down. It wouldn’t do to get inebriated before a battle after all. Or maybe it would. She thought it best not to chance it either way.

The Vizier tilted his head slightly as he listened, his mask no doubt hiding his bemused expression as he listened to the Knights bandy words back and forth.

“So yeah, Chryssy, her name was Trixie. Are you telling me you really don’t remember her?”


Chrysalis wrinkled the end of her nose as she lifted up her own goblet in her magical grasp. “Trixie...” She mulled over the word. She opened her mouth a few times about to say something, but proceeded to only furrow her brow more and more and keep cutting herself off with a quiet hum. Cozy, meanwhile, grew more and more irate, and sinking further into her chair and groaned in frustration.

The former queen tapped her chin and sipped another drink, sloshing it around in her mouth before eventually shrugging and shaking her head. “Nope, I’ve definitely never met anypony called Trixie. Really now, Cozy, this is a feeble attempt to rile me, even by your standards,” she scoffed. “Making up past enemies indeed. For shame, it’s not like we don’t have enough as it is!”

“Oh come on!” Cozy cried and threw her hooves up in the air. “How can you not remember but Tempest and Tirek do?! She and Twilight had a rivalry, kinda, she’s Starlight’s best friend. She’s like, almost as famous as Twilight is?” She pressed down on the table with her hooves. “Ringin’ any bells, here? You guys even sound the same!”

The changeling snickered at her and shook her head again. “Are you perhaps giving up your career as a Nightmare Knight to become this mare’s biographer now? Might this little pony have some sort of celebrity crush?” she teased in a nasally voice.

If the filly ground her teeth together any harder than she already was she may have cracked them. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” she growled and slumped down into her seat with folded hooves and a haughty harrumph.

Chrysalis, delighting in turning the tables on the little mischief maker, stifled a series of giggles and lifted up another of her strange fruits. “Perhaps this magician of yours, Grand Vizier, will leave a more lasting impression than this alleged ‘Trixie’ Cozy Glow seems to be oh so fond of.”

After a minute of hesitation and bemused silence, the Vizier began to laugh so much he nearly toppled out of his seat and had to take a moment to quickly compose himself. “Oh--oh my, yes, I must agree, Lady Chrysalis, I am more than certain Master Bray will meet your expectations.”

“Master... Bray?” Tirek said, turning his attention towards the Arabian with a peculiar look on his face. “I have not heard of any wizard by that name. Is he powerful?”

“Oh yes, without a doubt, my Lord Tirek. Despite his... nature, as you may soon see, he is a venerated practitioner of magic, and it is thanks to him that I survived the fires that took our beloved sultan from us,” the Vizier continued proudly yet sadly. “Truly, I believe he is a sorcerer of unparalleled skill and unmatched power in all of Saddle Arabia--so much so that I might even dare even to say that he might rival that of your own Princess Twilight Sparkle one day, if he does not already. He is a good friend of mine, and has served the royal family for generations. Here he comes now!

“Has he?” Tempest questioned, sharing a look with Tirek just as the gate swung open once more, followed by the crash of a loud gong echoing out through the night. The dancers quickly dispersed to a series of disappointed groans.

A hooded figure stepped forwards until he came to a halt just before the Vizier’s table. He was short for an Arabian, roughly the same size as an Equestrian pony, perhaps even a touch shorter and stubbier.

“Your most illustrious Grand Vizier,” he said, his voice waving and wafting through the air in an almost song-like manner as he bowed low. “I am overjoyed to see you alive and well,” he continued, “and I must apologise for the lateness of my arrival to our noble and most esteemed guests, for I do so get caught up in my work. I welcome you into our home, Nightmare Knights, and hope that Saddle Arabia more than meets your expectations.”

He threw his hood back, making the Knights’ jaws drop in surprise.

