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Chapter 1: A new world to explore

Sunlight suddenly woke up, and realized he landed in the middle of what looked like ruins.

“Wait, where am i? He said. This is not my chamber!!”

He got up and looked around, panicked.

“Alright, i need to calm down, he thought. Uh, i am visibly in the middle of a village.”

Sunlight explored the ruins and found hundreds of corpses, either burned, beheaded, or mutilated. He looked away, disgusted.

“Or what was a village, he said. Let’s see, corpses horribly damaged, destroyed houses, burned stuff everywhere...That village must have been raided...”

He suddenly heard cries. Cries that were coming from a child. He quickly found the source of the noises and saw a little girl, holding the body of a woman. Sunlight decided to talk to her, seeking answers.

“I am not here to hurt you, he said. Are you the only survivor of this village? What happened? Who did that?”

The girl didn’t answer, scared and traumatized. Suddenly, Sunlight noticed the body that the young girl was holding was still alive. He touched the body and used his magic to heal her. The woman woke up and the little girl smiled of joy.

“Mom!!” she yelled.

The mother looked at Sunlight.

“Thank you for saving me, Mister, she said. What can i do for you in return?”

“Just answer to my questions” he answered.

“I will do my best to answer to them” she said.

“First, i need to know what happened here?” asked Sunlight.

“An army of monsters attacked our village, said the woman. Some had four arms, other were dressed like barbarians. I heard they were leaded by someone called Shao Khan.”

“Why?” asked Sunlight.

“First, we thought they would just pass their way after stealing our possessions, she explained. But then we realized all they wanted was to destroy and kill everything and everyone. I was critically injured, but i succeeded to put my daughter in safety. I was about to die, but then you saved me.”

“Can you told me where i am and who is Shao Khan?”

“This place is called Earthrealm, she said. And for who is Shao Khan, i am surprised you haven’t heard of him before.”

“Oh, this is because i come from another univ... Uh, another realm” answered Sunlight.

“In that case, said the woman. Shao Khan is the ruler of a realm called Outworld. He is tyrannic and cruel, living to conquer and destroy.”

“In that case, that monster must be stopped, he said. I swear to find him and punish him for what he did.”

“You won’t stop him, said the woman, No one can.”

“At least, i will try, he said. I can stand against...”

He suddenly stopped talking. Sunlight used his magic to shield the mother and her daughter.

“I sense something coming in our direction, something not friendly, he said. You two, stay inside that shield...”

Sunlight looked around him to see where the presence he felt was coming from. Guided by his instincts, he avoided a flurry of projectile thrown in his direction. He looked behind him and saw that the blades were red, like blood. He then avoided another wave of blood projectiles. Knowing a lot about magic, Sunlight found out that he was facing someone practicing Blood magic. He avoided being stabbed by behind and counter attacked by throwing the thing attacking him against a wall. Sunlight saw that the being that attacked him was a woman, dressed in red.

“Oh, look what we have here, said the mysterious woman. I haven’t seen someone playing the heroes in a while...”

“Who are you?” he asked to her.

“Oh, right, i am so uncivilized, she said. My name is Skarlet, i am the daughter of the great emperor Shao Khan.”

“The magic you use, this is blood magic, right?” asked Sunlight.

“Indeed, answered Skarlet. These two humans are for me, If you don't want to die, out of my way”

“You wish, bitch, said Sunlight. I will not let you hurt them.”

“Me, a bitch?! Grr, how dare you!! you will die for that!!” she yelled, attacking him.

Sunlight threw a blast of fire at the woman, who avoided it.

“I see, you want to solve that hand to hand, uh?” said Sunlight.

He created with his Light magic two blades. He used them to block Skarlet’s magic blood blades. After a few minutes, Sunlight took the advantage and sent her flying agaisnt a wall with a powerful magic blast of flames. Sunlight then came back at the family.

“Did i dreamed? Asked the woman. You really defeated Shao Khan’s daughter?”

“She is unconscious for now, he answered. That will let us the time to get out of here...Do you know a place where you will be safe?”

“No place is safe, answered the mother. But i have family that live in the mountains”

The woman showed her a map of the place. Sunlight read it quickly and told to her and her daughter to grab his arm. He teleported away and arrived in front of a cute house. The mother confirmed that was the good place and thanked Sunlight.

“Told to everyone in this realm they have now a hero who will defend them!!” he said, before disappearing magically.

Sunlight reappeared at the bottom of the mountain, checking the map of Earthrealm. He found a city not far away from him and immediately started walking in it’s direction. Meanwhile, Skarlet woked up.

“Grrr, he will pay for what he did, she said. I have to prevent Father about that...”

[A few hours later]

Sunlight was finally arrived in town for 1 hour now. He had find a place to sleep for the night and was eating in a restaurant a big bowl of spicy noodles and a bowl of spicy Curry. After he finished, he paid with gold coins and left to the room he rented for the night.

“That was the best noodles and curry i ate in my life, he said. Sunset told me about how good oriental food was, but i didn’t expect it to be so good!!”

During that time, Skarlet arrived in the castle of Shao Khan and was waiting for his permission to see him.

“Already back? Asked Shao Khan. Why do you want to see me, Skarlet?”

“I came back from the village we attacked today” she said.

“Oh, i hope you didn’t left any survivors, he said. This is your mission to «clean up» after me and my armies pass a village.”

“About that, said Skarlet. Two have survived to your attack, i was about to achieve them, but then...”

“Then what? Said Shao Khan. Speak!!”

“Someone arrived to stop me, she said. A young man wearing a ridiculous costume. We fought and he beat me, and left with a woman and a little girl.”

“This is impossible!! Said Shao Khan. I thought Kronika made sure that no hero would get in our way!!”

“This is what i thought too, she said. I was sure he was just a foolish human wanting to play heroes. But he completely overwhelmed my magic. His fire magic surpassed my blood magic. I am sorry, Master...I swear to hunt him down and bring him back to you”

“That will not be necessary, said the Emperor. I will send Kano and Erron Black with you to find him.”

“I succeeded to hurt him with one of my daggers during our fight, said Skarlet, Before he regenerated his body, i was able to take a few drops of his blood. Once i will be in Earthrealm, i will be able to find his location instantly.”

“Tomorrow, i want you 3 to find him, said Shao Khan. And don’t kill him”

“As you wish, Master, said Skarlet. I presume you want to kill him personally?”

“Leave now, said Shao Khan. This is an order”

Skarlet left the royal room.

“Let me guess, you want me to corrupt him?” asked an old man to Shao Khan.

“No, not now, answered the emperor of Outworld. I want you to follow Skarlet, Erron Black and Kano. I know none of them will succeed. You will be their back up, and make sure they don’t spot you.”

“Discretion is my game, said the old sorcerer. You can count on me, Ô great Shao Khan.”