• Published 22nd Aug 2020
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The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 5: Swimming Hole Fun Time

Chapter 5: Swimming Hole Fun Time

Swimming Hole... 11:55 AM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

Apple Bloom and I were walking towards the Swimming Hole. I might as well learn how to swim here and get out of the heat.

"So, Apple Shine," Apple Bloom said. "Ya ready ta cool off after a hard day of workin'?"

"Well, I have been working hard," I said. "It's just too bad that I might have to go back to my world. I really appreciate you guys helping me until the time comes."

Apple Bloom gave off a sad face. I was confused by that and then Apple Bloom said, "Yeah, about that. The thing is..."

"Hey! Apple Bloom!" came the voice of Scootaloo. We looked ahead and saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo waving towards us. We then started running towards them.

"Hey, Apple Shine!" said Sweetie Belle. "What are ya doing here?"

"Since Applejack was... unable ta do her chores today," Apple Bloom explained, "we thought that Apple Shine should do some of Applejack's chores. She actually did better than what Applejack thought."

"Really?" asked Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom then giggled and said, "Ya shoulda saw her first attempt at Apple Bucking. Not only did she got all of the apples down, but all of the leaves and some branches came down."

I blushed at that comment, making Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo laugh. Sweetie Belle then came up to my side and said, "Don't worry about it. You'll get used to it in time."

"Yeah," said Scootaloo, coming up to the other side. "We done some things that were complete accidents, and we always bounce back."

"C'mon, girls," came Apple Bloom's voice. "Time ta eat." We looked over and saw that she set up a picnic and had a huge umbrella to block out the sunlight. We walked towards it and sat on the blanket. It was weird sitting like a pony. It felt like I was sitting like a dog. Apple Bloom then set up paper plates with food. There were sandwiches, apple slices, cookies and juice boxes.

"I'm guessing that it was Granny Smith that prepared the food?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yup," said Apple Bloom. "Now, eat up, ev'rypony." Then the three of them started eating. I shrugged it off, picked up my sandwich and started eating it. It tasted sweet, but there was something about it that was weird. I then picked up one piece of bread and inside the sandwich, there were white flowers. Apple Bloom said, "Aw, sweet. Ya got some daisy sandwiches."

"Daisy?" I asked. "Wait, how was I able to eat this without gagging? Humans can't digest flowers."

"Perhaps when ya were human," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah," said Scootaloo. "I'm guessing that humans and ponies have different digestive systems."

I thought about it. I guess that makes sense. I might as well keep eating. It was better than I thought it was going to be. Back in my world, I accidentally swallowed a daffodil, and I was taken to the doctor after I threw it up to make sure I was okay. Guess here, I don't have to worry about that.

"So, Apple Shine," said Scootaloo, "are you a good swimmer?"

"I was when I was human," I told her. "But, in a body like this, I'm gonna have to relearn how to swim."

"Guess that makes sense," said Sweetie Belle. "Well, let's get swimming."

"Isn't there a rule where you can only swim half an hour after eating?" I asked.

"Oh, that explains the tummy ache I had that day," said Scootaloo. "Alright, we can wait."

"Let's just stay out of the sun," said Sweetie Belle. "That way, we won't get sun burnt. Speaking of which..." Sweetie Belle went to her saddle bags and brought out a bottle of sun block. She started spreading it on my body first.

"Ooh. That's cold," I said.

"It's good for you," said Sweetie Belle. "Just relax." She continued rubbing some sunscreen on my body.

Quills and Sofas... 1:05 PM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith went into the store to look for furniture for Apple Shine's new room they're gonna have set up for her.

Davenport walked up to them and said, "Applejack and family. What brings the three of you here?"

"Howdy there, Davenport," said Applejack. "Ya know about that alicorn filly, right?"

"Oh, of course," said Davenport. "Let me guess, you're here to get some furniture for a bedroom you're gonna set up for her?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

"Well, you're in luck. We just got some beds with ultra soft mattresses good enough for royalty. Wish that Princess Twilight would consider coming in here to get one for herself." Davenport then started leading the three apples towards the bedding area.

The three apples looked at the beds, wondering which bed to get for Apple Shine. Davenport showed them to the bed he thought it'd be best for the young Alicorn. Applejack checked the bed to see how soft it was.

"Hoowee," said Applejack. "This sure is a soft bed."

"Made for the best," said Davenport. "Tell you what. How about whatever you buy, I'll give you a 70% discount on the things needed for the filly."

"Well, if it's fer Apple Shine," Granny Smith said, "we might as well get them."

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

They eventually left the place with some ponies pulling some furniture on some carts. The apples got a bed, a wardrobe, a toy chest, a dresser with a mirror, and a bedside table with a lamp.