For although Saddle Arabia was an exotic place compared to Equestria, none of them had ever expected to see a donkey smiling up at them, posing as the court magician of all things. He looked ordinary enough, with long ears, buck teeth, green eyes of no particular discerning features, a mud brown coat that even from a distance looked coarse and rough from what was showing under his cloak, and a shabby looking dark brown mane that sat atop his head.

Tirek curiously leaned towards the donkey and looked him up and down. “You are a long way from home, Master Bray,” he said.

Master Bray answered with a toothy smile and continued speaking calmly and clearly. “Indeed I am... as are you, Lord Tirek, the Exiled Son of Nessus.”

Tirek’s look of curiosity quickly changed into a simmering glare and a disgruntled sound of barely contained anger escaped his throat. Bray didn’t notice, or perhaps more accurately, didn’t care, and he simply kept smiling as he turned to the other Knights and rattled off their names in a taunting, teasing sort of way.

“As are all of you... Cozy Glow, the unloved child who’s parents wished for a unicorn...”

Without saying a word Cozy quickly turned her ears down and looked away. Her wings fluttered gently before clamping down at her sides and she slumped down in her chair.

“...Queen Chrysalis of the Hive--or lack thereof...”

Chrysalis’s pupils contracted into vertical slits as she stared the jack in the eye and curled her upper lip in a low and menacing growl, unafraid to hide her displeasure.

“...And of course...” He levelled his gaze at the unicorn with a broken horn and said with a grin, “the Herald of the Storm King herself, Tempest Shadow.”

Tempest felt the heckles on the back of her neck stand up on end. “Mhm,” she grunted, thoroughly unamused.

She stood up and placed both front hooves on the table. “I’m sorry, Grand Vizier,” she said as the masked pony started in his seat and turned to her. “But I was under the impression that the Nightmare Knights are here to fight a djinn, not...” She waved a hoof at the donkey and sneered at him. “Be attacked like this.”

The Grand Vizier quickly stood. “Oh no, you must forgive him, Commander,” he said quickly. “Master Bray has a rather dry sense of humour. I assure you he means you no offense.”

“Uh huh.”

With a mere few words and within literal seconds of meeting them, this random donkey in the middle of Saddle Arabia had managed to anger and annoy each of the Nightmare Knights, an honour they usually kept reserved for each other. Chrysalis was clearly close to leaping off of her seat to throttle the donkey, and Tirek gripped the table with such force his knuckles were turning white, while Cozy looked dejected and depressed, having lost her appetite entirely.

Bray raised a hoof and smiled, turning his long ears down, although it was a false gesture. “My deepest apologies if I have indeed caused offence to you, Nightmare Knights. I merely wished to demonstrate that I know of your pasts, and as such know of your powers and skill. If I may?” he said, gesturing behind him.

Tempest reluctantly and against her better judgement sat back down, keeping her eyes locked on the donkey. She nodded precisely once, and waved for him to go ahead.

“From banishing demons and poltergeists to the vanquishing of the dreaded Headless Horse, the Nightmare Knights are indeed respected and admirable warriors all! They have come here this night to vanquish us of our evil, to put an end to the tyranny of the accursed djinn once, and for all!” he cried with a wave of his hoof around the room to some smatterings of applause and a few faint cheers of praise. “And it is for that reason, my Lords and Ladies, that for your delectation and delight I will present you a taste of the awesome power I wield in my hooves.”

He stamped his hoof twice, and once again the doors swung open.

To the surprise of the Knights, what entered the courtyard next was a large, solid brown and pink nosed brute of a creature that looked somewhere between the cross of an ape and a pig, carrying an urn large enough to fit a fully grown pony under one arm and a small chest under the other. Long tusks jutted up from its mouth and its nose dripped with unknown moisture. Trailing behind him was a young Equestrian looking mare, who came to a halt by Bray and curtsied as she stepped around the giant accompanying her.

Her coat and her mane were both white as snow, and from beneath her hair Tempest spotted a pair of faintly glowing pink eyes. She was an albino, the commander realised, and watched as the mare quivered in a manner so pitifully shy she could have given Fluttershy a run for her money.

