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Chapter 7:The Ultimate Kombat, part 1 of 3

Kronika was in her lair, she had watched both Shang Tsung and Sunlight battles. She saw Shinnok getting almost all of his power absorbed and Cetrion fusing with Sunlight. She was furious and worried. Now that both of them reached Godhood reseting the timeline was now useless. And the two of them were now too powerful for her, if they decided to team up against her. Not Even Onaga could beat them and she was lacking of ideas.

“I need to force them to fight each other, she said. But they are smart and they won’t be manipulated easily. If only i had something to make pressure on one of them. And i have just the tool to do it...

She used the Hourglass to check in the future, she saw her inevitable defeat and the one of Onaga too. Who had his soul absorbed by Shang Tsung. Then, she saw Shang Tsung and Sunlight fighting for the crown. After a few moments, she found what she was looking for.

“Interesting, That will definitively change the odds for me” she said, smiling.

Meanwhile, Sunlight had joined Shang Tsung on his island.

“Now that we defeated all of Kronika’s allies, she will have no choice but to fight us.” said Shang Tsung.

“Will she arrive soon? Asked Sunlight. Why did she not appeared yet? Maybe she saw her defeat in her Hourglass...”

A sandstorm suddenly began to rage and Kronika appeared.

“I indeed saw the future, she said. Yes, you two inevitably defeat me...”

“So why did you came here, then?” asked Sunlight.

“I also saw more than my defeat in the Hourglass, she answered. I saw really bad things, concerning you, Sunlight Blaze.”

“What about him, said Sunlight” pointing Shang Tsung.

“Oh, if you want to know, he will win at the end, she said. But there is more to that, do you want to know how he will defeat you?”

“Don’t listen to her lies, Sunlight, said Shang Tsung. She just want to divide us, so she can have a chance to win.”

“Says the man who is known for lying like he breathe, said Kronika. Let me show you, Sunlight.”

She teleported herself and the hero in front of the Hourglass. She showed him what she saw.

“No, he didn’t do that! Said Sunlight. This can’t be true!!”

“But you can prevent this sad fate from happening, she said. You just have to defeat the sorcerer right now, and by defeat, i mean killing him. Then, we will fight each other for the crown, she said.”

“If this is what it take to save her, then i’ll do it. That son of a bitch will not win!!”

Sunlight teleported him and Shang Tsung near a volcano. While the sorcerer was confused, Sunlight immediately punched him in the guts and then uppercuted him.

“Why did you attacked me? Asked Shang Tsung. I thought we were supposed to team up against Kronika...”

“I changed my mind, Sorcerer, he answered. Let’s settle this now!!”

“This is fine for me, he said, getting up. With your soul in my possession, taking on Kronika will be a piece of cake.”

“If you can beat me” said Sunlight.

He threw at Shang Tsung a barrage of fireballs and rocks. The sorcerer dodged them and threw multiple magic projectiles in return. Sunlight blocked them with a barrier and summoned a tornado. He then put fire to it and sent it to the sorcerer. Shang Tsung summoned a giant fire cobra and stopped the fire tornado.

“I know a good part of your magic is based on the fire element, said Sunlight. But know that your fire magic got nothing on me!”

“My magic is soul magic, said Shang Tsung. Let me show you how powerful it his!!”

He turned into Shao Khan.

“You see, I can copycat the appearance of any living beings. But to be able to copy their powers, i need to steal their soul. I stole a lot of them in my life, some belonging to powerful warriors. Now die!!”

Shang Tsung threw at Sunlight a barrage of spears made of green magical energy, that he dodged, The sorcerer swang his hammer to crush him from above. Sunlight blocked with a magic barrier, which broke at impact. The shock made Shang Tsung’s hammer flung away. Shang Tsung turned into Quan Chi, and summoned an army of undeath warriors.

“Kill him, he said. I want him dead!!”

Sunlight took on the army of Revenants and made quick work of them, but Shang Tsung kept on summoning more and more.

“I can do this all day, said Shang Tsung/Quan Chi. Doesn’t matter how much of them you kill, they will just keep coming back until you get tired.”

Sunlight destroyed all of them with a big explosion and attacked Shang Tsung. The sorcerer threw dark magic projectiles on him but Sunlight either dodged or deflected. Shang Tsung took the form of Erron Black and started shooting at him. Sunlight deflected the bullets without any difficulty. Shang Tsung turned then into Kintaro and charged at Sunlight. The hero was hit by him and got thrown away. He quickly recovered and trapped the sorcerer in vines, immobilizing him. Shang Tsung burned the vines and turned into Scarlet. He took the blood of the Revenants and created hundred of sharp blood blades and spears.

“Dodge this!!” said Shang Tsung.

The sorcerer threw all of them at the same time, but Sunlight disappeared in the ground at the last minute. He got out of the ground a few seconds later and punched the man in the nuts, with a fist made of stone. Sunlight then returned under the ground and started engulfing Shang Tsung in the earth. The hero got out of the ground for good and strangled the sorcerer with a vine. He then used the vine to remove the sorcerer out of the earth, like a carrot. He released him violently on the ground.

“Give up, Shang Tsung, Don’t force me to kill you” said Sunligh

“I won’t give up, not so close of my goal. He said. Trust me, you will regret letting me live. This is you or me, you know it”

Shang Tsung took the form of Shinnok and impaled Sunlight through the chest with a magic bone spear and sent him near
The volcano

“Your soul is mine” he said.

Sunlight broke the bone spear and let himself fall into the lava.

“No!!” said the sorcerer.

The volcano began to shake. Sunlight got out from the lava pit. He was pissed and radiating of power.

“If you want to die so badly, he said, with a deep and menacing voice. Then die!!”

Sunlight grabbed the sorcerer by the throat at the speed of lightning and started to choke him. He brought the sorcerer above the lava lake.

“Your corrupted soul will be purified by the fire, said Sunlight. This is what you deserve for all the crimes you commited. Now, die!”

Sunlight broke the sorcerer’s neck and let him fall in the lava.

“You are next, Kronika, said the hero at her intention. I am coming for you!”