Swimming Hole... 2:30 PM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

It took me a while to do it, but I was eventually swimming like a pony. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were holding me at first, but as soon as they thought I was ready to swim alone, I actually did fine on my own.

"Ya did it, Apple Shine!" I heard Apple Bloom say. I looked back and saw that I was away from the other two crusaders. Apple Bloom swam up to me and said, "Ya're quite the fast learner."

"I was told that by Regina back in my world," I told her. "I really hope I can get back to her foster home so I can wait for my mom to come pick me up."

I saw Apple Bloom turn her head away, giving a sad look. She then looked back towards me and said, "Listen. There's something ya should know. It's just that..."

Then the voice of another girl came in, interrupting Apple Bloom. "Oh, look, Silver Spoon. It's the useless blank flanks." We turned our heads towards the voice and saw two earth pony fillies coming up to our picnic area. One was pink with a purple and white mane and tail, and on her flank was a mark that looks like a tiara, which matched the one that's in her mane. The other one was gray with a silver mane, which was braided in the back, and tail, she was wearing blue glasses, a blue pearl necklace, and had a mark of a fancy looking spoon. "What do we have here? A picnic for the biggest losers in Ponyville?" Then they kicked he picnic basket.

"Hey!" Apple Bloom shouted. "That's our picnic!" She then started swimming back to shore.

"Sorry, blank flanks, but this place is for ponies with cutie marks only," said the pink filly.

"You might as well get out of here," said the gray one.

"The Swimming Hole is a public place!" said Scootaloo. "And you know that."

The pink filly saw me, smirked at me and said, "Oh, look. Those blank flanks got a little foal in their group."

"So, pathetic," said the gray filly. "She doesn't even look older than Pipsqueak."

"Leave her alone!" said Apple Bloom.

I leaned towards Sweetie Belle and asked, "Who are those two?"

"Those are the school bullies," Sweetie Belle said. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They think they're better than anypony just because they have rich families."

I frowned at that comment. Diamond Tiara looked towards me and said, "Such a pathetic group. Those useless blank flanks will never get their marks because they are useless."

I was getting angry at them, so I started swimming towards the beach, got out, and walked up to them. I wasn't paying at their expressions when I said, "You think it's fun to pick on other kids like that? You two will never get any respect from anyone if you keep up with that snarky attitude."

"Oh... my... gosh..." said Diamond Tiara. "You're... you're... you're..."

"Stop picking on other young ponies," I told her. "You're never going to be respected. You're not even worthy of that tiara."

"You're an alicorn!" said both of them. They then both grabbed me and pulled me away from the swimming hole.

"C'mon," said Diamond Tiara. "Let's get you away from these losers. You shouldn't let any lame blank flanks be trying to drag you down to their level."

"Let me go," I said.

"Sorry," said Silver Spoon. "But you are going to have to stay away from those pathetic blank flanks. If you stay with them, you'll never amount to anything."

I then felt a pinching on my tail, and was pulled back. I turned my head back and saw Apple Bloom pulling my tail with her mouth, who's tail was being pulled by Sweetie Belle, who's tail was being pulled by Scootaloo.

"Let... her... go!" Apple Bloom said with clenched teeth. The three of them then pulled me out of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's grip. They then pulled me, and they loaded me into a wagon, along with all of the picnic stuff, and then Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle got in with helmets on. Apple Bloom then put a helmet on my head, and then Scootaloo attached a scooter to the wagon, and then she got on it, buzzed her wings, and we went away from there with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon chasing us.

"Get away from her, you blank flanks!" said Diamond Tiara, still chasing us. I got confused.

I looked towards Apple Bloom and asked, "Blank... flanks?"

"Ya see," Apple Bloom explained, "as you saw the pictures on a pony's flanks. Those are Cutie Marks. They represent yer special talent. As ya can see, we don't have ours. We started this club, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, ta look for our special talents."

"We've been trying to find them for a while," said Sweetie Belle. "We've tried many things, but never gotten our marks yet."

"Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom called out. "Get us to Sweet Apple Acres!"

"On it!" said Scootaloo. She then turned sharply somewhere, heading off towards the farm. Hopefully, we would be left alone there.

Sweet Apple Acres... 3:00 PM...

We just arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo drove us into the barn. We took off our helmets and went into the kitchen. We saw Granny Smith there.

"Well, howdy girls," said Granny Smith. She then got confused and asked, "Why are you four all wet?"

We looked at each other and saw that we were still soaking wet. Apple Bloom then walked up and said, "Granny, we had a little problem with Apple Shine being an alicorn. The two bullies from our school were trying ta take her away from us."

"What's so special about alicorns in the first place?" I asked.

"Oh, right," said Scootaloo. "You don't know, do you?"

"Apple Shine, besides you, Celestia, Luna and Twilight, how many other Alicorns have you seen?" asked Sweetie Belle.