“Drog. There,” Bray snapped, addressing the large brute, and pointed to a spot near the centre of the yard.

‘Drog’ ambled over to where he was told and set his burdens down. With the heavy thud that kicked up a small cloud of dust. Afterwards, he stood slack jawed and idle, gazing up at the sky and the moon as a fly buzzed around his head. The mare opened her mouth to say something but only winced and retreated back into her mane when Bray scowled.

“Ahem,” he coughed, tapping his hoof impatiently. The brute turned to him and blinked unevenly. The magician sighed and his shoulders sagged.

“Must I instruct you on every detail you imbecile?” he cruelly snapped “Pick up Constant. And put her in the urn. Chop chop, we have guests waiting.” He tutted and glanced towards the Knights and offered them an apologetic smile. “Troggles are obedient creatures but mind numbingly dull sometimes,” he explained.

A flicker of recognition passed over Tirek’s narrowed eyes. “A troggle? Interesting...” he murmured quietly. Tempest cast a cursory glance at him before looking back at the magician and his assistants.

The brute ambled over to the mare named Constant and stopped just shy of her. She peered out fron behind her mane and looked up at him, stepping forwards as he held his paw out to her. “Thank you... Drog,” she whispered.

Drog made no sign that he had heard her soft voice. Tempest wasn’t sure she had spoken at first, thinking her whisper just a mere blow of the wind as the troggle lifted her up to the cusp of the urn. She hesitated for a moment when she reached the top, looking down into the inky darkness before Bray shot her a look and cleared his throat. She shrunk away from him and swallowed, and without a word she disappeared from view into the vase. Bray meanwhile approached the chest and flung it open. After bundling up his cloak around one hoof he reached in, and pulled out a long, green serpent that twisted and writhed in his grip.

Drog reached down and flinched as his hands closed around the donkey’s barrel, hoisting him up much the same as he had the mare. Unlike Constant, Bray didn’t hesitate when he propped himself up on the top and without a second thought he dropped the snake in after her. The crowd gasped in alarm and immediately began to murmur amongst themselves. The Knights’ eyes went wide and they all rose from their seats started forwards, as alarmed and wary as the crowd was.

“Patience, my friends,” the Vizier said, waving a hoof in an attempt to assuage their fears. “Master Bray knows what he is doing. Even if the rest of us don’t.”

They shared a look towards one another and all remained tensed but fell back into their seats, continuing to watch the strange display with morbid curiosity.

The troggle lowered Bray to the ground once again and meandered away, resting on his haunches and dragging his knuckles on the ground as the magician reached into the folds of his cloak. From them he procured a small vial of brightly luminescent blue glowing liquid. He quickly unstoppered it and poured it over the rim of the urn, then took several steps back as it began to hiss. After a few short seconds it erupted into a long plume of smoke that wafted up into the air.

Bray stepped forwards once more and raised a hoof, looking at the Knights with a toothy grin. “Behold!” he cried, and slammed into the urn with such force it was shattered it on impact.

As the last of the ceramic fell away and dissolved into the air, what was revealed inside the urn was a frightful sight, and many of the watchers gasped in horror and shambled away. For where the albino mare had no doubt once sat, now crouched a strange and exotic looking creature. Her coat was a pale ocean green, as was her mane. Only her eyes gave away her identity, still glowing the steady pink of an albino that cut through the night like a pair of spotlights. But her most intriguing aspect, the one everypony in the room was staring at, was that of her lower half, for where her hind quarters and ordinary pony tail should have been, slithered the shimmering, emerald green body of a colossal snake.

Bray bowed slightly and moved off to one side before turning around and looking at the snake-mare.

Dance,” he commanded with a deep and powerful voice. She turned, her forked tongue slithering out from her mouth and lapping at the air in front of her. Her eyes blinked unevenly. He whistled sharply through his teeth and repeated his command. “Dance for me...”

The crowd remained deathly silent, utterly transfixed and hypnotized by the magician’s impressive display of magic as the lamia pulled herself up before letting her hooves fall limply to her sides. The musicians that had been playing for the dancing mares earlier picked up their instruments once again and began to play an oddly serene tune.

The snake-mare’s eyes glazed over and slowly, she began to rock; swaying back and forth in tune to the music. Her forelegs swung with rhythmic motion and fluttered around her body as she started to twirl and spin, putting on one of the strangest shows the world had ever seen. Soon those in the crowd watching in intense curiosity began to clap and stamp their hooves, both cheering her on and singing the magician’s praises.

Tirek watched with a mixture of awe and revulsion, utterly and completely mesmerized despite the sinking feeling growing in his stomach. Chrysalis, meanwhile, was more focused on the magician, and kept her eyes trained on him like a hawk, clearly very much still furious for the remark about her hive. Cozy meanwhile nibbled on a biscuit, despite having lost her appetite.

“I am asleep...” the Vizier murmured, just as astonished as they were by the spectacle happening before them--even in spite of knowing Bray’s skillset consisted of. “This must be a dream...”

“A nightmare would seem more likely,” Tempest retorted. Even she knew that the creature dancing before them was thought to exist only in the legends about the pre-Equestrian world; a figure that allegedly stalked the edges of towns looking for children to steal. She had never expected to see one in the flesh, even since becoming a Nightmare Knight, and the very sight of the hybrid creature made her skin crawl.

While everypony’s eyes were fixed upon the strange dance routine, none of them noticed the end of her tail coil around her body, rising up into the air until it suddenly lunged towards her neck and began to constrict. She immediately stopped dancing, the alien, almost glazed over look in her eyes replaced by very equine-like emotion as her hooves pawed at it to try and free herself. She scraped and clawed, gulping and gasping for air, her movements becoming more frantic and panicked in a matter of a few short moments.

Her mouth opened wide and an almighty shriek escaped from her throat, snapping everypony out of their hypnotic trance. Drog let loose a braying call of fear and covered up his large ears. Several of the guards drew their swords and marched forwards, intending to put a stop to the affair.

Bray quickly silenced them with a raised hoof of his own and stormed forwards, scowling and looking somewhat disgusted in his creation. He produced another vial of the same liquid as before and poured it over the snake-mare. There was another flash and a shimmer of light, and once more the bronze coloured mare lay on the floor.

Constant looked visibly shaken and semi-conscious, but very much alive as the guards rushed towards her. “I assure you,” Bray said to the Knights, pausing to cast her a glance filled with visible disappointment. “My assistant is perfectly unharmed and will recover with a few hours bedrest.” He stamped his hoof and jerked his head towards the door. “Drog, take her away.”

Drog looked deeply afraid and worried, and scooped up the semi-stable mare with a large paw. As he slung her over his shoulder and carried her away, Tempest saw she had a mask for a cutie mark and wondered what it meant. The troggle’s footsteps were loud and heavy as he plodded away, and effortlessly pulled the doors shut behind him.

The Vizier stood up and flocked towards the magician as the crowd erupted in cheers and applause before turning back to their own conversations and discussions. The Knights on the other hoof, drew their heads close together and began to confer among themselves.

“It just me,” Cozy whispered, “or is this Bray guy shadier than a thestral? I mean... what the heck was that snake... thing?! And--and that big guy that came in with her?”

“Those creatures, Cozy, were relics of the old world...” Tirek murmured, sounding equal parts curious and concerned. “The big one was a troggle, and the snake-mare was what is known as a lamia, a crossbreed created by dark and powerful magic. For this Bray character to not only have one, but both in his apparent retinue and have such control over them like that is troubling to say the least...” he paused, letting his words sink in.

“I do not like him,” Chrysalis snarled, shooting the magician a filthy glare.

“Gee, really?” Cozy muttered back. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“He insulted me by daring to mention my Hive.”