I thought about it. At the party, I saw that there were a lot of ponies. But, none of them were alicorns. I looked back at her and said, "None."

"Alicorns are actually princesses," said Scootaloo.

I went wide eyed at that statement. I'm a... princess? Why would I be sent here, in the body of a young princess? No wonder all of the ponies were wanting to get closer to me.

"A princess?" I asked. "Out of all of the ponies I could've turned into... I ended up a princess pony? Why?"

"Hey, don't worry about it," said Apple Bloom. "Besides, it's you who chooses whatcha want ta do with yer life. Ya don't have ta do royal duties if ya don't want ta."

"I... guess that makes me feel better," I said. "But... a princess? It makes me sound... more girly. I mean, I'm only going to be here temporarily."

The others got a sad expression plastered on their faces. Apple Bloom then spoke to me, "Well... there's something ya need ta know. Yer kinda..."

She was then interrupted by a knocking on the door. We turned to the door. Granny Smith then walked towards it, opened it and we saw those two fillies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Well, if it ain't Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," said Granny Smith. "What are ya doin' here?"

"We actually came here to escort a friend of ours back home," said Diamond Tiara. "She's a filly alicorn and..."

"Nope!" said Granny Smith. "Ya probably didn't know, but that filly alicorn is actually staying here with us. Apple Shine ain't goin' with you."

"What?!" asked the two fillies.

Diamond Tiara looked towards me and asked, "You're an alicorn, and you're family with these... losers?! Why?! You should be living in a high-class place! Not some stupid, smelly barn!"

I got angry and said, "And what makes you think you know what is best for me? These ponies have been nothing but nice to me. You only want me to up your popularity. So, leave me alone."

Diamond Tiara then snarled and then tried coming up with a clever come back, but just groaned in frustration. She then said, "C'mon, Silver Spoon. We don't need this loser princess. We'll just make sure that she doesn't get any attention."

"That's... gonna be hard, Diamond," said Silver Spoon. "How are we going to make ponies lose interest in an alicorn princess?"

I heard them talking as they were walking away. It made me sad and I lowered my head. Why couldn't I have been turned into something besides an alicorn.

My chin was lifted so I was facing the one who was lifting it and saw Granny Smith. She smiled and said, "Don'tcha worry about those two fillies. They don't know what they're talkin' 'bout from time ta time."

"I don't belong here," I said. "I just..." I then started shedding some tears. Granny Smith then pulled me in for a hug. Her hug feels... nice. Is this how a grandmother's touch is? I never felt the experience myself since I've been in foster homes my whole life.

"It's okay," said Granny Smith. "It don't matter where ya came from. Ya'll always belong with the creatures that'll care for ya."

I felt Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo join the hug. I heard some hoofsteps come into the kitchen. We all turned towards the hoofsteps and saw Applejack and Big Mac. Applejack walked over to me and said, "Apple Shine, Ah wanna show ya something."

She escorted me up the stairs and I got lead into another room. In this room, there was a bedroom that was similar to Apple Bloom's room, but the bed was on the right side and the dresser was on the left side, a toy chest was right by the door, and a cabinet was standing right next to the dresser.

I was confused about that and asked, "Why would you set up a bedroom for me? I'm not gonna be here that long."

"Ah just thought ya should feel more at home while ya stay here," Applejack answered. "Go on. Lay on yer new bed."

I started walking up to the bed. I got up, and... it was actually very soft. I then said, "Is this how a cloud feels? This bed is so soft."

Scootaloo laughed and asked, "You do know your now able to walk on clouds, right?"

"Huh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Pegasi are able to walk on clouds," said Scootaloo. "Alicorns, too." She then came over to the bed and got up on it. "Although, this bed really is soft. Not as soft as a cloud, but still very soft."

"But... what if I... you know...?" I asked Applejack, referring to last night's... incident.

"Don'tcha worry about it," Applejack said, walking up to me. She then sat on the bed and pulled me in for a hug. "We got some special bed sheets that'll help with that."

Scootaloo got off the bed and walked over to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The three of them were discussing something. They all nodded and walked over to Applejack.

Apple Bloom then asked, "Hey, Applejack? Ya mind if the girls and I have a sleepover here in Apple Shine's room?"

"Well, as long as they have permission from their families," said Applejack.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo headed out of there. I wasn't too sure that I should be involved in a sleepover. I mean, I've been to sleepovers with other boys, but not with any girls.

Apple Bloom walked up to me and said, "Don't worry. We'll make ya feel right at home here."

"Do you think I'll ever belong?" I asked.

"Ya'll always belong," said Applejack, pulling me into a hug. "No matter where ya came from." Her hug felt... nice. I don't know why, but it feels like the hug of a loving mother. Is this what it feels like?