“You mention it all the time!”

“Quiet you two.” Tempest made a zipping motion across her mouth at the changeling and the filly and looked to Tirek as they fell silent. “Is he behind Sombra, do we think?”

“It’s possible,” Tirek answered. “He is clearly knowledgeable of dark magic, but truthfully it will be hard to say for certain.” He leaned back in his seat and stroked his beard. “Unless something is proven to be definite, this one will require some thought...”

“A wonderful display, Master Bray!” the Vizier cried, and slapped a hoof on the jack’s back. Tirek made a pushing motion with his hands as he and the Knights withdrew from their discussion and looked back up at the pair.

The masked pony signalled for a nearby servant to bring over a drink. “Truly you are an equine of many talents, my friend,” he declared proudly.

Bray smiled and bowed to him, taking the goblet in his hoof. “You are too kind, Grand Vizier,” he chuckled. “Although I suspect my display may have disturbed the Knights more than perhaps they thought it would?” he said, looking towards the Knights, and sipped at his drink. “I must confess I had assumed you all had stronger stomachs than a simple bit of transfiguration magic.”

The Vizier looked at his guests and chuckled softly. “What did you think, Knights? Have you ever seen such sights? And from one without a horn, no less!”

Tempest, Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek all narrowed their eyes at him.

“No,” the centaur eventually said. “May I ask, Master Magician?” he continued slowly, leaning back in his seat and pressing his hands together. “The lamia of the world were extinct as far as I was aware, and troggles haven’t been seen in an age. How... how did you come by one of each? The odds seem... astronomical, to say the least.”

“Ah ah, my Lord Tirek,” Bray chortled and wagged his hoof back and forth as he took a sip. “A good magician never reveals his secrets. Does he?”

Tirek knotted his brow together and scowled in disapproval.

The jack’s eyes flashed with secretive knowledge, and his lips parted in a coy grin. “Perhaps one day you will find out,” he added cryptically. “Perhaps sooner than you think. But enough about me, this is your moment after all is it not, Nightmare Knights? Please, allow me to raise a drink to you, for your health, and to wish you victory against the dreaded djinn!”

As he raised his goblet to a raucous cheer and a hip hip hooray from the crowd, a dreadful and powerful stomping sound similar to hoofbeats began to echo into the night. Bray lowered his drink and narrowed his eyes, and every single creature present stopped what they were doing and listened to the sound.

Tempest wrenched her curious gaze away from the donkey and cocked an ear out. A palpable dread had already begun to fester in her stomach, only growing larger as the ‘entertainment’ had performed. On top of that, the approaching stomping certainly didn’t help.

The Grand Vizier himself coughed and looked around. “What is that... what is that noise?” he murmured.

The commander felt a familiar tingle in her horn, and in her mind’s eye flashed a pair of sickly green eyes, outlined by trails of purple smoke. A shiver ran down the length of her spine with such force it made her tail flick involuntarily.

“Vizier, I suggest you stay behind us,” she growled. The tone of her voice was grim and serious. She stood up to move around the table and stand beside the Vizier. Her team quickly followed suit to join her. She didn’t know if they also sensed his presence, but even if they didn’t, she was glad they were there to back her up.

The Vizier turned to look at her and started on the spot in confusion. “Whatever do you mean, Commander?”

“It’s not safe. Please, Vizier.”

The stomping sounded rhythmic and slow, as if its maker was taking his sweet time--savouring and anticipating the anxiety he caused. A low murmuring came from the crowd as they turned to one another in fear. Bray shuffled quietly where he stood, an odd, neutral expression across his face.

“Commander?” Tirek murmured, cracking his shoulders and flexing his muscles. “What’s the plan?”

“We-” she began, just as Sombra invaded her mind, his piercing eyes flashing brightly and making her headache return with a vengeance. She clenched her jaw and shook her head. “Ugh... We take him down,” she grunted and clenched her jaw. She massaged her temple and grimaced while Tirek gave her a worried look before thumping his chest.


The stomping continued to grow louder and louder still, until it suddenly stopped--leaving a deafening void of silence in its wake for what felt like an eternity. The crowd, the Knights, the Vizier and Bray all held their breaths, waiting and watching to see what would happen next with an ample amount of dread embedded into their hearts.

And then, a shriek went up from the crowd. Several hooves raised and pointed up at the large shadowy cloud spreading across the top of the palace high above them, silhouetted against the moon. The guards quickly began barking orders to one another and the crowd, ushering them towards the gate as quickly and safely as possible while a pair of green eyes watched from up above.

“Get to safety!” Tirek yelled, waving to the crowd. “Grand Vizier, tell your soldiers to fall back as well. We’ll take it from here.”

The Vizier made no motion to move, spurring Bray to speak for him. “Skies protect you, Knights,” he murmured. Although he sounded concerned for them, Tempest heard a flicker of something else in his voice. Something almost like giddy anticipation perhaps. Her ear flicked and she watched as Sombra’s shadows began to descend, crawling down the side of the palace like an overgrown slug.

For it was indeed him. The Tyrant of the Crystal Empire. The Dark Lord. The Djinn of Saddle Arabia. All were one and the same. Tempest felt her stomach perform a somersault as his eyes flashed inside her head again.

Chrysalis snarled and bared her fangs in preparation. Her wings unfurled, shimmering and shining like dew drops on a spider’s web.

Cozy trembled and darted behind one of Tirek’s legs. The centaur shook his arms--’reloading’ his muscles, if you will--and slammed his hands together. “Stay close to me,” he whispered to the filly. She nodded earnestly and tucked herself close behind his leg, flicking her tail nervously. As he drew his arm apart, two crackling orbs of orange magic held there, ready to do battle as their master wished.

“You gotta teach me how to do that,” she mumbled, letting out a mirthless chuckle.

The crawling shadow stopped as it reached the ground, quickly reforming and reconstituting itself. It grew still for a time, and then...

Sombra stepped forwards.

Save for his head he was clad entirely in obsidian black armour that reflected the pale moonlight up above, and clinked with each movement. His black mane swirled around his head like the very shadows surrounding him and his horn jutted up into the air, crackling with black lightning.

He stopped and stared at those before him in absolute silence save for the quiet wind nearby.

“Djinn!” the Vizier cried out all of a sudden. Tempest felt the colour drain from her face as he spoke. “How dare you befoul this presence with your tainted stink! I know you for what you really are: Murderer. Thug. A demon of the wastes!” He slammed his hoof down as he spoke. His eyes, hidden behind the mask, blazed to life with fury and righteous anger.

“Grand Vizier I really don’t think-” Tempest began, watching Sombra carefully.

“I am the Grand Vizier of Saddle Arabia, Commander,” the Vizier snapped, “and I will not allow this house to be sullied anymore than it already has--and I will not be bullied into submission by one so cruel and cowardly as-”

He froze as Sombra’s horn crackled to life. Sparks of black lightning surrounded all of their throats, and air grew heavy around them, lifting them up and casting them all away. The Knights gasped for air like fish out of water, and struggled to recompose themselves. The djinn strode forwards, ignoring their plights entirely, even going so far as to step over Tempest and sneer at her as he did so. He wore a dark scowl on his features as he came to a halt before the Vizier, and his lip curled upwards as his horn began to bubble with indigo and black magic.

The Vizier, the only one unaffected by the djinn’s magic, stumbled backwards and fell against the table behind him, knocking it over and creating a mess. Sombra raised a hoof and rested it against the side of the ornate mask. Tempest thought he may have been trying to remove it, to look his prey in the eyes as he killed him. She tried to stand and push herself forwards, only for her legs to turn to jelly. Out the corner of her eye she saw Bray also clutch at his throat and paw uselessly. She couldn’t place it, but something about his movements seemed... off, like they were forced.

“T... ry...” Cozy squeaked. Tempest glanced over and grimaced when she saw her turning blue in the face, at how she reached out towards Tirek hopelessly.

Tirek himself looked about ready to go to war. He pushed himself up off the ground, fighting against the magic pressing him into the earth. He had a fire in his eyes, and took a few heavily laboured steps towards her, reaching out just as she was.

Tempest dreaded to think what he would do if the filly he had come to care for were to be seriously injured or, Celestia forbid it, die.

She had to think of something, to try and stop Sombra from bringing down Tirek’s’ wrath around them all. Although she had no doubt in her mind that if something were to happen to Cozy, she would join him in doing whatever needed to be done, but she feared that if that were to happen he would simply eat enough magic to be able to smash the moon into the planet.

She had an idea and licked her, growing drier by the second, lips.

“Somm... braa...”

Sombra stopped dead in his tracks. He removed his hoof form the Vizier’s face and slowly turned. The commander noticed his eyes begin to stop glowing, the purple trails surrounding them recede. He appeared puzzled just like he had on the airship, and with his concentration broken for the moment he released his magical grip of their throats.

Cozy gasped and coughed, blinking rapidly with tears in her eyes and groped blindly along the ground for one of Tirek’s hands. He quickly scooped her up and held her close, checking her over quickly in his arms.

“You’re okay,” he murmured reassuringly and stroked her hair in a tender fashion. “You’re okay...”

Her eyelids fluttered as she lay limp, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to suck oxygen back into her lungs.

Grateful to be able to breathe unhindered once more, Tempest began to push herself up and looked at the tyrant. Their eyes met once more, and a frown of recognition appeared on his brow.

He opened his mouth to say something, only for a powerful blast of green magic cascade into his side, sending him hurtling through the air until he collided with one of the exterior walls with enough force to bring it crashing down around him and encasing him in rubble and dust.

Tempest shifted her gaze at the attacker.

Chrysalis placed one hoof in front of the other and held her head up high. Her horn shimmered and sparked with magic. She had a vicious, mean sneer on her lips and eyes cut so finely into vertical slits she could rival that of a dragon.

“Chrysalis...” the unicorn breathed. She rubbed at her neck, feeling where Sombra had gripped her with a wince. “Did you see...” she murmured.

“I did.”

The changeling shook her head, letting her mane spill down around her and flexed her legs. She looked over at the Vizier, and at Bray kneeling beside him, holding his hoof and helping him sit up. “I am... fine... my friend,” the masked pony rasped, and shakily rose to his hooves. “The beast did not...”

“Commander...” Tirek said all of a sudden, bringing both of the standing Knights’ attention to him. He brushed some of Cozy’s mane out of her motionless face and looked up. Her chest had stopped rising and falling rapidly and now her breath was coming short. His face was white as a sheet, and his eyes were laced with nothing but concern. “Cozy’s breathing has dramatically slowed. She need medical assistance that we do not have here. We need to move.”

Chrysalis clenched her jaw and scowled. “Tempest, go with Tirek and take Cozy to safety.” She jutted her chin towards Sombra’s temporary tomb. “The Vizier as well. I can hold off this wretch long enough for you to do so.”

Tempest immediately responded by protesting and shook her head vigorously from side to side. “No. We need to stay together-”

“There is no time!” Chrysalis growled and rounded on her with a stern scowl on her face. “He will pursue and then we all of us may perish. Besides...” Her scowl softened and a small smirk graced her lips. “Isn’t that the point of being a Nightmare Knight? That we’re expendable?”

“Not to me!”

Tempest’s words rang out in the night, bringing a heavy and touched silence to the changeling. Tirek reached out and placed a hand on the unicorn’s shoulder. “Tempest...” he murmured softly, his voice shaking. Whether in fear or anger she didn’t know, and both made her nervous.

“Commander, if I may?” Bray said, drawing hers and those of the Knights’ eyes for a moment. “I am not only the court magician but I the court physician as well. I have an ample store of medical supplies in my quarters on the southern side of the palace that may of some assistance, but we must hurry.” He looked at the filly in Tirek’s arms. “I would hate to see such a young one lose her life so fruitlessly if it can be avoided.”

Tirek remained motionless, still with his hand on the commander’s shoulder. “Tempest,” he murmured again. “Please.”

Knowing he was right, and thus by proxy Chrysalis was too, the scarred unicorn inhaled an gave him an affirmative stiff nod. “Alright let’s go. Master Bray, lead the way. Grand Vizier you come with us too. Double time it!”

“Yes,” the Vizier nodded quickly as the rubble containing Sombra rustled.

“I am glad you are in agreement. Follow me, Nightmare Knights!” Bray declared, rushing out in front to lead the way. “Hurry!”

The Knights turned and followed him. When she reached the gate, Tempest paused for a moment to look back at Chrysalis and twisted her face with guilt. Their eyes met, and she felt her gut wrench. “Don’t die,” she said. “That’s an order.”

The former queen smiled and nodded at her. “I’ll keep that in mind, Commander. Now go!”

She watched them leave and turned back to focus her attention on Sombra. She cracked her neck and shook her legs, and her shimmering wings rustled against her back. She shifted where she stood and exhaled slowly, watching as a few rocks rose up into the air, held aloft by black sparks of magic.

All at once they hurtled themselves towards her. Her horn ignited in a flash of magic and she swung her head, using her telekinesis to cut through them like butter. She smirked.

“Is that all you have, wretch?” she jeered. “I will confess I had expected more from a ‘djinn’.”

Sombra burst out of the rubble looking like a rabid, raging animal. His armour was dirtied and caked in dust, but no less undented. His eyes had long since returned to their pale sickly green, and he shook his head and bared his fangs with a growl of hatred. Chrysalis’s smirk faded. She flared her nostrils and reared up to slam her hooves down.

The dark warrior glowered at her and ignited his horn into a series of pulsing, purple bubbles. They stared one another down, watching to see who would make the first move. Chrysalis narrowed her eyes and glanced down at his hooves as beads of sweat began to dot her brow.

One such drop ran down the side of her face, come to a rest on her chin. It clung on as she shifted, and then it dropped. As it hit the ground the dirt beneath Sombra’s hooves cracked, and he propelled himself into the air with an unnatural amount of force, driving his horn towards her with all his might and rage.

She snarled and bared her fangs, and rose to meet him.


Luna’s ear twitched.

She sat motionless and alone in her old meditation chamber, a long since unused room in the highest tower of the Canterlot palace. Her wings were enclosed around her and her head was hung low, deep in thought. She released a breath she didn’t know she was holding, and her wings fluttered as she stood up in her meditation chamber. This was a place she had always come when concerned about something, or needed a moment to herself. Today, even at this late hour, was no different.

The itch at the back of her mind had begun hours ago, when she had first learned the Knights had been summoned to the princess and soon after whisked off to Saddle Arabia. Her vision had been troubling, and she sensed they were all in great danger. She moved to the window to look out over her home of thousands of years.

“Hold fast, my Nightmare Knights,” she murmured as a shadow darkened the skies over Canterlot. The scheduled storm had arrived just on time, and lightning flashed across the sky, followed by the rumble of thunder. “Help is on the way.”

She turned and with a flutter of her wings she barked two names. “Doom. Gloom.”

Almost instantaneous two of her loyalist and staunchest servants appeared in her doorway side by side.

“Ready my chariot. The Nightmare Knights are in grave danger. We must hurry.”

They snapped their hooves to their heads, as silent as ever and hurried to obey.

Director Luna looked back over Equestria as lightning illuminated her features. In her reflection she saw a pair of green, cat-like eyes look back at her. She took a deep breath and turned, moving swiftly. “You're a fool, Luna..."